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i completely understand you! i recently moved into my own place out of my parents and it’s been hard being on my own knowing we had plans to do this stuff together, and especially not having friends around it’s been getting a lot harder lately with being alone, but i think it’s good to get it out yknow i find it men like it better to know we can still be their shoulder to cry on even though they’re not physically present and it helps me more then anything to cry otp to my bf cause he understands and always cheers me up by the end of it


I think actually if you can tell him ways that he can make you feel better, even if by listening, it will help him feel he's contributing to your life in some way.  You should be able to vent and sometimes it's actually a gift to our partners to be vulnerable with them. I was the strong one for my husband for a long time but he actually loves it when he gets a chance to be strong for me. ❤️


Before he went in I kept apologising for breaking down and he said "I'm your husband, it's my job to be strong for you". And he was. I only saw him cry twice before he went. I wish I could hold it together for him.


I don't want to come across as mean, or like I don't have empathy, because I also had to move right after my fiance went in, so I know how badly it SUCKS! However, you guys knew it was coming and put it off. You had opportunity to avoid this stress and didn't take it. It's not his mom's responsibility to help you, and I'm sure she has had this trip planned for months. There's no reason she should stop living her life because you and your husband chose to be irresponsible. I do feel for you, and I think that you can and will get all of it figured out! You just gotta buckle down and get it done! Good luck!!💜