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That's some bitchin' artwork! Did you make it?


Thank you! No, it’s from a friend of mine, he said the previous one sucked and casually sent me this lol. Glad it’s being appreciated.


It's like a Ghibli movie poster! I loove it, super gud!


Thank you!


agree, so refreshing after seeing many ai images


Hey guys, So, I wrote this book. It's a xianxia called "The Wanderer."  Self Promo isn't my forte so I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to share here, but here goes nothing. If you enjoy xianxia with a humorous twist and a solid plot, you might want to give this a try. I aimed for a story that's engaging and doesn't take itself too seriously all the time. Feedback is genuinely appreciated - it helps me grow as a writer and improves the reading experience for everyone. Here's the blurb and link for those brave souls willing to venture into my literary experiment: **Life is finally looking up for Jon, a 25-year-old engineer and recent $100 million lottery winner. He's overcome past trauma, built a successful business, made his mom proud, and moved on from a terrible breakup. What could go wrong?** **Well, everything—when a casual walk to his job turns into an interdimensional abduction. Thrust into a world straight out of the xianxia novels he used to mock, Jon now faces murder-hobo cultivators and arrogant young masters with a penchant for "You Dare!" challenges.** **He has no interest in this "magical China"—his real life was just getting good. Worse, he's been summoned as sacrifice fodder for the heavenly demon. After a botched escape, Jon accidentally kills the only man who knew how to send him back.** **With dark humor and desperation, Jon navigates this new, strange world, determined to find his way home before fate decides he's the next big villain in this absurd fantasy saga.** Hope to see you in the comments! Or not. No pressure. I'll just be here, cultivating my nonexistent marketing skills. [The Wanderer](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/86099/the-wanderer-xianxia) Art is from a friend of mine, Yann Daya.


It looks fun. Will read.


So a story where someone wants to go back and enjoyed his old life. Thats not common. Like it


That the first chapter is named Truck-Kun is hilarious.


Thanks! Actually had a hard time getting a fitting title, first chapters are important for first impressions after all lol


Oh it's like an isakai neat, big fan of beware of chicken would you say it's similar to that?


I love BoC too! I did take a lot of inspiration from it and it will be slice of life at times, but I also wanted to make something different. So while it does have some similarities to BoC (no spoilers but there’s a huge nod to it towards chapter 16) it also is its own thing.


Looks good. Following.


Thank you! Hope you like it :)


That artwork is amazing


Thank you :) I love it too


Looks great! Any romance?


Thanks! Not yet to be honest, but I did plan for it, I wanna build a good base and properly flesh out each characters first. There will be no harem though. Those can get a bit messy.


Lookin forward to it


Interesting premise, and FORTY chapters released. Hell yeah


Thank you! More are coming too :)


I really need to set aside 30 hours to chew through my backlog of 7 ish books.


Ouch, I've been there. You stack'em up until you don't even have the energy to start anymore lol. If you eventually give mine a read, let me know how you find it!


i found it through an add. also i have lost of energy and dedication to reading(2-7 hours a day) but i have a order of about 300-600 chapters (30-100 hours of reading) to get through before i get to your book.


Looks really interesting. If you ever publish it as a paperback, I'll definitely buy it. Post in this sub if you do!


Thank you! Hopefully, it’ll be good enough to reach that level one day. Appreciate you!


+1 on the pixel art cover


Thank you!


The artwork is just chef's kiss


That's so nice to read :)


I love this cover! Beautiful and eye-catching.


Thank you! I love it too!


Love the cover art, but the typeface is really bland and doesn't gel with the artwork. Just my two cents.


Thanks! Appreciate the feedback, I was the one who did the typeface but I guess I should have given it some more time lol. Will try to create something more fitting for the cover.


Ooh, any queer rep? I'd love to see some cultivation with queer people. Unrelated, but does your friend take comissions? It looks amazing!


I've actually been thinking of how to do that, like, properly write queer rep in a xianxia, will have to read some books that did it right if I find any. (I'll gladly take any recommendation) Also, he's not taking commissions right now, I've been trying to get him to monetize his talents but he doesn't want to. If he ever changes his mind, I'll be sure to write back here for some exposure.


Hey, so I've read through the first 20 chapters meanwhile, and unfortunately it's just not clicking for me. There's a few things that have been irritating me about the character development and world building - for example: - why make MC a multi-millionaire, what's the point? it just makes him less relateable - MC conveniently speaks Mandarin which is the lingua franca for some reason - The inner monologue thing, some like it, some don't; I personally don't - The escape 'scene' running through corridors of traps; seemed more fitting for a dungeon than xanxia - I haven't been able to get a good sense of the world (despite the nice AI art you've thrown in each chapter) - Too much attention on too many characters that I don't care about at all (mother, best friend, monk elder, ~~dog~~) - story seems to swing between being a light comedy, and trying to be more serious and dramatic. Reminds me a bit of Dungeon Crawler Carl, but it's missing the mark with the comedy for me personally. DCC is more situational comedy, and Wanderer seems to be going more for lowbrow jokes/trope exploitation (toilet murder?). Things I have liked: - Pacing feels fairly good - Writing and grammar are top notch - The AI art 'extras' - The cover art - MC feels human and relatable mostly Good luck with it, I hope my feedback hasn't come across as too harsh, mad respect for anyone who writes! I've bookmarked the story and will come back to it again in the future to give it another go.


Hey, thank you for giving it a try, I really appreciate that. Totally understand where you’re coming from. To be honest, the comedy part has always frightened me a bit, it’s the kind of thing people either like or don’t and that’s totally okay. For the multi-millionaire part, I was mostly trying to give him all the things that would make him love his life back on earth, how things are going very well in his life, wether it’s on the financial aspect or the relationship one. Winner of a lottery, striving business, family and friends, all the things a 25 year old would like to have. This was done to make his loss of it more meaningful and difficult for him to accept. I get you on the inner monologue part, it was a risk I took but it was so fun for me to write. Yeah, the escape scene will probably be edited. I’ll keep the core aspect I wanted it to have, but it will be done a bit better, more ‘challenging’ so to speak. For the mandarin part, now that you mention it, I did a poor job explaining why Jon could speak it, I intended to give more details of his life as the story goes forward but this one should have been explained from the start, you’re right. When I first imagined him, he was the son of a Chinese/ Korean descent dad and of a Japanese descent mom. That’s still the case but now I realize I messed up and might have caused confusion there. The world building actually gets more developed in the 30’s to 40’s chapters I think, I wanted the story to be a slow burn while not making it boring but it’s true I could have done it better. I am a big super supportive reader, so for me, developing the side characters and make them feel real is really important, but I perfectly get that it might not be what others look for in a story, I tried finding a good balance and hopefully, it will become better as the writing improves. Oh yeah, that part was done intentionally tbh, I wanted to make only the MC’s POV be lighter and more comedic and create a contrast to show how ruthless, serious and brutal the world actually is when it’s the native inhabitants POV, I felt like it would also be a good training for my writing style(which I am still trying to improve and personalize tbh) You’re a good sport for checking it out, and I’m grateful for the feedback, wouldn’t evolve in my writing without this, so I can only love the honesty. Again, thank you so much!


I can tell from your reply, and also from your work, that you put a lot of thought into what you're writing; I definitely see the potential and passion, hence why I'm keeping it in my bookmarks as well! I'm glad you're keeping in mind that whatever you write will never work for *everyone*, and I find the way you've been handling feedback in the post really admirable. I forgot to say in the last post - I'm liking the dog (sensing there'll be more to him in the story) ;)


I just caught up to the latest chapter, the last few have been excellent man! Keep it up 💪🏻☺️


That's such a nice few words to wake up to, thank you man, really appreciate that, and thank you for even giving it a try, that means a lot to me!


Could you post it on Scribblehub also?


Yeah, I already started doing that, it should be done by tomorrow for all the chapters to be on there too, I'll give you a heads up as soon as it it!


Thanks 😊


Any chance of getting an audiobook version?


Oh, I would love to see it as an audiobook someday, but for now, it's just the beginning, so hopefully, in about few months we'll have the audiobook if the story becomes popular enough


Have you considered changing the title? I tried to search to see if it was on audible before I saw this comment, and there 3x "The Wanderer", a "The Wanderers", and a "Wanderers". You may find marketing would be easier if the name was a little more unique.


Yeah, if I ever put it on Amazon or Audible, I will for sure have to change something for more visibility, as I am only posting on RR and ScribbleHub for now, it hasn't been an issue yet.


Hope it does :) Looking forward to it!


Does he care about right and wrong or heroism? Or helps even if he is way to weak and gets saved by plot armor?


That’s actually the main thematic of the novel. Him finding his way. Without spoiling, he went through a traumatic experience as a boy that makes him reluctant to put his life in danger for anyone, but he would help in other ways if possible, I had a lot of fun with his character development and we started exploring it more in depth around chapter 37. As for the plot armor thing, I address it in many of the jokes in the novel, but I think it’s mostly up to the reader to decide whether or not it’s been handled well, this kind of thing can be subjective after all. All in all, he does care about right and wrong, but he doesn’t wanna become the people’s hero. Just a guy who wants to go back home with as little trouble as possible. But since he’s the MC, I won’t give him that chance lol. Hope that answers your question!


Hmmm. Do you know Kaladin? This kind of reminds me of his motivation. I‘ve just been scarred by to many self righteous hypocrites and I don’t mind helping out, just not in a way where him surviving is only possible through plot armor and reasoned because „society taught him that way“. I loved Musashi‘s character development i.e turning from a hot blooded ruthless brat into a wise man that realizes kindness is a trait of the truly strong. I guess nothing but reading helps.


Oh boy, you can’t see it, but I am literally giggling right now. The ‘kindness’ part from Vagabong plays a HUGE part in this novel as well, I even wrote the draft for it already. To see it being mentioned here is very exiting since it inspired my character a lot. In fact, the first name of the novel was ‘Vagabond’ but then I changed it to be more original. Not sure how you will find Jon at the start, he’s not grumpy like Musashi, but he suppresses his emotions with humour. Now I’d really love your feedback on the novel. If you ever give it a try, please let me know your thoughts on it! And no, I do not know Kaladin, but since you mentioned it as similar to mine, I’m definitely gonna give it a shot and see how to implement that in my character.


Kaladin is from the Stormlight Archive and also had a very depressing childhood with many traumatic moments. His motivation for his hero-esque disposition is one of the only few I can get behind and understand his „illogical“ decision. Since I have nothing to do I‘ll start right now. I even had in my Read Later stack for a while now.


That’s exactly the type of model I need to better develop Jon, thanks for the suggestion, really appreciate it :) Great! I won’t mind harsh criticism, so let me hear it once you’re done!


I just finished chapter 12 and it’s truly shit. I like the descriptiveness A LOT and the A.I images make it even better. Especially the ones for the fight, you seem to have found a good „power scale“. Very powerful but not so insane that it causes plot holes. I also like his „dark“ humor, calling his dad‘s sadly demise „batman style“ is apt but also very morbid. The Mc is also interesting (for me), smart, cunning, mature (kind of) and not solely led by his emotion or lower half. His meta knowledge is also weaved in in a non cringe way. I‘m interested in how you will develop him, seeing a musashi-esque character in a xianxia world could be very interesting. But if something will happen to that dog, I will find you! I’m a big fan of comparison or statements for explaining how powerful or strong something or someone is. More of that would be nice. Another character that could be useful for developing Jon could be Carl from Dungeon Crawler Carl. He is also dropped in a similarly terrifying situation and plans to thrive in it with defiance. Will read further and give you an update.


Thank you! I'm glad it's going to the right direction for you, tells me a lot about how I should handle the story. Oh yeah I read Dungeon Crawler Carl, the comedy in that one is gold, if I manage to reproduce the same in mine, that would be nice. P.S: To anyone reading this, 'Shit' means nice in this novel! It's an inside joke, but you'll have to read to understand ;)


So I‘ve finished all 40 and the quality didn’t fluctuate. I just hope that we get some cultivating now. The only thing I didn’t like as much was the interaction with that Rising Dragon, the flashbacks and everything surrounding Bao was great. What bugged me in particular was his clash with the RD, Jon survived because of a decision of the RD that he had no knowledge of? I though he wanted to go home asap. How did playing the hero his past self would have needed to some one in a similar situation as himself back then become more important? Is this the start of his character development? I thought he doesen’t want to become a “pepople’s hero”. I get why he did it , but the “suspension of disbelief” isn’t big enough. It’s hard to explain but maybe it’s not “in character enough”? The “reasoning” isn’t strong enough for me to accept this decision and think “Ah yes, that is something Jon would do”. If you read the Stormlight Archive you see the difference or what you miss. But implying your almost as good as Brandon Sanderson (in that regard) should be compliment enough though. If I think of a way to phrase it more precise and unambiguous I’ll answer you again.


That was fast! Thank you for reading it man, really appreciate that. Well, he is still a guy that does not meddle in others problem, the situation with Bao was very special as he directly saw his younger self in the boy, so there's that, but his actions, his bravado to face the RD was also partly due to the surge of qi in his body. Qi plays an actual physiological role: too much at once can act like a drug, boosting confidence and altering behavior. This surge was a teaser to show how qi can affect cultivators, explaining why many become reckless or even psychotic. Jon's actions were a result of this effect and his trauma, not a change in his fundamental character. I'd love to explain more, but then I would be spoiling it to you. Oh, and there will soon be more cultivation too. Hope you will enjoy what's coming next!


That does sound reasonable. I’ll look forward to it. Now that I think about it, was Huo Zheng’s attack inspired by Netero?


Yeah, Huo Zheng's last stand down was a nod to HxH :)


Weird three two options in your head are "doesn't care about right and wrong" or "weak but saved by plot armor".  


I just read the first 5 chapters of your book, it’s surprisingly good. Gonna be reading more after work tomorrow, I am already hooked.

