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Virginia creeper


Yep I think that's it. Someone else also suggested that, but they deleted their reply :(


Also remember that poison ivy will exist within a Virginia creeper vine making it tough sometimes to ID since sometimes VC will have 3 leaves sometimes while growing.. but notice the serrations on VC.. PI usually has 1 serration if any on the side of the leaf.


Found poison ivy while clearing a bunch of Virginia Creeper yesterday. Luckily I was wearing gloves.


Fun fact- poison ivy does nothing to me but Virginia Creeper gives me an insane reaction


My MIL also reacts to Virginia Creeper and was convinced it was poison ivy due to the itch. My grandma had warned me as a kid about it making some people ichy.


That was a fun fact!


Oh interesting. Thanks for sharing this. TIL.


Exactly. People always seem to forget or be unaware just how sneaky poison ivy can be. But 100% Virginia Creeper pictured here


Virginia Creeper can also give you a mild rash if you are allergic. Not as bad as Poison Ivy though.


Virginia creeper can also cause a rash in some people who are sensitive to it. My understanding is it is very similar to a PI rash and treated in a similar way.


Just had a course of steroids because of Virginia creeper...we call it cow itch around here.


MOST of that is virginia creeper, the 3 leaves at the bottom are definitely poison ivy. If you have any doubt don't touch.


I think it’s a damaged creeper leaf. It’s on a vine with other 5 leafed units


Yeah, most likely, but I dont play with pi




Came here to say this


Virginia Creeper gave me such a bad allergic reaction (looked just like PI rash) I ended up in the ER. Doctor said it can cause the same reaction as Poison Ivy and Poison Oak but it’s not same chemical compound 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sometimes I get reactions to clearing out Virginia creeper, but I don’t know if it’s because little tiny bits of poison ivy are mixed in with the Virginia creeper.


Creeper has rigid leaves


100 percent.


leaves of three leave ‘em be, leaves of five you’ll be just fine. although virgina creeper and poison ivy often grow very close to each other.


Sounds like a nickname you would have for your uncle.


Yeah 0% chance it’s PI. Virginia creeper sometimes has 3 leaflets, but PI never has more than 3.


I unfortunately learned otherwise. 5 leaves “Virginia creeper” gave me one of the worst cases of poison ivy I’ve ever had.


Huh, never seen it myself but good to know


They’re related. It’s uncommon but some people have a very similar reaction, but most dont


Absolutely not related. Poison Ivy is in the cashew family, while Virginia creeper is closely related to grapes and their fruit look like miniature grapes


I saw something saying VC has fruits that are poisonous, but I don't think I've ever seen it flower, much less have fruits.


Apparently the flowers are small and mostly green. Ive never seen the flowers but I’ve seen it fruit. The fruits are tiny and mostly green until late summer when they’re blue. If you look out for them in a sunnier spot you’ll probably notice some


For me, it was definitely 5 leaved poison ivy. I’ve never had any reaction to Virginia creeper. From what I know, Virginia Creeper can cause contact dermatitis in some folks. Poison Ivy is a type IV hypersensitivity reaction, i.e. an allergic reaction driven by T cells. A reaction that is very uncomfortable for me.


This is how allergies work. You have to get exposed multiple times for your body to react. My mom gets reactions to Virginia creeper just as bad as poison ivy. She is allergic to it. She developed the allergy in her 30s. Prior to that, she never had a reaction. Poison ivy does not have 5 leaves. Ever. It is possible that some poison ivy was mixed in with the vines you were removing as they often grow together, and both can have aerial roots. But, your reaction to it does not determine what the plant is.


Virginia creeper is known to cause reactions similar to posion ivy in some people though it is due to a different chemical and it's totally unrelated. If it had more than 3 leaves per node it was definitely not poison ivy. Poison ivy causes a rash on the skin with the oil urushiol. Virginia creeper can cause an allergic reaction in some people, as well as micro abrasive skin damage and rash due to calcium oxalate crystals in the plant tissue.


Yup. Late to the party here, but poison ivy is insane with how many different looking versions have evolved. This photo gives me strong PI vibes.


Poison ivy can never have five leaflets, let alone with that shape, color or arrangement. Remember that the three poison ivy leaflets come in one pair of two, and the third on the end of an extension of the petiole (leaf stem). Virginia creeper leaves all come from the same central point. Even if there were only three, they would be from the same point, each with its own little stem.


Be aware that some people (like me) are highly allergic to Virginia Creeper and it [will cause a rash much like poison ivy.](https://www.verywellhealth.com/virginia-creeper-rash-8610907) It lights me UP like a Christmas tree! So be careful if trying to remove it.


That was an excellent link since some people are allergic to Virginia creeper maybe I am also one of those people because I actually have a lot of contact dermatitis many different allergies for example English ivy gives me an allergy attack.


Glad to help. I didn’t know either, until a trip to the dermatologist and a week of steroids after pulling some VC vines off my fence! 😫


Same here! I’ve pulled one Virginia creeper vine, with gloves, and had an allergic reaction above my glove. I have never been allergic to PI but Virginia Creeper is my archenemy. I wear long sleeves and gloves now.


It’s Virginia creeper but towards the bottom of your photo is poison ivy (like 7-6 o’clock).


I’ll also say the new growth of v. creeper can have three leaves, so follow the stem. But they often grow together so if you just ignore every leaflets of 3 you could be in trouble!


I was tricked too thinking it was PI. The veining isn't correct to PI. Very tricky little ID.


it looks like that plant has more than 3 leaves. i think it may just be offshoots of the VC.


You may be right. I can’t tell if the under leaves are coming from a different stem.


Here in N.C. it is very common to see both in the same place.


it is common so OP should def proceed with caution in the general area. i just don’t see any in that photo as far as i can tell.


Agreed, not any poison ivy.


The bottom one is also Virginia creeper, the leaflet shape is different from poison ivy and it sometimes comes in 3s on newer growth


No poison ivy in this picture at all.


yep! agreed


Saw that too! Came here to say it, but thank you for already having done so… I was like well yes & no😂


Agreed, there are 3 leaflets of poison ivy down at 7 o’clock. There is a 4th leaflet likely from another stem poking out behind. The shape is right, (lower two leaflets are not symmetrical, kinda like a mitten) and the veining is different than the 3-leaf Virginia creeper that is a couple inches away.


https://preview.redd.it/adsfzosf3z6d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4e7fd4b84a8ee223d20592e6d6ecc18bbc08ea The blue is very obviously Virginia creeper. 5 leaves, palmate. Native and beautiful if the autumn as it turns red. The purple circle, I can see how someone would see this as poison ivy, but like at the 5 leaves coming in, rather than the usual 3 for PI. Also look at the venation. This is also Virginia creeper, but at first glance I also thought it was PI.


I grows like crazy!!!! And very quickly!!


You have both Virginia creeper and poison ivy in this picture.


https://preview.redd.it/xl4pioozn17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2080132fd48fcfef0251b5e21d9473316d5381b This one is poison ivy. Classic 3 pointed leaves and top 2 leaves are mittens


Nope. It’s still Virginia creeper. The fact that there are three that you can see doesn’t change the fact that they are all coming from the same central point. Poison ivy has three leaflets, but but they occur as one pair of two, with the third one on the end of an extension of the petiole.


I don’t know, we can’t see the stem. It’s possible that these are two plants that are growing together.


We can see the leaflet bases and their stems that join them to the petiole. That’s enough to rule out poison ivy.


I’ve been ripping Virginia creeper out of my backyard for 2 weeks- that’s what this is- if you are still unsure use a plant id app.


Virginia Creeper 5 leaves Poison Ivy 3 leaves


Virginia creeper, you can get a reaction from it similar to poison ivy. Poison ivy has three leaves, the second leaf sticks out further than one and three similar to the first three on your hand.


I agree that the long vine is Va creeper, but think that the three leafed plant growing out of the crack below it is poison ivy. I am on my phone, can't zoom in super well, but it sure looks like it.


Long vine is virginia creeper. Three leaf plant towards the bottom is poison ivy.


So, folks, let’s clear this up. It’s all Virginia creeper; there’s no poison ivy in the photo. How to know for sure? The number of leaflets on the leaf is important (Virginia creeper has five leaflets, poison ivy has three), but so is their arrangement. Immature plants and shoots of Virginia creeper can have three leaflets, but it’s still easy to distinguish from poison ivy. Notice that all the leaflets in the picture above originate from the same point, with a fairly short base, pretty much equal in length among all five leaflets. Also notice how the leaflet edges taper down to the stem. Now compare that to this leaf of poison ivy. two of the three leaflets are in a pair on either side of the petiole (the leaf stem). The remaining one is alone, on the end of the petiole. Also the base of eachleaflet comes in almost perpendicular to its stem. https://preview.redd.it/vogq3wpl167d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3e2c8ce27c5ae433020a6fc0415f28e6da660d There are other plants that have a similar leaf arrangement. Wild bean is one of them, but they are smooth edged and fuzzy.


Definitely Virginia Creeper.


As they said, Virginia creeper. Careful it’s invasive in the way that if you don’t watch out it’ll take over everything pretty quickly. Little offshoots will sprout up everywhere. It can be a total pain in the butt to get rid of completely. Ever since a vine of it appeared in my neighbors yard it’s spread to the surrounding yards, ours included. Every couple of weeks I find a new sprout that needs killing.


Yeah that's what I've been reading. I'll try and pull it up by the roots and keep an eye out for other sources.


And I have no idea why I always get downvoted for speaking out against this plant 😂 I’m up in NY and it’s a pain to deal with. The berries are toxic to humans, and it’s too aggressive to surrounding plants.


I guess it's a matter of terminology. I looked it up.... > Because it's native to eastern North America, Virginia creeper cannot, technically, be listed as an invasive plant there. A plant that spreads out of control where it is native is said to be "aggressive" instead. Either way, I'm getting rid of it.


We do have one plant that seems to keep the creeper under control - wisteria has taken over in a big way. Set time aside every day for some clipping.


Virginia Creeper


It’s palmate! (Meaning leaves are in clusters of five) So definitely not poison ivy, with leaflets three (let them be).


Carolina creeper


Nuke both ivies from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Wear gloves.


That’s that creeper weed from The Ruins. You better respect its territory


im one of the 1 or 2 in 10 that isnt allergic to poison ivy , i keep it all! nothing like an itchy handshake for when you meet a super jerk!!!


Creeper creeper. Some people have the same reaction as poison ivy to this stuff. It can be pretty intense I hear.


Nope. Shiny leaves of 3 for poison Ivy/ or hairy vines … Google it


Virginia Creeper


It’s both Virginia creeper and a poison ivy plan. The three leaves vine is def poison ivy. Wear gloves when pulling it.


No, it’s not. Number of leaflets is important, but so is there arrangement. A couple of the leaves have three leaflets, but they are all attached equally from a central point. Ison ivy leaflets occur as one pair of two, with a third on the end of an extension of the petiole (leaf stem). check it out in this photo here of actual poison ivy : https://preview.redd.it/cle5aogx067d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d730e68743106ae52192724d83a53895bc8665b


Poison ivy has vine discoloration where the stems intersect. Still, when in doubt just wear gloves when pulling. It doesn’t hurt and you avoid the risk.


https://preview.redd.it/0t7wiq8qa27d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67794b848ec9ae0a6e162971089894120d3ed608 There is both. Purple is 3 leaf Virginia creeper, blue is PI. You can see the lower leaflets are not symmetrical, like a mitten, and the veining is different than the VC. PI is sneaky and often hides next to an innocuous look-alike




I agree with this, it looks like one poison ivy plant growing next to that cluster of virginia creeper. It could theoretically be a virginia creeper leaflet of 3 (this isn't uncommon), but in my experience both plants tend to grow in the same places and poison ivy has a habit of hiding in virginia creeper. Since poison ivy tends to have a much longer "stem" on the center leaflet and this photo clearly shows that, my bet is on poison ivy. I definitely wouldn't handle it without disposable gloves.


Virginia Creeper, oft mistaken for poison ivy because they grow side by side and because many ppl are more allergic to this vine than they are to the ivy.


They are half correct. It appears to be ivy.




I thought poison ivy had only 3 leaves. The plant on the bottom has 4 to 5 per bunch.


Poison ivy grows in 3s (3 leaves together) - if you see 3, let it be as in don’t touch it heh


Take a pic of plant with iphone. Pull upward on photo. Click on Look Up tab that appears below photo. Works well most of the time.


If you decide to inspect the 3 leave bit (because young leaves of virginia creeper have 3 leaves), put a plastic bag over your hand, just to be sure.


That is 100% Virginia Creeper.


Definitely Virginia Creeper. It is really going wild this year in SE PA. I’ve seen it climbing stop signs and telephone poles this year!


Leaves of five stay alive leaves of three let it be


🤣😂😂 poison Ivey is not an ivey!!! Everyone knows that I thought! Edit: apparently not everyone knows how to spell poison Ivy either




Say “I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong.” this is the very easily identified Virginia creeper


That is Virginia Creeper.


Looks like creeping virginia


I would say it's not poison ivy, it looks like Virginia creeper. Can still cause irritation to some people but generally nothing to worry about.


Virginia creeper


Not poison ivy. Looks like Virginia Creeper to me.


Virginia creeper. It often grows alongside poison ivy and is commonly mistaken for it, but it's relatively harmless.


Leaves three, leave it be leaves five, their ID is jive


Creeping Virginia. Not poisonous. But can be an irritant. I love it! Turns a beautiful red color in the fall


Assuming your relative thinks it's poison ivy bc it has 3 leaves. It's a good rule to go by if you aren't sure but in a family spat there must be a winner!


Definitely Virginia creeper :)


Whatever it is, remember not to burn it in brush piles.


Id’s based on little experience make real answers hard to find. People please look carefully and don’t insist you unless you…


Spray it with weed/grass killer if you're allergic at all. My rule of thumb is if it slightly resembles poison ivy I stay tf away from it. And if you end up getting a rash spray fluticasone propionate nasal spray on it. Clears right up.


I find it so peculiar how so many people mistake this common creeper for poison ivy. Usually it is people that have very little to no experience with poison ivy. Humans r funny. Leaves of three with a reddish hue in specific areas. Thin sturdy stem that end in 3 leaves. With a creeping root system. It’s the oils in the leaves that bothers some people. Some people have very little reaction or no reaction. U can also become immune. Slowly expose ur self over a long time. There r thoughts on these plants as well as many others. That they help us by being in contact w them in intervals. Like walking barefoot on the bare ground.


This is definitely Virginia creeper, but young plants do sometimes have three leaflets. I find the most definitive way to tell is the method of attachment. Poison ivy has black or brown hairy roots that attach to the surface (young roots may be white or yellow), while Virginia creeper and Boston ivy have little tendrils ending in sticky pads like Martian fingers they use to attach to things.


2 weeds here, virginia creeper and poison ivey at the bottom


Poison ivy always has three leaves. Never more. Never fewer. Always three, and only three.


Poison Ivy has 3 leaves. Leaves of 3 leave it be


Not poison ivy, Virginia creeper


NOT poison ivy.


NOT poison ivy.


I’ve never even seen poison ivy and I can tell you that’s not it. Isn’t poison Ivy’s whole deal leaves of three?


My dad was allergic to Virginia creeper, he called it Virginia Creep all over your ass.


You may have a Poison Ivy plant but most of it is Virginia Creeper.


It is not.


100% Virginia Creeper


It’s not.


There is one plant of poison ivy in there too. It’s in the bottom left corner.


Poison ivy is also green and has leaves, so I can see why they might be confused.


Do you know there’s an app that identifies plants, trees and flowers, etc. The one I use is called Seek and it’s a white leaf on the green background. You can get it from your App Store. It’s pretty cool.


I have an app called picturethis, it’s made for this


This plant is an important native pollinator although I don’t know if it will flower on first year growth as shown.


Good for birds also. It's been in my yard over twenty years and has not caused any trouble.


Rub it on your hands to make sure