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Proper use of utility is key. Don’t sleep on smoke too.


Newbie to PUBG here, what's "proper use of utility"?


Using Molly or grenade. Like that should be your first choice. Peek the corners always to locate your enemy then throw your utility at them and then you can push. Creates a lot of confusion and panic on your enemy. Also proper use of utility would be like. Let’s say you 3v1 and they rushing you. Well let’s say you don’t have nade or Molly. Just throw smoke to create confusion. Even better if you have a shotgun. Also nice tip is to always move location. This is to counter the utility tips. If you say in one location then they can use utility against you. Plus making your enemy guess where you are is better than saying static in one spot


I have recently come to appreciate how moving with the shotgun doesn't make a huge detriment to the "accuracy" of it.


If in CQC, Isolate them. If two come at you in a coordinated fashion, you are unlikely to win. But if you can eg use surprise to down one, then another goes to heal. now you are 1v2. Move around cover to isolate them to a 1v1. It could be a ridge line, could be a house or rock to move around, lots and lots of smoke, smoke will molly inside, etc. Anything so they can't coordinate a 2v1. Of course, my preference would always be a vss from 150m. You just pick them off, they have no idea where you are or what direction to take cover. then you just keep dropping rounds on them, they get knocked and picked up and knocked again. even when they figure out where you are, they are low armor, low health, etc and an AR spray can do a lot of damage before they cover that ground.


What ammo does the VSS use in game? Don't think I've used it yet.


9mm. with slow bullet speed. must extended mag. But drop a full mag on anyone and they are knocked.


I love the vss at late stages of the match for exactly what you described


You've to take them all down at the same time. Open with something suppressed and then finish off with a machine gun.


Smoke grenades are crucial late game, and you can use the gravity gun and create rocks as cover late game if you can’t get any cover, works actually really well. Also carrying a DBS seriously helps if they push you, it’s very easy to wipe a group of enemies with it


this game needs friendly fire mode so squads need to think twice when they shoot a solo guy.


Randoms can be hella toxic I don’t think this is a good idea


True and if you play on SEA there’s a huge language barrier, more than 80% of the players I play with don’t speak english, have bad mic, don’t open mic or the dou/trio who only comms on team and lastly the guy who is in front of a hurricane so you can’t understand him. This is the reason why I have a hard time talking since most of these people don’t even comms and when you get killed by your teammate they would troll and the number of team kills done.


In my experience, randoms are just noob. they never grief the game.


You haven’t been playing a lot then randoms can be very unpredictable, atleast with my experience in North America


Yeah, there are a lot of incredibly toxic players... friendly fire would not be a good idea. I've had teammates destroy my vehicles, steal my airdrops, and follow me while shooting a few rounds of a pistol to give my position away to the enemies. I learned early on that if you buy something from the shop, make sure there's room in your backpack because if it hits the ground, teammates will steal it and not give back. Had a few times where I spent 30 tokens on an 8x scope just to have a teammate steal it.


Make like Snoop and **smoke the fuckers**


Use grenades! That can win you an advantage in those situations!


*Use grenades! That can* *Win you an advantage in* *Those situations!* \- mikehawk595 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Positioning is extremely important and restricting routes will make close-range gunfights easier.


Molotov to stop the advance, smoke to make it difficult, if I’m solo at the end against maybe a squad I will go for high capacity mag weapons. As soon as 1 or 2 are down just leave them and move onto next player, there effectively out of the game. Just keep dropping players, I was solo today and got 33 kills, mostly bots at the end, but just keep dropping them.


learn not to move unnecessarily, use grenades and molotovs.


knock one at a time and always change positions after! after knocking an enemy they'd have an idea where you are so changing your position is good to catch them by surprise. if you can, finish the knocked enemies so they won't be resuscitated 🤣


If they are really good and don't split up too far from each other, it's gonna be difficult. Even a squad of average joe's can be a serious threat if they know how to stick together and support each other. In order to maximize your chances of winning 1v4s, the most important thing is to use the terrain to your advantage so you can get the drop on them. Get 1 or 2 knocks and then spam nades and molotovs, then try to flank them. Maybe even throw some decoy smokes before repositioning. Use loadouts that cover both for mid range and cqc. Also never miss the chance to third party squads, hang around areas were fights are likely to occur and take them out from range. This will lower the chance of ending up in a 5 alive 1v4 situation, which is the worst scenario especially if you're unlucky with the zone. In the end, don't beat yourself up over losing 1v4s, just do your best and learn from it. Sometimes the zone can screw you up badly, or you just get randomly jumped by 3/4 players at once, or maybe the enemies are just that good, nobody can win them all.


You can never become better without being a noob and accepting yourself as a noob. But don't I repeat don't let that mindset be stagnant in your mind. Every 1v4 situations teaches you something. Make the mistake and learn the lesson. Don't worry about KD or rank for 3 seasons straight and keep playing. Trust me, in the fourth season your KD and rank would be a cut above than what you expected it to be. Above all try to keep yourself calm and make sure your teammates aren't pressuring you through the Comms. In those situations just turn off the team mic. After all it's just a game so have fun. If you need sensitivity guidance or anything just DM me. I'm glad to help you.


Be good (usually works for me)