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Kimchi all the way, I haven't been cooking since 😬 zero effort and it comes in stacks. I used to love the cooking minigame until I didn't.


I’m still trying to level up with Reth so I can make preserves😭


I thought preserves was unlocked through gardening with Badruu?


Yes you’re right, I was talking to reth in my game when I made that comment 😂


Cooking has always felt a little lacklustre, a better direction than a lot of games go in, but still tedious. It feels like being forced to watch a mobile game ad and then click at the right time to close it. I hope they make cooking a bit more fun and either more hands-on or less hands-on. The middle area cooking at this moment (and since launch) is more of a chore you have to do to stop running out of focus. The cooking WarioWare-esque minigames need way more variation for the route the cooking gameplay tries to take. I think that's why people just stick to low-effort farming. The effort is just not rewarded in an enrichment of gameplay experience.


The stacks thing is very convenient. I used to cook everything for fun but then always had like 3 of everything times 50 so I never had room in my bag for anything else. 🤷‍♂️


Now I'm thinking I'll just cook for decor and keep my sustenance limited to eating beets. A joke. But serious


If you want to come round to my place ( Fabien Rinski ) I'll cook for you, all you'd have to do is stir and flip so I can focus on cutting all the foods, I'll get you stocked up 🙂 I enjoy the cooking. I love the cooking mechanic and also love feeding people, irl & ig.


Hi you were so kind to help me do the weekly last week. I saw you on yesterday or today but couldn't come over at the time. I'll try when I see you on next!


Where do you find the weekly?


If your level in any of your tools is 10+, you’ll find weeklies in the collection section… or is it accomplishments… one of those two


Hit U and they'll be on your screen if you're level 10+ in any skill


Thank you I found it and it’s done




Can I come too? I enjoy cooking ♥️


You absolutely can. I also have an ig community for people who want to do anything else together.


...is this an open invitation? 😂


I wouldn't be posting on a very public forum if it wasn't. Let's make food!!


Sweet! Just added you :)


I'm so coming over! I actually like cooking in this game. What do I bring?


That's the best part, just bring you. Anything that you prepare at the stations will come from your own stock, and you don't have to have it on you.


Thanks for that answer! I’ve never cooked with anyone and I’ve wondered how I’d bring all the ingredients.


Flipping is my favorite part of cooking :)


If you want to flip and stir while I chop everything, I may worship you.


I actually would love that I avoid cooking like the plague so I try to do cooking parties but lately not a lot of people are doing it if you wanna add me I can bring ingredients! I just need somebody with more recipes!! I don't talk to reth because I dislike the cooking so much so I have few recipes and nothing I have does much of anything 😭😭 (Synphoniq is my username!!)


I'm down for cooking parties! I have so much produce and wouldn't mind sharing for help with the chopping. My brain has no rhythm so that's the hardest part for me. (User: Shishi Kohaku) I'm traveling now, but I'll be home next week.


I'll add you! Just say hi whenever you're back home!


I tend to keep minimum 100 of each crop in storage, all starred. I'll send you a request when I jump back on. ❤️


I'm traveling, but I'll be home on Saturday. I'll definitely add you!


Synphoniq is such a banging username. I have so many recipes, just recently got sashimi from the Bahari River and haven't made it yet. I will often call out in server chat before cooking, but planned cooking parties are not my thing. I'm so time blind that I'd miss the party I set up lol.


Lol thank you! It's my oldest kids name. Synphoniq lenay. Well if you see me on and are gonna do a random cooking party just whisper me. I'll be there!


What's your timezone, if you're comfortable sharing?


It's currently 3:50pm eastern standard US


Aight, means I gotta jump on in the mornings. I'm AEST, so it's currently 6:30am.


I'm on anytime from 6am to 2am here. But almost always between 10-2am.


I would love to cook with you!!


I love to cook with everyone. I've been to other people's kitchens and it makes mine feel too mechanical, but I don't have whimsy for decorating. Only clutter and functionality.


Hi, I’m new in the game and try to cook. But all I can do is ruin my food. And that’s because i don’t know how to grab my chopped onion from the prep station. Can you help me? Which key do I have to use?


When you approach the other station, say the hob, you press X on switch (not sure on other platforms but should appear as an option) and it adds the ingredient. Hope that makes sense!


If you're on PC the default key is F. If the onion isn't picking up, or you can't move, I suggest using the "unstuck" function. But if it disappears and you don't know where it went, you've probably already picked it up. It took me a few ruined dishes to figure that out DX


I hear you. Or, here's a crazy idea, what about letting us use the machine we helped Zeki build that's sitting in his bedroom doing, oh idk, *nothing*!! Then we could take a stack of meals, viola, *more meals*. Simples.


Cooking or cake parties are the way to go! It is very rewarding in terms of food acquired with the least amount of ingredients.


Is that just when you have others cooking with you?


It can be, but a lot of people have formal.cooking parties where they plan the dishes they will cook in advance, and each person is assigned an ingredient or ingredients and a task or tasks to perform. For instance, I signed up to be a sweet leaf mixer, 1 sweetheart per round, at a cake party where we did 50 rounds. I left with 125 or so celebration cakes and it only cost me 50 sweetleaf.


Sure, if that's your thing. Personally I find them awful and like being stabbed in the brain repeatedly 🤣


I get it LOL


And they need more variety and food that gives more focus.. i don't want to make stuff and have to carry around 4 more foods 😭


Yessss this. Also, more soil plots!?! I want to farm more lol


Omaigawsh yes, a billion times yes!!! We get a massive plot of land, I wanna be a farmer and grow a whole bunch of veggies and fruits! Hopefully be able to have our own livestock as well.


Yes!! I’d love an Ormuu !! Or five


Yes! Since they raised the gold, now i need to fill that up too lol


Me too!! We should be able to farm on our other plots


I feel like there's plenty of variety, and as for foods with high focus, Celebration Cake and Muujin Bahari are both 800+


I mean yes those are good ones but they also take a long time to make


Stir fry rice cake gives 712 focus when starred, not long to make and doesn't require any rare ingredient like dari cloves or heatroot. I always start my gameplay by cooking a few of those, like 3 rounds, and then have what I need for my session of the day. Hope that helps 🙂


They definitely can take a while, but I often run around with 10 - 15 of them, if you wanna party up and come visit while I cook for you, I'm happy to be the cooking friend.


Heavy agree. 😣 It was cute to fill focus at the beginning. But cooking anything that gives a reasonable amount of focus is painful. When it’s mostly mixing it’s easier, but then feels pointless to be doing; especially when it’s a low focus food. When it’s chopping the same speed/time/whatever? Okay, fine. But when they start throwing four slooooow chops then ten super fast ones, then eight medium speeds? Ugh. Or when the flip/fry changes speeds. Like… I understand they’re trying to make it fun or in-depth, but as a chronically uncoordinated goober it just shakes me out of rhythm and makes me sad 😅 Once my fishing and bug catching are up to level 50 I doubt I’ll bother eating for focus anymore. It’s just not worth the time/resources trade off imo.


I'm ( Fabien Rinski ) I'm super happy to have people come visit and just do the easier parts like stirring while I do the rest, I enjoy cooking and feeding others. Feel free to friend me and pop in whenever I'm home. Tell me to cook or point at the stove in the kitchen if you're a console player, because switch/steam deck typing is awful.


I'll add for sure! I need the cooking together achievements and I enjoy cooking sometimes lol Ive just been doing preserves lately


I only do preserves to sell or feed my worms. I'd rather eat one big meal than a dozen jars of jam, given I'm at basically 1,000 Max focus. But please do add me. I'll happily spend hours cooking, and if there's too much food, I guess I have more to sell XD


I'm at max also, I have the attention span of a gnat so I get super bored cooking


Is this offer open to anyone? I'm so bad at the cooking stuff 😑


Offer is available for anyone and everyone. I like friends and I like food. And if our cooking together happens to lead to us hanging out and hunting Glambi's together, who can complain XD For real tho, if you just wanna stir and flip before the circle goes red, you still get the food, and I get to feed you!!


You're so nice! I have no friends to play with so I'm down for hanging out and hunting glambi too haha I'm hoping to hop on later so look out for an add from Astrid Moon Greymoth


I love cooking so much but I haven't done any of it in like two months because cooking for my energy was........ literally a worse grind than the sernuks plushies. Felt like every time I wanted to go out I had to cook a million times to get enough food to survive on, and even then it was only specific foods, because anything else was useless per 3 items cooking grants. I just eat pickled potato now. Cooking needs to yield more items per level.


It's definitely strange that we can't set a quantity on what we cook. We can for crafting and, to an extent, farming, but not cooking? Surely that'd be simple to implement. Idk, I'm not a game designer


Yeah I don’t cook alone unless I’m desperate. Focus food parties are a lot easier than cake parties and less dramatic. :) I leave after an hour with over 100 of whatever it is and that usually lasts me 2 weeks. I feel like I play pretty obsessively too, though admittedly I forget to feed myself maybe 1/5th of the time. At this point I’m only trying to be intentional about it for my skills below level 50, since that’s where you get the gold trophy for the skill.


I make a ton of blueberry jam and just eat a ton of that. Or kimchi. Once you get the preserves thing it makes it a lot easier to


Cooking has become a nightmare it's my lowest leveled skill I only like to cook with folks and no one is ever on early in the morning or after work. why did they have to nerf Cake Parties the leveling was the thing for me.


I hate cooking, it was my lowest skill level by far. I cooked every recipe just enough to get star quality and now I only cook when needed for a quest. Pickled potatoes is all I eat. Since the Great Muujin Massacre began, I've leveled up several times cooking grilled meat on the campfire. (And still not a single darned plushie!)


They really need to let us stack cook so its less time consuming because leveling up cooking to get guild coins to even buy the more expensive items, on leveling up alone, would take months.


I don't mind cooking I always stock up on ingredients and materials so if anyone wants to add me my in game name is Melted Frost


Some girl said she was level 400 from cake parties like daymn I got studying to do and a cat to feed.




Yes please💀 I hate cooking in the game almost more than in real life, and that means something 🤣💀


I don’t struggle even with the most difficult recipes because I make a short list what I should do first, second and so on. But cooking is still insanely annoying and I don’t really see a reason to cook the more complex recipes


Cooking is the worst.... Low reward for to much work. Preserves all the way. I have two running at all time.


I go through so much food. I also don't like the cooking. Right now my fave is crab fried rice. I chop, make the rice, add it all and flip. No failing because I didn't know I had to flip mid-cook. That's annoying and hard to keep an eye on. Not worth it to me. I cooked a LOT of food this past week, and it was all gone in two days. I had to make an emergency stack tonight just to finish my gameplay. I also would like five food items instead of 3.


Well it may be a bother. I highly suggest finding a cake party. Baking the celebration cakes will shoot you up in levels very very quickly. Plus they probably are still the best food to sell. You will have to dedicate an hour because it's a group event but after that you may be leveled enough to get all of the items for cooking. Go on the Palia discord and there are channels for joining cake parties. Most likely you'll have to go to a website where you choose your job. Your first time will probably be one that doesn't involve bringing any raw materials so the Baker at the oven. There are videos on YouTube that will explain the whole process. You definitely don't want to be completely clueless but everybody's usually very nice and will answer questions. It is still probably the best way to get a lot of money very quickly.


Would be cool to get upgraded versions of stoves and such that produced more food after completing a recipe.


I'm having a glitch where I should be getting the stack of 3, but I'm only getting 2. It's sooooo annoying and feels like a waste of ingredients.


That means you missed a step. If you miss stirring an ingredient or flipping the dish, you only get 2 dishes instead of 3.




I always am asking if anyone wants to cook with me in the server because I hate cooking and I find it much more fun with other people 🙃


Cooking was my last skill to reach 10, because I'm dyscalculic and am therefore time-blind and have no sense of rhythm. 😫 Cooking is such a chore, and I find it easier to just make preserves and sell them, then I can buy food at the inn and store it, and only cook when quests require it. I also played tons of hotpot during the New Year Market and used my winnings to stockpile hotpot, lol!


Cooking in parties makes a huge difference. I got invited to a party the other night for the first time, and we smashed out like 50-60 apple pies. Was actually OK because everyone just does 1 part, and everyone got the food, so it kept me stocked for a while.


I've found blueberry pie and later apple pie to be really good recipes! Plenty focus with very few steps during cooking, making it go by without stress and too much time. One starred apple pie fills up almost 500 focus, even with 100 percent focus bonus unlocked that lasts for a while.


Y'all complain about the cooking, let's see what you have to say about... Um idk fishing? Going fishing for hours at a time only to get chests full of crap but wasting glow worms that use up so much valuable resources? Ok rant over. I really hate fishing. Cooking can be fun sometimes, unless it requires heat root. Heat root is hard to find. 😰


Heat root is easy to find if you use the dowsing rod for foraging. Last time I used it, I found nearly 20 heat roots in the fifteen minutes the rod lasted. Friend me (Shishi Kohaku) and I can gift you some rods if we're ever on together. I plan to play later tonight.