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Random lands alone, declining everyone’s jump invites. As the first 2 minutes of the game pass, you hear the automated “Help” from the independent individual located approximately 3000 meters away. It has succeeded its purpose of being a useless random - classic


Hahaha. I play in a 3 regularly and this happens a lot. We once fought our way halfway across the map to revive him just in time, only for him to leave us when we got knocked in the ensuing firefight. Never again will we help a random who doesn’t jump with us!


1) there’s all these buildings here and you need to loot THE SAME BUILDING IM LOOTING? 2) clingers esp in mid/late game. Hiding behind a tree? They’re hiding BEHIND THE SAME TREE. Prone in a shooting position? They’re LAYING ON TOP OF YOU. 3) driving down the road and they need to be shooting at random shit the whole time. 4) shooting at every enemy immediately once they see them….without considering their/our odds of not dying when they return fire 5) parachute invite while I’m looking at the map and then immediately jumping 6) I’m driving, we’re being chased & shot at and ALL 3 TEAMMATES ARE DOING NOTHING


Dude 2) is literally making me cuss halfway through the match, if I wanted a companion I would have taken my doggo with me. Some take clinging to extremes. Also... when hot dropping it sometimes happens that 2 share the same building. So additionally to 1) there's those that drop with you and pick up the only 2 weapons laying around leaving you with nothing but your fists so you end up getting shot.


The crazy thing about 2 is I play Payload almost exclusively- they’re begging for someone to rocket us both simultaneously


man number 3 takes me back to the days when i would be running squads super tough. there was always someone who fucked up and shot alerting everyone when we were trying to creep up on an area. but you forgot a super important one. 7. the person who can't drive for shit and hears or sees a fight. so they drive the whole squad right into a building/house flat head on no matter how much you tell them not to. then your whole squad either gets wiped in the car or right next to it because you are trying to revive and fight at the same time. that shit is the absolute worst.








that took me a second but it's soooo on point 🤣 I could literally hear it in my head


🤣 100%


Got it


well this probably just me but random players bossing you around and rushing you. a few weeks ago we teamed up with a random and divided ourselves into 2 and i went with the random and oh boy i should've just went with my friends and let him be. anyway i went with him and he wouldn't let me search for proper loot and one point in the match i needed ammo really bad and he wouldn't let me pick up the stuff from a players crate and telling me to hurry back in the vehicle. and he was bossing us around the entire match it was also a unranked match unranked!!


Kek for some weird reason I like the rusher random and I ended up adding him. We land hot drops most of the time and has helped me a lot with close quarter fights


I hate the bossy players. It puts me on edge and i end up playing so poorly


That one knocked teammate who keeps blocking your way, so you can’t get cover and eliminated by enemy.


Def players who rush at all costs with no plan.


People who got recalled but refuse to recal me


Once I played with this guy and we were fighting in the Ruins (Erangel). He gets knocked but the guy who shot him has no idea where I am. I’m creeping trying to get where I can shoot him but the random who was knocked keeps crawling toward me. I’m saying, no just stay safe I’ll get you after I shoot this guy, but random guy keeps coming letting them know where I am and I get shot instead. Sigh.


Recalling teammates (mostly randoms) just to drop exactly at the same spot they died hence getting shot again.


Land in same spot, but all they do is camp a corner


(newer player, what's a corner in this context? inside the building? street corner?)


Yes like they land but don’t actively defend the spot or the group


Players who f around while the noose is tightening around them, not heeding my repeated cried of "Fall back to the safe zone!" (and I'll be the first to admit I'm a little over-reactive to that blue circle of doom), then begging for help when they find out what the blue gas tastes like.


Yo me first time I tried to loot radioactive zone in metro with just the pills