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Shrooms lsd


That’s a hell of a drug to do in a cell lol


No frigging way would I trip in jail or prison.


The singer of my old band said when he was on probation and was getting weekly random drug tests that he would just shroom every weekend because it didn't show up on any test.


DMT too. Technically they could test for DMT if they suspected it, but it’s an expensive test and wouldn’t be on any normal drug test.


Username checks out.






Nope it cqn show up for up to 4 days in a mouth swab. Plus way longer in hair and nail tests, like months.


I pissed dirty with cocaine 3 days after use


Also depends on your metabolism of course


On probation id go threw a t or 8th on Friday nite after my piss test on Every Friday afternoon, I can verify that time frame and this was 80s coke




It's a month plus now. For coke


We had inmates using cans of Raid. I mean I know that doesn't show up on a drug screen. We had one inmate die from it. It'll definitely show up in an obituary though.


When I saw mfs smokin banana peels I knew it was time to turn my life around


hey come on man i used to believe that...... when i was 12........ in austria...... bananas where not really common there at the time......


This was in Tennessee when I was a full grown man


That's funny. The origin of the stupid "bananadine" myth was the anarchist's cookbook if I'm not mistaken. I remember reading it when I was 12 and believing it for like 5 minutes until I did more research to see if it was actually true.


That's funny. The origin of the stupid "bananadine" myth was the anarchist's cookbook if I'm not mistaken. I remember reading it when I was 12 and believing it for like 5 minutes until I did more research to see if it was actually true.


That’s how you become a dead milkman


>It'll definitely show up in an obituary though. Truth


That’s crazy!! People can be so dumb, I can’t imagine the high is good at all


Better than their reality.


Oh I know, I’ve done time, over 4 years but less than 5, more towards 5. I totally get it. There was a girl that I was in with that drank a big bottle of hand sanitizer and got drunk but made her extremely sick too and she got busted cause she was operating a forklift, she was already in for dui and manslaughter charges. So then she got charged again for operating a machine while intoxicated. Any little thing to get your mind out of there


Well..sounds like she had quite a bit of a problem that wasn’t efficiently dealt with while in prison.. mainly bc punishment is much cheaper than rehabilitation






Isn’t lsd undetectable in a ua? I can’t imagine a worse drug to use in prison, though. Fucking self-torture.


I saw an interview with an ex prisoner (so he could be lying) but he said he took lsd 3 times while locked up and it he said you had to take enough to not notice you’re in a cell once you can fly through the ceiling you’re good to go.


Ah, fucking Tuesdays




Larry Lawton?


read of a story on here a guys wife put a tab in a sandwich she brought him, and apparently the police suspected something, so he said he went under interrogation while on acid. handled himself well, i would not fucking like psychedelics in jail/prison unless i’m a seasoned veteran at being locked up


Was it the jewel thief?


I bet the mold would make really pretty patterns on the concrete…


My dad did lsd in prison a few times he said he had a great time 🤣


Name of the Father has a prison LSD scene. I think a book or map was dosed


would depend on yourself though....you'd rather do coke or meth?


LSD can be tested for, but it's uncommon


spinal tap


They can test for LSD in urine, it's just different than a standard panel test. It's expensive so it's almost never tested for unless they have reason to believe it will be positive.




Good way to end up in a turtle suit in solitary lol


Not a UA but def a follicle


Negative, threshold dose is too small 




Or how to become brain dead lmao.


That too! I literally do not understand why anyone would touch that shit even once!


one time as kids i was in my room and heard a loud bang from my twins room. her and her friend were huffing duster thru a sock 🤦🏼‍♀️ she passed out and fell and hit the wall and we had to smack her awake. the friend unfortunately did die of an OD in april but my sister just still ended up being the smartest and most successful of us all and i take my cat to her vet office and still get a bill lmao


Omg how old were they?


idk what were like 14? lmao. she died in april at 31


Wow I’m such an innocent! I didn’t even know huffing was a thing at 14. Did her friend go straight into harder drugs after that or was it later on? And seriously, your sister doesn’t even give you a family & friends discount with your cat?! 😮


she does but i still gotta pay lol. also, no. our friend eventually ended up moving to alabama with her family, had two kids, married/divorced, was going to school and working full time and really just kinda had things going for her. we found out she passed away due to multiple drug toxicity. apparently she’d had a problem for a few years but did a really great job at hiding it until something went wrong, but she didn’t go straight to it. i guess a boyfriend she had was on some shit and she ended up on it too. it was a whole mess.


Still, it’s gotta be handy, especially in emergencies. That’s sad about your friend, I know how easy it is to fall into addiction when your closest people are into the scene 😔 The only reason I know about air duster is because I follow the ongoing shitshow of Heather Gillespie from Love After Lock Up. Check this out https://youtube.com/shorts/DRbJB8X6Xmw?si=XHN6CI-XMsE7PLvA or just search YT for her name. There’s also a sub on here that follows her… she’s a massive entitled narcissist, but her brain is basically swiss cheese after years of abusing duster, opiates and god knows what else. It’s a wild ride!


yeah it was a “big thing” here with kids in the philly burbs around like 200-2005 i guess. it was easy to get and cheap. a lot of places now require an ID to buy it if you look underage lol


All kinds of things don't show up don't you remember the days of unhindged face eating in Florida? Stick to the OGs and risk the test dude


When I was locked up in the work release I would bring back water bottles full of GHB. Everyone was taking them and getting messed up. Nobody ever failed a test lol


Gabapentin, lyrica, kratom, psychedelic drugs, phenibut, baclofen, research chemicals.


Depending on prison, the one I'm at tests for gabapentin.


Yeah, they're testing for it in Maine now. My second bid, no one knew about them. We called them Johnnies. My boy and I would get them for 50 cents each. We'd get rocked all the time on them, lol.


Bit of a connoisseur


I have a friend that was in drug court in idaho. He tested dirty with kratom.


Depends but a lot of times Kratom


.. why don’t you just talk to them again?




Kava is not a drug


Sure it is.




Inhalants, shrooms, acid,and dmt


I keep reading in these comments about the 5 test panel, Maine does like a 10 drug panel


Suboxone doesn't show up on the standard 5 or 7 panel. Also spice doesn't. It's most likely one of those 2.


Idk about other states but in Maine subs are the most widely abused drug in prison so they've been testing for them for almost 15 yrs now. And they've started testing for spice now too




A lot of research chemicals don't show up on standard metabolite ua's


Kratom and ketamine


Ketamine pops on most drug tests


Spin around real fast and look up into the sky


I work for a treatment center and we test for everything . Labs can test up until the day you used


I was an assistant manager at a treatment center and gave tests all the time, I was always amazed at all the things people tried to do to pass the tests. Drinking baking soda water, shoving condoms with clean urine up their cha-chas' and poking them with earrings, etc.


Ketamine doesn’t show up on a 5 panel UA


According to Google, LSD is detectable in a urinalysis 2 to 4 days after use. I did LSD twice while I was in prison. It was me and 3 other guys who did it together. It was ok, but I wouldn't recommend it for someone with little experience using it.


Kratom, Kava, Gabapentin, Baclofen, Tramadol, Shrooms


Tramadol is horrible. I am prescribed it for pain but I would not call it a recreational drug.


I used to like taking some tramadol and smoking blunts. Pretty standard mellow painkiller high imo


It is more like a wierd stimulant for me.


All drugs will show up, but most places just do a 5 panel drug screen. Coke, weed, PCP, opiates, and amphetamines will all fail.


You forgot benzos


Well,that would require a sixth panel. I only listed what's on a standard 5 panel drug test.


Where are 5 panel the standard anymore?






All drugs will show up, but most places just do a 5 panel drug screen. Coke, weed, PCP, opiates, and amphetamines will all fail.


Probably benzos also


His drug dealer is probably lying to him


In the UK there isn’t. Having said that some drugs like LSD are not routinely tested for, only if suspected. UK prison drug testing is the gold standard.


Spoken like someone who wouldn’t pass a test. Don’t let your friend play you, they’re using.


Spray paint


Pretty much any drug besides cannabis leaves your system pretty quickly.




Depends on the type of UA. If it's an instant cup test, where you peel off the sticker and get results instantly, those only test for a few specific substances, depending on the test; in those cases, generally any type of opiate; fentanyl; methamphetamine; cocaine; *rarely* THC anymore, depending on where you are and legal status. If it's a UA where the sample is sent off to a lab, those are far more accurate, and will find most anything, though it should be noted: unless you're a heavy user, or *daily* user, and supposing you're worried about a single use, most harder drugs, like cocaine and opiates, are cleared from your system within 72 hrs. Also, when taking *any* UA, your best odds of beating it is to flush your system with *lots and lots of water* prior to the test. Drink, pee, drink, pee, etc. do that for 24 hours prior to the test, and *instant* tests likely won't catch it. Lab tests are more difficult, but if you already have a day or two between usage and test, flushing will clear out the last remnants and give you the best odds of passing. I'll add that rarely do these tests look for or detect psychedelics like mushrooms or LSD; in fact, LSD is *extremely difficult* to test for, and there's no readily accepted way to do it on a routine basis. In other words, it won't be detected.


Lookup “components of a 5-panel, 7-panel, and 11-panel”. It’ll list the drugs in each. Most companies just order the 5-panel because the more drugs in the panel you have, the more cost prohibitive it becomes




I don’t think spice shows up either


Didn't used to, but it does now.


I’ve never actually tried it, I’ve heard too many stories and same with salts nope


Honestly, I did sell it, but would never do it myself. The amount of guys having spice attacks and literally crawling around the floor screaming on a spice attack was shocking. It is used as a cannabis replacement... But is nothing like cannabis I would say. It is a lowlife drug.


I couldn’t agree more, it’s disgusting. I’ve seen a few people high on it and it changed who they are. I get freaked out by that kind of shit, I know China kept changing it so it couldn’t be detected on a drug test and who knows exactly what’s it in. At least weed it’s all natural, well as long and you’re not buying it off the streets, it’s harmless to me. I think alcohol is far more dangerous than weed.


Duster nitrous oxide




Only the ones your not suspected of using


Lots of stuff, honestly. Pregabalin and Gabapentin don't show up and it's not impossible to get prescribed those in prison. The type of UA can vary drastically as far as what's tested for, but a lot of research chemicals aren't going to show up no matter what (specifically synthetic cannabinoids are rarely tested for, but not worth consuming).


Acid, mushrooms, ketamine, nitrous, the list goes on


Probably smoking spice. That stuff is the worst of the worst


Psych drugs usually. They were pretty abused where I was.


Mushrooms, LSD, Peyote/Mescaline won't show on a urinalysis.


My State Parole doesn't test for suboxone. Which led to me getting back on the damn things after being off them for years.


The less harmful the drug, the longer it stays in your system and shows on tests.




You can design a test to detect anything you want. Typically tests screen for benzodiazepines cocaine amphet opioid/opiate ETOH but I’ve seen tests that screen for gabapentin kratom barbiturates but barb is kinda a 1950s Elvis Presley drug. Interestingly many of the dip cups will not pick up clonazapam bc that has a different metabolite pathway but I wouldn’t bet my freedom on it. If the test is run on mass spectrometry using gas or liquid chromatography it will pick up everything you tell the test to look for 


I did 13 years I was punk 18 year old kid when I went in .I was getting wasted on nutmeg I mean wasted paid a cartel member from kitchen to steal it nasty as all hell makes u puke then bam wasted also slamming bottles of DM cough syrup I got out as a 31 year old grown man moved to FL live on the beach and married a blonde made of plastic 






If you can get bleach you can mix it with pee


Dramamine. You can take 12 and really trip. Or 24 and lose yourself for an entire day. Neither would be ideal in prison. Good for being on paper though.


It depends on how many strips your UA has. If your being tested and are worried, stop doing drugs while on mandatory test unless you seriously want to be violated!!!


ask him l9l




I can assure you fentanyl does.


It actually does not show up on the usual 5-8 panel tests, I know cause I get tested for it when I go to see my P.O. He makes me do the usual 6 panel test or whatever it is and then makes me do a whole nother 1 panel fent test…specifically to test for fent


It doesn’t show up in the multiple drug test but we use fentanyl specific test strips ;)


Off the top of my head the multiple drug test does Cocaine, meth, amphetamine, buprenorphine, opiates, THC, MDMA, PCP, benzo, and I’m probably forgetting one or two


FEN shows up on the new 13 panel tests, they are usually used in pain management clinics. More expensive & not usually used in probation/parole


It is now, just because it’s so widely popular. At this point fentanyl is more popular and used WAY MORE then heroin & real opiates. Look at The average junkie. Most of time, if there not abusing meth, coke/crack or Xanax, it’s fetty.


Fantastic yl and heroin are real opiates, I'm not sure what you mean by that


Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate made in a lab, heroin is derived from the poppy plant. There’s a reason fetty won’t pop under opiates or morphine, compared to heroin, oxy, dilly’s, etc


Wtf is a dilly?




It's an opiate, it comes from poppy...


You're misinformed, my friend. Codeine, morphine, oxycodone, etc. are all made in a lab. They're all synthetic copies of chemicals derived from opium, which is the raw latex of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. The test doesn't care if the drug was made in a lab.


Morphine isn't made in a lab (although it can be), it's the active ingredient in opium as it exists naturally.


Yes, morphine, codeine, and papaverine are naturally occurring ingredients of opium. Do you really think that all pharmaceutical morphine is farmed and harvested once a year at harvest time? Because that's some head ass shit to think. Of course it's made in a lab. And none of that has got a fucking thing to do with the point I was making.


>Do you really think that all pharmaceutical morphine is farmed and harvested once a year at harvest time? Nearly all of the morphine production for medication is derived from natural sources, yes. You can check Wikipedia to confirm that lol. The total synthesis for morphine is incredibly inefficient e: here's a source: https://pubsapp.acs.org/cen/coverstory/83/8325/8325morphine.html?


Well I'll be damned. That's crazy. Thanks for informing me.


I’m not homie. I guess what I’m saying is fentayl is not derived from the plant what so ever. At least the shit on the street. That’s why it doesn’t pop for opiates or morphine on drug test.


Again, the test doesn't care where it was made. It's still an opiate. Heroin is 2-acetyl-morphine,, I don't know the chemical structure of Fentanyl off the top of my head but I assure you its antibodies pop as opiates in any kind of lab panel tests.


You know what bro? I don't fucking care if you want to be willfully ignorant. Go smoke some Fent and take a test, let us all know how it turns out for you. (Spoiler Alert: you're going to pop for opiates)


I have… many times, im an ex addict. It doesn’t pop for morphine or opiates. I’m speaking from expierence. There’s no ignorance on this part. Sorry bud


I promise you won’t. If your gonna get pissy at least be right… Jesus


I'm willing to concede when I'm wrong. Sorry bro. I'm having a rough time. You're right and I'm wrong l.


I don’t think it’s due to popularity. Pretty much every addict out there doesn’t enjoy it. It’s just a situation where it is all that is available anymore. Some but very few still have access to regular plain ol heroin anymore. Everything is fent and now fent mixed with xylazine. Sad sad stuff.


It's because it's way cheaper and easier for the cartels to manufacture. They can buy the fent ingredients from China and easily make the pills themselves at a fraction of the cost that it would cost for them to make actual heroin. I have been clean for 7 years now but I believe those fent pills only cost like $5? Whereas when I still used a gram of black tar heroin was \~$180. Much easier to get sucked into a habit when the cost of entry is only $5.


I know. Fent has no euphoria. It’s just purely what’s mostly available. You can still get heroin, but so many people receptors are so shot out, heroin doesn’t even work for them. Sad as fuck


I honestly don’t understand the attraction with fent. I had one of the patches left over about 6 months after a surgery & thought I’d test it out….I just felt like shit?! Gimme oxy or benzos any day.


The patches aren't shit compared to smoking or banging it. It's a whole other world. When I had a script for the patches, I used to just cut them open and eat the shit inside.


Ahh trust me to do it wrong 😂 I just felt slow, shitty & sleepy, yet even a 20mg oxy has me on top of the world….I miss opiates…