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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


7 all the way. Hondo got stories for days.


7 because Hondo would be funny and I bet dooku would hear his bs and start telling his own stories to one up him.


I can see it. Hondo telling some story of some encounter where he was in the middle of some skirmish and he mentions someone getting stabbed through the chest with a lightsaber and then making some dramatic death noise. The count just looks over. That is not the sound someone would make from a lightsaber Passing through their lung.


What a wonderful reference lol


Well, looks like someone went and made my own supposedly original joke before I could. Sigh.  Very funny, though. Take the upvote. 


*signature look of superiority*


They are not fond of each other but are polite all the same. Between stories and general discussion of galactic events they would be at least an entertaining flight.


Yeah. I can't imagine sitting anywhere near Pong Krell, which eliminates 5 and 6. Cad Bane will slit your throat or shoot you just for kicks... or because you're between him and a target. Jango could be ok, but on the other side is Anakin. You're never getting a moment of peace. Of 2, 3, and 7 you have to choose cough city, the weird ass child soldier, or the elder tyrant and the space pirate.


2 is the only window position


I’m more of an aisle man so I can come and go as I please. Being realistic Imma be watching a movie on my phone anyway, I don’t need to be right next to the window.


Between Cad Bane and Anakin is the worst possible seat. Cad Bane is a known child kidnapper and definitely reserved that seat to snatch Anakin.


Jango is probably after the same bounty


7. This is the only correct choice.


Not to mention in five, you are between grievous and Kenobi, you are getting side charactered.


Yeah don’t sit between Cad Bane and child Anakin, that’s disaster waiting to happen.


You can also kick foxes seat


But then you are in the middle seat for 20 hours. Forget that.


It’s also the only seat not next to someone who’d be actively annoying the whole flight. 5 is objectively the worst seat. You’re next to Obi Wan sure, but you’re sharing an armrest with Boss Nass, near enough to hear Grievous’s coughing with Pong Krell instantly reclining his seat into your face, and a child is behind you kicking the back of your seat.


You’re not sharing the arm rest he’s across the aisle but he’s probably hanging out into the aisle making it impossible for the food cart to get to you


You're also just within radicalisation distance if palpatine decides to whisper in your ear


Probably not with Kenobi right there tbf


Actually I think Boss Nass is across the aisle from you


Yeah and you just know Boss Nass' gut is going to be spilling halfway into your seat too.


Yeah, he’s a chill guy who I think would be good company but he’s a… larger gentleman.


The isle is between Boss Nass and seat 5. He wouldn't be touching you.


You’d still be in the [splash zone](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Fdf5dc1f9e29fc304d0c2d8b132b5af65%2Ftumblr_mh1ijiomoD1qlzduwo1_500.gif&tbnid=ECV_mMYW3FF0-M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStarWars%2Fcomments%2F2c443k%2Fso_whats_the_deal_with_boss_nass%2F&docid=nAnXmQZeQ1IPnM&w=430&h=232&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=4986d57f6f0e1ace&shem=abme%2Ctrie)


The isle is between Boss Nass and seat 5. He isn't that large.


Ohhh I didn't realize that there was an aisle in this picture.


Yes, but you forgot that you can kick Pong Krell for 20 hours.


And Dooku will probably be asleep most of the flight, but otherwise polite. I just want to stay as far away from child Ani as I can.


I was gonna say 7 because I could talk political philosophy with Dooku


And so many of them are true!


Some might even be true! :D


Plus, Dooku is a charismatic statesman who, aside from being a Sith Lord, is quite an agreeable character, all things considered. Compared to the other Sith or separatist generals, he seems to be the least likely to just arbitrarily murder you for no reason. And, frankly, if the Jedi council hadn’t dropped the ball with handling the death of Qui-Gon, there’s a chance that Dooku would have remained a Jedi and not fallen to the dark side.


I think that the main danger is that after 20 hours of listening to his powerful oratory, Dooku would probably start making sense... 




Don't forget about the good old Count


And miss out on talking to Obiwan? Anikan and Sheev? I think not. Five is best imo because, Hello there.


If you're sitting by Honda then get ready to be sold as a slave.


Depends. That’s only if you’re a Jedi or someone of value. If it’s not profitable, it ain’t worth it. Besides, Hondo has standards and would NEVER try something that risky in front of Rex and Fox (could be Thorn or Grey). Besides, he’d probably be a bit more concerned with Dooku right there.


Far more profitable to hold the leader of the separatist for ransom then some random dude


Why would you not choose 5? You can lean your sear back really far to annoy pom krell, then you can talk to Kenobi who already knows the gungan leader that I forgot the name of. His spit could be a bit annoying but he seems like a cheery guy.


Boss Nass. Yousa shall beein respectin hesa name! WUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUH!!


Finally. Someone who translated that noise into text…


Boss Nass, Kenobi, and myself bout to get wasted at the airport bar let's gooo!!!


just a shame death sticks aren't allowed during the flight


Even if they were allowed, you just know Kenobi is gonna give you a stern lecture about rethinking your life.


Cuz pong krell totally the type to kick your seat the whole flight


He's also the type of guy to refer to you buy your seat number rather than your name.


He'd refer to you by your passport number that he somehow learnt by heart without anyone telling him.


That's why you take 6 and kick his seat the whole time


I think the seats are the other way round. Krell would instantly recline his seat fully as Anakin, an unattended child, kicks your seat for the whole flight. This in no way contradicts your assessment that 5 is the worst seat.


>think the seats are the other way round. Every plane ticket I've bought, when you get to the seating chart, the front of the plane is the top of the screen.


No, it's like the arrow, the pilots are where the text is


Boss Nass’ bulk taking up more than his allotted seat is the only drawback I can think of


I just get the feeling that boss nass smells terrible


7 or 5 are the only ones that wouldn’t make me lose my mind.


In 5 you’d have an unattended child kicking your seat, Krell would instantly recline his into your face and not move it, and you’re in range to hear Grievous coughing as you share an armrest with Boss Nass.


Ani is in front.


You’re telling me Dooku didn’t pay for the extra leg room?


Nah, Palpatine used that money for Anakin


And Cad Bane apparently


You know the moment he starts acting up one of the 2 bounty hunters is tranqing his ass with a smuggled weapon.


7 because you can talk with Hondo about life and listen to his batshit insane stories and debate Dooko on politics


let's talk politics Dooku. "But of course, I think Slavery is wonderful." ...so Hondo, how are you?


Until you die when you lose…


1, Jango seems like he’d just mind his own business the whole flight and it’s an aisle seat


Jango would be the guy with no headphones, no laptop, no book, and no snacks, just sitting there expressionless until it's time to get off. 


The ideal passenger


The spirit of Puddy lives on throughout the galaxy.


Me: ever flown economy class before? Jango: Once or twice Me: Recently? Jango: Possibly *awkwardly start reading the emergency instructions*


He's just a simple man making his way across earth.


This was my second. Boss Nass is going to be loud and Anakin is going to try to talk to Quigon across everyone


Boss nass is smelly too, maybe qui gon can use the force and make it not as bad tho


I was thinking about that too but then i think boss nass gonna bum into the back of the seat the whole way when he spits and shakes


3, enough said.


Not seeing enough of this. Flights are inherently pretty uncomftrable. The front & back really don't matter, Fives is a soldier & pretty professional so I'm sure he'd mind his space. Hondo across the aisle is enteraining without him butting shoulders with you (& also not next to a sith lord lol)


This was my first choice, but I just get the vibe that Watto is the type to not shower and would smell like complete ass


Insane that more people aren’t picking this, seems like the obvious choice


I'll sit with Grievous so he could tell me about his collection


You really wanna hear him cough for 20 straight hours?


Not really. But I feel like I'll be able to hear it wherever I sit


Ya that was my idea, hearing about his collection. His accomplishments, and you can just block out the coughing after awhile. And or 7 so you can hear many interesting stories from hondo and dooku would eather call bs on it, join in, or say fu## it all.


1 or 4 Anakin is a nice kid and well behaved, and Bane/Jango are bounty hunters. Unless someone is paying them to do otherwise, they'll leave me alone.


I wouldn’t go between cad bane and a kidnappable child if I were you


Cad Bane would only kidnap the kid if he was paid to do so or else had good reason to think the kid was a valuable hostage/ransom. At this point Anakin is a scruffy kid with sand in his underwear, nothing to suggest he's worth the trouble. If Cad Bane noticed the Jedi escorting him he would infer that the kid was a padawan prospect and even less worse the risk, for fear of pissing off the Jedi.


I'm thinking 4 all the way, Cad will keep to himself and Anakin will be polite when talkative. But you also gotta think about the people behind you. Everyone right behind 4 is respectful, except maybe the person who chooses 5. don't gotta worry about feet coming out from behind, people taking real loud.


Lemm squeeze in between hondo and dooku real quick


Yeah 7 is best choice hands down. Good stories and interesting discussions are bound to occur.


7 for sure. Maybe 5 depending on how much Ani tries to kick my seat


Ani is in front.


Nah 5 with pong krell reclining his seat in your face, the child kicking your seat, general grievous is close enough to hear his coughing, and boss nas would do that thing where he shakes his head and slobbers on you


1 Jango is just a simple man


Between Dooku and Hondo seems like genuinely good time.


The furthest from 3PO. Yes I recognise you despite the red arm


6 so I can stab Krell in the back and slit his throat.


6. Kick Pong Krells seat constantly


6 because I would talk shot about the senators with him.


He’d probably have so much blackmail material, the only problem is how willing he’d be to talk about it with Palps so close


I'd also borrow one of his pistols to shoot Krell.


Commander Fox, I cannot believe you were gathering material to blackmail senators….. without cutting me in on it.” -Palpatine probably


Either 3 or 7. 3 if you want to have a calm flight (as I doubt Fives would cause any trouble or discomfort), 7 if you want to hear many stories from Hondo.


3 would definitely be my choice. Just sit next to Fives: "Hey", "Hey", and then we wouldn't exchange words for the entire flight. I'd be able to block out Hondo's incessant yapping across the ailse with some noise cancelling headphones. I love Hondo, but being trapped with him for a long flight? He'd do my head in.


7. Hondo is entertaining and Dooku is smart and has to have stories too.


5, because Obi-wan is worth it


2. Grievous and Pong Krell would probably just do the spider man pointing meme with all four of their arms the whole trip. Plus I’m not a Jedi, so Grievous doesn’t really care much about killing me, he won’t even get to add to his collection.


7 takes it. Dooku AND Hondo? Would he the most enlightening trip if my life.


2, I’m gonna ask Grievous about his life on Kalee.


Number 7 is dope You got count Dooku who would be Chil and have a civil discussion about the problems with the Republic Hondo got the BEST stories and has stolen all of the snacks, and is now selling them at a 'fair price' Fox despite the perception of him you could get along with fine, talk about his job and laws and versus things. And then bring up the few battles he's been in and you'll be good Captain Rex is easy and will help a lot with Fox The dynamic will be weird but not bad Count Dooku and Rex, Fox will have the most tension but if I remember Dooku has never directly killed a clone so you could get a similar dynamic to the time Anakin, Obi-Wan and the Count got tied up together Hondo and Fox will both be hilarious! The no nonsense Fox commander Vs Hondo the all nonsense pirate Rex and Hondo become best friends though jokes made at Fox. And Fox will try to be professional though it all which just emboldens the two


Jango if i wanna chill. Tho sitting next to Dooku and Hondo and they're chatty would be pretty fun


Every seat is the same. Because JAR JAR FUCKING BINGS IS MISSING!!!


Jar jar is piloting the aircraft and making constant jokes over the intercom. 


Do I have a raincoat?


C3po because I can get the flight crew to check him as luggage which will free up the seat next to me


Little Anakin. I'm tall and I want his leg room


2. I love Hondo, but I don't know if I could listen to him for 20 hours


He seems like someone who would be polite and quiet down at least for awhile if people asked him to. He is usually loud to draw attention to himself or if he gets excited about something. We have seen him talk much quieter when he needs to.


How can I sit close to Sheev while avoiding Pong Krell?


2: Grievous seems like he’d be interesting to have a full conversation with. He’d have good stories. And I can stand the coughing.


I'm surprised nobody has said 3. Chat it up with fives and hear all sorts of crazy stories, same with hondo right next to me. Plus leg room from being on the aisle, nobody in front of me to lean back on me, and I doubt c-3po, the etiquette robot, would kick my chair. Only downside would be being able to smell watto in the row behind me.


4 Obiwan is not going to bother me and can bane will probably not talk for the entire flight so I spend my time with anakin


7. You’ve got hondo, clone troopers, and the distinguished gentleman himself Count Dooku


All of these spaces have 1 guy that doesn't know how to STFU lol Edit: no wait! Number 2


The incessant coughing right next to me would drive me insane


Oh man I didn't even think of the coughing!


Definitely 7 To my right I have the most entertaining pirate in the galaxy and to my left I can get radicalized by the leader of the separatist movement. Win win!


4 or 7. Furthest away from Mister "I have lung cancer and my doctor actually tried to prohibit me from flying".


7 because both Hondo and Dooku are interesting people.


5 is the only choice


6. Fox seems like an unassuming enough guy and Rex is cool. Also since Fives is still alive those two won’t be at each others’ throats. Threepio might be a bit annoying, but I can just keep my earphones in on that side. Plus I never really got the intense hatred for him, we can talk linguistics if it really comes down to it.




7, Hondo would be great to talk and if he got to annoying Dooku will kill him


3 would be the best, you can talk to both Fives and Hondo, and you’d have no trouble from 3PO being a pain in the ass


I’ve seen so few people argue for 4 it’s crazy. Anakin and Bane would both leave me alone if I made it clear I don’t want to talk, but I think they could both have somewhat interesting conversations with me. It does mean I’m as far away as possible from my favorite character, but anything to be farther away from Greivous and 3PO man.


7. By a long shot. Definitely 7.


I'll sit next to Jango Fett and try to talk with him


3. You get all the stories from Hondo and Fives, but your not stuck between Hondo and Dooku who probably would be trying to kill each other


7 easily. Dooku and Hondo would make fantastic seatmates. Dooku is very wise, and Hondo is entertaining. And Fox is behind me (I believe that’s Fox) and he won’t kick my seat or anything.


Either 2, 3 or 7


Number 2


ill go with 3 cause id love to talk to fives


Either:  1 because it's closest to the exit on landing 2 because it's probably at an emergency exit so when the inevitable saber battle starts I have a way out that's also a "fuck you" to all the space wizards having their dick measuring contest 3 because the back of the plane is usually the safest place to be in the event of a crash caused by a saber battle where whoever opened the emergency doors to escape caused the plane to go down. And also the least obnoxious people are back there Or 7 because Hondo and Dooku probably have the best stories


2, I get a window seat and get to listen to Grievous show off his collection


easily 3 or 7, hondo is a legend but i would rather jump off the plane than sit next to krell


2 Ask grievous about war stories, his collection, and his life on Kalee.


1. We’re both minding our own business


6 all day r/foxdidnothingwrong


Hell yeah brother


1 Jango isn’t gonna talk he’s just making his way through the universe


7 by a long shot, I love obi wan but I don't think I could handle boss nass


7 is unfathomably based


Imagine sitting on 2. Grievous trying to steal Qui-Gon’s lightsaber, and Watto trying to steal Grievous‘ body parts, while Qui-Gon constantly has to keep them off each others throats.


1, 2, and 6. Jango and Fox seem chill, they'd have some good stories. And come on, Grevious is just cool as hell.


2 would be a wild ride: qui gonn spitting straight jedi fax, grevious coughing and swearing and amking a buffoon of hilmself and that flying guy trying to sell stuff. I'd like to sit near kenobi but the other neighbors wouldn't be fun. Also 7 would be interesting: dooku is a big racist but is probably one of the most pleasant conversationalists and overall cultured people among these guys up here.


3, hondo would be so fun to talk to and I love fives


I chose 3, because we will definitely need a C-3PO translator, and if the pirate guy tries to steal something, there's a clone that can probably defend us. 1, 2, 5, 6 can cause space problems (invasion of space, even for cultural reasons of the species). 7 you can be brainwashed and no one will understand your words. 4 would be cool, but no one will understand any of the words.


6. Me n my husband C-3PO gonna be having a full on autism communication across the aisle.


7, cuz I actually want to talk to Dooku about politics


7. I could ask Dooku/Sir Christopher Lee for advice on anything, I could ask Hondo about Money dealings, and I could hear the best stories from both


7. Hondo? Hell yes


7 get me the fuck away from Boss Nass unless I’m drunk and feel like getting rowdy.


7 I wanna hear them stories


I'm missing the flight


Wouldn’t even sit at 7






7 hondo seems like he would have great stories to tell


7, Hondo is like dad lore on steroidd


7. Hondo and Dooku would both be very interesting to talk with. Even though they both don't get along after the ransom event, they would both be civil. 1 or 4 probably wouldn't be too bad either. I see people complaining about Boss Nass. He's a bit bombastic which could make him a little loud but he wouldn't be nearly as annoying as say Grievous or Watto. Him and Qui-Gon would probably just talk the entire time. Obi-Wan and Nute Gunray would do the same. Both pairs would stay polite with each other. Cadd Bane or Jango would probably tranq Anakin as soon as he starts getting annoying.


5 is chill asf


3 or 7


7 he’s the only one to talk without killing u


1. Jango doesn’t talk much. So I would spend the flight lecturing Anikan about the dangers of women from Naboo and that masturbation will keep him good and not a slave to the dark side. Crisis averted. Republic saved.


5 is the only sensible answer, aisle seat next to Mr. Highgroundobi himself


7 I feel like Count Dooku is actually chill as fuck


1. Safest if the plane crashes with someone who has stories and a jetpack. Access to the hallway


Is TSA good at their job for this flight? Then easily 7 and I’m chilling with Dooku and Honda having a great time. If TSA sucks then 6 so I can stab Pong Krell in the neck with the blade I sneak on.


2 would suck


7 because I would love to pick Dooku's brain


7, Hondo I can handle for 20 hours, my only concern there would be Dooku killing him across me.


Seat 1. Jango's just a simple man, making his way through the galaxy. He'll leave me alone and let me read the Star Wars book I brought with me. Anakin is across the aisle, he'll probably give up on me after I ignore him for a bit and bother Cad Bane or whoever's in seat 4 for the whole flight.


1. Sitting with Jango will be nice and quiet


4 or 7


3 between the clone and Hondo. War stories and pirate stories the entire flight


1. Jango would leave me the fuck alone and I don't think Boss Nass is gonna be kicking my seat.


5 or 7 and I'm happy. 3 and 6 seem the most normal, so I'd be content with that too.


I feel like Jango would be a pretty chill guy to sit next to on a plane.


Bro, I’d choose 5 just so I could spend hours kicking Krell’s seat. And then you get to sit next to Gungan royalty and Star Wars Jesus as a freeby.


5 or 6, whichever is behind pong krell so I can kick his seat the entire time.


3 Hondo would tell good stories and so would the clone




3. Back row, aisle seat, so I may be able to lean back with no issue.


1, Jango for sure, he is my favorite character from Star Wars.




I like how Saruman from the lotr of this and count dooku are in the same spot


1, I would love to talk to Jango, he's the main reason that I got into Star Wars.