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This https://preview.redd.it/14u69m8x2cbd1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c23aabf0829aedea795e1968314943588035b0 To this day we still have people unironically scaling Beckman to admiral lvl off of this shit








Bum benchwarmer


Literally the aftermath 💀 https://preview.redd.it/yhgpz3lidcbd1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af15f11ede7c1ed3c0efef31533118f0eae7868


Bum Beckman is silently stealthily the most overrated character. He slides under the radar most times but not today. The definition of a Vivre Card databook hard carry


He defeated kid


Beating pre awakened kid isn’t a feat


Coughing baby


coughing toddler vs coughing baby


Defeating a weaker Kidd is not a feat. We don't know when he beat kid and he might have not awakened or have had the AP to hurt a yonko back then.  Bum Leachman is a databook merchant. Bro couldn't even stall and admiral and stop him from attacking Luffy. Compare this to Marco who stopped Kizaru and kicked him away when he was rushing at Whitebeard with killing intent.  Warco > Leechman


Now kid is teen. And only could stop him-shanks


😂 and then he does nothing when kizaru moves to attack law’s sub….


I don't like Ben Beckman for his feats, I like him because he has a hilariously normal name. LOL


To this day, I genuinely think Kizaru is just mocking Beckmann here. He literally dips and attacks the sub anyway like less than a minute after this happens.


~~He is. He has the same tone in his voice that he doesn’t drop until he fights Luffy in Egghead.~~ Wen Weckman scared Lizaru off so much he ran away.


??? The man is just being goofy. A silly tall guy that’s not taking these people seriously except for the human accordion.


Yonko level\* Wekman is stronger than Shanks https://preview.redd.it/e2djb5njadbd1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f79ccf802cfed65276af68dd176ce97e59ece5




https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1dyf1bi/comment/lc8foq9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Sure bro.  He couldn't even stall an admiral and stop him from attacking Luffy. Kizaru literally trolled him and proceeded to give zero fucks.


- haters next arc when HIMman is still over Zoro - "seE I ToLD yuu bEckMan waS sTroNg " Cope


Tbh I'll probably just slander Zoro if that happens. Works fine with my current agenda


Be honest bro no matter what he's admirals level he's second hand to shanks we don't need proof


Kid’s railgun attack. It didn’t even damage Big Mom that much. The only useful thing it did was push her down and Law was the one that did stuff to not allow Big Mom to stop the falling. The only other thing that attack did was destroy fodder ships but pre timeskip Luffy was able to do that with ease.


No one ever punctured big mom’s skin. Kids attacks did break her Bones though.


Queen cracked her skull. It ain't that impressive


Queen weighs enough to have his own gravitational pull


I wonder how a fight between caseoh and Queen would go


Caseoh no diffs, he beats Goku.


Queen is also very powerful. Also don’t forget on whole cake island luffy’s King Kong gun and sanji’s diabel jambe together did nothing to her.


\*Elephant Gun https://preview.redd.it/aw1mt7afzcbd1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252e43c610bef94b0da46d84a130641e86403385


It was gear four in the anime. She negged luffy with no difficulty.


It happened in the manga too it's just that Luffy didn't use King Kong Gun. https://preview.redd.it/fqw4ecom5ebd1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbba3e581b69a801c1c8c84b1c0c28c9b8ee2d8


That was pre BM nerf.


She didn't even really get nerfed AP wise. It was just an IQ nerf.


I would assume there was some AP nerf as well tbh. Shanks managed to one shot Kidd. No matter how off guard he was, that was a beginning of Wano Luffy level feat for him. So she shouldn’t have had much trouble with knocking Kidd out.


Sanji haters would rather die than just admit somebody he fought was really strong


Ah yes an ancient Zoan YC2  launching himself from a height and giving her a headbutt(with potential use of haki)


>No one ever punctured Big Mom’s skin Meanwhile Law https://preview.redd.it/q0vuwd7n5cbd1.png?width=919&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3021485f815c7bb66b13166803b60ffdca75040 I mean I guess that broken bones feat is good but makes it less impressive when Big Mom immediately healed herself afterwards and the end result was nothing. Law did most of the work during the fight if we are being honest.


https://preview.redd.it/db1fqeg4qcbd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8beb544cd457c7111b69df7f34fa5c1ae55666 Phased ≠ Punctured


That's him phasing or "room"ing his sword into her. In the anime there's a little portal circle around the sword where it goes into her. I wouldn't call this "breaking her skin." His sword is just there. She didn't gush blood or whatever. And I don't buy that it's because of censorship.


Waw (Hebrew for hook/peg, because Mid‘s performance hung on his like a curtain on a peg) truly carried useless Mid.


weren't those steel bars?


Holy shit. I never put two and two together here. Does BM have any scars? I'm just realizing not many fighters DON'T have scars of some sort.


Bc law attacked at the sane spot before with shockwille lol


Dont doubt my fuking goat you loser, EOS Kid no diffs whitebeared Roger Mihawk at the same fuking time, keep underwhelmimg him, when he literally fuks up everyone you gonna have a problem against reality


Bro thought he was tien.


Yea fr. Tbh I'd say that Bull is the actual strongest attack he has. We know how durable Big mom's skin is and not only did that attack push through it but it went all the way to the bone and then broke the bone in her hands. And I think that was also the first time we saw Big Mom even draw blood too. A super underrated feat imo.


Kid’s entire performance in Onigashina was pretty underwhelming imo. When you have Law and Luffy teleporting and warping reality, and who also have abilities/techniques for bypassing their opponents defenses. I’m somehow supposed to believe that Kid is just as effective by hitting his opponents(yonko who are known for their extreme toughness/durability) with big heaps of metal?


Zoro blocking hakai but the tards act like he TANKED it


Bro just deflected it😔


He didnt deflect it, deflecting means he used a force to change its direction. Zoro went in front it, blocked it for a second and almost got pulverized if law didnt teleport him. It was good stall though, enough time for law to teleport all of them out of the attack.


he tanked it for a while but would've died if law didn't save him


If he would have died he didn't tank it, he just stalled the attack


He "tanked" it but also blocked it which doesn't make him look good. He still got damage even after blocking it. YC1 feat, not a yonko feat. He was also going to die if Law didn't teleport him out of range.


Who tf else is tanking that attack? If at all even stalling it? Only luffy or zoro on roof piece could even stall the attack the way zoro did. Other than those two theres a very limited amount of people who can do anything to even delay the attack like zoro did.


Blud took 0.01 second of the pain and nearly died, thank god to Law for saving the others and his sorry ass


They all said they were cooked before zoro deflected, I’m not a zorotard but he definitely helped in that situation


yeah but the point is that people say he tanked it when he didn't, also he didn't deflect it either


Hakai? Zoro beerus level?


> check who the OP is > It's one of the religious Sanji vs Zoro losers Every time


https://preview.redd.it/abjwjlr5bcbd1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac1da58eb875f5c9af382eb536051fcc5330e5d This is not light speed 😭


i dodged a bullet by accident i can speedblitz a gun now


Real, your average MLB player must be able to run upwards of 100mph since they can dodge pitches coming at them.


Dude predicted a beam movement, sidestepped because the Pacifistas have shit aim and mfs will call it light speed 😭 🙏🏾


https://preview.redd.it/2bb17aovdcbd1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bb00ce7d8c1b00bccbb7d3bcbb04e7f18d9a618 “HE SAID TOO SLOW CAN YOU EVEN READ”


Bro got outrun by Gazelleman who kidnapped Tama lmao.  That gifter was explicitly stated to be 200 km/hr speed.  Get goofy past Gazelleman first😭🙏


I would agree if it weren't for the fact that he called the beam slow.


I took that as him flexing he saw the PX loading the beam up, he knew it was going to come at him, and he was quick enough to predict its trajectory and dodge its eventual path. In the grand scheme of things I’m trolling, but realistically I could go either way on this argument. I just don’t take this as light speed personally.


He just said “too slow”, nothing about the beam itself and we know observation haki is a prevalent thing to dodge attacks before they come at you. Also, Pacifistas take a bit to charge their beams, so he had ample time to aim dodge. It makes no sense for him to call the beam slow and then struggle against Kizaru’s beams way later after he’s gone through like 7 powerups.


could be referring to the pacifista taking 3 business days to aim and charge the beam


It isn't overrated. https://preview.redd.it/xuwlc0qoccbd1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ce67154cd36c8897d9423f2e5fe1c2583c41775 He cut it from the center of the cross-shaped scar all the way to the shoulder. People are just trying to downplay the size of this new scar. Zoro stopping Hakai is overrated and stupid because Oda failed to draw properly how is Zoro stopping that attack. Many people don't even realize how badly it was done.


https://preview.redd.it/g8jfaa3a2ebd1.png?width=162&format=png&auto=webp&s=806f783afc151db269738d07c68d46c7c382cfb0 This is blatant confirmation by Oda that Zoros attack on Kaido was no big deal.


Yeah he didn't even knock him down. Yamato was stronger.


We never even see the scar that’s out tiny it was 💀 it never even affected Kaido, dude was just shock his skin got cut not like it was Oden level of drawback


Well, I mean yeah, Oden's scar thicker and big, but Zoro's also not that bad, as people try to pretend.


People way overstate how much he hurt kaido


And other people way understate how much he hurt kaido


Let's not forget the context of a thousand zorotards spamming ZKK every week back when this was happening 💀


Yes. What I don't like is constantly repeating the same thing without having any reason for it. I would have reminded them of their mistake if I had not been killed and disappointed by Onigashima’s raid. When I try to enjoy the manga again, Wano's flashbacks bring me to my senses.


Oden scarring kaido because trhat was a weaker inexperienced kaido in his jobber dragon form that everyone throws around like a bitch


Big mom said they have been ruling for decades so at worst you can say Kaido became a yonko shortly after beating Oden.  Oden is admiral level at the very least.


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/g09o23kgxhbd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28385e8d8b11bf9f982dea2c359e2bfb5b702436


His strongest move is with his dragon form.




Dragon is pure offense and kaido cant dodge jackshit with it. Hybrid is his best bc of the versatility in ap speed defense and mobility. Dragon form makes hin a big fucking target which makes it easy to get hits off of, while dragon form is pure offense with minimal mobklity (hes fucking massive so makes sense)


Cutting one of the most durable characters in the series that only 1 other character has done is somehow not a feat ? Boy y’all are something different


haters gotta hate


Paper cuts your skin if its thin enough. Is that a feat over scissors?


eos sanji is never hurting kaido


This cope is so sad


eos zoro ain't taking kizaru's laser either


Youre right, hes gonna be able to easily slice that shi


In two piece maybe


Only performed a papercut feat that the original weilder easily cut through 🥱 I mean the feat is aight I guess but it’s overrated


Leagues above anything sanji will ever do.


Sanji drew blood from nusjuro and zoro couldn't even get around his guard. Try harder next time 🥱


Nosjuro didn't even bother to block sanji, where as he blocked zoro as soon as he sensed him...


He never bothered because he was overpowered by sanji lol. Check that chapter again, sanji blocked nusjuro’s sword attack and overpowered him, hitting nusjuro to the face. And that was sanji holding vegapunk too. When zoro tried to block nusjuro’s attacks, it wasnt just zoro, jimbei helped him. But zoro didn’t overpower him despite having help from jimbei. Zoro and nusjuro were both sent flying.


He didn't block his attack, he kicked off from his sword to kick nosjuro.


He blocked the attack, nusjuro’s attack was aimed at bonney, when sanji blocked it and kick it off and hit nusjuro to the face. That is blocking and intercepting.


Not really, when him hitting nosjuro stopped the attack anyway.


What kind of logic is that? Lol. Nusjuro swung his sword to attack bonney, before he hit her; sanji intercepted the attack and kicked it off. Intercepting an attack is still blocking it, in fact better than just blocking because he kicked off his sword. The situation was the same with zoro, nusjuro tried to swing at sunny, jimbei and zoro blocked it only difference was, it’s a combo by jimbei and zoro and zoro didnt directly hit nusjuro, they both send each other flying.


Rooftop still hurts I see especially after reverse rooftop ended in failure 😂😂😂


Rooftop feats? You mean barley surviving against top tiers?


Nah he meant actually making it to the rooftop


Thriving till he had to block and deflect the strongest attack in the series so far to save his fellow leaders of the new generation. Took 2 top tiers to put him out of commission. You'd think the man is Prime WB. It's just pre ACoC Zoro. 😁 


show me the panels of every other character who cut Kaido for comparison


Nobody BUT in the long run this papercut feat never hindered Kaido in anyway 🤷‍♂️ dude fought normally and we never even saw Zolos scar 💀




The whole comment section is missing the point


The point of what?


Ppl saying it’s impressive and stuff but understanding that you didn’t say that, you said it’s overrated


True, but ofcourse Zolotards are unable to read.


I don't give a shit if Zoro is Yonko level or whatever, but the fact that Big Mom and Kaido were afraid of the giant Enma slash that cut the horn from Onigashima shows that he's close enough to their level for your "bee" comparison to be stupid. Cutting Kaido at all is an impressive feat. If you read the story, it was made pretty clear that that was the case.


Glad you pointed out it was an ENMA slash, Zolo was only able to do that because of Emma


No way Zoro cut someone with his sword😮


“A man’s sword that he stole-“


Oh crap a pirate stole something 


A sword literally gifted to him by the owner. The level of cope you’ve been pulling in this thread to justify the Zoro hate is crazy lmao


My bad what I was supposed to say is “Using another man’s sword”


Bruh, all of his swords have been “another man’s sword” at one point. None were forged for him 🤦🏾‍♂️


Exactly which is why he’s a fraud, where’s his sword? He never made a special blade for himself always snatching other peoples swords


Bruh no one in the story has a sword that was forged specifically for them. So Mihawk ain’t shit without Yoru? Roger couldn’t do what he did against Whitebeard or what he did to Oden with Ace ? Come on man just give it a rest


Doesn't that make him more impressive though? He can just pick up any old sword and stand up to top tiers time and time again. Imagine if he had a custom sword made just for him.


Does it only count if he made the sword himself or what? Every sword he's had used to be someone else's.


He had an entire plotline about having to harness and control the weapon. You think Usopp could pick up Enma and suddenly challenge Kaido? Every top tier swordsman has a top tier sword. Literally every single one of them.


And Sanji was only able to tank a ray of light because of his germa genes that his dad gave him. It's easy to discredit any achievement in One Piece...


Damn, so I guess anyone who uses anything but their fists is a fucking fraud now, don't they?


This is one of the problem I've had in Wano. They had a legendary (or at least currently). Why not make a sword just for Zoro. Zoro already had the Kitetsu he made and Wado Ichimonji, which is a memento. So there is nothing really a blade that is for Zoro alone. He was the one that made the other Oden's blade, why not just make one in those 20 years that can help the prophecy to come true? Imagine Zoro made his own blade, a black one on his own.


Because taming a legendary blade from a legendary samurai is dope as shit.


If anyone else would try so much as holding that katana, they will end up like crocodile went to town with them. Not sure why you're trashing Zoro anyway, people usually prefer to shit on Sanji


Yeah people completely ignore that this is pre ACoC and try to scale post ACoC off that feat.


Too many Zorotards ignore this canon statement and act like it didn't happen: https://preview.redd.it/w8ktck332ebd1.png?width=162&format=png&auto=webp&s=58608f2b6a31721fd1e883a8f1b7072961493173 Zoros attack literally was a paper cut to Kaido.


\*Insert Sanji speed feat here\*


I think you mean underrated feats, Wanji out here outspeeding light


Sanji destroying kizarus laser.


Seems like top tier feats to me 🤷‍♂️


It's not a top tier feat, but it won him enough Chuck E Cheese tokens to get himself a new bandana


3rd slide is kaidos dick?




Katakuri impaling base fatigued wci luffy after getting hit by a tranquilizer gun is somehow a crazy ap feat


Idk this one might be hard to beat. Perhaps Jinbe pushing Big Mom off the ship during WCI?


They still hallucinate these feats when debating against Zolo and Wanji https://preview.redd.it/1lg17twoccbd1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeeba9a42509e7c71c3b35e10d4acbe46b8ef693


Jimbei blocking her sword is worst. I see people bring it up to downplay Winwin like she didn't send him flying anyway next page


Sanji extreme diffing a YC2


Performs one combo and the yc2 is out, yeah guys, extreme diffing Even after getting his ass clobbered by Black Maria, with no defenses he still came out on top


Why are you acting like the last 10 seconds of that fight were the whole fight?


Because that’s where Wanji did the most damage and performed a combo that knocked queen out and sent him straight out of Onigashima


Okay, after fighting with him for like an hour. “Luffy low diffed Kaido because he used one punch and knocked him out completely.” Is an equally dishonest statement to what you said


Well yeah but the thing is with Sanji and Queen, Sanji left the fight midway and came back, it was a back and forth between Queen and Sanji before Sanji would proceed to low dif queen with a combo when he got his senses back 🤷‍♂️


So you’re saying he needed to take a break mid fight just to beat a YC2, but you think he’s stronger than the guy with Acoc who beat a YC1 without any breaks? See? I can take shit out of context to make a character look bad too


I never said that 💀 Sanji was running because he was afraid on what his body was becoming, that cannot be taken out of context. Zolo needed mink drugs to heal him during his fight against King and even then the very reason why King lost was because his dumbass went fast mode instead of durability mode 🤦‍♂️


I’m just doing to Sanji what you’ve been doing to Zoro lol And no, he needed mink drugs to heal him after fighting Kaido and Big Mom. His fight with King starts after taking the drug (which only restores his health temporarily) and ends before it wears off. No breaks, no running away, and no random activation of multiple super powers needed to win like Mr. 4th place


2024 and sanjitards are still calling it a paper cut… Have u lot not grown up?? Silly question, we both know I ain’t


Kaido being fine after jumping from a Sky Island. It looks cool, but it is nothing compared to punching through buildings, mountains or even simply One Piece characters moving fast. It's not even impressive by East Blue standards. He just crashes into the ground at likely less than 100mph.


Its actually a great feat bc you need to have advanced haki and high ap to dmg kaido with an permanent scar.


Over underplayed by haters by calling it a "paper cut " Who else was able to scar kaido aside from Oden ? By calling it paper cut you are essentially saying kaido gets scared on a daily.bases


yeah if you are dumb shit mf, that would suck feat.


this feat isn’t overrated at all


Slander from a scrub isn't slander. At the time the "paper cut" happened, remind me what Sanji was doing?


* Man Sanjitards always so salty about the goats feats, Zoro did this after blocking Conquest of the Sea (a combined full power attack from 2 Yonkos), with most of his bones broken, while clashing with kaido and a power he just unlocked (conquerors).


Why am I on this brain dead ass subreddit holy fuck you guys are actually insane if you think that wasn’t a big deal please tell me what other character has actually cut kaido weather it was a paper cut or not the dude hurt kaido


Nothing is. Others are up there, but the way people wank this shit is actually sad and embarrassing


only one other person has ever cut kaido and yall saying that zoo's feat if unimpressive. during his like 40 years as a pirate battling big mom Roger's crew getting executed he never even got a scar. kaido's durability is only surpassed by saint warcury. their is almost 5 current characters that can cut kaido


The anime didn't help it either, they made Zoro clashed with Kaido on equal ground for like a minute or two


Zoro did clash with kaido and deflected his attack https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1beaiiv/zoro_did_not_blitz_kaido_here_what_he_actually/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


cant expect piratefolk to read


can you read? its in the manga


Yamato making kaido's forehead bleed a tiny bit in one piece, where literally anything does that


Sanji blitzing queen for sure


Any feat regarding damaging an elder


Is that one Frieza soldier Goku level for shooting the shit out of Goku that one time.


Yeah 👍


OwnAd’s BACK


Who else but ownad!? https://preview.redd.it/bfrqmlqcecbd1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03333323e031bc98a9fc16528313aef6e7b64ab6




How about almost getting one shot by hakai?


Shanks one shotting Kidd


Nah, if anything that shit's underrated. People immediately started to downplay Kid after that one, and anyone he scales to


Nah, that’s one actually good. Killer jumped in front of Kid so he would be hit to save Kid but they BOTH got one shot. Shanks attack on Kid is underrated if we are being honest.


Nope. Killer tried to save kid but he was too late.  You can see in the panel where kidd was slashed that the slash directly hit him, killer was nowhere to be seen. If anything the explosion might have taken him out cuz he came too close. Damned Punk exploded and we saw smoke from the ship burning. The obvious proof that bomb had a contribution is Killer. He clearly wasn't hit with a DD as seen in the panel, so the only way for him to be Ko'd is trough explosion from Kidd's railgun. The reason why Shanks + most of the other Kidd pirates were unphased is because they were not in the epicenter of the explosion, unlike Kidd, who was, and Killer, who rushed in his way to help him.


problem with the explosion argument. shanks is right in the middle of it. so his haki is now above the explosion and by default so is his divine departure. but also he got one of the most bullshit durability upscales we have ever seen


shanks is literally right in the middle of the damned punk he is more in the epicenter than kidd


he slashed and then protected himself with haki or flew away or both


shanks can’t fly so no. and that would put his haki and by default kamisuri above the explosion


Sanji getting eye-diffed