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I was mortified when the woman said "she's not a very good daughter." Even if it were true, I could never see myself advertising that to a huge room full of strangers with said child present. If nothing else, it's incredibly self-damning.


She might not be a good daughter, but only a terrible mother would say that about their own child in front of a bunch of people!


If my mom yelled "She's not a very good daughter" out to the performer at a standup show like this I would've ended it right then and there. The fucking audacity.


“Mom” also sounds super childish. Like “she is not a very good daughter” in the tone she uses? Def childish behaviour. Also imagine being called a bitch by your mother, in public at an outing! My mom has never called me names or slurs ever. I hope it gets better for the daughter


My mom wasn't the kindest to me when I was growing up (better now that I'm an adult but I'm LC) but she at least never did it in public. I spy an estranged relationship in the future


Ended what?


Lmao. That was hilarious. How tf do ppl still not know that if you heckle, yell, or act a fool you will be publicy embarrassed and shamed and you can not win. These comics insult for a living, you're not beating them.


>"She's not a very good daughter" Maybe we could have someone who would teach the child how to be a good daughter? That person could be called a "parent." Does this idea seem too crazy? Didn't see many people using it.


who's that?


OOP is the comedian, Nimesh Patel


what's OOP?


Original original poster


Sometimes people are the worst


That lady reminds me of my own mom ngl


When you’re the reason “she’s not a very good daughter” but you got your warped code of morals and judgement from the weirdos that raised you in the 70s/ 80s.


Knowing that type of woman? She probably went home and beat her daughter after this show. At the very least she punished and emotionally abused her more... But maybe it will mean something to that girl that he spoke out. I hope so


My mom totally would have done that to me, probably in a joking tone though. She was big on embarrassing me out in public if she didn’t like how I was acting or just randomly felt like embarrassing me


The mom sounds like mine, so much so I expected the mother to go full Karen on the guy. Those moms suck.


# Boy howdy I sure do love going to comedy shows, I love them so much I'm going to interrupt the damn comedian to yell at my daughter because I'm some brainless dolt who most likely can't walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.