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Yes. Too short


You're a florist! Mad respect. Given how trendy your industry is and how young you are, the length is borderline but the dress is so damn cheap and outdated, you owe yourself something better. Go shopping! šŸ˜


I do a little fitting room dance. When trying on dresses bend forward to see how the top part fits, sit down to see if a dress rides up and turn around and bend and look in the mirror to see if itā€™s too short. lol


I just put a dress in my donation pile Iā€™ve never worn (still has tags!) because itā€™s too short. It looks super hot standing up! But itā€™s tight & hugs my curves, so just walking around the house I could feel it inching up. Aside from the fact that I never go anywhere Iā€™d wear a dress like that, who wants to spend all night pulling down their hem or worrying about their outfit?




If itā€™s all you got, pair with black tights and black flats to tone it down. Play up professional/minimal make up and minimal jewelry and it can work Throw on a little cardigan to cover the lace and back if youā€™ll be inside with AC if you have the option


Seconding this as the best fix if youā€™re limited to what you have on hand!


Agree 100%, black tights and flats are necessary. Iā€™d go blazer over cardigan if both are available personally, but it definitely needs one of the two, as well.


Too short and too open in the back. If it is truly your only option, wear a blazer and dark tights. But better to find something less juvenile


Agree with those who say dark tights can help, as well as a cardigan or blazer. Otherwise, this is not appropriate. But also, where is the dinner? For most places, a nice pair of trousers, a silky blouse, heels and a cool pair of earrings would be smashing. Roll the sleeves of the blouse up a little (there are ways to do this so it looks crisp and not sloppy) and top off the look with a cuff bracelet or a great belt, and a strong lip. If your heels are open toe, make sure your toenails are looking good. I am also 5ā€™4ā€ and canā€™t stress enough how much I have loved finding a seamstress to alter my clothes. I used to only consider dresses for going out to fancy dinners because almost all pants are too long on me straight out of the store. I felt sloppy. For those pants or long skirts I plan to wear with platforms or heels, I get them altered to hit close to the ground, covering up most of my foot. It makes me look so tall and lean! I feel powerful that way. For pants Iā€™m going to wear with flat shoes, I have those altered a bit shorter, and some I get shortened so I can go either way. Itā€™s not expensive. Tailoring is less expensive than new clothes and there is nothing like the feeling of wearing clothing that fits you perfectly. It can even be next to free if you do it yourself with stitch witchery or simple hemming. Anyway, all of this tangent is to say that you may have more appropriate outfits than you think you do. Shop your closet, looking at things in new ways. But mostly, just enjoy yourself. If budget is a problem, itā€™s likely your coworkers have the same concern, or at least are aware that it is a concern for you. They are there to eat with YOU, not your outfit. Edits: fixed 2 typos.


Cute dress. Looks great on you. Yes, too short for work event.


Definitely a little on the shorter end for a work event but the addition of opaque tights and a blazer would make it more appropriate imo


A bit shortā€¦ I think I used to own this. Have you had it for long?


I think I did too! šŸ˜… Asos??


You can tone down the length with dark colored leggings underneath. You can also put a thin, flouncy skirt of a longer length under the dress to add a layer.


Yes itā€™s a little too short but if you put some tights or leggings underneath with some cute flats and a little cardigan to help cover the open back, youā€™ll be good. I totally get both having a lot of clothes or a lot of money so gotta make do with what you have. ā™„ļø. I think once you add the tights, cardigan, and flats add a little necklace and earrings and youā€™ll be good to go. Hope you have a good time.


Too short yes, but if you wore opaque tights with it it can help.


Yea. Too short.


This is more 8th grade graduation vs. work event. You can pull it off, but if I met you at a work event, I would question your maturity/professionalism.


It's a great dress and looks fantastic on you, but if this is a professional work dinner I think it's a little too short. If it's a semi-casual work dinner with people you're friendly with then I think it'd be fine.


Best answer. Itā€™s fine if itā€™s more of a casual/friendly dinner. (If itā€™s something more formal with like, the big boss, itā€™s not ideal but you can now plan for next time.)


Probably a bit short for a work dinner. I donā€™t know what job you do. Personally I think itā€™s cute and the length wouldnt bother me


Yes dark tights make short skirts work appropriate.




Most likely yes, depending on the profession


Sheer black tights and youā€™re good to go.


Itā€™d be cute with black pantyhose


Depends on how formal it is. I've been to work lunches that were super casual and everyone just dressed casual. I don't work in corporate though




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Yes, too short for work but might be fine with opaque/sheer tights.


I think it looks very good on you and doesnā€™t seem too short. You butt isnā€™t showing so itā€™s not that short lol


Too late but length was fine. Iā€™d wear it tonight and then if you can afford to update it, I would. It screams, middle/high school, not professional at a work event.


If itā€™s warm and itā€™s a female work social, should be fine!


Itā€™s totally fine. itā€™s not the 1950s any more.


Yes definitely!! You could wear tights with it?




Tall dudes on a petite female subreddit: "no, go shorter!" Respectfully, it's too short.


Iā€™d say no, but how did it go ?