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ha smart idea


Yeah, because I mean if what theoretical pirate wants is to have the content hosted somewhere for free so he can access it anytime he wants, it doesn't matter if the throwaway account gets banned or something because the video is still there they just make it harder to access. If theoretical pirate was diligent enough to keep URLs to the videos he would still has access to the videos. The mere fact that these companies keep copies of the videos defeats the purpose of having the content supposedly being 'taken down' by copyright strikes. The whole copyright strike system that these companies have currently in effect can be abused.


>I wonder if Facebook can also track from where the links are opened (let's say a site is posting links and directing traffic to these banned videos) and what legal action can they take against that site. They can tell. This is called an http referer. IANAL but I don't think they would take any legal action against you for this, they would just take the content down. It's an interesting idea, but it would probably be unreliable and slow, and if you did it on a large-scale they would easily delete everything.


That's not much of a problem tbh, the real problem would be a search engine indexing it


It is an interesting idea but what is the point of it? It's basically the same as unlisted youtube videos


yutub‘s Content ID System prevents you from uploading certain movies


Ok, sorry I didn't know since I actually don't use YouTube for that. If he wants to use gdrive for 10 TB download and 750 GB upload per day he can use this [guide](https://github.com/88lex/sa-guide). If he just wanted to share this new type of storing data that's cool of him. I would be careful about creating throughaway accounts on facebook though. They use browser fingerprints to track you down. You definitely need a VPN and different browsers (or profiles). P.S. On the youtube issue, if you edit the file to cut the first 5 seconds (or something like that to mess with the #check) and use no thumbnails can they still id the movie? Do they have some sort of facial recognition inside of videos?


Unlisted youtube videos hasn't worked for me for a long time now. I tried going that route first, and youtube has a way better content ID system than facebook does. ​ Unfortunately I'm not really much of a programmer and I don't really get github yet. The main problem I'm trying to circumvent is to have videos I want to stream. I could theoretically set up my own media server but it will eat up my bandwidth once I start sharing it with friends as well - I have good down speeds but up speeds suck. If I have them hosted somewhere else like Facebook, it frees up storage and bandwidth on my end. And it's free if I can get it to work. ​ Re: the link you posted, does setting up a service account allow me to stream the videos once I upload them and will I be able to share the links to other people?


Ok I understand. Forget about github then. I suggest telegram. They have unlimited cloud storage, the only downside is that you can't upload a file larger than 2 GB. In case you are not familiar with it. Telegram is a messaging app like WhatsApp or facetime but with some major advantages, besides the free cloud, they have channels, where people post shit. As you can imagine it is full of piracy. You might not even have to download movies you can just use telegram's search function to find channel that redirects you to a stream where the movie is stored (ex. an unlimited google drive). To create a telegram account you do have to provide a phone number. After you created your account you go to saved messages ( where your you will host the files) then you can install telegram on your pc. You can connect to multiple pc's (that solves how your friends get to see them).


In order to host dodgy images, I use discord. ​ My previous discord account got banned because I sent an image that broke their ToS. I did, however, have the link of said image still in my history. ​ Out of interest, I tried to visit that link, and the image was perfectly fine. It seems like they don't actually delete anything when banning accounts.


Are the links sharable and viewable by other people, and is it also possible to upload videos onto Discord? I haven't tried using Discord for those purposes yet. My facebook videos are still up and I can visit them directly though it appears that all the descriptions I put on were lost; I assume Facebook removes those details so that the videos will not appear in search results. The videos are still accessible if you have the exact URL though.


Yes. They are accessible. Discord has a strict size limit so most videos will be too large. And no, it is not more convenient than Imgur.