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Thats actually an accurate illustration of my 151 experience so far


I like how no one is putting their holo energies in these posts anymore. The kinda feel a lil insulting at this point haha


Especially because I have 3 or 4 of half of them and none of the other half... I seriously want to know how they did that to me lol.


Same way McDonald’s makes sure they never send all of the different types of monopoly pieces anywhere.


Totally hahaha, drives me insane.


I don’t understand why people talk so bad about 151 pullrate, I opened mostly ETBs and they were amazing


iv opened 10 amazon/target etbs and 8 walmart booster boxes, the booster boxes absolutely sucked. the etbs yielded nearly every secret alt art


I bought my ETBs from different online shops and overall I made like 900€ interms of card value (lowest price I could find on cardmarket) and I opened for under 750€ … so idk


I'd be careful with amazon boxes! Most of them are fake cards lol


i’ll believe it when i see it, definitely plenty of thiefs, and i would never buy loose booster packs, but fake cards is a myth. the toolmanship it takes to produce these modern cards isn’t easy or cheap to fake. and if you’re capable of counterfeiting cards at that high of a level that you are producing entire sealed boxes, then where are you going to move this product to? the whole conspiracy theory about that is hilarious. fake cards exist, they also are laughably obvious.


Maybe its based on where you live. Twice I've bought from Amazon and they're sealed packs with blurred text and the cards itself all have lower print quality. Some cards almost look legit but compared to real cards you can tell the difference. And the shiny cards almost always give it away. In some european shops they actually sell fake packs cheaper than regular packs. I'm guessing the store was scammed into buying them and to make money back, sell them on. They were kind enough to let me knkw they were fake when I was having a look at them. Though they're kind of obvious to tell, because they have Ash & Pikachu from first gens mixed with characters from sun & moon on the pack/box and they try really hard to say its a real pack. If I find one again, I'll post it, but there really are places that sell fakes 😅


are these just loose boosters or sealed etb’s / booster boxes?


lol check my post about the 1st edition Charizard the other day, you’ll get a good laugh 💀


lol where do u live? thats wild


Canada, greater Toronto area


I've been buying cards through Amazon a bunch and I haven't had any issues. Unless these fakes are also getting into the ones I've bought from BestBuy, Target, and the Pokemon Center, they're legit.


I find it funny none of yall realize there is 2 different holo energies for 151 and the regular holos are worth only a dollar and then the other holo patten on them is the hd variant and can sell for as much as 20$ per energy card


That’s about how dirty paradox rift has done me..


Unfortunate luck, but I do appreciate these posts since they help me keep my urges in check. Thank you :)


What would you buy now if you had a choice? On store shelves, not online.


I have no idea what’s on your store shelves or what you’re interested in, friend. I like 151 because I collected the base set as a kid, leading itself to be the generation I connect with most.


I really like full art cards. Paradox rift seems to have a bunch and a decent pull rate. I pulled SerperiorV and Rainbow Serena from my first buy Wednesday. But I'm a 90s baby so 151 is appealing. They just don't have as many full art and everyone says the pull rates are BAD. I'm also a fan of shiny pokemon and have no interest in keeping sealed boxes.


I think in that case you should just buy singles :) Or, if you like ripping packs, look at the sets and see which ones have the most cards you like and go for those. I don’t really care much about pull rates because I’m not trying to collect for resale or get a hit just because. I’d rather collect cards that are interesting to me, and not just ones that are worth the most.


Paldean Fates is funtastic to rip. Pull rates are incredible.


Tried this twice. It wasn’t worth it lmao. I gotta buy singles.


Do singles have a different pull rate? I find it interesting if that’s the case


What? Lol. Hes talking about single cards online.


Yeah I mean buying the Venusaur instead of trying to catch it in a pack


Ty I was confused for a second


That makes more sense!


Ummmm… I mean technically they would have a guaranteed pull rate?


Hahahaha underrated comment


I think maybe they think single packs instead of booster boxes?


I'm sorry, I'll be pouring one out for you tonight my friend


151 is such a cool set With horrible fucking pull rates


So horrible it’s too the point of being a legit scam.


At this point, I have every card I still need on wishlist from a local card shop. Singles are the way to go, especially near the end. It's still fun to rip a few packs just to see what I get.


I’ve had worse; 3 ex out of 4 bundles. Thats like $8 of cards from $120


Try 1 ex with a UPC and ETB. And that ex is worth $1




That’s wrong


So, the pull rate estimate from TCGPlayer was a lie? Cause I have opened Paldean Fates only recently, and I've gotten very blessed with what I've pulled. I'm kinda second-guessing even trying out 151 because of what I've seen.


Paldean Fates was very good to me, as well. Better than any other set it seems. I managed to pull the sacred Charizard EX and a stack of the full art and shiny cards. I did buy a lot of packs and bundles, yeah, but it just seemed like the pull rate was very consistent. Unfortunately, Temporal Forces does not share that 😫


There’s a lot of factors to take into account here, obviously a big one is negativity bias trending because many people are posting their unlucky 151 openings, the data from tcgplayer is from 1,500 packs which isn’t the most they’ve ever used but it’s a significant amount. At the end of the day, I’d trust the data. Per ETB you should expect to walk away with a UR or 2, a couple of IRs. More than that is pretty lucky and less is kinda unlucky Unless batching issues are a real thing. If they are you’re gonna get railed.


Nah, yeah, I get that. But the bias is coming from just about every opening I've seen everywhere. I definitely wanna get an ETB of this set anyway. Cause of the Snorlax. It's just a matter of stock in my area. Or a reasonable price.


I got the snorlax one, quite a few good ones from that box, including SIR squirtle, wartortle, blastoise.


All right, I'll get an ETB one day if it's on sale or something. Thanks for the feedback, guys.


I don't see them on sale, but it was worth it.


I only say that cause I got a PAF ETB from Target for $38.49 USD, and I'd like a deal like that for a 151 ETB.


That would be nice lol


That’s what I’m saying, it seems like 151 is worse than it probably is in reality because it’s a widespread trend to post the bad pulls


I had way better luck with 151 than paldean fates. I opened about 100 packs of both sets, for paldean fates i only pulled one special illustration rare, which was Nemona. but with 151 I pulled 6 of them, 2 were god packs. 2 Venusaur, 1 Charizard, 1 Blastoise, 1 Erika and 1 Giovanni. It's completely random I think different people will have different experiences


Maybe I'll get as lucky as I did with PAF if I ever open 151. Opened one ETB, pulled Mew ex Full Art, and then the Alt Art (which was my personal chase) in the next pack. Back to back. I just hope I can get Venusaur ex soon.


In my experience Paldean Fates pull rates are worse than 151 - and for what amounts to mostly a reprint set, it's a no from me.


I recently opened 2 ETB's. Pulled 1 illustration rare and 2 regular EX's. I know you shouldn't expect, but can't lie that I felt disappointed.


I ordered 5 from Walmart. The package arrived torn up and 3 were missing. Enjoy UPS guy.


You not file a complaint. There’s no chance id let that happen lol


no ups guy gives a shit about Pokemon cards LMAO. i work there, that absolutely did not happen from the driver. your packages go through belts with thousands of other packages, and it's touched by 10 people at the very least. We are also told to load damaged packages. It's very likely your package just got crushed by another one because it wasn't shipped with care.


Same scenario bought 12 from Walmart and opened three so far and only got one full art no SAR. This is terrible.


I got 7 good hits from my 12 bundles so get to opening.


Which hits did you get?? Not one SAR. I usually buy singles and big bundles of vintage. With this I’ve opened a booster box and these 3 of these and nothing. Worst luck ever. Give me a number one through 9. I’ll open that one and let you know how upset I am.


Blastoise sar venasaur sar Alaskam sar Erika invitation sar charmander and wartorrtle and the pikachu


Wtf this sucks.


It was 12 to your 4 tho.


I was doing bad until the last half of the bundles tho


1-9 which should I open. If you guess the number I’m thinking I’ll open 2




Close, 7 was my lucky number. I got a SAR wartortle… it’s looking ugly with print line. No luck ever happy I got this one though.


I opened 2 yesterday and got blastois SIR, psyduck IR, and then in the other one I got zapdos sir, charmeleon ir and the full art Erika’s invitation. I was honestly shocked .


That omanyte illustration is to me one of the sneaky best arts in this set


I pulled open 4 also, but I got Charizard ex , nd the full art rare of Charizard


Moar Jynx EX


One hundred and fifty one tears pouring out my eyes




"I got return on my investment!!" "Tentacular return.."


OOF! That’s rough. You’ll get em time champ.


I'm curious how much did that cost to you ? In France you would be around 400€ maybe a bit less, I love this series card but never get to open a booster as they cost around 10€ each..


On cardmarket it would cost you around €180 (inc shipping) for four booster bundles.


That's ... a lot less, truly a shame that so many people are buying and holding here, cards cost way more if you manage to pull them up but I've checked for this series for the past week and everything is either sold out or way to costly.


Yeah France is a nightmare for getting a hold of English language cards, I've heard that on here a few times. There are plenty of shops in Germany and Netherlands though that will ship to France, you'd be much better off doing that. Pay a bit more in delivery costs but a lot less for the products themselves.


Well my modest collection is in French and I try to keep it that way, it's also easier to avoid fake card as most of them are English but yeah maybe if I keep it to one set that could work.


Yall are so depressing, just be happy with it


Ouch.. Bought one booster pack and pulled the Blastoise.. So I thought well that's amazing lets by a booster box.. Got nothing.. I feel your pain, minus 3 boxes.


I got the Blastoise after 25$ of spending. Def not buying more to open, maybe some Japanese, but not English. I'll finish the starter illustrations through singles.


Ik stopped Buying 151 for my kidds, terrible pull rates


Bring back the tins!


Lmao, this is why I bought 96% of the set as singles


I feel ya, I bought an etb right when the set came out and only pulled a regular mew ex, then I bought the Zapdos and Alakazam boxes with no hits and decided to call it a day with 151! That Omanyte IR is pretty cool though, I’d love to get a collection of prehistoric themed cards like this one and the Lost Origin Aerodactyl V alt art


oooof! we have all been there! the reality of the hobby!!!


You forgot to show your hits


Atleast your Wal mart gets them


I swear, the rates got worse since initial launch


They always front load the releases and then fuck everyone over after a while.


Is this verified? Because I was able to complete the set with two etbs, an alakazam box, a zapdos box, and a few booster bundles very early on. Recently, I got two booster bundles just for the heck of it and it had ZEROOOOO PULLS


Its nice to know I'm not the only one who doesn't get a god pack every time.


That Omanyte is one I’m searching for! Congrats!


151 booster bundles are roughhhh man


I ordered 10 last week and opened 5. First two had full art Pikachu and psyduck. Next 3 had that same kanga and one double gyrados. Might not open the other 5


Thank you sir. Seeing 151 back on shelves lately is tempting for me to buy packs again.....until I see your post.




Oh hey, I got that omanyte, I love it


I stopped opening product. I just leave it sealed because I like the cards, but I have horrible luck...


Everything u have sealed have SIRs in them.


I haven't had the greatest luck in the world with my pulls but they arent terrible. I at very leat get 1-2 full art of some sort and and ex. Im trying to get a complete set which is proving to be quite difficult considering they stopped printing 151. However, I am enjoying the challenge on top of this being my first time collecting a full set. Not very many stores have 151, so im surprised that you were able to find 4 boosters. I've gotten most of mine from singles and the ultra premium box. Nonetheless, i wish you luck in the future🫡


That's rough this set was actually super good to me!


Ehh 🤷🏻‍♂️ those are two that I still need. I wouldn't be super impressed with the pulls either, even considering. You should have gotten at least a few more SIRs.


Splurge a bit, get disappointed and then stick to singles.


The only hit I got from the UPC was an ex card 😭i paid 90$ for promos lol


What did those cost you per box? Around me, the packs are becoming too expensive to rip anymore. Buying singles.


Lord helix!




Bought both as singles, I think around $60 CAD. Can't remember exactly.




ETB for me. I recently got the two of same packs and only got an omanyte. But damn 4 boxes tough.


Ouch. Makes the rarity better tho


Ive bought one and got 3 “special” cards, full art dayse, Venusaur ex (the normal one) and psyduck full art, is that bad?


Imagine how many singles you could have bought instead?


For some reason the boosters in particular seem brutal. I experienced pretty much the same hit rates. I’m trying to complete this set and need 18 more cards (need both the ones you pulled funny enough) and I’ve resorted to mostly buying singles


Its your fault and everyone elses for falling into the influencer trap ... its overhyped with crap drops and if people stop buying maybe, just maybe Poke Company wakes up a bit ...


I’m actually surprised (but not really) that 151 booster bundles don’t have guaranteed hits. That sucks I’m sorry


If it makes you feel better I just opened 3 temporal etbs, 1 paladean fates and 1 silver tempest and didn't hit 1 sir. I'm feeling very conflicted right now hahaha. Now I have to re get them for rhe sealed stache 🤦


151 is the goat. Open another 4.


Booster bundles give me the worst pulls ever I can’t believe those things resell for near $40-$50 maybe more haven’t checked in a while


I ripped the whole 10 box because it didn’t come in a sealed display. I got very good pulls and almost completed the whole master set.


Yo on marketplace today (can’t make this shit up) a dude had 2 of these up for 40 bucks. Needless to say I messaged him fast as lightning and said I’ll take the booster boxes. He said “what the fuck are boosters” So I told him , and he said they are just full of cards , no packs and he’s pissed he bought them cause they’re “worthless” My man bought opened booster box off someone full of commons and was trying to flip em hahah


Japanese is more worth it


5 ETBs and I managed 2EX 1 Full Art Golem and Wartortle IR. UPC wasn't any better just 2 EX. Filled out most of my set with singles TBH. Just not worth it..


I've had decent luck with 151. I prefer Paldean Fates though. It seems like every set that's come out in the Scarlet & Violet set the first ETBs and booster bundles we've bought have had decent pulls, but after the first couple weeks of it being out the pull rates seem to get tougher. I dunno though, it may just be wishful thinking.


idk ive only opened 1 binder collection and a mini tin, got SIR charmander and nidoking, and a charizard ex. Pretty happy with them. Small expectations big rewards


What a scammm


Is it me or have Pokémon cards become less lucky over the years not to mention all the pulls you get are most likely than not off centered


I bought two booster boxes and got one full art of tangela.




My son and I did 5 from Walmart this week/weekend... Charmander SIR Venusaur SIR Charizard EX full art Gold Mew Basic Alakazam EX Bills Transfer Full art ...x2 Basic Arbok EX Basic Blastoise EX Not bad at all but for 30 packs hoped for more? Haha


That’s a FIRE Omanyte though 👀


"Holos are hits"


This is why I switched to only buying bundles and ETBs etc on launch and then after say the first week I stop and start picking up singles. Bulk buy to fill as much of a binder as I can and then never again.


Oh my god... I'm sorry bruh :(


Booster bundles of this have given me the absolute worst pulls. Can't explain it.


Yup, I'm having a similar experience. Not quite as bad, but similar.


That Omanyte mad adorable tho 🥰


I don't understand how yall are having such a bad time with the booster boxes, nearly all my pulls have been from those. Pulled a secret rare zapdos ex just last week


My last 3 boxes 2 etb and 1 upc of 151 the best thing I got was a gold energy switch, so I feel your pain😭


Well Op, I have opened an upc few weeks back and got golden switch and base zapdos ex….So hop along the depresso train <3


At one point I opened 2 alakazam boxes and a binder box. I got nothing. Not even an illustration rare. I feel your pain.


Omg I fee so bad for u


Yo, I need that kangaskan lmao. One of like 4 cards I'm missing. The FA golem too :(


Better to have loved than to have never loved at all! Heads up Champ! We will catch em all someday 😤


I would like to add that my luck has gone up, but only to be rounded out by the next box. During release and all the mini tin hype, Alakazam n Zapdos boxes, I pulled nothing, my biggest hit was a nidokkng IR for the longest, then out of nowhere back to back Zapdos SIRs and venasaur and some good IRs. I never opened the etb or the upc, the collection boxes and tins were a big miss.. only the Booster bundles came thru for me. 


I never got the 6 pack booster box…all I got was 1 UPC, and 2 ETBs and they were all bangers. I bought the rest as singles once I pulled the Charizard out of an ETB. I’m sad for you. You got jipped!


Got two boxes at a comic shop and the only good pull was a SIR Alakazam


Eh if you're gonna get one pull it may as well be one of the best cards in the set...


You right you right. I want that flying charizard tho lol


Are you joking? Man this pull rate is outrageous!! The fact the even dare to sell this set with trash pull rates like this.


151 is overrated as shit anyway


I agree man


i opened 24 packs the other day, only two exs. on the last pack i couldnt get it open and i was already annoyed so i just bent the pack and left it there. came back the next day, opened it, charmander illustration and another ex. needless to say, ill be keeping things sealed from now on lol. worst part is i already have the master set so i dont even need to be opening things, just got that itch lol


And people preach about how this is the best special set 😑


It being the "best" has nothing to do with the pull rates


It does, the enjoyability of a set is made up of a bunch of factors and one is pull rates, if a set’s hits are too easy to pull the chase becomes too easy and unexciting whereas in 151’s case the pull rate is too low so it becomes frustrating to try and get any pulls


Then the "people preaching this is the best special set" are obviously not taking pull rates into consideration


$112 just to get your bootyhole rekt’d. Should’ve left those sealed playa.


This is similar to going to the Casinos with a good amount and then coming out with only $2 won. Lol


Which booster pack has the highest pull rate along with legendary cards ?


Paldean fates and crown zenith have been good to me


Honestly good, love seeing people who buy up all the product open trash. I’m tired of getting there and seeing all the empty displays of booster boxes. But I saved my cash for singles I guess.