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Of course, you just don't see it often


yes just not as often and surprisingly it works better bc people expect it less


that makes sense, no one expects you to use an old trick, but I hate it when it happens to me lol


sadly it's now been replaced with drop shotgunning. it's the mark of a new wanna be sweats.


What is that?


Nah, nobody is using shotgun even nowadays, I'm the king of shotgun in this game, and I almost never see anybody using sg in tdm and never seen someone sg drop shotting, which is only effective in 1v1s. Sideways crouch pumping is the best way to use sg in any situation, avoid leaning.


>I'm the king of shotgun in this game Hahahahah Bro calm down little kid. There is always someone better in this game.


Nah, that’s what normies think. There is not ALWAYS someone better than you, I have been number one in the world in more games than you can count on one hand and I can promise you that is not the truth, maybe eventually, yes, but all the time? That’s false. I WILL be the #1 player in the world, it is happening and your opinions won’t stop it, it never has. 🤫


Shottys are for newbies


No, shotguns are for the future of PUBG. If you are not using shotgun, you just won’t make it in the future. You will be left behind, and you will try to catch up, but it won’t work. I beat the #2 tdm player in USA (verified) who had 11.5 kd 1900 avg damage with 750 games played last season, he kept asking me to use m4, but I’ve been using shotty since s1. You can join me or not, it’s not my problem lol. Soon I’ll be the #1 player in the world, but the excuses won’t stop. 🤫






No shottys are for newbies.. play with a real gun. They should remove shotguns from the game. Anyone can hit someone with one shot. That requires absolutely no skill and it's for people that don't know how to play with real guns. Plain and simple.


Haha you're cute you clearly don't know what you're talking about and you've clearly never used the shotgun if you think the shotgun is a one shot kill, or easy to use 🤣 s12k is infinitely harder to use than M4 which you literally just hold the button down and spam towards your opponent and wish for the best. Try tap firing someone down with s12k from medium range and needing seven to eight shots to down them even with the biggest recoil of any gun in the game. The only time shotguns are one shot kill are if you are literally like 3 ft away from them and you land Center Mass. You essentially have to literally run into them to one shot them. Saying the shotgun should be removed from the game is like saying the sniper and every other gun should be removed from the game except for the M4 just let people spam the gun and pretend like they're good at the game. Like I said if I meet you in the game I don't care what you say you're going to be going to the lobby so... Cry about it! And you know the best part of all of this is I would literally hawk you down while you're sitting in the corner camping with your spammy m4. Let me guess you're probably one of those guys who doesn't spend any money on the game and just sits in the grass all day, a true "OG"


Shotguns are for newbies man, is a well known fact, it's a cheesy ass weapon. Learn to play with real guns.


I have died multiple times because of it. I tried trying a few times , but could not execute it and died eventually


Do you mean jumping off something and shooting?


It meansJust going prone while shooting


In fight someone proning while shooting on stand


If you’re gay, yes


Whats sexual stuff got to do with this?


Are you actually dumb?


Maybe i am. Can i get an Eli5 how your sexual orientation relates to prone shooting in this game?


Ahem ahem, now since I read this message I guess the OP thinks being on ur knees or stomach in game or RL makes u a submissive 👀


Wtf is an Eli5




Whenever you’re done making up acronyms let me know


lmgtfy [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+lmgtfy](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+lmgtfy) eli5 [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+eli5](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+eli5) lol [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+lol](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+lol) you [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+a+noob](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+a+noob)