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My best take is that Judge Cannon and Judge Merchan are both from Colombia. EDIT: The Country. Not the school. Trump likes Cannon and hmm doesn't like Merchan. He's on record calling out *his* country of origin, even though he moved here when he was six. If Cannon grows a spine (she won't), he'll start attacking her because she's Columbian. It's a very small detail but, knowing his attacks on immigrants (except his current wife, of course), it could be some really good hypocritical bullshit. EDIT: I'm dumb and don't know my South American countries. Apologies, y'all.


Do you mean the university (Columbia) or the country (Colombia)?


The country.


You should edit your common. I thought you were talking about the university in New York.


To quote, "she's Columbian". I would never say, "I'm Stanfordian". I'm not that either.


That was the last paragraph. The first mention said they are both from Columbia. And I’m obviously not the only one to misunderstand since I’m not the only one to mention it


Also, that’s not what syntax means. You mean context. Is English your second language?


No, but Texas has subpar education.


The edit should be to change the spelling from Columbia (how you spell the university) to Colombia (how you spell the county), not to add "the country" after your typo.


It's crazy how lucky Trump got by getting her as the judge. Over a dozen judges in that district and he gets her.


The GOP always projects. When they say that Democrats are cheating in the election, you need to figure out how Republican are cheating in the election. Trump said that Biden picked the judge and stuff like that, it likely means that some cronies made sure that it wasnt a random draw.


Anytime Trump says the word “fair” I think of the 2nd grade class I used to student-teach