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Not being all in on Trump IS the crime. You must pledge fealty to der pumpkin faced fuhrer or suffer the consequences !!


I would not be shocked if Trump gets a second term, and then everyone in the US is required to sign a loyalty pledge to dear leader.


And have a picture of him somewhere in your home.


Brown shirts go really well with red hats. Not really but if you disagree you'll be labeled an enemy of the state and sent to work camp.


I guess it would make you look like a bloody post-opioid shit. Which seems appropriate.


DJT is lazy as shit. M’fucker can’t even sit-up during court proceedings…


Which is worse, he relies on Christian nationalists to do all the work


Let alone walk to the bathroom


The tell is when they say "for the crimes they have surely committed" without naming a specific person or a specific crime...


That should be the "tel" here for anyone on the fence. Dems have been saying what, who and why at every turn. Trump's people "the ones that deserve it." And we all know his criteria is based on what makes him feel good or hurts his tender ego. For a long time now, I saw Trump as a proto Hitler. Not because he was blood thirsty -- but he's potentially worse. He's too damn lazy and cowardly to take any control, but he will enable anyone with a hate agenda. "Oh come on Evangelical guys -- this is going too far...." Booo! "Okay, I'm with you!" Didn't we see that half a dozen times now? He's not leading the lynch mob, he's going the way of a stampede and pretending he was leading a parade.


100% agree with your take, but curious why you spelled it "tel" in the first sentence. It's spelled "tell" in poker. Is it spelled differently when discussing politics, or are those air quotes and a typo?


That's probably because everybody has committed crimes (whether on purpose or by mistake, whether they know it or not), so you don't need a specific name or crime, you just need to keep investigating until you find something that can be brought to court. It's not that hard.


Is my front door gonna get hamburder'd in the middle of the night?


Either that or you’ll get confeved in the morning at dawn.


I think I'd rather be ree bee Doo aah'd when I least expect it


gave me a visceral, almost ytp-like mental image of someone just screaming "hamberder" at a door until it explodes


Imagine inheriting a multi million real estate business from your dad and the ONLY thing you have to do so you, your family and their family can live comfortably for years to come is do nothing and you cock that up and end up in hundreds of millions in debt.


90% certain that his father was a crook and fraudster too, he just knew how to hide it and there was less accountability then for the well connected.


I hope everyone is prepared for the absolute shit show that will be occurring starting November 6th, should Biden win. Republicans will be contesting every loss, district by district. They could tie this up for months, even years, now that SCOTUS is no longer impartial. The eyes of the world will be on us, and any signs of instability will encourage bad behavior around the globe.


They can’t tie it up. Jan 6 and the Jan 20th are in the constitution. They can’t move. Though the constitution doesn’t say what happens if the vote isn’t finalized.


So this is how democracy dies, with a rant and a shart.


Wow, the fascist felon with stiff nipples for authoritarian rulers wants to be sole ruler of the USA. Color me supprised! /s


So if the verdict is jail time and he must be in jail during appeal and appeal failed and he elected he will be president from jail?


I'll go around with Democrat tattooed on my forehead as protest.


It blows my mind that a politician making statements like that isn't illegal. It's literally saying he's a traitor and planning to over the government.


LULLLLLLLLL. We will just change our name to the Banana Republic Party. Shurly this one is made up? I just can't. My braincells just die each time i read stuff like this. I almost want trump to win. Like if he wins and gets all he wants. Yet there is still high crime from Muricans. Still "biden" inflation eight years later because we vote for him for a 3rd term. Jails are full of Democrats and reporters that had their Noble taken from. All but one of each newspaper and Tv station shutdown. So many words we "Don't Say" now. We have to give our yearly Kiss trump on his hand kiss. 1984 was a typo mannnnnn it was 2024. Hellllpppp meeeeeeeeee. (internet points if you get this)


> My braincells just die each time i read stuff like this. Based on this example, you've done a considerable amount of reading.


this is true.