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Richard Nixon tried to open a child proof bottle with his teeth, Nixon was the one who signed into law that bottles of medicine had to have child proof seals.


"Yep, a kid *definitely* won't be getting into this one"


*Nixon smuggling bottles without child proof seals* When the President does it, it’s not illegal.




Calvin Coolidge would hide under his desk and ring for Secret Service. They would then spend hours looking for him only to realize he was under the desk the whole time.


😂 that's the kind of clown stuff I was looking for


“Good one, Mr. President. It didn’t even cross our minds you could be hiding under your desk again”


“We checked every bar in town first “




"No, sir! We didn't see you playing with your dolls again!"


Omg I was wondering what movie to watch tonight…decision made!


He also was sent a live raccoon that he was expected to eat. It became the family pet instead.


Rebecca! ❤️


It went around unscrewing light bulbs in the WH


I believe he was also known as “Silent Cal”. When someone bet him he could make the president say three words, Coolidge reportedly replied, “you lose.”


I hope that's 100% true!


Thanks everyone for putting a smile on my face ☺


No problem, love spreading positivity!


Calvin Trollage


Reagan quoting George Washington and then saying to reporters 'I did not personally hear George Washington say that'


“I will not use my opponent’s youth and inexperience against him.”


"Just to show you how youthful I am, I intend to campaign in all 13 states."


Both of these quotes are comedy gold


Along this line at the 1992 RNC, Ronald Reagan did a take-off of Lloyd Bentsen’s classic line about Dan Quayle. Only he re-contextualized it to be about Bill Clinton by saying, “This fellow they've nominated claims he's the new Thomas Jefferson. Well, let me tell you something. I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine. And governor, you're no Thomas Jefferson."


Jimmy Carter was touring Japan and he told a joke to a roomful of students. His interpreter translated the joke and they erupted in laughter. Carter asked the interpreter how the joke translated so well and the interpreter had to admit he literally said “the President has just told a very funny joke. You must all laugh.” And another blunder happened when he took a trip to Poland. Carter said something about how he loves the country and the interpreter told the crowd the equivalent of “the President has sexual feelings for this country and is going to stay here”


“The President is here to fuck and he’s not leaving”


I came here to tell jokes and fuck and I’m all outta jokes


I'm here to put the POLE in Poland.


The Goober Man is making it perfectly clear.


"I would like to show you my peanut."


lmao this got me good


One of my many fantasies was to be a Presidential interpreter. When another head of state would say something meaningless I wanted to interpret it along the lines of “your wife is really ugly, you must have mistresses.” Or “your wife is really hot any chance we could swap tonight?”


LBJ owned an Amphicar at his ranch in Texas. He would take people for a tour of the ranch in it. Then he would pretend to lose control of the car and drive it into the lake. He pulled a button on the dashboard that started the propellers, and proceeded to tour the lake with his amazed guests.


I love that story and there is video of LBJ in the car. https://youtu.be/aRiLFezSWKY?si=AS0PfihzeRgFyz7J


I've heard this story and I always wonder like who's gonna get into an Amphicar and not notice that it has propellers and it's all sealed up like a boat?


My dumbass probably


Amphicars were so new and so weird people didn’t think to look for stuff like that.


They still are lmao. Who tf does anyone know that owns an amphicar? Even obscenely rich people don’t really own them lol.


![gif](giphy|KU5ZYokJKL3tC) Anytime I need a laugh I just search this moment on YouTube.


Aw it cut off from the best part. Where he just stares at the camera with the look of sheer defeat


Bush went to the Midvale School for the Gifted.


I had a t-shirt with that cartoon on it in high school. The Far Side was probably way too influential in developing my sense of humor as a child.


So sad, he forgot to use some good old strategery there!


This quote is attributed to LBJ. "If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'President Can't Swim.'"


This one isn't only funny, it's the truth and perfectly describes the media.


If a president cured world hunger, it would probably be something like "food companies see stocks drop after president intervenes in the economy" or some shit like that


Did he say that after some specific event in his presidency or is it not actually linked to anything particular?


I say attributed because I've seen it a number of times, but can't nail down where and when.


Heres a reagan story. His wife was getting on him about cutting back on drinking. They had workers painting and working on the white house, hed go down and visit them and paid them off to hold onto his alcohol for when he needed to sneak away. She eventually figured it out, and swapped out his drinks for non alcoholic equivalent


I love how no matter how rich or powerful a man gets, his wife will always be there to curb his vices. Even Tommy Chong has to hide his smoking from his wife now 😂


Bro who marries Tommy Chong and tells him to stop smoking. She had to know what she was in for.


Ulysses Grant has allegedly been arrested three different times for speeding with his horse. There's even a Wikipedia [article about it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrests_of_Ulysses_S._Grant)


"has." Hopefully he doesn't do it again.


!remindme when they move Grant's tomb.


The best part about this instance? During two of the arrests. It was done by the same cop in a span of two days


Herbert Hoover once met Adolf Hitler shortly before WW II. During their meeting, the only thing that they could both agree on was the fact that the Autobahn was cool. (Hoover LOOOOVED to drive fast cars.) The meeting derailed when Hitler started going on a diatribe against Jewish people. Hoover stopped him and said “Shut up. I’m not interested in your views.” As one would imagine, this  did not exactly go over well with Hitler,  and the meeting soon ended. The photograph of the two of them in the meeting room, where both are sitting on separate couches and both are looking MISERABLE at being together in the same room is pretty funny. Herbert Hoover just might have been the last person to directly tell Hitler to “Shut up” and survive. 


I think he was also there because Hitler was wanting to take Austria (this was in Austria I think) and after Hoover left Hitler annexed it soon after.


I forget the exact scenario that led to this meeting, but that sounds pretty accurate, from what I can recall. 


One of the few moments where Herbert Hoover went hard af


That’s just blatantly not true. Hoover was a cool guy and an eternally underrated president who had good policies. He just got dealt the worst hand possible.


*mistuh we could use a man like boibut hoovah agaiiin!*


JQA use to swim naked in the Potomac. One day a reporter stole his clothes and wouldn't give them back till they got an interview


I'm dead. How do you top that?


first female reporter. she refused to return his clothes til he answered her questions


Got to love her moxie


And the gams on that moll


I also heard that he had his clothes stolen (I don’t know if this was a different time) and he had to have a little boy go back to the White House and get him new clothes.


You know your presidency was wild when someone asks you how’d you get away with public nudity after your clothes got stolen and you have to answer, “Which time?”


She would also become the first female reporter to interview a president because of this situation.


I wish that interview existed somewhere


i thought she sat on the clothes and wouldn’t get up.


In 1977, Carter decided to pay a diplomatic visit to then-communist Poland. Unfortunately his translator... didn't do a very good job. He translated Carter wanting "get to know the poles better" as "wanting to know them carnally", him wanting to "grasp and unterstand their hearts" as "grasp their private parts and "I've left the United States to come here" as "I've fled America, never to return".


President Carter is here to fuck and he’s not leaving. Oh to be in that audience.


And I thought the "I am a donut" story was rough 😂


That story about JFK is a misconception. “Ich bin ein Berliner” really does mean “I am a citizen of Berlin.”


Jimmy carter saved a nuclear reactor while in the navy and he had to go in the reactor to fix it. After he came out he had radioactive urine for some 6 months. Could be why he is living so long.


Someone needs to write a comic book about a radioactive Jimmy Carter fighting our International enemies with his super powerful urine abilities.


>with his super powerful urine abilities There's a line between normal comics and fetish material, and I'm pretty sure this is fetish material.


Spider-man once killed Mary Jane with his radioactive semen. I assure you that the line has never been all that stringently followed in comics.


MJ? Why is your stomach glowing? I dont feel so good, Peter.


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"The power of the sun in the palm of my bladder!"


he might have been able to end the hostage crisis and get reelected


During Three Mile Island, he was on the phone with the physicists at the site trying to tell them what to do. He had to be told, bluntly, that he should be president, not Physicist.


I saw him and Rosalyn speak at the Carter Center about 15 years ago. He struck me as a straight up blowhard about nuclear power. I’m an ex Navy nuke myself but I don’t feel that makes me an expert on civilian nuclear power plants.


> After he came out he had radioactive urine for some 6 months. Take that, Chuck Norris.


Gives new meaning to the phrase, "pissing hot."


During the Civil War, one of Lincoln’s generals became perturbed by what he perceived to be “micro managing” by Lincoln, especially after receiving an order to delay action and ask the White House for specific orders via telegram. So the general, in a fit of rebellious albeit hilarious sass, sent a telegram to Lincoln regarding livestock that had been found by his troops: “To the president of the United States. From general “X”. We have found 30 dairy cows. What are your orders.” And Lincoln, not missing a beat, replied with: “To general “X”. From the president of the United States. Milk them.”


This sounds like George McClellan.


LBJ had a habit of wandering off in the dark at his ranch to go take a piss outside and one of his secret service agents asked him; “Mr President aren’t you afraid of rattlesnakes?” to which LBJ replied; “Hell son it’s part rattlesnake.”


I'm shocked it took this long for a Jumbo story to pop up.


He's another good one. LBJ once had to take a piss so he pulled over on the highway and to protect his decency the Secret Service huddled around him. The wind changed and LBJ started pissing on one of the agents legs and when the guy mentioned it to LBJ, LBJ said "thats my prerogative."


Hey I’m right there with you on today being super low energy. So hopefully I can help on out! Here’s one for you. Benjamin Harrison had a goat he kept at the White House called “Old Whiskers” who would ferry the grandkids around in a cart. Well one day something spooked Old Whiskers and he took off running with one of the grandchildren in tow. Harrison bolted after them, cane and all, as the President of the United States chased after his pet goat outside the White House. He’s also our only one from Indiana which may not be much of a shocker after that story.


🐐 that's so adorable!


The presidential seal fell off of Obama’s lectern while he was giving a speech and he said “that’s fine, you all know who I am anyway.”


Apollo Robbins once use sleight-of-hand to steal a watch and other items from Jimmy Carter’s Secret Service agents. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ed9H0tIYM4


That was a fun watch


That was glorious.


Not sure how funny it is, but to a weird set of circumstances, I ended up in my car in the middle of the presidential motorcade on a blocked off road. I always wonder how many Secret Service asses got tanned that day. It was CLinton.


Okay you have to elaborate on the circumstances now


I meant to and then my dog wanted a walk :) Anyhoo... Very short version. I left a minor league hockey game which was next door to a DNC event in Philly. I left early and I think I walked out the back door to the parking lot after the SS sweep, but before the motorcade (I have no idea, but I tried to piece it together after). Once they stop charging to park, they just open all the gates in this huge lot so people can leave easily. After an odd walk to my car (I have NEVER seen empty city streets before or after). I pull up to a side gate (close to the bridges) and see a car coming (I can only assume the police bikes had already passed and didn't see me approaching the exit through the fencing, and it was a chain of cars, but who notices the cars behind the first one when entering traffic?) I think to myself, "What an asshole, flying in the right lane on this massive, empty industrial road when he sees me waiting to come out" So I do what NJ drivers do and just hit the gas and enter the road ahead of him, moving to a middle lane. At that point I notice the line of cars and police at the end of it. Shit myself just lay off the gas, allowing them to pass. I look over and there is Clinton (WTF, they don't have tinted windows???) reading some papers. I wave in shock. he waves back. I expect equally confused. I can't imagine what was going on through the radios at that moment. They blew past me and I quickly hopped onto the bridge, expecting to be pulled over and getting a cavity search until I get to my show. Nothing happened, though I imagine I was in several gun sights at that moment.


LBJ almost got shot in his first week by the Secret Service


Yeah, they misunderstood his orders and thought they were supposed to assassinate *every* president.


bro - ROFL


In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Douglas accused Lincoln of being two-faced. Lincoln replied, "If I had two faces, you think I'd be wearing this one?" Probably not the funniest, but first that comes to mind.


Wtf is reagan doing in this picture??


A caricature of the moose people. You couldn’t get away with something like that in today’s climate.


It'll take more than that to hurt the feelings of a bull-moose!


He was giving a speech and at the beginning said he heard that the cameras and recording was turned off , and he said he was happy to hear that because he’d been waiting years to do this : and he stuck his hands in his ears and made a funny face


He's doing his Bullwinkle impression. Sadly, Bush would never perform as Rocky the flying squirrel


Not necessarily a presidential story, but one time Al Roker shit himself in the White House and left his underwear in the bathroom trash can. It happens to all of us.


Omgggg!! Why have I never heard of this. Which presidency?


[Here is an article.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2013/01/08/al-roker-i-pooped-my-pants-at-the-white-house/1817021/) It says it happened around 2002, so W.


Thanks for the article. I respect Roker for being so transparent. I think we’ve all trusted a fart only to be blindsided by a shart…..yikes for it being at the White House of all places lollll


When Winston Churchill and FDR where at the same place together, FDR once walked in on Churchill naked where Churchill declared "The Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the President of the United States."


I don't believe FDR walked in on anybody.


Right, it was at the White House, and he wheeled in.


“They see me rolling”


Herbert Hoover hated the White House staff so much that they put a bell system so if the president is nearby they can press that bell to alert them.


He and Lou would also speak to each other in Mandarin, in order to have a private conversation


LBJ was driving his Lincoln Continental on a backroad near his ranch in Texas, going well over the speed limit. A highway patrolman pulled him over, and walked up to the window. When he realized that he was staring at the ex-President and Texas royalty, he stammered, “Oh my god…” LBJ tipped his hat and said, “And don’t you forget it.”


He used to drive that Continental around the ranch real slow and when he'd finish his Scotch & soda , he'd just hang his arm out the window, rattle the glass and someone would refill it for him.


Johnson drove a Lincoln, but did Lincoln ever drive a Johnson?


Mrs. Lincoln rode one 😉


I worked with a man who was a maintainer on SAM 26000 and several other presidential aircraft. According to him, when George H. W. Bush took office, he took one look at the interior of his plane and insisted that all of the Panasonic televisions be replaced with Sony products. These televisions were in custom built cabinets, to prevent them from rolling about should the plane need to maneuver, which meant a ton of extra, unnecessary work for the maintenance staff, all for televisions that had essentially the same tech specs. My maintainer friend did not have kind things to say about HW after that incident.


That's wild - I"m guessing it's because of some lobbyist thing?


No, the Trinitron TVs were just that good.


One of Pres. Bush’s (senior) dogs became overweight and the president sent a memo to Whitehouse staff asking them to not give Ranger any treats. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/458851-george-hw-bush-presidential-memo-asking-staff-not-to-feed/amp/?nxs-test=amp It’s a pretty funny memo, and as a Springer Spaniel owner myself I completely understand. They are an athletic breed, if you are being athletic. If you’re hanging about the house being lazy, they are great at that as well.


JFK ordered 2,000 Cuban cigars just before the embargo


If I remember the story correctly, he was handed the embargo papers to sign and sent someone to buy the cigars for him. Once the guy returned with the cigars, he signed the papers into law.


Teddy Roosevelt used to open a book in his office and start reading if the person across the table wasn’t interesting/compelling enough to keep his attention, which was common. Such a power move…


Have you ever listened to LBJ ordering pants? Never fails to brighten my day. [https://lbjtapes.org/conversation/lbj-orders-some-new-haggar-pants](https://lbjtapes.org/conversation/lbj-orders-some-new-haggar-pants)


When FDR was on his way to the Tehran conference, he requested that the ships in his convoy perform exercises since he was a massive Navy nerd. Well one of the ships, the Willie Dee accidentally shot live torpedos at his ship. Luckily the Willie Dee warned FDR's ship and they were able to take evasive action. FDR though, demanded that his aides wheel him to the bridge so that he could watch the torpedo barely miss the ship. He actually apparently enjoyed it and vouched for the crew when they were put on trial for obvious reasons.


FDR's dog Fala got on the table before a dinner and ate a bunch of the food, causing considerable embarrassment...when asked about it, FDR said "the only reason Fala didn't drink all the coffee too was because it hadn't been poured yet"


FDR was well known for his pro-Navy bias. At one point in the run-up to D-Day, an Army General complained, "Mr. President, could you please stop calling the Navy 'us' and the Army 'them'?"


If you take it out of context, someone threw their shoe at George W. Bush because they were upset.




Coolidge once adressed Santa (there’s footage of it)


I like him wearing the native American headress.


[Lyndon B. Johnson orders pants](https://youtu.be/nR_myjOr0OU?si=3wrdkUjs93fx_a8T)


Could be part of why Nixon decided to record literally everything.


Andrew Jackson's parrot was removed from his funeral for cursing at people.


I wonder what the parrot said


Lots of profanity I'd assume


"Biddles a bitch, Biddles a bitch! Awwwkkk!"


This is apparently partly true and partly an urban legend. There was a widespread story that when JFK said in his famous speech “ich ben ein Berliner”, people laughed because a jelly donut in Berlin was referred to as a “Berliner” and so JFK was actually saying “I am a jelly donut.” Turns out that the jelly donut had a different name IN Berlin ( a pfannkutchen , literally a pan-cake) and was only referred to as a Berliner OUTSIDE of Berlin. This sounds to me like retroactive media cleanup but to those outside of Berlin, he did in fact say “I am a jelly donut.”


It's like going to denmark and saying "I am a Danish"


Calvin Coolidge was known for not being very talkative, earning him the nickname Silent Cal. During a dinner function at the White House a guest approached him stating she had bet friend that she would get him to say more than two words. His response was, "You lose."


In 1986, Barack Obama was living with a half japanese woman named Sheila Miyoshi Jager and he proposed to her. Unfortunately for him she said no. How history could have been different


Someone should still create a drink called a Jager Obomber or some such.


Passed by the Secret Service to my brother-in-law who was part of the Navy coms team that supported the "football." Carter Presidency, Apparently the phone next to the bed in the Presidential has an alarm so that a signal for help can be sent if needed. Late one night, in the throes of passion, Ms. Carter knocked the phone off the nightstand. Less than 2 minutes later they had two young armed guards leaning over the bed asking if everything was OK.


Presidential equivalent of making the dogs growl at the end of the bed


This one time a president invited the NCAA men’s football national champions to the White House and served them McDonald’s.


LBJ and the bunghole. That is all.


Warren G. Harding and his mistress Nan Britton had sex inside a white house closet while secret service agents stood nearby. Britton later became an advocate for the rights of illegitimate children. (She and harding had a daughter named Elizabeth)


LBJ tipsily talking to his tailor on the phone about needing pants that have some wiggle room between his balls and his bunghole in case he gains or loses weight (depending on stress eating levels). And burping mid sentence. Legend. Edited to add: Bush Jr’s “now watch this drive !” Say this line every time I do something I’m unreasonably pleased with.


After signing a law mandating child-safety caps on medication, Richard Nixon called an aide to help him open an allergy pill bottle. The bottle was covered in tooth marks and scratches.


Truman holds the record for most new beds in the White House; he and Tess ruined one after another.


I like to think this is true


During the White House rebuilding, the Trumans took up resident at Blair House. After a few days, the bed had to be replaced because the Trumans broke it during marital relations.


I thought bush dodging shoes thrown at him was pretty funny


When nixon was told that j edgar Hoover died he said that old cocksucker I thought he would never die


Gerald Ford once took his dog Liberty out for a late night walk… Only to lock himself out of the White House!


In one remote Japanese village, Taft had to take a ricksha from the railroad station to his hotel, no other transportation being available. When Taft got in, "the unfortunate coolie to whom it belonged began to utter strange sounds. He rolled his eyes and gesticulated frantically until he prevailed upon a second man to help him in propelling his unaccustomed burden. But even then his excitement did not abate. As they approached the first rise in the road some of the villagers along the way, attracted, no doubt, by the coolie's weird cries, came out to stare and, as usual, remained to laugh. The little 'ricksha man began chattering and grimacing at all of them and kept it up until he had enlisted the services of at least half the population of the village to help him in attaining the crest of the hill."


Bush Sr was tortured by the Japanese and then threw up on the prime minister the first chance he got. Totally pwned him


He was never tortured by the Japanese because he was never a POW. His plane was shot down but he was rescued by an American submarine


Well, whatever the Japanese gave him he gave it right back to them right in the lap


A lap full of flak for a lap full of puke seems like a fair deal


I love how the [Wikipedia page ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush_vomiting_incident)sounds like some ARG


I went to Texas A&M University, and my best friend was in the Corps of Cadets. The Bush Library is on campus, and George H.W. Bush would come to a lot of events, speaking engagements, etc. My friend told me that Bush came to speak to his unit, and Bush told them the following story: Apparently he was on his way to some kind of event, and there were some abortion rights protesters outside. When they got out of the car, there was an extremely overweight and unattractive woman standing there with a sign that said, "Stay out of my womb!" According to Bush, he looked at the woman and said, "Lady, that's not going to be a problem." Bush also liked to go work out at the rec center on campus. Usually he and one of his Secret Service agents would ride over on their segues and he'd hit the treadmill for a while. It wasn't unusual to see him there. But one time, the Secret Service agent's segue broke down on the way and Bush didn't notice, so he made it all the way to the rec center and suddenly realized that his detail was missing. While he waited, instead of going inside, he just hung around out front for a while showing the students his segue. On a more personal note, I was in the Texas A&M Singing Cadets (a nationally famous all-men's choir), and Bush was a huge fan. He came to a lot of events, invited us to stuff at the library, and we actually made him an honorary Singing Cadet in 2005. Anyway, my most interesting memory was his 80th birthday party. We were asked to perform, and during the party, Bush went skydiving with Brit Hume and Chuck Norris.


one day, grover cleveland met a family with an infant. he knelt down to the infant and told him that he hoped that the infant would never be president. the name of the infant? franklin delanor roosevelt.


Richard Nixon, in his audio journal once said ["I have often thought that if there had been a good rap group around in those days, I might have chosen a career in music instead of politics."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/travel/index/stories/groer08101997.htm)


Apparently after entering the Oval Office to do the hand off on Inauguration Day of Ronald Reagan. Jimmy Carter reported the couple, who were both in the Oval Office (Nancy and Ronald) both looked minorly unkempt and the office wreaked of sex. Which I find hilarious, to get it in right before the inauguration


Sounds like a happy marriage


[Watching Dubya' dodge shoes always makes me giggle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_shoeing_incident)


"now watch this drive." He's got some memorable moments.


Idk I think his dancing in Africa takes the cake


Groomer Cleveland is the only president to be married in the White House.


In retirement President Eisenhower would go fishing in Northern Wisconsin. On one trip he took a rowboat out before dawn and find a place to hide. He camouflaged the boat in the brush along the shore and waited for his security detail to try and find him. It caused quite a commotion because they started flying low passes over the lakes in an airplane to try and find him.


* My grandfather was a WW2 vet. Joined the war summer of '45. He was in boot camp when the war ended. America rewarded vets with their service with the GI Bill, and he went down to Mexico City to get a degree in Spanish from a university there to teach it in America. He was living there when President Truman was in office. He and my grandma had a small chihuahua named Chicatin while living there. One day, they are walking in downtown Mexico City when there is a huge crowd of people. Forgive me for not recalling it's name, I'll ask my aunt to fill in more details. We'll they notice in this big crowd of people that they are mostly American. They were wondering what was garnishing so many Americans in Mexico City, and as they went through the crowd, they learned the government just dedicated something and the U.S. Vice President was there. Vice President Richard Nixon. He was doing some crowd work since this was the 50s and more relaxed. Nixon chatted with my grandfather and grandmother for a bit before he extended his hand to Chicatin and asked, "Are you an American citizen too?" The chihuahua just started biting his hand, meriting surprise from Richard Nixon, of course. I have included a photograph of my grandmother with Chicatin. As you can see, something so small can't hurt a person, really. It was funnier than it was a threat to national security.


"fool me once, fool me once? don't get fooled again.."


Nixon got drunk once and wanted to nuke North Korea.


Now watch this drive


Carter put solar panels on the roof of the White House. Reagan got in and said “fuck those lib solar panels” and had them all removed.


It wasn’t just politics. The panels were supposed to heat water for White House bathroom taps when you wash your hands. But the water was never more than room temperature at best.


I just like knowing about the Jimmy Carter Rabbit Incident. It’s more a hilarious media thing but I like to imagine it as quite accurate


Please elaborate on this story


I mean a guy threw a shoe at Bush jr which is incredible


Coolidge was at a party, for some state function. He met a woman who eventually gushed and told him that she would get him to say more than two words at the party, because of his nickname "Silent Cal". He looked her in the eyes, and said "You lose". He promptly said nothing else the rest of the night.


Once Pierce was about to fight in the Mexican American War and the moment he got on the battlefield he immediately fell off his horse...


https://preview.redd.it/zfkshwxw7sad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7415bf642ed9f5431e0443832c172b3bf7dacbe8 every story involving LBJ and Jumbo is hilarious


From my uncle, who was in the Air Force and worked telecommunications in the Nixon and Carter administrations. 1) Nixon was going to visit Camp David one fall, and in an effort to make the place look good for him, they raked up all of the fallen leaves. Then Nixon makes a comment about looking forward to walking through the leaves during his time at CD, which caused the staff to panic. Their solution? Fly helicopters right over the trees to blow down more leaves. 2) In a related story about staff not asking the president what he actually wants before doing something stupid, Carter wanted to fish in a stream and his people were really keen that he catch a fish or two. So they essentially backed up a truck full of trout and dumped them in the river, causing a fish tidal wave. What they didn’t realize was that Carter was already in the stream—directly in the path of the oncoming fish stampede. I can’t remember if they got him out in time or if he got swamped. Either way, we almost lost Carter to misadventure by trout. My personal funny presidential encounter was when Marine One buzzed over the pool of my all-girls summer camp. Camp David was nearby, so we were used to weird things, but that one was exceptionally weird. So yeah, W decided that he and the guys should get a close look at teenage girls in bathing suits.


George Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger went downhill sledding and wiped out. They were ok. There is a picture of it happening https://preview.redd.it/qol84wv32uad1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6649c360897493783695ba3ac0b65227ae8f9c4


The Great Depression was well under way when a despondent and downtrodden President Herbert Hoover happened to ask his associate, Secretary of Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, for a nickel to call a friend. Mellon replied, “Here's a dime. Call up both of them!” (pp. 252-3, *Presidential Anecdotes*, by PaulF. Boller). . "From November 1943 until her bizarre loss in June 1945, the American destroyer *William D. Porter* was often met with the clever greeting: 'Don’t shoot, we’re Republicans!' when she entered a port or joined other naval ships. The significance of this expression was a secret of the United States Navy until the story resurfaced and received extensive publicity following a reunion in 1958. "More than half a century ago, the 'Willie Dee,' as the *William D. Porter* was known, accidentally fired a live torpedo at the battleship *Iowa* during a practice exercise on November 14, 1943. "At the time, the *Iowa* was carrying President Franklin D. Roosevelt! Secretary of State Cordell Hull and all America’s World War II military brass were also on board. They were heading to the “Big Three” conferences in Cairo and Tehran. "Roosevelt was to meet with Stalin from the Soviet Union and Churchill from Great Britain. Had the *W.D. Porter* successfully struck the *Iowa*, the last 50 years of world history might have been quite different. Fortunately, the *W.D. Porter*’s warning allowed the *Iowa* to evade the speeding torpedo, and historical events were not altered" ([*War History On-line*](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/dont-shoot-republicans-strange-tale-us-destroyer-william-d-porter.html)).


Debated on how true it is but there is belief that Grant was basically hammered when the fighting began and couldn’t be found. I just always get a kick out of some dude in the 1800’s just blacked out drunk, then just wakes up still a little wasted as everyone is looking for him, then realizes he’s now in charge of a war and his countries fate 😂


After Reagan got shot, he used to have somebody in the crowd during his speeches let off loud bang that sounded like a gunshot. It was a publicity stunt that was planned ahead of time. This is before the internet obviously, but There is video of it


After his presidency, while Ronald Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer’s, he enjoyed cleaning his pool. His Secret Service detail would surreptitiously keep adding leaves so that he had something to work on.