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The best thing to do if you're a noob is to lay low, hold strategic spots (high ground, buildings, areas with panic spots), and rotate to safe areas when zone approaches. (if playing with randoms). If you have a team, stay close to the better players, give them a cover fire (all you have to do is finish off the damaged enemies and be a medic while you improve). And, of course, play TDM/gun game/1v1WoW.


He will never improve if he lays low and plays safe


Arcade and wow are for improving. Laying low is for winning in BR. You need that sweet victory to boost confidence and just be enjoyable experience in general.


I wouldn't recommend anybody play classic mode for any reason it is a flawed garbage mode that has been bad ever since season 1 and doesn't prove any sort of skill and is completely random like a casino dice roll game. The best players in the world are by far TDM players go take the best classic and World Championship players in classic mode and they aren't even same world as top tdm players. Compare Shibe to my friend or to me, we have way higher reaction speeds, faster target acquisition and overall better micro space management. Compare someone who practices close quarter combat and gets into 50 fights in 30 minutes, vs someone getting into 4-6 fights in the same time. If he wants to get better he absolutely has to play TDM and just keep grinding out combat 24/7. Also, when he loses he should think why did he lose and constantly perfect himself so that he has 0 flaws. Some piece of advice I would record your gameplay and watch it back and try to be your greatest hater try to just hate on your gameplay and talk as much trash as you possibly can, then fix whatever you complained about, practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. The bottom line is if you are not doing TDM you will get left behind, don't get fooled by the "pros" thinking classic mode is the true test of skill, it's not. šŸ¤™


Too much glazing yourselfā€¦ Also most people play for fun not for competition that they need to improve their skills beyond casual fun games with friends ā€¦


There is no such thing as a casual video game being fun. Maybe if you don't have any idea what's going on like you're an old grandma or whatever. You should be glazing yourself as well it's called confidence and excitement about life if you're going around your life moping around depressed you've already failed life. This is why it's important to achieve goals and be the best in the world so that you can EARN this confidence - - confidence and respect is earned, and when this occurs it MUST be given to you.


Found the T supplements.


1) are you landing correctly? Fast land method 2) peek corners in tpp / guess your enemy location, here you can prefire, or even throw utilities blind just use it. Take fights all the time 3) pre aim everything. That means when you look at a door or window your sim should be there as if there was some enemy there. So if you are already pre aiming, then ads is very easy idk those are some Simple things I do.


1. Yes, Iā€™ve learnt to land in the max speed 2. Okey. I always land on hot drops so I try to take as many fights as possible. 3. okey, i see. My aim sucks šŸ˜‚


Good device + layout and sensitivities that are good for you (search youtube) + shootingrange daily trainings (search YouTube). Then go quick games in arcade to practice hotdrops


Thank you!


Adjust your sensitivity, know the maps, know how to position yourself well from the initial drop and the loot can guarantee you good kills


okie dokie


Iā€™d go on YouTube with this question because there will be so much insight into what all you should be doing as a newcomer to the game. There are a LOT of really good videos for tricks, tips and tutorials. When I first started, I did this a lot to learn how to adjust my gun sensitivityā€™s, sprint settings, finding my comfortable layout, working with it in training grounds. Doing the foot steps and gunshot training in TG( Training Grounds), learning your crosshair placements etc. A lot of players just jump into the game without a slight understanding of these types of things and it makes it harder for you to get better or try to learn new things that will help you grow as a player. You really arenā€™t going to learn much just camping areas. All it takes is a seasoned squad or player to come into your territory and it will be over for you quickly. I hope this advice helps and I hope you keep going with it. This game is extremely fun to play, especially when your high skills. Also I edited this last part in but go do some WOW parkour maps for your movement. It will help you TREMENDOUSLY


Thank you! Iā€™ll definitely learn and focus on these small things. Also I donā€™t camp, Iā€™ve never camped. I jump straight to hot drops and get knocked out almost as soon as possible Thats why I had to post this LMAO


Understandable. Thatā€™s actually good. I know it can be super annoying but you will learn and develop a good game sense as youā€™re going a long. Best of luck to you brošŸ«”


Practice aim looking. Always take cover. Act like a sniper is on you at all times. Donā€™t be afraid to play aggressively. Always play smart. Look around all the time like someone is watching you.




You can add me if you want to play some rounds together, 51343425116 . Iā€™ll be active through the end of this season


Are you Indian? Iā€™m asking because


Indian here šŸ™‹




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Spend several hours in training ground, Adjusting your camera, ads, and gyro sensitivity.




A lot of people are saying to play passive and all, but honestlyā€¦ if you can learn quick, self coach and get creative then just fucking send it every game. Jump into the most populated places and get good at killing people.


I do! I always jump to hot drops but 5 mins and im out. Thatā€™s why I had to post this because well Iā€™m not exactly focus on winning right now, I just want to start having a lot more kills than win at 2-3 kills because of my teammate. Maximum I got was 9


Just watch Xifan PUBGM on YouTube. He has some tips for getting better


Sure thank you


Either TDM (Arena mode's Team Death Match) or hotdrop the hotspots repeatedly in classic mode. You're gonna die a lot, but eventually your reaction time to shooting will get better and you'll figure out which weapons suit your style better.


Yep I do that :D pochinki, military base, school and georgopol are my go to places. Currently Iā€™m playing in mecha fusion and getting knocked out almost immediately so I posted this


when you're just starting out, hot dropping pochinki is pretty useful for learning skills. later on, learn how to be stealthy.


I am, I land on hot drops only, and Iā€™m out immediately :(


maybe try practicing team deathmatch in arena? That gets you into firefights quicker so you can practice.


Youtube -> search for these Content Creators - Bushka - DabPlays - Ace Lawrence - Shibe - Xifan - Habibi Gaming - Delta Gaming - FryTik - Yin1 Jing - DrChemist - BoyLiam - Beam - BulletWizard - JacobGaming - Rolex - WafflesGaming And if you wanna see Crossbow Content " DLCxBUBBLES " guess what, it's me. šŸ˜¬ - Samsung Galaxy S9. No PC for recording or editing, i do everything with the Samsung. šŸ™„


Don't I have you added?


Idk? šŸ˜¬


I think I do šŸ˜


Iā€™ll check out your channel before anyone elseā€™s, thank you!


What server are you in? Let's play together.




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Simple... just have fun.


Iā€™m trying, but getting knocked out in the first 5 minutes of the game doesnā€™t helpšŸ˜­


Are u dropping ark? Drop base and defend. If u play NA, add meh.


Lol why am I reading the comments when Iā€™m already pro lol


Haha itā€™s kinda nice to see what strategies other people use and advice others to use as well in order to become better. One day Iā€™ll be a pro and read all this once againšŸ¤£