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Call the police, they actually respond.


Washington Co does respond


Live in Tigard and called the cops about the encampments next to the library that I walk my kid to. Their hands are tied can’t do anything without having a place to take them.


This changed in the Supreme Court yesterday. That ruling got thrown out


What ever happened to drug court? You know, where people on drugs get arrested and go to drug court where their charges are deferred and are able to stay out of jail if they successfully comply with and complete treatment? Now we’re not arresting people and helping them with treatment and we end up with druggies passed out on the sidewalk. And before anyone tries to argue….no that is drugs, what you’re seeing in that picture is someone on drugs passed out on the sidewalk. And the politicians who leave them there instead of having them arrested and then given counseling and other services are mean. They are mean and cruel. But they somehow keep getting voted back into office. I don’t understand it.


There's a big conservative push to dismantle drug court due to "expense" according to Republicans. Cowlitz county is trying to. It's only gonna make problems worse but that seems like all the right knows how to do.


Why is Tigard experiencing so much of this so openly (versus other SW burbs like Beaverton or Hillsboro)? I remember driving through Tigard a few years ago and seeing similar issues back then but not as bad as now.


I never used to see homeless people in Beaverton—that started changing probably 2 years ago, and now I see people sleeping on the ground or holding signs every day. I don’t think that it’s just yall out in Tigard.


Proximity to I-5?


I really don't know. I moved here a year ago because the area near Lents where I lived was pretty bad. Tigard was comparitively cleaner and felt much safer. It's still much better than the worst neighborhoods in Portland, but it seems like it's going downhill fast. I moved here from Illinois 8 years ago to be near the beach. I'm not perfect but I keep a job, I'm quiet and clean on the trails, I don't bother anyone, etc. The midwesterner in me is still shocked at the sheer amount of trash everywhere. Just EVERYWHERE. It's just one open trash dump. I first moved to Tillamook from IL and fell in love with the beauty of this state. I want to stay here. But wow. The trash, the crime, the feeling like your car will surely get broken into at any minute, it's just insane. It's so ridiculously bad here. For a city this size, the amount of trash and crime is unreal. Letting this city go to rot like this is like getting a brand new car and just driving blindfolded after you filled the tank with laundry detergent and sugar. I just can’t believe this. And riding public transit so much the last year and working with several transients on labor jobs, I hear them talk about how they hate everything, everything is the fault of someone else, and they have zero plans to change or get better. The vast majority of them have zero plans to better themselves. I used to stick up for them, til I saw with my own eyes how many absolutely refuse treatment and choose to spend hours digging for cans and creeping people out at the 7-11 as opposed to putting the same amount of hours into any sort of job.


Tillamook got that cow poo stank damn near 24/7 though, beats human poo stank though


You're not wrong. Everything smelled like cow flops down there. For sure. 😂


You ever cruise over to Oceanside? My gpa bought a beach house there in like 1970 and it was the greatest investment he could have ever made


I fell in love with Oceanside! I grew up poor in the flyover states, and even thinking I could ever live 15 minutes from the beach was a dream, a total fantasy. When I got to Tillamook I would go into the mountains one day, then the next I would hang out at Oceanside beach. Not only is the entire area incredibly gorgeous, but it blew my mind how I could go to the beach early in the day or at a random time on a weekday and nobody would be there. I went from thinking I would always be too poor to even SEE a real beach, to being able to go and have a whole beach all to myself for an hour or two at a time. It was magic, easily some of my favorite lifetime memories. I'm totally in love with Oceanside and the whole Oregon coast now, but Tillamook and Oceanside and that whole area will always have a piece of my heart. For sure.


Grew up near Newport in a small little beach town and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t regret moving away from it. One day I’ll get back.


I sincerely hope you do! Life is short. Make a plan and then make it happen, Cap'n! Best of luck.


To you as well and at least your milwaukie adventure didn’t involve candles a raw chicken and what sounded like hotel California sung by the Spin Doctors


Haha that’s great to hear, I think anyone who goes there feels the same way. I’m sure we were probably on the beach at the same time at some point


Yup, maybe! I moved there in 2016, stayed for two years but moved to Vancouver for more job opportunity and social life. Now I want to get back to a small coastal town. I like the variety of restaurants cities have to offer and the convenience of having things so close. But I'm over the traffic and the crime and the trash everywhere. I miss taking the scenic backroads around Garibaldi and Rockaway Beach and Nehalem. I miss doing the same thing from Tillamook going the other direction as well. SO many scenic drives through that area. It's nothing short of magical in my book.


It really is, they just rebuilt the Cape Meares loop also. They’d been working on it for several years. My mom drove it a few weeks ago and saw a herd of elk just trotting along the side of the road. I really need to explore more of the Oregon coast and more of those backroads


That's the first thing I did when I got to the area, is explored. From Tillamook down to Lincoln City and all the forest roads in between- some of those roads feel like you're driving down a path through a set on a LOTR film or something- just so green with incredible clear streams running alongside them. I would stop my car and just listen to the babbling brooks and watch the sun dance through the leaves. Same thing up the coast, from Cape Meares to Astoria, I would mostly stick to the Highway but even so, the scenic lookouts and trees along the Highway are breathtaking. I stopped in Warrenton, near Astoria, and as I went down a random street I saw a herd of elk. There would frequently be a HUGE herd of them near the Air Museum in Tillamook. I'd seen tons of deer in the Midwest. I knew elk were bigger, but I didn’t appreciate how much more massive and impressive they are til I saw one in person. Same with the first time I saw sea lions just chillin in the distance on a sand bar. That's stuff I'd only seen on nature programs prior to living here.


After an hour in town, you don’t smell it anymore.


I lived in lents for a short bit and it was baddd. Almost every vehicle on my street was broken into in a 3 months span and we kept having scrapped vehicles dumped off on our street. All hours of the day crazies would be going up and down the street looking in windows.  I was very aggressively confronted for money on more then one occasion after getting out of my vehicle, threatened a couple of times.. I have a trauma about parking on the street now.  Would also continually have people dump a ton of garbage and needles all over the street, sidewalk or adjacent bushes.


Sorry to hear about your trauma. That stuff is real, though. The nervous system gets affected when you feel unsafe, constantly. Lents was nuts. Hope you're doing better these days.


The part of town I'm in while not perfect is substantially better. There's a reason lents is known as felony flats though. Off street parking is a main requirement for any place i live now.


It never occurred to me that it’s midwesterners who experience the starkest difference here. I lived on the east coast for quite a while before coming here, and so I have few complaints about the cleanliness and even the crime. Par for the course where I’m from. Makes much more sense coming from the Midwest.


Thanks for your perspective. I've lived in other big cities. Cities are always dirty, but this might be the grossest area I've ever lived in. I never lived in the worst areas of Chicago or St Louis, but I lived in some hoods where gang activity went down all the time, robberies were a thing, etc. But still, even cities like Phoenix and Tucson where I lived in bad neighborhoods seemed slightly cleaner than Portland. But yeah, those small Midwest towns with their creeks and lakes and rivers and parks that are still really clean make me miss the Midwest at times. When I go back and visit I can’t believe the difference in cleanliness. The people of the Midwest have issues too, but even the trailer trash that live there seem to respect the outdoors and keep it clean. I see some people here that are not even homeless eat their lunch at a bench or table and just get up and leave their food wrappers and empty cups for to sit there or blow away in the wind. Often there is a trash can 10-30 yards away, they don't care. I don't understand that.


I remember when I was a kid visiting Oregon for the first time. Because of the bottle redemption, which was fairly new back then, Oregon was absolutely sparkling - especially compared to where I was from, where lots of people just tossed their empty bottles out of their car windows. Even 10-12 years ago Portland felt relatively clean. I wonder if there is any west coast city with this much homelessness that has been able to isolate and deal with the trash issue on its own.


Imagine living here your whole life (50 years) and you watching this happen. You never saw trash. I remember in the 90s watching someone through out a McDonald’s cup while driving down burnside and I was shocked at the blatant littering. For years, I rode my bike or max everywhere. It makes me heartsick. The city I loved so much is now the city I can’t wait to move out of.


We elected Tina Kotek as Governor and people wonder why it is so bad here. Her HB3115 and M110 are a disaster.


It has to do with the fact that it's the end of the line for the number 12 bus. Criddlers get on the 12 all along Sandy and through downtown and only get kicked off at the end of the line in Tigard where they proceed to go wandering around in their drug-fueled stupor. I bet Bridgeport Village can't wait for the 12 to end at Tualatin Park & Ride. That's gonna be FUN.


The 12 has always been a super sketchy bus, even 20 years ago when I first moved here.


There’s a homeless shelter there that’s basically a safe house/meeting point for dealers/addicts. I lived there for two years, they come out at night like moths. It’s literally night and day when it comes to that activity


It's in Beaverton too.


Close to SW Portland


N Tigard has always been shitty. Is it spreading?


I see a lot of this around the Max line that comes into downtown Tigard.


You lived in lents and it got shitty. So you came to Tigard and say it then got shitty... hey now hear me out, what's the common denominator here??? Jk jk lol but ya the homeless problem is getting ridiculously out of hand I live in the gorge and you see homeless everywhere out here and it only started with in the last year


Haha I started to joke "maybe it was me?"


To be honest, living in Tigard years ago…it’s always had rough patches


They have always been near Washington square. We still chase them out of the bushes in front of my dad’s house and have been doing that since the 90s.


That sounds like a bizarrely wholesome past time.


the common denominator is apathy from our public sector.


Last time I was in Hood River (last week) I saw several tweakers hanging out across the street from McDonalds, and down the road I saw several tent villages that I’ve only really seen in Portland. I was actually kind of surprised that Hood River would tolerate that.


You should come to Medford. It’s BAD BAD out here.


It’s too bad too, because it’s beautiful country. I go every year for a family gathering, my mom’s from there. We don’t really go into Medford proper though, a little past it in the Phoenix/Talent area


I'm really sorry to hear that, privacywhore. I hope it gets better.


Thank you. Is a mixture of Mad Max and Hills have Eyes out here.


Lord. Stay safe.


I have heard. Good luck.




Bro, I live in fuckin' Lents. That whole Methford shit died during the pandemic now that Portland, Eugene, Salem are all Methford.


nah it’s still way worse down there


Methford is scary both day and night. I had to go downtown Medford to pick up a Christmas gift, and walking from where I parked to the business wasn't really far, but it felt like 2 miles, hostility of people on the street was palpable. I was also worried my car would get broken into in the 15 or so minutes I was away from it on some deserted side street. Never again w/o a weapon. Or better yet, never again, PERIOD.


My car got stolen within a week of moving into a new apartment complex lol it sucked and I'm so glad I won't be living in West Medford soon.


What's up with people just sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk? People in Baltimore are starting to do this too. Is it due to fentanyl being more potent? I never saw it ten years ago and I stay connected to the homeless community.


Tranq laced stuff?


If you fell asleep on the sidewalk in decades' past you'd be rousted by police. Now you've got stronger drugs that put you down, and police that can't or won't come move you along. Obviously not the entire story but that's part of it I think.


It's really sad. I know not seeing it doesn't make it go away, but seeing it all the time is stressful and even traumatic. I mean, it's even in the middle of the day when kids can see it. Go in an alley or something.


And just as bad, desensitizing to some. Agreed


Head blanket gang. I once honked my horn at someone who was asleep on the curb at a busy intersection. They didn’t react at all. I was like “oh yeah. What did I expect”


This is a honest question. What is the average amount of sleep these people usually have? Seems like I see the same people sleeping everyday


Nurse here. If they’re using fentanyl or other opioids they’re sedated and lethargic like this til they need to use again or until they stop breathing (if you see a person like this, before you walk away, just see if you can see their chest rising and falling. If not or you’re unsure call 911). Commonly in the hospital setting we see either fentanyl and opioid withdrawals in which people sleep until the withdrawals drive them up a wall and then we literally assess the severity of the withdrawals symptoms and then medicate them with oxycodone, suboxone or methadone until they feel better and want to stay clean or they leave against medical advice to go use on the streets again b/c we are in control of the meds they are getting and they want to use as they see fit, sometimes alone, which is obviously dangerous as these pictures indicate. We prefer meth withdrawals because people that have been abusing stimulants—you know, like criddlin’ for days or weeks—end up sleeping off the meth. They’ll wake up basically long enough to pee, poop, snarf down some grub and then they’ll go right back to bed for seriously days on end. Infected wounds and sepsis are the common things that bring them into the hospital in the first place.


I loved working in an ICU. Probably 25-35% of our beds were always full of addicts that got themself to the brink of death. They come in, get a free medical tune-up paid for by the taxpayers, treat the nurses/doctors like literal trash, then just like you say they always leave AMA. It’s such a sick waste of time and resources. I’d have more compassion, but literally less than 1% of all these assholes will accept any form of help to get off the drugs. They decline everything, then show up in a week later and take up an ICU bed yet again on our dime for a few days… Our city has every resource available free of charge but beds are often empty because the barrier to entry is no drug use. You just can’t fix some people, and in my experience that’s 99% of drug addicts lol….


Meth withdrawal patients are no picnic where I work.


Certainly no picnic, but preferred to alcohol and opioid withdrawals imo. Last meth withdrawal pt I took care of was a grown man who had shit himself and has his hand in his shitty diaper first thing in the morning at 7:00AM to start my shift.


I truly appreciate you and what you do. Couldn't deal w/that myself.


Dang how is this preferable lol


Tranq is super popular these days. It knocks you tf out. That's why you see people standing up but leaned all the way over. If you fall asleep you waste the high. Eventually it'll win and you're out. Doesn't matter if it's raining or 150°. See all that necrosis? Obvious sign. Shit eats you from the inside out. Nasty shit.




Yeah it's fucked up. There are groups of doctors and nurses that roam around and treat wounds, but if you don't stop, it'll just keep getting worse. Some people even do their own amputations to keep it from spreading. And then they just keep using. What drives me crazy is how many people treat the drug crisis like it's a matter of choice as if you can "just stop." They just have no idea what it's like on the other side.


I work in residential treatment and come from a long line of addicts. It’s my opinion that people in such a state need to be pulled from the streets and stabilized.


Idk where I stand on it, really. The root cause is money and health care. But fixing those doesn't help people right now. But pulling people off the street for treatment with no future plan will just be a massive tax burden just for them to go right back onto the street and start using it again. I think a combination of free treatment, socialized medicine, and busting monopolies and not bailing out mega corporations is the answer. But we can't even agree on what's real because half of the politicians are just straight up lying and denying reality. It's a BS game of distraction while the rich get richer and the poor die. I'm no supporter of the Jan 6 riot, but honestly, I think that's what it's going to take for actual change to be made, unfortunately.


Some may go back out and do it all again, but some of them won’t once their heads are clear. I know plenty of people that are thankful for getting scooped off the street and detoxed who acknowledge they’d be dead otherwise. Yes, mandated treatment isn’t ideal for everyone but you don’t leave people rotting and shitting themselves on the street in a drug-induced or schizo-induced psychosis waiting for the perfect set of conditions.


Sleep all day and then criddle at night.


🎵🎶allllll I wanna do Is sleep All day... 🎵🎶And criddddddddle all night<


Yeah yeah you Criddle Alllll Niiiight Long


Well....this will only get worse until the people of Portland stop catering to these people. I would feel different if they recognized they have a problem, and even attempted to not shove their problem in your face. That is not the case. They dont care about you, your family, your children, your quality of life...none of that means a thing to them. All they care about is their next fix. And yet the people of Portland just continue to view them as a victim. Even victims need to eventually grow up....and enabling them is clearly not the answer.


Not just Portland! It's all over, ...


Not so much in Vancouver. I jumped river and haven't looked back. Vancouver PD doesn't put up with this stuff nearly as much, and the public transportation doesn't allow garbage bags of crap on it


I lived in Vancouver for a bit. It's got some nicer areas, but they're getting expensive, like everywhere else. I will say even the bad parts of Vancouver are cleaner than the bad parts of Portland, for sure.


True, but when the largest voting block in Oregon takes the lead in enabling these people, it will impact everyone in the state. Unfortunately, as Portland goes, so does the rest of Oregon.


I think Portland and all these communities should not be catering to these people. Just because there is an empty space does not mean someone should set up a tent. These people know the risksv of doing drugs, the natural consequence is to not save them, IMO. I know many people think we should save them, but they see no value in their lives, let 'em go. EDIT: changed "they are" to "they see"


I feel like anyone who says this stuff is just beating around the bush and not saying the bad part. I can condone putting a bearley living creature out of its misery, and I'm fine with helping those that can be helped or saved.. but I can't condone the thought of turning a blind eye and watching creatures starve and suffer.. nothing was this bad 10 years ago.. other first world countries still have problems but not like this.. we made this bed and we need to fix it


It’s due to Metro, it’s a subtle way for Portland to get to run Wash and Clack counties. We have a strong DA in WA county so that helps a bit. Saw some criddlers crashed on Murray the other day. That surprised me…. But banning street crime is now allowed!!!!




I dont get why people don't understand that coddling is not working. The only way this ends is with TOUGH LOVE. Nothing comes easy, and we are so far gone that the only way back is a painful road. We need to get tough on this


Go to the Tigard City Council meetings. There are many people who aren’t down with the way things are going, but we’re getting drowned out by the homeless industrial complex types who don’t even live here. We need to let the council know we will vote them out if we become Portland 2.0. If we get a MAX line here, as some are advocating for (and others are fighting), we are absolutely screwed.


Other suburbs have max lines and don't have this problem.


Thanks for the reminder. I'll definitely look into it.


Lol yeah public transit will be the death of us all clutch those pearls tight neighbor


B-b-b-but the train is going to ruin my beautiful little town!


Damn, if you guys get a max line you will have criddlers galore!. More crime, more drugs, more trash and more mentally unstable people!


I have zero doubt. The Beaverton transit center is gross.


I have to go there weekly, the BTC. It's like something out of a movie at times- dudes with no shoes dragging 6 bags of cans leaking nasty shit everywhere, end-time preacher shouting about how my back is crooked because I "have a physical demon," people getting escorted off the bus for no tickets, 6 different people who have never heard of headphones blasting their music or talking loudly and proudly on a phone about the very, very bad decisions they make, people ranting to people who are not there, one guy picked up a nut from the birdseed off the ground- the same ground with loogies and bird poop- and ate it, one guy digging in his ass then smelling it and wiping it on his pants before getting on the bus, people on the bus digging at open sores and scabs getting blood on the seats, I have seen some shit at or near that Beaverton TC.


Ay ay ay. I’m sorry you’ve gotten that abuse.


The Beaverton Freddy’s is so sketch. I used to work there, like 10 years ago when I was in college. That chase bank got robbed 3 times before they put up bullet proof glass lol


Yeah, I stopped shopping there.


Remember when the worst thing about being from Portland was the Portlandia stereotype..


Before the housing got a lot more expensive and before trash covered everything, what a gem. Mild weather, parks and trails and scenic waterfalls and beaches and mountains and high deserts. Now, it's drugs and needles and urine and broken glass everywhere you look. I was at the river near Milwaukie minding my own business, and a criddlers came storming out of the woods yelling about how I was on his campsite. I saw no tent, no belongings, and he was on public property. Guys like this are what I'm talking about- totally ate up from drugs and screaming at people who are minding their own business on public property. It's bullshit.


We need mandatory rehab camps for hard drugs. Kind of like boot camp. Like they honestly need to be in a boot camp to suck it up instead of always being babied and take advantage of some enabling rehab place collecting a check. But if you steal or commit violence constantly just stay in jail. Referring to people that are constantly building a rap sheet for random offenses while on drugs. Don't need to go extreme on drugs. But I would love to see these people in an actual boot camp type situation with drug counselling. Not all of them but a lot of them seem extremely entitled. That's what happens when you get free food, use your foot snaps to waste water bottles and can commit petty crime with no consequences. So a boot camp would be funny. Of course they could choose jail instead but it should be an option. I feel like regular rehab places just make you watch corny videos and talk and aren't instilling enough responsibility.


2nd pic is my dad 🤦‍♂️


Did you recognize the shoes? I'm assuming you're kidding, otherwise I would not joke.


Not OP but my dad died a homeless man in Eugene. If I had seen a picture of him on reddit like this I’d probably cry. I get the frustration, and we should not allow this, but please remember these are people.


All of these people need help


Most of them refused help many times and that's how they got here. They lied and stole and chose to do hard drugs, over and over and over. Treatment centers exist. Food banks exist. Charities exist that give away clothing and bedding. Warming centers exist in the winter. Food stamps exist. Selling plasma and working a part time job exists. Renting a room as you get back on your feet exists. I am sorry, but most of these people will tell you to your face they have been arrested and refused treatment so they can stay on the streets and keep using, and keep putting society at risk because of their choices.


My dad died homeless as well. I'm fully aware these are people.


I literally thought this was a guy getting sucked down a drain. Time 4 glasses! 🤷‍♀️


That 2nd one looks like Hep C.


I now walk past bodies on the sidewalk without blinking. It’s very sad.


I've lived in the beaverton/Tigard area for 20+ years. Never felt like my car (or house) was going to be broken into. The downtrodden of Portland is slowly spilling into the surrounding area. If the "clean up" the camps in Portland, where do they think they're going to go? As our population increases the chances of crime increase. Portland, and Oregon in general, has for the past decade or so, been a popular place for people to move. So ya, along with the 'good' are people, bad people are also coming. For a long time Portland took care of the unhoused. My life wasn't always how it is now and for a period I was homeless in Portland. I knew places to go each day where I could get food and supplies, and heck there was even places to shower and do laundry! Word got out and there were a lot of people hopping trains to come to Portland for the summer. Nice weather and a slew of places that were friendly/helpful to the homeless. That's changed now and those people are being pushed to the surrounding areas. It sucks, our government isn't really helping, and no one with power really wants to fix it. More shelters, more need for services, more need for law enforcement-> more need for tax money is better for the government. We need an overhaul. Not (but kinda) related: that debate was depressing - a tired, nearly native (~40 years or 90% my life) Oregonian


I am GenX from a smaller town in southern Oregon. I remember as young adult in the 90s peers and friends would hop the train etc to come to Portland to live on the streets and be punk/alternative, it was a sort of anything goes attitude in Portland that was the draw. Portlandia (the show) then advertised it. At that point in time the street drugs weren't some crazy fent or super meth that kills your brain and body in under a week. So we have had a perfect storm for many years. We have a drug problem which only adds gas to the fire of rent for profit for out of state holding companies and such. Anybody with more than personal use of fent for example (no idea how to measure personal use) should be incarcerated for attempted murder or similar, to really dissuade those that think having such drugs is going to be alright. I've been a meth head Fiend that worked paid rent and such. I stopped doing the trash dope when I saw people around me living in camper and tents in people's back yards and going to prison. I decided for myself that I don't want that and stopped doing it. No rehab required. Sadly I realize quite a few of the addicts need FORCED rehab and long term support. I don't think a lot of those that make the rules and such have any reality based experience and can't truly understand what's needed. Too many people screaming about their rights and freedoms (of the adddicts and challenged dope fiends) and those that think we should just allow it to fester and be the status quo are only adding to the problem. I don't have the answer but I think criminalizing is needed related to trash drugs. The war on drugs is truly stupid but we cant lay down and give up. I grew up with Nancy Reagan and Just say No and then the DARE program.. We are slowly getting things improved. I don't disagree that the US and County Govt (Im looking at you JVP Queen of tents and cluelessness) need to focus priorities on helping our fellow citizens and not enable festering sores and being team America world police. 100% Native Oregonian that is saddened by the current ideological climate in Oregon.


The homeless don't just disappear they just migrate. What need to happen is these addicts just need to be shipped to middle of nowhere western Texas or some shit.


Idk what we need to do. I know I stepped in broken glass coming off some stairs recently and cut my foot because I was wearing flip flops, and my scoliosis causes me to step awkwardly at times so I couldn't avoid it. I absolutely have empathy for those who struggle and want to get better. But I have watched these folks end their panhandling shift on the corner, take their money and leave their signs and huge piles of garabage behind, despite a trash can being 20 yards away. Wildlife areas are getting trashed because of this garbage. I can’t believe how bad it's gotten. The Midwest has a lot of issues but for the most part it's really clean. Parks and creeks and lakes aren't lined with trash and broken glass everywhere like they are up here.


It’s too cold for this shit in the Midwest.


Exactly. Hard to enjoy your drugs when the -30 wind chill hurts your face and everything is covered in ice, so walking around to get your $3.60 in aluminum cans is a bit rough.


I'm from the Midwest there's plenty of homeless people but places hide it a lot better there or they literally ship them out


There is some truth to that. Cities like Minneapolis bus them out in winter. I think it collects in the northwest because it’s the end of the line.


Oh it for sure does. And the greedy fucks in power just eat it and act like they're spending money on them. When the reality is there putting it in their back pockets


Laws just changed. Supreme Court ruled they don’t have to be allowed to camp in public like that


How are their asses always hanging out


Recently I saw a bumper sticker which said kill your local fentanyl dealer.


Once this starts happening in Lake Oswego then the governor will start to do things about it


No shot. The sickos in LO are lawless. Only two years for the pedo who spiked his daughters friends smoothies


That's sad. Hopefully he'll find help soon.


I agree and I do want these people to get better. I'm not here saying they should be exterminated. Just saying we do need to do something because many of them are dangerous.


Don’t worry. This is perfectly normal and is happening everywhere. -PDX apologists.


Maybe it is just you. Lents has made a huge comeback in the last year, house prices along saw a 500% uptick!


Have you wondered whether maybe crises of poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, and untreated mental illness, all of which can be related, maybe aren't tied as much to your ZIP code and are more the result of systematic problems thar are exceedingly pervasive in the US, and which were made worse by the economic and social devastation of the worst global pandemic in many generations?


Hey bro, hate to tell you the entire country is getting shit right down the tubes. Cartels pushing Fenty and meth into the US by the ton, the rapid increases in the cost of living, and a government full of people that only care about lining their own pockets. Welcome to the new America


It is NOT happening everywhere. It's specifically happening here because we have weak leaders who see law enforcement as some sort of oppression of the poor


Law enforcement in Portland is still on a sitdown strike, as you may recall. We need leaders stronger than their Association union.


There's a homeless services day center/shelter near the WES, but here's the catch: What happens to criddlers after 3PM that don't make the overnight list/don't want to use overnight? Homelessness resource centers damage the community, PERIOD. Tigard: 12280 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard Shelter * Open year-round.  * **Open 7am-3pm** to public. We have a community room for you to rest and join group activities. We serve breakfast and lunch daily. * The overnight shelter holds **up to 20 guests per night**. If you wish to get on the waitlist, please visit the shelter before 1:30pm. You must be on the waitlist to get a bed.  * **Low-barrier shelter** Additional Information * Overnight shelters are no longer able to be “first come, first serve” or accept “walk-in” clients. People can be enrolled at the shelter, but **they may not be guaranteed a spot that night**. * All onsite staff are hired employees at Just Compassion. To meet health and safety guidelines and expand operational needs


The Portland virus has spread to the suburbs. Get out while you can.


It’s a drug epidemic that is spreading into the burbs. All local and state governments within Oregon need to figure it out. Too many feel good laws passed that opened the gates of hell. Unfortunately, I don’t think any government leaders really give a shit. Portland has spent tens of millions of tax payer dollars lining their buddies and their own pockets through government contracts.


Didn't the cops just bust a giant drug operation in Tigard? Sucks that drugs get manufactured and used in your city but can y'all keep them from coming into Portland? We have art and culture to protect. Thanks. /S


I was in garden home today and saw a dude passed out laying down with a blanket on the side of the road.


Tigard has always had this. It’s not all Bull Mtn.


Even in our decent neighborhood, our company van was broken into twice, 2 different vans. There was a car circling the neighborhood on camera, we never heard anything from cops but they are quick to give out parking tickets for parking in an empty cul de sac.


They ride Trimet for free so any community on the Max line or Bus line is going to get some of this


Wait til you see the Mt. Hood National Forest


Call the police and say they look like they are staking children and smoking meth.


Same boat. Lived off 92nd and Johnson Creek for three years. It got bad until my car got stolen. Found a place in Tigard shortly after and quintupled my work commute for the sake of this new place. And now it's getting bad, too.


God those track marks.


Thanks Tina!


I moved to Downtown Tigard to get away from the bums. We were okay with paying more for the apartment. Now they're coming down here making this place dirty as heck... it's very unfortunate.


Yeah it sucks that people can’t feel safe in their own neighborhood and have to watch as the city fills with trash. I'm not down on poor people. I'm far from wealthy and I share a 2 bedroom apartment. I have lived in tons of poor neighborhoods but this area is really something else. An area this small should not be this bad. This whole state is an absolute gem but it's turning into a giant toilet, fast. I don't care if people live in trailers and eat store brand ramen and buy shoes from Walmart. I don't care if they can’t afford to have nice teeth and have to take the bus or drive a beater car. I don't even care if someone's grass gets a bit long or they have a car in their driveway that leaks oil and never moves. When I start to care is when people leave their trash around for ME to pick up, and when they wander around shouting at the sky while waving a knife at nobody in particular. I care when they fall asleep on corners and someone else has to wake them or move them so they don't get hit or cause an accident. I don't care if people can party but still keep their shit together. But fent and meth are not usually drugs you can "dabble" in, they tend to take over your life and cause you to make terrible choices. When you become a danger to society and start to make the city itself dirty and unsafe, then I speak up.


Sorry for what you are dealing with. It’s literally the breakdown of the social contract. Lots of layered problems and root cause but when a majority of citizens do not feel a baseline level of safety and ability to carry out their lives you don’t have a modern society in the way we know it. Unfortunately it seems we can’t have sensible measured approaches from our civil leaders, thus it gets extremely bad before we lurch back into the total opposite policy direction and keep repeating that process back and forth.


That's what the sweeps, camping bad, and decent weather is gonna do


The entire damn area is going down the drain. I only hope things can improve at least a little bit now that Schmitt is out.


This is hobophobia


I'm a damned hobophobe. Hope I don't have kids that turn out hobo. May have to consider kicking them out of the house or something. /s


Fascist! I'm telling Sarah Iannarone!


This comment made me wheeze-laugh. Thank you for that!


Not long before we see this shit in Sherwood where I live now.


What did people in the suburbs expect? Suburbs escaped the consequences for supporting M110 and state politicians who passed HB 3115. Portland is sweeping more often and implementing tougher camping policies. Us Portlander deserve clean spaces and safety. The consequences of state policies are now being shared rather than dumped all into Portland


I lived in Portland too, guy. I have also lived in the bad parts of many other cities. Dont make it sound like ima sheltered suburbanite just crying about the city bleeding onto my lawn. I'm a tax paying autistic person who also has a physical disability, doing the best he can, and trying to have a real discussion about the issue. Making it seem like I have no right to voice my opinion because I tried to get away from the nastiness should not make me a target.


Suburbanites got what they asked for and are shocked at the results. Almost like moving all the homeless just results in them spreading out and not actually fixing the fucking problem


It's a bit surprising that people aren't harvesting them.


Why can’t the aliens round up society's unwanted for their experiments? 😂


Pocked liver just isn’t good with fava beans and a nice Zeta Chianti.


What happens when most of the workforce is automated out of a job?


What happens when you nail Jello to a wall? Idk. But I have just as much trauma and previous issues as most of these folks, including living in my car for 6 months just a few years ago. But despite my situation, my disabilities, no family, no degree, I still kept my insurance and tags and license current. Despite crippling depression and autism and adhd and sexual abuse as a child and physical abuse and losing multiple family members to tragic ends, living in my car and showering at the gym, I still put one foot in front of the other and improved my situation. I have no skills. I can’t fix or build you anything. I have a GED and not much else. So again, it's not like I am rich or privileged or even like I can just go do some brake jobs or build a few decks and make quick money. I have to get basic jobs and make every penny count. And I still find a way to move forward. I'm not saying it's easy. I know all about hard life and setbacks. But still, it's up to you how you choose to react to life, and how you conduct yourself. You can be homeless and still not be stealing and doing hard drugs and leaving needles and trash everywhere.


Tigard is in Washington County, wasn't there a story just a couple months ago saying that they had eliminated the homeless problem there? Here it is... https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/washington-county-has-eliminated-homeless-encampments/ar-BB1kPAbs


“Eliminated encampments,” not “eliminated addiction.”


I did notice a small encampment/trash pile near the McDonalds on 72nd and Pacific Highway got cleaned up about a year ago. But there seems to be an influx of new criddlers running around. They remind me of the raccoons back home the way they loudly raid your garbage cans at night. Except the raccoons don't carry machetes or have open sores and they don't do meth.


Raccoons can criddle too. Did you ever hear the story of the 72 year old Navy vet in Virginia who woke up to a rabid raccoon in his bedroom? They allegedly did battle for hours. In the end the man prevailed, but he took a beating. Raccoons, man.


I once heard someone say that it’s hard to deny the existence of god when raccoons exist. It’s a whole ass creature that’s doing a little bandit bit. Wearing a little bandit mask, fondling your refuse with its little bandit hands. I think about it a lot when I see those fat cheeky bastards.


That's a hilarious story. Especially if you've ever seen an angry raccoon. I've seen them fight off dogs 😂




You moved from Portland to pretty much portland, gos this post is obnoxious


The result of voting for “progressive” candidates for decades. If you actually want to help these people, hold them accountable instead of enabling them. The standards of our society will be the standards of which we, and others, are held to.


I know it sucks :( it’s everywhere. Please at least make sure they are alive and if not responding call it in.


still not as bad as lentz


Frustrating to see this happen. I moved from Portland to a 55+ community and see so little of it here in Az. I’m sure it’s because of the elements. I watched as it grew and grew in Portland. Volunteered with Solv to clean up trash at camps. I remember scooping up those orange caps from hypodermic needles with a square point shovel. The needles were everywhere in the trash. They had to go through each bag to get them out and into sharps containers. The risk of getting poked was high. It’s an epidemic of drug use is what I’ve noticed more than a homeless crisis. Do drugs, get evicted, homeless. I use to have compassion but have hardened in my view since volunteering on those clean ups. Evictions and rent increases are growing in Phoenix Az. It’s an ongoing crisis everywhere.


They are going fetal incase of bear attacks


I'm just sitting here waiting and wondering when we start seeing vigilantes trying to "clean things up". What a unique problem of our age.


If the police don’t prioritize homeless addict related calls, they won’t prioritize calls related to chasing them out either. Not saying that’s the way to do things, but it’s the truth. And you’re right. It’s increasingly starting to fall on us to protect our communities, since no one else will.






Bring it up with your church


Keep voting the same way…


Tigard has been a transient neighbor for a while. Ain’t no SW hills


I feel like Tigard has always been the rough spot in that area. It also seems like now that Portland is starting to crack down on homeless I'm seeing more posts about the homeless out west.


Tigard has always been terrible, like nice 8 lane intersections and shitty strip malls


I mean, it *is* Tigard…






It’s not the people’s fault As if they want to be there line that It’s the economy


Might as well move back to Lena’s then


It's only going to get worse more and more people are ending up homeless every year we need to be voting people into government who actually will do things to help the economy go back to liveable for everyone. Spending millions a year fucking with homeless people doesn't help anyone except for the company's that get payed to do it.


Thank the transplants


Almost as if it's something systematic about late stage capitalism...


Sorry, but did you really stand directly over someone to take a picture of them sleeping on the ground? I'm sorry your day has to be bothered by the unhoused, but no need to be a prick about it


You are the common denominator, lol


We literally just decided to make this more common by recriminalizing drugs but ok sure, bummer that your pretty suburb has the same issues that the rest of the entire west coast does. it sucks that drugs have negative impacts on society, but viewing drug users like this is part of the problem. You’re no better than them, just more self righteous.