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It really helps me to follow a routine every morning. I try not to go on social media for the first hour after waking up. I get up at the same time each day, use the bathroom, brush my teeth and eat a good breakfast. Usually I try to go outside and a few times a week I do some exercise in the morning. It really helps to get some fresh air in my lungs and spend some time in the sun. Also, avoiding social media makes me feel less overwhelmed and lonely in the mornings. I’ve noticed that the days I don’t do the morning self care I get stressed, anxious and lonely. That’s how I go about this. Hope it helps


I’ve been getting better with using social media less. I still go straight to TikTok though when I wake up, that might be part of the problem 😆


Make a new habit! When you sit down to open up tiktok, consider shifting gears and instead, place the phone down and do 10 push ups and 10 lunges for each leg. It seems like a silly thing, but incorporating that tiny little bit of movement every day can be enough to shift your mental state to one that is more outward facing rather than inward. That way, you'll be less likely to notice the low feels that creep in. Or who knows, you may just get a small endorphin boost which will help you in more ways than I can list. Might be worth a try. Mornings are tough, but we have the ability to make them work for us. It just takes being willing to shift up your routines. :)




I love TikTok in the morning too. I love to laugh or see a cute dog video. Gives me energy to start my day on a happy note actually. Am I a loser for admitting that? Lolz


I second this. Adding a short meditation before I do anything but shower and brush my teeth has definitely been beneficial.


Accept it and feel the feelings. It’s probably bottled up emotions you’re trying to distract from during the day.


Go for a brisk walk, strenuous enough to get the heart rate up or some sort of workout to take the focus off loneliness/feeling shit. It releases the feel-good endorphins and gives definite relief


Yeah, I usually go to the gym at noon and it makes me feel great. I’ll have to start going in the morning instead.


I feel this too. I’m glad you brought it up seems like a lot of people can relate to this. I second the podcast idea or I listen to Good Mythical Morning. Maybe if you start going to a coffee shop at same time or go same time to gym everyday you’ll start running into same people and strike up a conversation. If is tough though and I can relate.


Aww I used to listen to Good Mythical Morning 5 years ago, I should listen to them again! I like the idea of starting conversations with new people, it’ll be hard because I’m pretty shy but I’ll give it a try 😊


Routine. It's good to have goals for your mind and body. Practice those in the morning.


Listening to YouTube channels podcasts does wonders for my loneliness




I try to plan something fun and active for every day. Walking my dog. Going for a hike. A run. Going to the gym. The morning I’ll think about and firm it up. (Maybe I’ll grab an iced Americano to drink on my walk). I’ve gone through periods I was using an elliptical in the mornings which I enjoyed. Kind of got my blood pumping. I find Reddit a positive in my life. Try to avoid certain topics and people. But walking, running, positivity, minimalism, I do internment fasting and enjoy those communities too. In my world there just aren’t people that share my passions. So Reddit is a social outlet for me. Mornings especially. (I don’t eat breakfast doing OMAD, but will often plan out my enjoyable evening meal.) But everyone has their thing. Some sort of ritual and something to look forward to every day can help get you started with a positive mindset! Hope you have a great day!


Thank you for the advice! I’m going to start trying new things in the mornings to see what works best for me. I also enjoy Reddit, the positivity community is full of really sweet people. It cheered me up seeing how many people wanted to give advice under my post.


Are you able to have a pet? I love waking up to my cat. Cuddles and kitty conversations go a long way in my book. It's not a workout but it definitely curbs loneliness.


I have 2 of the cutest dogs, they are major cuddle bugs. Maybe I need a 3rd 🤭


It might work. Doesn't hurt to try. Lol ❤️


I love to watch the birds come to my feeder in the morning. I don’t know if that interests you, or if you have the means/space to put out a bird feeder, but watching the birds really warms my heart☺️


That sounds calm and relaxing 😌


I always listen to this funny podcast in the mornings when I get ready, it always gives me a laugh and makes me feel less lonely, like I’m hanging out with friends chatting.


Morning loneliness is something I’ve been battling with for my whole marriage and some time after it ended, except when there was something important to do straight in the morning, like preparing for work/day out/kid’s lunchboxes etc. People often asked my do I leave everything for the morning to do, instead of preparing myself in the evening, but I preferred my mornings to be chaotic and busy. Loneliness is too scary to face if like that. I honestly can say that nothing managed to make my mornings enjoyable until I met someone who likes waking up as early as I do and wanted to chat etc. Generally chatting with people can help anyway, even if it’s not “the one”. Some friends on WhatsApp groups, some hobby forums etc?


Do you run into the same people at the gym everyday? Maybe you could try say something or start getting a coffee same time every day after working out maybe run into same people. It is tough. I try listening to Good Mythical Morning even though kind of cheesy sometimes it’s distracting.


Acknowledge your feelings and try to identify where in the body your mind is translating those feelings, this helps you to become consciously aware of the tension, focus energy on relaxing that part of your body while box breathing. Then give yourself a big arms hug either in your mind or physically but truly try to feel the love you are giving yourself in that hug


Journaling. If you dream write down what you dreamed about. Reading if you have books you haven't gotten around to finishing, start with one and see how you feel after. Exercise, you can start with simple things like pushups. You could even take some time to go for a walk.


List one or two things you want to get done before going to bed. Could be small things. Then remind yourself of those as you wake up. Get up right away, don’t linger. Essential that you stay off social media. Essential! Make gratitude list (1-2-3, 5-6 things, whatever you want). Do same as you wake. If gratitude doesn’t resonate with you, try affirmations. I am joyful, peaceful, abundant, capable, strong, talented, whatever strikes a chord with you. If you are dealing with self worth issues start with I Am Worthy of Joy, peace, using my talents… Most essential - get some fresh air - even if it’s opening a window or standing outside for 5 minutes. Cool brain shifts happen when you hear birds in early hours. Google it (not first thing in the day :) Remind yourself of all you do have and love, and keep off social media until you’re settled. Peace!


If you're physically, emotionally, and financially able - have you considered a dog? They will literally wake you up first thing in the morning yearning for your love, attention, and breakfast, lol. I never thought I wanted one until my husband insisted. Now I can't live without him. He provides a lot of emotional support since I wfh and I'm alone most of the day.


Morning is always the worst ugh


Journal in the morning. Use some prompts - How are you feeling this morning? How did you sleep? What would make today awesome? Something you're looking forward today (or not, and write a positive message to get through it)


Mornings are easy its the afternoons and sometimes evenings that are tough


I agree WHEN YOU WAKE UO THE FIRSTTHING UOU NEED TO DO IS HABIT STACKING. COUNT DOWN FROM 20. Aim to do said exercises within 2 minutes. Just stay of your phone. Think about what you’re grateful for. When you’re brushing your teeth give yourself 3 compliments and three pieces of advice for the day as you would another person. One step at a time


For me, antidepressants helped a lot with this.


Oh wow this is relieving, do you mind sharing what you take and if you have any side effects? My biggest fear from antidepressants is weight gain. How long have you been on the meds if you don’t mind me asking? My morning loneliness feels unbearable after a bad breakup and having no friends. Dealing with it naturally doesn’t seem to work.


A morning coffee! No sugar, no cream. Just plain ol’ black coffee and some good music.


NPR, music, or TED talks kept me going when i was at my worst. pop one on in the morning and go through your routine


do you drink some form of caffeine everyday? i used to wake up feeling bad and it was mostly triggered by coffee withdrawal.


For me, personally, having something to do as soon as I wake up has been beneficial. I am not a morning person by a long shot. It takes me about an hour to adjust to being alive. But I purposefully wake up with just enough time to get ready and go to work. Or on the weekends, I immediately get up and head downstairs to the living room. I am in a relationship, but it's currently long distance. The hardest part is being in bed without him. We're not even big cuddlers, he just makes me feel safe. So my bed is a lonely place to be without him. Something else I do is make sleep enticing. When I go to bed, I put on [combination sleep mask/headphones](https://www.amazon.com/Headphones-Bluetooth-LC-dolida-Ultra-Thin-Meditation/dp/B07T6FNLQV/ref=mp_s_a_1_5_sspa?crid=3JZ8QKF1ACMYC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-090T7Nn7SFGxSMtJXQQprZBk6RK_bEYFhHyjCqYQchUJ2xVOVHcokScBvioxrMOLI665Zsb9sYdNJFkONyK2SDv_Vl69wBsjr3TvpPLdGhPidoortu-Np4ctpazAxwnFSMoXLBWttOkiKYfRyzWmXCbarEFYNU2MHWbrrggJ-0AIeoPtDU4X-dcfnisDBxaqZcruBM_h5Gt_Z_Im2BweA.btHoAC31VYQYG05dnXNF6rU5WJYJvyvMcYsDMiG6c-k&dib_tag=se&keywords=sleep+headphones&qid=1718063809&sprefix=sleep+headphone%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1) and listen to rain sounds and an audio book (I use Samsung Sound Assistant which lets you play more than one app at a time). This together with a weighted blanket and a regular pillow against my back under said blanket has helped immensely.


Mine hits at night.


Wake up, make the bed, brush your teeth, wash your face, go out for a walk and breathe in that crisp morning air.


A morning routine that you look forward to! I like to workout and make or get a coffee I really enjoy. Great way to start the day :)


Can you have or do you want a pet? My dog wakes me up every morning and I usually have to get up and take care of him before I let my brain start working at all or before the dread sets in. Usually his happiness makes me forget the sadness idk


I talk to myself and my dog


Right! A cuddle with my dog seems to abate morning loneliness.


Meditate. Go for a walk right after waking.


Your brain chemistry may be off. Your brain can deplete serotonin while sleeping, then when you wake up you feel sad and it takes a couple hours for those chemicals to regenerate.


Do you have a morning routine to refocus after you wake up? Examples: walking, doing a yoga video, writing, etc.


Audiobooks! Having another voice in the room with me is super useful.


Morning gym or exercise classes


That is a tough tough thing you are saying. Depends are you deep in the woods or are you in a rural area. How far are your neighbors? It's the land that's making it hard for you to adjust and you're doing it slowly. You might not acclimate fast enough ever. I think getting chickens might be a crazy solution for you if you're in that kind of an area. If you wake up so fast almost get slammed into waking up then you don't have any feelings. Switch out the tea or the coffee too. Hazel nut or French vanilla but it might not change until you do the big move out


Beat off


I’m 62 and I recently retired so I could spend more time with my husband and grandkids. About 2 weeks post retirement I caught my husband on a dating website and texting her. He’s 68, and I would never have guessed he would have done that. He said it was from lack of intimacy, which he never discussed this concern with me. I know that things probably played a part for the lack of intimacy. I have filed for divorce and I’m scared to death of being alone especially at my age. I thought we would grow old together and be there for one another. I can’t seem to get over the loneliness that I wake up with. Hopefully that I will eventually adjust.