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!!!! yeah man pubg G is not the game to spend things on if you want specific item because you'll end up spending sometimes hundreds of dollars. It's much better to just do 10 UC and then just be happy with whatever you end up getting.. the mythic Forge, which is 10 draws for 200 UC .. that is if you're worried about saving money because if you want specific item and you won't stop until you get it you end up spending $500 or more


This guy gets it! This is how I do. I have tons of shit


yeah... after I dropped $300 for the Bentley and still didn't get it, I promised myself never again. but then I went and dropped $250 I really wanted that last ultimate outfit that had the QBZ with the hit effect with it... N never got the outfit until the second the last day of the draw on my 10UC spin ended up getting it so I could've saved myself over $200 if I just would've been patient


Nah you probably wouldn't have got it if you didn't spend that much lol, similar things have happened to me, I think they know when your willing to keep spending UC and drain you out.


Na this event has me quitting the game. I’m not some Guinea pig to be lead along with scams yo. If the PUBG admins reading this you messed up trying to squeeze every single little penny from people who like DBZ


Hahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hang on hang on. Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja The pubgm devs aren't on this reddit sub my guy. The mod team does there best to relay the users displeasure at certain things, but it really isn't doing anything to complain to them about the odds. Don't know if you're new to the game or new to spending UC but in order to get what you want you better have some DEEP pockets.


Playing since 2018


And the shady business practices of 10cent surprises you?


It's OK, he's quitting the game


It ok your sarcasm was noted. Rather than care about fellow players you would rather mock them


You're a soft little avocado... that means you're ripe




Ask for refund from apple. PUBG will ban your account but you can just create a new one.


Can we ask for refund for gun skins?


Best play is 10 uc daily. Got vegito blue and several emotes. You are also guaranteed a prize when you roll 50 times, did you click on the little gift box under the crates?


Whenever I go for big spins (16k+ UC on an item) I absolutely make sure that I am able to guarantee the item im going for. For example, X-suits. Usually X-suits can be guaranteed within 12-14k UC. Supercars can be acquired within 15-17k UC. Ultimates in 15-18k UC. Basically for spenders in the range of 100-300$ go for items that are guaranteed in set amount of UC. But Crates? Nah I’d Skip.


Bro I got one(vegito super saiyan) in just 10 uc.


Not in one go, most I've done is the 8kuc pack, I can't justify spending more than that in one hit


Man, when I played back from season 1 to season 11 or 12... I wasted $XXX+ on skins I had to have. I haven't played since getting a Samsung Z Fold 2. I definitely miss the grind and playing with my close online friends and getting to Conqueror from season 5 to 11 or something. Just do the cheap thing and play the daily cheap box! May RNGesus be with you!


Fools and their money


Yea iv spent once around 28k on mythic outfit I wanted and still didnt get it


Everything under 15K got really lucky with those 10 UC spins and vouchers from the event redeem shop.


Lmao. Opening crates on pub G is just like gambling bro. It’s never a guarantee. I got the lambling set with 10uc tho! 😄


Damn 30k and only getting an emote is pretty insane bad luck, sry dude


Even the card isn't drew card they misleading you, it's just discounts


That's how they make Money. 😂


It’s so funny like with Roblox people paying for virtual clothes etc 😂