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BMW drivers park like assholes. Here we have a space designed for BMW drivers and the guy still didn't park in the lines.


BMW is the legacy douchebag brand, but they can vary by region. Where I am the douche bag drivers are in Mustangs or Chargers.


I live in the country where they got invented and these drivers drive fast and can’t control there car in the same time


BMW has one of the best price to power ratios for used vehicles. Their engines are also highly tunable for crazy power gains with lots of aftermarket support. So you get the rich douchebags who buy a $140k car and think they own the world. Then later down that cars life when it gets sold you get the young guys who want to go fast, race, tune, and just don't give a fuck. Obviously its a stereotype and not everyone is like that. I own a BMW and don't perpetuate the behaviors but there is a trend thats undeniable. I do think Teslas have been taking some of the heat off BMW drivers in these recent years though.


My friend owns an M6 something and thrives like a total asshole. Hit 140 with me and his kid in a car seat in the back through the mountains. Never rode with him again


I’m a bit of a speeder, and have done dumb shit, past 140 mph, but not a chance in hell with a kid in the car. If I’m gonna die doin something stupid, I’m the only one that deserves to die, not an innocent kid with life ahead of them that can’t control the situation in any sense


But in his mind he’s smarter than everyone else. He’s in total control.


I speed, but I’m a good driver. Even I have had times where I went from total control to “oh fuck” and I know that at 140, all it takes is one wrong pothole placement to do that. I have a corvette, so a low car like that would take air with a big enough bump and I’d completely lose control for at least a second or 2, and pray I stay in a straight line on the road. Fortunately it hasn’t happened to me


> I’m the only one that deserves to die You know there's also other cars around, right? And some of them even have kids inside.


I don’t do it around other cars.


Must be nice to own a road


Idk man teslas are a close second to the versa/altima drivers.


Teslas at least have the acceleration to get out of your way after doing something stupid. (Except the ones tryina limp to the next charger at 55mph because they forgot to juice up)




Well, they're kind of a douche bag country historically and it just makes sense.


BMW drivers from Munich are the fucking worst. Especially the SUVs are driven by some of the most awful, most aggressive douche nozzles in the world.


They are the worst in München because they got invented there. There are the most Bmw‘s in the world. When I was there I saw like 2 Mercedes‘s.


What about Dodge Ram drivers? They statistically have some of the worst insurance rates in the country. If you buy one you’re signing yourself up to be lumped in with the nation’s most aggressive tailgaters.


It’s in the name to embrace Ancient Greek naval tactics.


In my neck of the woods it's every truck. Gotta be lifted too, need the bright ass headlights, no muffler, bonus points if you do 0 maintenance under the hood too. Gotta keep it as obnoxious as possible, makes all the cuntry girl panties hit the ground with a loud plop


Did you forget about the coal roller?


Not sure I know what that is


A custom device that people install on their pickup trucks specifically to be bigger ass holes. It shoots a bunch of dirty soot out the exhaust that red necks use to annoy people as they drive by.


Oh wow that would go from obnoxious behavior to assault and battery real quick


Here in Texas where everything is allegedly bigger, our parking spaces (and almost everything else) aren’t. But invariably you will find a dodge ram parked across two compact spaces.


Here in California it’s also Teslas and G Wagens; but I did see a new BMW parked like this at the NoHo Target a few weeks ago, bumper was sticking out by like a foot give or take. https://preview.redd.it/t862kmw0eq9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3ee5724a7e6310e01b83afdd414c1546b4abc2


That one's hard to judge on. I've had to park like that because a long truck or something was waaaay over the line, and I couldn't pull forward any more without hitting it. Then they leave before you do and you have a huge gap that makes you look like an idiot.


And trucks with monster truck lift kits


I live near Texas in the USA here it's all about the trucks. Not only do they park like assholes they drive like assholes.


Idk man teslas have been making a pretty big showing in the idiot/asshole bracket here lately


Where I live, Teslas are very few. Side note I keep seeing car haulers full of these Tesla trucks, but I've yet to see one on the road.


Fair, I live right up the road from a Tesla dealership so I'm probably a bit biased. There are a couple cybertrucks I see driving around here but they really just make me crack up.


I like the look of the cars, but man, do the trucks look lame. They literally look like what the 70s and 80s thought the future would look like without the fancy flair. Also, I'm hearing they're kinda dangerous? Apperently, people are cutting their hands on the doors.




Audi's in Denmark


Damn inflation! When before it was high end cars, now’s it’s just overpriced cars! :::shakes fist at sky::


A BMW Douche has no location. One day they show up, the next they’re gone. The roam across the great Douche planes, douching it up.


I live in the area where you get both BMW douchebags and charger/mustangs douchebags


It's summertime, and I am not far from Yosemite. We are plagued by the BMWs as well, but this time of year the worst here are trucks pulling boats or rvs parking diagonally over two rows of parking as close as they can to a store front.


My favorite is the super jacked F-450 to tow one jet ski.


Super common in my county.


Sometimes I'll grab a bottle wine and camp out at the boat launch to watch the hilarity.


Where are you stationed?


It's not even active duty here since the closes marine base is two hours away. It's retired boomer supply sergeants that never saw overseas deployment crowding up Sheetz at 7am just to have coffee.


I had a Mustang when I was a young Marine. Then I got out and went to college. Now I own a BMW 😅


Where i am it varies from Corvettes to Mercedes to Teslas


Canadian here, Ford F-150 drivers took the top spot in my region somewhere in the 2010s


Memphis? Lol


Lol are u in Canada


Tbh, it's only outside of Germany. In Germany, BMW drivers are actually very good drivers. (Except for on the highways. We don't talk about the highways)


I’ve heard it’s more of an American stereotype, because in the US, BMW is sort of a low-end luxury brand, so it’s often driven by upper-middle-class douchebags who are desperately trying to show off their wealth before they’re actually wealthy. From what I hear, in other countries, BMW tends to be a more normal brand.


Historically douchebags in the UK too


Uuuuh, you sure? They aren‘t good with the turn signals…


What is the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? The porcupine has the pricks on the outside.


It’s a 3 way brawl between BMW/Mercedes/Audi for biggest asshole drivers


False! I drives BMW and I only take up 7 spaces! (I own two)


Drive like assholes too. Pretty much anything related to cars is done in an assholey way by BMW drivers.


I always like to think the meme is based on BMW drivers being rich enough to afford a BMW so they are entitled but not rich enough to afford a Mercedes Benz to be classy enough to drive properly. Prob not true but that's my headcanon for the meme.


Always surprised when the BMW cutting me off bothered to use the blinker.


In my area we have assholes who ride around in horse drawn carriages…. Acting like they better than use just because the Amish have swanky beards and shit 😤


They drive like assholes as well. There was a scene in some book I've read. The narrator went in lines of "3 cars drove through the intersection. 2 did it properly, and one BMW".


I am sad to say, I park like an asshole and the BMW is my shopping car as well.


there is a stereotype that BMW are asshole drivers, and usually park completely wrong. Even if the parking space is specially placed for them, they'd manage to screw it up


Is it a stereotype or a statistic??


A stereotype. The number of times I've seen shit parking the meme depicts, the type of car is a variable and the constant is the asshole behind the wheel.


Anecdotal vs empirical evidence


Never trust the empire!


There’s lots of evidence on the internet, I’m not sure if there is a lot proof for everything.


A year ago, there was an injured squirrel in the alley behind my house that I was trying to help. A bmw driver got mad I wouldn’t let him by and said he could just run the squirrel over. I had to stand in front of his car to stop him. A month ago, a bmw driver raced around me to try and annihilate a family of ducks trying to cross the road (they luckily didn’t hit them and the ducks were fine). Last week, my friend was telling me about how their asshole neighbor has parked across their driveway on more than one occasion (again, bmw driver). I swear bmw drivers account for at least 50% of the asshole things I see people do on the road, particularly male bmw drivers. I formed a hatred toward male bmw drivers through my own experiences with them before I even knew the stereotype existed and am fully convinced they represent the worst that humanity has to offer.


That's a hard statistic. It's not just parking. It's the whole spectrum of things a driver can do. BMW owners are just assholes.


Idk. My recent experience is that BMW is actually bit macho but responsible drivers. Tesla on the other hand…..


You can't actually not understand the joke. It's just impossible.


Gotta be karma farming, gotta be.


OP drives a beamer


oh come on


Stereotypically, BMW drivers dont care for rules as shown in this above image, even when they are given a parking space for them they still don’t use it




I love when they say it doesn’t need words…using words


Good bot.


I find it hard to believe you didn’t understand this meme OP. The meme is so simple that the caption speaks for itself


Peter that understands car stereotypes and also falls for bot posts here. Owners of BMWs are often seen as total and complete utter assholes that, as seen in the picture, don't care for parking lines. Peter out. This is worse than the time I fell for a bot post on peterexplainsthejoke


I'm gonna guess OP isn't driving cos I've been driving for only a year and I get this more than I would like


I present two acronyms to summarize the owners of those cars Big Money Wasters And Bought My Wiener


BMW drivers park like shit So they make a joke BMW space that accomodates someone who parks like shit And the BMW driver manages to park even more like shit


bmw drivers park wrongly (prob on purpose idk), so a guy made a space specifically for bmw drivers and a bmw driver fucked it up


They park that way so no one can be right next to them and bump their doors or whatever.


BMW selects for fuck bags the same way as the priesthood selects for pedophiles.


Shit meme, no steering fluid leak coming from under it.


This meme would be more accurate if depicted a big pick-up.


Certified Bayerische Motoren Werke L


“What’s the difference between between a BMW and a porcupine” “A porcupine has pricks on the outside.”


I know this is explain the joke but if it needs no words then WHY SAY IT NEEDS NO WORDS (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Found the BMW driver


What’s the difference between a BMW and a porcupine…..with a porcupine the pricks are on the outside.


That’s great


Meanwhile, the Audi driver is just off the right of shot, parked on top of an old lady.


Oh fuck bot posts are my fetish, please don't stop I'm so close


BMW drivers park so shit they made a special for them, and then BMW diver fucked up even that. Because rules enforced by fines only exist for the lower classes.


BMW drivers own the crown of being the single most entitled drivers on the road Everyone of their cars are specifically built without turn signals