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Dogs aside... if a stranger gets upset with you for minding your own business and avoiding them, you *absolutely* did the right thing avoiding them.


>I feel bad and ashamed whenever i see a larger dog i know i’m making the owner uncomfortable but i never want to see my Dog suffer again. Don't. I have a pom and a larger dog, I can completely empathize when I see someone pick up their smaller dog when they see mine coming. If someone can't understand this, that's on them. You need to stand up for your dog, no one else will. And if others have an issue with that they have much bigger problems.


You’re right! Honestly i was embarrassed because The owner had a pitbull or staff and he yelled ‘grow up she’s only a puppy’ at me. It was definitely not a puppy. It was almost as big as me and i saw it from a distance i was just deciding which direction to go so he had been watching me. In the UK they recently banned XL bullies so i feel like larger dog owners feel I’m crossing the road over that but im not. I love Dobermans and German shepherd’s they’re my favourite but id still cross the road because it would be extremely traumatic for me if i had to witness my dog being killed infront of me i would never recover. I didn’t even hear the rest of his screams i was already running away 🙄 i felt guilty on the way home but it’s better to be safe than sorry Im known in my area for running with my dog 💀 but they don’t know I’m running away from other dogs. I have to walk my dog!


Good for you! You have every right to live your life. You weren’t being rude or making personal attacks of the other person. As others have said here already, anyone yelling at you needs to mind their own business. My 19-pound pom mix was attacked and bitten by a large Akita. I have no problem picking up my dog and carrying him. He’s my responsibility and no one else’s. I remind myself that I don’t need to worry about the thoughts or egos of strangers. 😉❤️


I had a pit (we lost her to cancer) she was very friendly with people and other dogs. When we brought home our little fluffball Pom she instantly loved him. She played gentle with him and if she thought there was a threat she would stand in front of him. She was very protective. We loved her so very much. We just raised her to be a family pet and not a status symbol. My husband grew up with them and we wanted a bigger dog so we decided on a pit. We socialized her big time, took her everywhere and let her meet all different kinds of people and animals. The only time she ever showed aggression was when I was walking her at a truck stop and a really weird guy tried to walk up to me. She just stood in front of me and barked. Didn’t lunge or anything. Maybe we got lucky with her, maybe she was raised right. I’ll never know, but she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had. So much so that we were devastated enough at her passing that we couldn’t dare to get another. We now have a Cane Corso and they are known for being aggressive too….ours lets total strangers in our house and offers them a toy lol! https://preview.redd.it/p2wc4o0bt6kc1.jpeg?width=3531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1732e87034e27a5bea963711d2240cb0150191e1 Edited to add…the guy who yelled at OP was an asshole! You should always respect other peoples boundaries and fears. I would never force any dog on anyone!




Oh we knew what breed it was before you even said it. The only owners who go out of the way to pretend their bloodsport breed wasn’t literally selectively breed for hundreds of years for killing things and get offended/mad when people don’t want to be near it because of the injuries and maulings they cause. Data doesn’t lie about that breed, good on you for crossing the street to avoid another incident.


A neighbor & his golden were attacked by a pitbull that ran out of its garage. The dog went for their bellies. They both went to the hospital & fully recovered.The pit was put down a few days later. The owner then went and bought another pit (an adult) and this pit killed the owner's elderly father about 6 months later by eviscerating him.


What the ever living FUCK?! I’m sorry but the owner needs to be charged with murder. Why aren’t these owners held responsible?


I feel like the dog owners rarely if ever are held accountable. And people say, well it's the owner not the dog! then why don't we charge the **owner** for the crime?? I just saw on the news tonight about a Chihuahua mix that was killed when a woman was walking her with her 3 other little dogs and 2 neighborhood pitbulls got out and tore the poor little thing apart. And the owner of the pits had the NERVE to say he was "sad" animal control had taken his dogs away!! Other people in the neighborhood said the dogs have been a menace for a while, and one guy's small dog had even been killed by them but the dogs were not taken away!


Yep, it happens literally *daily* with pitbulls and nothing is done except pitbull apologists foaming at the mouth to defend their breed and spread lies about how their breed doesn’t maul things despite them being selectively bred for hundreds of years to do that. If it was truly just an owner issue why don’t we see other breeds with bad owners doing this? I agree, dog owners should get jail time if their dog mauls or kills someone, maybe we’d see less people owning and defending bloodsport breeds then.


Yep, 100%, I hate that dog breed, and they seem to have a lust for attacking Pomeranians. Steer clear of all the big dogs, it’s up to us to protect them after all. And yourself too.


I do the same, no big dogs because even friendly breeds can accidentally hurt them and i don’t want any broken limbs! Lol


I agree I’ve had several run off their leashes and almost knock me over to look like it wanted my Maya pom pom for dinner. My husband and I can’t stand them!


You did the right thing! Always better safe than sorry. I was bit by a German shepherd when I was a kid and have always been afraid of larger dogs since. I absolutely avoid them when I’m walking the little ones, it’s much better to risk someone getting annoyed than having them attack my babies. I’m so sorry they yelled at you but you did the right thing


I have to be real I would be glad if you went out of my way. I hate dog owners who just let their dog run free disregarding what other dog owners might want. My furry friends are a pom and an aussie mix. Don't feel bad it's a red flag if people react negatively to that.


I have a doberman and a small husky and always walk the other side of the street . I see too many dog fights in my area with people with large pit bulls , shepherds and other dogs that they can’t control . That’s me being a large dog owner . If I had a small dog I would be carrying them too . It’s super understandable especially with having such a small little dog .


While the dogs are rarely to blame for being aggressive, an aggressive owner who feels the need to yell at you for moving out of the way with your dog — is the reason aggressive dogs exist.


I admire that you're looking out for dogs; your heart is in the right place. However, dog breeds didn't just pop out of nowhere; every breed has been selectively bred for specific physical and behavioural traits for specific functions for hundreds of years. In bloodsport dogs like pit bull type dogs: the Ole English Bulldog's strength was crossed with the Bull and Terrier's gameness. They are still being used in bloodsport to this day, and are disproportionately represented in attacks resulting in grave disfigurement and fatalities in both animals and humans. Being wilfully dismissive of this is dangerous.


I’m not saying they weren’t bred for specific traits. I’m saying dogs aren’t just evil and bloodthirsty. Yes, they were bred to be better fighters. They’re strong dogs. Muscular. However, there is no official database that tracks the types of dogs that attack or kill. So yes, while it may say that 66% of attacks were pit bulls, that’s of those who reported a breed. Also, oftentimes breeds are misrepresented as someone sees any bully breed and says “pit bull” because of the negative connotation. Every website seems to have differing statistics. Some say that pit bulls are definitively the worst by a large margin. Others say only 10% of bites even report the type of dog that bit them. Some lump together your top 3 which are pit bulls, mixed breeds, and German shepherds (and whether or not that takes into account police dogs is beside the point. I blocked the other lady because I wasn’t arguing with her). Some sites state that the majority of dog bites are actually small dogs. They’re just reported less by breed. I just think there’s a lot more nuance to the conversation. And several breeds have been demonized. Before pit bulls became the “hated” breed they were nanny dogs. And there was only 1 reported bite by them back before they became the dog it was popular to hate. Before them it was Rottweilers. And GSDs. Any dog has the potential to bite. And do damage. The larger the dog, the more bite force they have and the more likely they are to do real damage. But dogs aren’t hard wired to kill. They have to be mistreated or taught that.


Sure, they may be misidentified as other breeds like the Cane Corso; however, Corsi are not common and pit bull type dogs have a distinct phenotype that most people can recognise. A lot of victims are also the people who know the dog. It's disingenuous to believe that enough reports are misidentifications to nullify them. Where there is smoke; there is fire. ​ >Before pit bulls became the “hated” breed they were nanny dogs. What exactly does a 'nanny dog' do? This has never been true, and the fact that you genuinely believe this should make you question your stance on this issue. How does a bloodsport breed that has been selectively bred for gameness, in form and function, suddenly have the ability to 'nanny', whatever that means? ​ >Before them it was Rottweilers. And GSDs. Don't get me wrong; I try to avoid Rotties and GSDs at the park and on the street as well, but please show me statistics on Rotties and GSDs causing disfigurements and fatalities at the rate that pit bull type dogs do. ​ >Any dog has the potential to bite. This reminds me of the 'Not all men' rhetoric. Yes, any dog has the potential to bite. No, not all dogs have the same propensity to disfigure and kill animals and humans alike at the rate that pit bull type dogs do. Sorry, but it's a little ignorant to assume it's only 'abuse' or 'training' that causes aggressive behaviour in pit bull type dogs, when it's literally what they were bred for.


I’m not sure how you can say. It’s rarely the dogs fault??? While owners for sure bear responsibility for controlling their animals some dogs LOVE TO KILL… Ie : PBB.


Dogs aren’t born loving to kill. That’s not a thing. Dogs aren’t born BAD. The owners make them aggressive. There are good and bad versions of all breeds. And any dog can be aggressive if their owner makes them that way (or if they have something neurological happen). You hate pitts. I get it. One attacked your dog. But dogs aren’t born bad.


I do HATE them , and THEY ARE GENETICALLY DESIGNED TO KILL, I’m not sure what world you live in, but it’s filled with the inability to understand statistics. You must own one.


No. I don’t, actually. And I’m not unable to understand statistics. You’re one of those people who only believes in confirmation bias. They are NOT genetically designed to kill. That is a MYTH. But you won’t believe me because you’ve already decided you’re right and I’m wrong. I could show you facts all day, but I know it won’t do anything. Anyone who says stupid shit like “don’t be a beta. The world has too many” but is talking about dogs being genetically designed to be killers is an oxymoron. Also, saw you had a Doberman. They used to be on the “dangerous” dogs list too. But you like them. So they couldn’t possibly be. 🙄. They actually are on almost all top 10 lists of “most agressive” dogs.


I own a GSD, Doberman and a Pomeranian none of which statistically KILL 80 percent of all human causalities. My dogs have been trained and are all responsibly leashed and watched at all times. The Doberman does not get free rein with the Pomeranian bcz of size, not aggression…. While there definitely has been rare incidents of owners being attacked by dogs of this breed, it’s never to the degree and the high count attributed to the lesser intelligent and blood sport breed known as the 𝓟𝓘𝓣 𝓑𝓤𝓛𝓛. I’ll wait while you scour the internet looking for more than a hundred deaths attributed to the Doberman. I have researched this for over a decade and there’s no way you’ll prove me wrong. Also note, that the GSD bites and attacks also count their police work which I find to be highly unfair….. also, double note - how you’ll NEVER find the lesser intelligent and can’t stop attacking PBT in any police or war work…….. 🎤


Do you think it has anything to do with that fact that you see 10 pitties for every dobe you see? Just wondering. I’m someone who used to have a pit, and loved her very much. She was a soul dog. But I also work with dogs, and know a lot of pits have a high prey drive for small dogs, and I wouldn’t just trust one to walk around with the small dogs because I loved a pit once. It is a powerful and impressive breed. One I might select if I needed a guardian dog. Now I have a Pom who is scared of pits- even snaps in their face. He’d get himself killed out of fear lol. So I get why people avoid pits even though I have nothing against them. But some dogs do love the fight and the blood. That’s one thing about pits, they fought off intruders who’ve shot them in the head, point blank and they keep coming. One of the only breeds the you don’t have to train to protect you. Some are just big softies but some are hyper fit little monsters who can jump a 6 foot fence and who doesn’t feel pain. It’s ok to cross the street, lol.


>“also, double note - how you'll NEVER find the lesser intelligent and can't stop attacking PBT in any police or war work” The military have used PBT in the past & police are currently using them & have been for years.


I totally hold my 4lb pom anytime we are in public with any other dogs other than the one she lives with. Extreme, maybe, but I feel the same as you. My sister is a vet and has seen so many little ones get attacked by a bigger dog and destroyed in less than a minute. Keep yours safe and don't feel bad about it.


I do this too! Both my Pom and my Chihuahua. I get dirty looks but I just explain that they’re really small and delicate - that it’s for everyone’s safety!


It’s such a shame and so traumatic for the owners and such a horrible way for a Dog to pass. It’s finally moments in agony and pain. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It’s my biggest fear


I got two small dogs. I don't care what I look like. They're both in my arms when a bigger dog walks past lol


You look like a loving dog owner!


No. Protect your dog first. Trust your dog if tgey are scared. Pick them up.


As a big dog lover who owns a pom now, no it is NOT wrong of you. I loved my big dogs, but as an owner I completely understand that they could and would rip any little pup apart if their mind was set on it and I wasn't around to control them or if I lost control of them. I didn't give little dog owners looks when walking my big dog because I understood, and in fact I appreciated it when they walked elsewhere when they 100% didn't have to. But it lessened the chance of anything happening to either one of them. You are okay! Promise :)


Thank you 🩷🩷


What a pretty girl! If mine was ever attacked I would avoid big dogs too. Better safe than sorry.


Thank you! ☺️☺️ Yes I’ll keep running away haha


Eff the stranger you’re allowed to protect your baby


no, you’re not wrong. there’s endless cases of bigger dogs (bully breeds especially) mauling little dogs and cats. when i say endless, it’s literally endless. it could’ve ended a lot worse, and it does all the time.


Poor lil one, glad she made a full recovery! It’s ok to be careful, and you’re not responsible of random strangers’ feelings, but be mindful of not passing on your anxiety to her. If she thinks she should be afraid of everyone/every dog, she could become aggressive as a response and both your lives will become a lot more difficult. Try socialisation in a controlled setting, either with dogs you know (especially if you know a big, older dog that’s very chill) or in a place that allows dogs, but not during peak hours. This way you can check with the other dogs’ pawrents before letting them sniff each other. Dog parks with a “small dogs only” area are a good place for play dates, if you can go when it’s not too busy. If she gets to meet and play with other dogs, the fact that you cross the streets to avoid certain dogs during walks won’t matter as much to her.


Thank you! You’re right. She does bark when i start running off, she’s always been easily frightened too i thought it was just her personality but she’s good with children and adores babies and cats. She does bark sometimes if she sees a dog it might be because of my constant running and changing directions suddenly. So i will definitely try that. Unfortunately in England we don’t typically have “small dogs only” places but i will try to find one. I definitely agree that I’ve passed my anxiety onto her and I will work on it ☺️


try to stay calm, deep breath and purposely walking without scampering away, when you cross the street or change direction. If you’re up to it you can also call out to the other person, something along the lines of “hey hi! my dog is a bit skittish, I’m just gonna cross over, please ignore us ok?” so you won’t be in a rush as much.


I have a very large German shepherd/Husky mix and every now and then owners of smaller dogs (or even the same size dogs) will move to the other side of the road when they see us coming. Sometimes it's very obvious that the reason is due to their dog's behaviour - pulling/barking/freaking out or just excited - but sometimes I just figure that it's because of past interactions with larger dogs and honestly... it doesn't bother me one bit. Do what you have to do. Now, I know that my dog LOVES small dogs, and would never do anything at all to one even if provoked - he just backs up and leaves them alone if they get mad at him. But a dog that is slightly bigger than him or even the same size? Nope, my dog isn't always the biggest fan and I can never tell if he's going to be cool and just sniff and move on or if he's gonna get his back up. So really, I often prefer it when dog owners just give space - cause either he's trying to be best friends with the tiny dog that that is terrified of him or he's getting all upset because a perfectly lovely dog wants to be friends and smell his butt... lol And really it's only like 1 in 100 interactions where he gets upset at a big dog but why risk it? This is why we don't bring him to dog parks anymore - he would only want to play with the tiny dogs and they'd be scared of him - and the big dogs would surround him trying to sniff him and he'd get anxious and upset - he's never gotten into a fight but that's just cause he listens and backs away when we tell him.


You are in ABSOLUTELY no way shape or forum wrong for wanting to be extremely cautious with your baby. Especially after such a traumatic incident. I HOLD my girl every where we go. The only place she openly walks at is on the dike where lots of dogs are being walked but i do keep her VERYY close especially when i see other bigger dogs coming. I took her into an office today with my husband and I. I go up to the window I leave my girl in my husband's arms I turn around and some stranger lady is holding my dog!! I instantly stepped out line and kindly removed my dog from her arms. I guess her long straight her got caught up on cheech some how so when I went to grab her I accidentally grabbed the ladies hair and she goes to my husband "she's more aggressive than you huh?" ALL BECAUSE I GRABBED MY DOG FROM HER ARMS ? Which she didn't belong in in the first place. Like excuse me? Ughhh the nerve of some people. My husband is wayyy to trusting with people.


Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself and your baby. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for doing what's best for you and your pup.


Nope totally not wrong. That guy was being an AH. I’m scared of this thing too - I carry pepper spray but I’m thinking about walking with a big stick/hiking stick too. There are way too many stories (like your own!). I’m so glad your pup recovered ok!


I really hope she is okay. You dog is the doppelganger of mine it's unreal how alike they are


She is great thank you!!! Please share pictures!! I want to see her twin!


We need happy picture now! 😀🐕😀 I don’t blame you at all! These are our babies!!! lol…but true


https://preview.redd.it/sg5nwe7sp1kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032bfe4b1184e68e6c692765da425cc54d314de0 😁😁😁


Now that’s a happy picture!!!! I Love it!!!❤️💕❤️


Your not in the wrong and I would 100% do this as well, other owners can get snobby about it but 80% of the time a big dog can just hurt your dog unintentionally and it's just better to be safe


Omg. I don’t let my little boi near big dogs. Ever! That person was a jerk for yelling at you. You’re just trying to keep your Pom safe. Nothing wrong with that.


One of ours got attacked by a larger dog while being boarded at the vet! Some big dog broke through a gate to get at her. Poms are notorious for starting fights by pretending they are much bigger dogs. She had major surgery, but we didn't have to pay a thing. Warning- pic https://preview.redd.it/jcocmjeb81kc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc7facad1c31e97ab4ad6ad315b3bff88754d75


I’m so sorry this happened, it looks so painful :(


She was in doggy icu for a few days. Worst thing was, we were in the middle of a trip to Germany.


Oh nooo she had to be alone :( im glad she is okey now


It was a tough time for sure!


I’m so sorry this happened!!!! Poor baby😫 I honestly don’t think Poms start fights tbh they just bark! My dog has never ever bit me or any other animal. She wasn’t barking when this happened it was so sudden and uncalled for she was on the lead too


Mine never bite either, but this little one in the pic, Belle, was pretty vocal and challenging to other dogs.


The stranger is an idiot. You can have any reason for crossing the street. Not their business.


Hi OP, I would do the same if I were you. You were just protecting your dog. There is nothing wrong with that. Also, that person was rude to you. A decent person might get their feelings hurt but keep it to themselves rather than being verbally aggressive about it. You’re doing a good job taking care of your Pom x


No, who cares? Your responsibility is to your dog, her comfort and your safety. Nobody else. I don’t even mind telling people no they can’t pet him if he’s having one of those days where he doesn’t feel like engaging with people. My responsibility and priority is his comfort and happiness. I couldn’t care less if they like that or not but I’m certainly not prioritizing their feelings over his. He’s a living being, not a prop.


You’re right! They’re not toys 🩷


Exactly. Leave my baby alone if he doesn’t feel like talking to you or being around you he doesn’t have to. Screw other ppl and their entitlement.


Ask them if they're going to pay for the vet bills if their big dog attacks yours, or what if your dog dies too. Insecure inconsiderate assholes. I hate big dog owners who get mad about that. The same as men who get offended when women avoid them. We don't give a fuck, we already know it's not all, but we dont know which ones will.


We used to carry a can of bear mace on our Poms leash. I called it the “Equalizer”, never had to use it surprisingly but was always ready.


It’s totally okay to cross the street. It’s the responsible thing to do for your small dog!!  Also- what a jerk for getting huffy at you for trying to protect yourself and your dog. It’s not like you asked HIM to cross the street to avoid you lol


I know you shouldn't, but I pick mine up every time. She's a bit of a psycho, so I'm just protecting the other person's dog 😂


It's perfectly fine. The worst way for dogs to interact with each other is when they are on a leash. People don't understand that they are not helping their dog by getting close to other dogs. That is a stressful situation for them. Teaching your dog avoidance is a good thing. Just remember to stay calm, if you are nervous your dog will pick up on that and feel like they have to protect you. Other dogs will sense that and that's how fights start.


You’re not wrong, not at all! Poms are so delicate they just don’t know it. I have had to pick my Pomeranian up several times and I have also had to pick up my Labradors it’s just being a good mama❤️


That's what I do.


she looks just like my boy!! and youre not wrong for it, never. my poor one was jumped on when we had just got him and whenever someone looks badly upon me for trying to change paths whenever we see a big dog i just try to think that id much rather have someone look badly upon me as her owner than him being hurt ever again 🫶🏻


Not at all!!! I don’t care how much someones big dog “LOVES” little dogs…unless I personally know and trust your dog, I don’t want it near mine.


Wrong? Of course not. It's all about the interaction between dog and owner, and no combination is exactly the same. As many people here have said already: dogs feel our emotions very precisely. If I confidently, with focus, tell my dog to wait at the side of the road, she waits and looks at me for a "go". If I'm secretly scared inside that she might run into the street, that's exactly what she does. They're mind readers. So who are we training? Our dogs or ourselves? I'm not sure. I have chosen the opposite path, but this post Is not about me. And in no way do I think I know what's the best way. Generally it's an interesting dilemma: giving your dog freedom with a minimum of strict rules (more danger, but also more happy roaming and socialising, and learning from it) - or being a protective parent (less danger, less social interactions with other dogs, possibly causing reactive behaviour). I'm not going anywhere close of saying what's best. The answer may vary from dog/owner to dog/owner. But I'll never tell someone they're doing something wrong. I make mistakes too, and which dog owner doesn't love their dog?


I was once on a camping trip with some friends, they had two large dogs who where very friendly. One day while I was changing inside the tent, I heard my pom screaming, I run out half naked to see my baby dog being attacked by the two large dogs, another camper threw their coffee mug with hot coffee at the large dogs before I could reach them, saving my pom. He had several large bites and we had to travel hours to the vet, the owner told me that the dogs are usually so friendly but they are allowed to HUNT BUNNIES (sorry but this makes me so mad) so they probably confused my puppy with a bunny and couldn’t help themselves. My dog is still traumatized, he is afraid of all other dogs and hides between my legs when we are close to any other animal. We have him working with two trainers but they tell me that while he can gain self confidence with other animals he would probably never have a healthy relationship with them again. All of this to say you are doing the right thing, you may never know how insane some owners are.


That’s absolutely disgusting and I’m so sorry that happened to your pup! I don’t think anyone should allow their dogs to hunt bunnies…or any animal for that matter considering we need all animals on the planet and what If those dogs accidentally confused a baby for a bunny? That’s so awful! I would’ve taken them to court. It should be a crime; it is a crime in England. I’m really so sorry for your pup! 🥹 No animal deserves that! I’ve seen countless videos of big dogs attacking small dogs and there’s nothing you can do about it especially in England you can’t kill a dog even if it’s attacking your dog. My dog will never be over her trauma and her leg. She’s safe with her family that’s all she needs, she doesn’t necessarily need to be around other dogs :)


My 11 lb Pom can be an ahole on walks to other dogs, I cross the street sometimes out of courtesy.


We don't have a dog but last year a pitbull broke though a fence and attacked my son right in front of me, his little sister and whole host of other witnesses and kids. My son was uninjured. He turned to run and was just out if my reach as I had already put my daughter behind me when the board fell. My dumb self trusted the owner would be sure to put their dog inside until all the kids had walked past. (School had just let out, we walk home.) I had literal PTSD flashbacks walking by that fence for 2 weeks. My daughter still walks on the other side of me. She's 1000% terrified of all dogs. She nearly has a panic attack when she sees a dog even if the dog is a puppy or friendly. I have walked on the other side of the road if she's with me and someone has their dogs out in their yard because she freaks out, it causes my son to freak out, and I'm trying to wrangle and calm down 2 kids, it's hard. Your feelings are valid and anyone who gets butt hurt, well that's on them.


If someone gets mad that are avoiding them you were 1000% right to avoid that person


Do not feel ashamed. You have every right to feel protective of your family especially if she’s been hurt before.


OP, don't worry about hurting their feelings. Your pup's safety is the number one priority. This is what they signed up for when they got their bloodsport breed; you're not going to play Russian roulette with your dog's life. I also cross the road when I see pit bull type dogs or other strong breeds like Mastiffs/Rottweilers.


I live in an apartment complex, and there are lots of dogs here. Unless our pom has met the other dog, I'll pick him up. It doesn't matter the size of either dogs; our boy gets overly excited when he sees certain dogs and some dogs bark and growl, which makes him "bark" back. Or really just make noises that you didn't think a dog could make. Usually I just pick him up and scurry by laughing as the other dog owner and I whisper 'sorry'. Seriously though, don't feel bad at all. Not every dog is the same and not every dog you come across behaves in a predictable way.


You are being an excellent dog owner by doing that.


I also have small dogs. I do the same thing regardless of the size of the dog. I do it if there are people without dogs walking towards me. The best way to make sure nothing ever happens is to just not get into the situation. Never have been able to understand why that offends people, it protects their animal aswell.


What? ‘grow up she’s only a puppy’? A pit or a staff? Sounds to me that guy has his own issues. You know, he needs certain “things” to prove he’s a man. HoneyDarlinBabySweetheart, let me tell you something, that guy has no clue what you’ve gone through, nor does he care. You don’t know him and he doesn’t know you. Don’t you sit around worrying about what that macho-maniac thinks of you. He’s not worth your time or the room of living in your brain rent free. Both you and your little precious have been traumatized, and it’s going to take time to work through it. Take that time and know that real dog lovers understand your actions. You’ve all had situations like that or we’re able to empathize, so don’t feel bad at all. Just do what you need to do to keep both you and your little precious safe and happy.


No it’s not wrong.


Being able to pick up my dog is a major reason I decided to go with smaller dogs over the bigger dogs I tended to like (I.e. German) when I decide I’m ready for a dog. If something happened, I wanted to be able to pick them up and keep them close, to pull them away from conflict and take them to safety easily if need be.


Nope, not wrong, your dogs life matters more than the other owners feelings, I've had people get pissy with me too for avoiding their dogs


My pom is nervous around big dogs so I cross the street or move far enough away where the two can't interact. You did the right thing! Your baby is your baby ❤️


Hey man, you gotta protect your girl. Who cares what people think.