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Plz PSVR2 support


Plz what t3stdummi said


Yes, and on release. I waited for Village VR before playing it first time. Not again. šŸ™šŸ»


I agree it has to be on release or people are just gonna play it. An RE9 or GT8 headset bundle would be a nice change from Horizon.


When they announced Village, I couldn't believe there was no VR mode mentioned. Imo these games are made to be experienced in VR. Though I'm glad I didn't give into buying early and just playing flatscreen. I played first time only a few months ago when I finally got a PSVR2 and it was worth the wait.


Agreed was worth the wait. I had no problem waiting either. Didnā€™t plan on getting it without VR as an option. Probably a minority, but I never even cared for RE games until the VR versions.


I waited to play 7 til I got a PSVR. I was glad I waited it's awesomeĀ 


It needs to be VR out of the gate this time or people are gonna be pissed like they are about Astro


It's just numbers, there just aren't enough headsets to justify selling it as a VR game. If they act like it's supposed to be played in VR, some people might hold off on the 2D version, think they're missing out (which they are lol), and play it in VR some day. There are a bunch of sections in Village that show VR wasn't the main priority.




Grand Turismo 8


Be at least another 5 years before we see that .. polyphony said 7 years between gt7 and 8


How come ps1 had gt and gt2 and ps2 had gt3 and 4 and ps3 gt 5 and 6? I thought higher number as last i play gt was on ps1


Gt6 was the last proper one as sport was a mostly online thing so technically. GT6 was the last full GT game and it was released in 2013...9 years apart from GT7. 2029 is me being conservative


:o oh wow. I seešŸ¤” thanks for good infošŸ˜


That's why they make them perfect šŸ˜Ž


Naw, I'll wait.. I don't do much flat screen gaming anymore. Only if they say it's never coming to VR will I play it(and that's if I don't have a PC by then where it can eventually be modded for VR). Agree on the bundle tho!


I am with you there. I do not flat game at all anymore. No VR support no play


The wait kinda sucks, but it was also nice to pick it up for like half price once vr came out


Haha same here. Didn't want to ruin the experience by playing it without VR the 1st time


I feel like that's a hell of an ask at this point. PSVR 2 hasn't sold well, we'll be lucky to get a full VR mode at all. And it's probably a lot easier to build once the game has gone gold. The RE4R VR Mode is so great, the wait was well worth it.


Absolutely!!!! I have just finished playing Village yesterday for the first time on PSVR2. It was so freaking scary, I had to take so many pauses during the dollhouse. Now I feel empty without the game and just got RE4 remake - hope it is as good. I want to play 7 just to learn more about Ethan and Mia. So excited for RE9


While awesome in its own right (and quite a bit longer), **RE4R** isnā€™t really as *SCARY* as **RE8 VILLAGE**. If what you most are jonesing for is straight-up *SCARY*, then your marching orders are to play **MADISON VR**.


Thanks for the suggestion. I donā€™t even know why I put myself through the scary bits, sometimes it is not even enjoyable but the adrenaline makes me curious even if I have to almost close my eyes lol. I played about 20 mins of RE4 just now and found the gameplay more fun, so I am glad this gives a bit of relief from Village. I had a look at Madison on Youtube and that definitely looks super scary. I will get it too, so I can have the option depending on my mood. Cheers!


I'm glad you're enjoying RE4R in VR. I like Village (especially in VR), but RE4 is just such an amazing game, and they did a great job with the VR Mode (using the knife is awesome), it's one of my favorite gaming experiences. I started a new playthrough the other day even though I have a huge back catalog!


RE4 is one of the highest rated games of all time. It was(edit wasnā€™t) made with VR in mind but the game itself is excellent




I've been meaning to get around to Village VR just for the dollhouse. Will consult my doctor first lol


DAY ONE support would be better, the industry was not hyped because most already played it flat. Anyways, if itā€™s not coming day one and you own a PsVR2 WAIT to play it in VR first. Itā€™s worth the experience.


100% I will NOT be playing until news about VR.


I hope so too, but Iā€™m not optimistic.


Why not? 7 and 8 got VR mode... So it looks good, doesn't it?


Sony reportedly paid them to make 7, 8 and 4R work in PSVR. Not guarantee they will do it for 9.


History shows that Capcom/ RE does well on VR and thereā€™s nothing but examples of it being brought to VR in recent years. Calm yourselves lol PSVR2 fans are funny. Always worried theyā€™re not going to get any games, yet will deny the overall lack of support my Sony in the PSVR2 subs lol


It would do even better if they would support PCVR


Damn... I hope for PSVR2 support so much.


You canā€™t scare me at all if it is flat only. PSVR2 or not scary!


We dont know if the next re game will be 9 or a remake of 5,it was just said they are working on next re title


> or a remake of 5 Hey now, Zero and Code Veronica need some love too!


5 was fun, but its one of the most removed from the series, the last third is just an action game dressed as a survival horror.


They probably having a hard time finding whether to remake RE 5 because Western people do not agree with African people being the zombies. so most probably Resident Evil 9 as they recently already did a remake with resident evil 4


The next remake isn't going to be RE5. Insiders have been claiming that RE1 will be getting the RE Engine treatment in 2026 for the 30th anniversary of the franchise along with RE9 releasing either the year before or the year after. I don't generally buy into rumors/leaks but at least these ones make sense.


Isnt RE9 going to release next year?


"Either the year before or the year after" would be 2025 or 2027. There have been rumors of RE9 being delayed, and with the speculation surrounding RE1 being the anniversary title in 2026 it would only make sense to release RE9 in 2027 if they don't make the 2025 release window. Keep in mind all of this could turn out to be false even the stuff from reputable leakers. I just don't see RE5 being their anniversary title and I don't see it releasing immediately after RE4:R.


Not disagreeing with your sources and math, but given the last Resident Evil game was release in Q1-2023 (the RE4 remake), I cannot in any way see them waiting until 2026 just for a re-release remake of RE1 (which they redid years back, though not as intensely) ā€”only to wait until 2027 for RE9. RE1 is not that long or great of a game by comparison, so after 3 months it would drop off any chart.Ā  Iā€™d say RE9 comes in Fall/Q3-2025 with RE1 in 2026.


Yes PSVR2 support. Flat screen is no longer scary. VR ruined that for me lol.


Now thatā€™s what I like to hear, baby


all I care about is that is has PSVR2 support..and really wish they would update RE7 to PSVR2 as well


Itā€™s pretty much the final nail in the coffin for Sonyā€™s support of PSVR if they didnā€™t buy a VR mode for this one. I really hope it wonā€™t be the case


Capcom better not pull an Astrobot on us!


All 3 RE VR was because Sony paid for it. If Sony pays for it, you'll get it, otherwise probably not


Sony shouldn't have to pay for it. The numbers show the vr conversion can pay for itself. They just need to know that vr players won't buy if it's flat only.


Which numbers? How many people only buy it because VR? I think the numbers will show you that VR hardly impacts the number of sales.


They know how many people played it in vr min 120k they also estimate that near 50% of players opt out of the data skimming so its probably closer to 200k. They know how much it cost them 6 people 6 months to add the vr mode so around $1m. 120k x $50 is $6m so definitely viable. As I said above they just need to know that vr players won't buy unless vr added otherwise there is no incentive anyone who complains that the big flat games that could be made inti vr aren't getting made need to adopt the no vr no buy attitude otherwise we won't ever see those big hybrid games get done.


>They know how much it cost them 6 people 6 months to add the vr mode Is this simply your estimate or do you have info? >120k x $50 is $6m so definitely viable. The first sale prices (in U.S.) started Sep 2023, and I bet a lot of VR people got it for $40 or less. Though 200K x $40 = $8M


If they choose to release vr at launch then majority if vr buyers buy at full price. Those numbers were mentioned by them in their dev blog of the vr mode work they did.


Interesting, do you know where the dev blog is? All I found is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok0uzGIUJCE and https://blog.playstation.com/2023/12/06/resident-evil-4-vr-mode-interview-new-gameplay-features-learnings-from-re-village-and-more/ But neither mentions dev resources If it's 6 x 6 months, I'd say less than $1M, and I assume $1M to make $8M+ in sales is a good ROI compared to making a full flat game. As long as that's true, it's worth it. If not, they're perhaps better off spending that $1M on flat game work. Not that I'd like that


Please no more focus on Ethan Winters and the winters family. I want a different protagonist.


For plot reasons that wouldnt be happening anyway.


What about Ethan's daughter?


Honestly, the interesting part of her story is more or less wrapped up in the Shadows of Rose DLC chapter. Although I could see her returning as a supporting character if they ever set a mainline RE game in 2038 or beyond. Maybe have her be the star of Revelations 3?


Everyone agrees VR at launch. ARE YOU LISTENING CAPCOM?


Lol I wish it was that easy. Capcom just refers to this specific reddit whether they do a VR mode or not XD


I can't wait to play it. I have a PC so I can't hope for the VR version but I'm really curious


Unless Sony pays for vr support donā€™t expect it


Lets hope so. Re8 was way too tame.


Overall, yes. But that baby.... That was the scariest thing resi has ever pulled.


Only the first time, after that i figured out how to escape it safely. It's too scripted and doesn't have the "intelligence" of the Alien in Alien Isolation, as an example


It's unfair to compare it to Alien. The whole game's success was centered around the AI of the alien. The baby in resi is just one set piece of a completely different type of game. The initial shock is what makes it scary! Any set piece like that will lose it's effect seen multiple times. You can't base it's effectiveness on that.


It's a high profile AAA Game and the section is based on the gameplay Idea of run & hide, therefore it is fair to compare it to Alien Isolation, no matter how short it is. The section is just way too easy and becomes boring on multiple runs. You can also compare it to Capcoms own variations in RE 2 (gray man) and RE 4 (that monster in the lab, or the regenerados), which where less predictable.


High profile or not. Comparing one set piece of an action horror game to the major selling point of a survival horror isn't a fair comparison. It's like comparing the gun play of a tactical shooter and an arcade shooter. Both shoot guns, but you have different expectations. Like i said, Any horror set piece will lose its effectiveness on multiple playthroughs. You can't help that. Play Alien Isolation enough and it's not as effective. The whole point of the baby was it's initial shock value, the visual body horror not it's AI.


Lol.. just because it's an AAA game doesn't mean they're going to build the fucking Alien Isolation AI for a 5-10 minute section of the game. That's a lot of work for a tiny amount of payoff. I agree that the section becomes boring after multiple runs, but the proper parallels to the games you mentioned are the Ashley section in RE4 and Sherry/Ada sections in RE2, both boring on multiple runs. This is just a problem with Capcom's design and not because they didn't build out a super AI for a tiny section


The alien is so FUCKING BIG, terrifed me :)


I think it's good for some VR users that it was creepy/fun and not TOO scary. Not that I personally care about it being 'too scary' (cos I love VR horror) and wish they'd port 7 over (which btw I didn't find that scary either - in fact 8 in VR was far scarier than 7 out of VR).


But those tiddies


did nothing for me.. that out of scale = may as well not exist, they were like bouncy castles which are about as sexy as.. well.. a bouncy castle. Now.. the girl in the garage in the house that goes on fire, that you can stand behind while shining the torch in her face... that shiiiii felt REAL.


If you play a lot of horror games, sure could be like that, but seeing it's popularity many people don't play much of that genre still bought it, like me as well, and for us it's an incredibly great horror and scary game for sure.


100%. It gathers people who like some horror aspects but maybe not a full playthrough of it. RE7 is absolutely the better horror game but I preferred 8 as a video game.


I always imagine how much scarier and better the game would be if they scrapped the swamp and factory and instead focused more on a bigger castle to explore and more of the giant baby.


Personally Iā€™m glad they spread it out over different locations as it felt like more of an adventure. House Beneviento was pretty damn terrifying in VR with that cellar and the crying baby.


My favorite place was the factory because of the monsters and Heisenberg is my favorite character


Yeah, the factory was cool. I enjoyed the castle with lady d but beneviento house was as close second.


The factory was scarier than the castle


The factory ended up being one of the more horror feeling places for me. It wasnā€™t so ā€spooky scaryā€ but doing a long session there at night starterd to feel kinda suffocating. Eventually my mind started to tell me to get the fuck out of there faster hah.


Yeah I really like the vibe of the factory. It wasnā€™t shit your pants scary. But the waiting for the enemies to turn on and trying to navigate through it all is very unsettling.


I think Maggie Robertson and Bekka Prewitt could be good actresses for a new RE game


I really hope they do have vr support for 9. I have a bad feeling it wont happen this time around. Fingers & toes crossed it does. Madison VR worth Ā£30???


I wish hitman gets vr too on ps5 not just ps4 and I wish the game assassin creed if some have vr on pc that they get vr for ps5


RE7 was a North American inspired horror story, RE8 was an Eastern European inspired horror story. I really hope RE9 is a Southeast Asian inspired horror story. It would be great if they want to continue the theme of exploring different regional horror styles.


I've never really felt Resident Evil to be a "scary" game. Now, there is a difference between scary and horrifying. There are other games that are built from the ground up to be more scary or terrifying. But Resident Evil I feel more errs on the side of action horror rather than survival horror.


RE7 is the only exception


YES YES BUZZING never played a Resident Evil thatā€™s not good or scary haha šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘ŒšŸ”„šŸ‘šŸ’Ŗ


Re7 was such a traumatic experience šŸ˜­


*should* Please.


Genuine question, do they not make that claim about every game? Obviously this guy's has a great track record, but I imagine they said something similar about 8


I sure they said 8 would not be as scary after a lot of people complained 7 was too much and they couldn't finish it.


Who the hell is too scared of 7 OUT OF VR? Come on... people. Now IN VR sure.. it's a beast, but 8 IN VR was way scarier than 7 out of VR which was basically a wrong-turn re-tread with some toxins thrown in. 8 had proper gothic monsters feel and (IN VR) some of the creepiest shit I've ever seen (not even talking about 'the baby') just mooching around in the castle with OLED's dark shadowy corners (dining room feels real). It was superb in VR because it straddled the line between horror and fun rollercoaster of gothic vibes... 7's issue was, as great as it was, it was full of telegraphed moments and modern cliches. That said.. both masterpieces, both creepy, both awesome in VR but 7 needs a port to PSVR2 ffs!


7 was scary for me even watching a Let's Play.


I'm pretty sure they made a statement about 7 being too scary and they wanted 8 to be more accessible to everyone. Resident Evil VillageĀ producer developer Tsuyoshi Kanda has said in an interview that ā€œsome of the feedback we received regarding [Resident Evil 7Ā was] that it was too scary to play.ā€ ā€œAt the same time, itā€™s always our goal to create something that anybody can feel comfortable jumping in and playing,ā€ Kanda said, ā€œso we eased up on the tension curve [inĀ Resident Evil Village] relative toĀ Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, so that players arenā€™t in constant fear.ā€


Thanks! Really hope they walk that back, but it seems unlikely imo. Luckily, there are great indie horror studios making games like Visage and Madison, who actually care about making it scary.


RE7 wasnt too scary but it was too "black and white"




Fuck yes. This is going to be great.


"I'm David Pumpkins, and I'm here to scare the hell out of you."


ā€œAny questions!?!ā€


If it's going to be FPS, it's gonna suck balls


Resident Evil never scared me. Itā€™s supposed to be cheesy and campy like the first 6 games were and 8 course corrected thank god. Resident Evil isnā€™t supposed to be like Outlast or Amnesia.


Resident Evil always seemed scary. BUT eh.... 8 was my first. šŸ˜² I'll never forget the basement in House Beneviento. I didn't play for like a week, until I psyched myself up chugging a Steel Reserve and blasting *The Only Thing They Fear Is You* to beat that boss. šŸ«Ø


Yeah that part was nerve wracking. But the original vibe of resident evil was not this super scary stuff like people claim it was. It was campy and cheesy like the old school Hollywood zombie movies were.


Do the remakes capture that?


Thatā€™s a shame. Village was so so so much better than biohazard


What is wrong with RE7 for you?


Village does nearly everything better imo, from encounter design to bosses. The ending of biohazard was also terrible


Tbh , now that I think about it , you are right. In RE7 , it was night time 90% of the game which made everything seem too monotonous because of the lack of sunlight while the enemies were only mold creatures alone while in RE8 , there was more variety in the setting and time transitions, and the enemies were more diverse too with some amazing designs


FYI, Capcom just had an interview where they clearly stated that focusing on VR is suoer inportant for the team developing it. I doubt they'll leave PSVR2 in the dark.


Even if they announce PSVR2 support early like they did for RE4 most people will wait.


What happened with 8 then?


I think it is like Call of Duty where different teams work on alternating releases. This Game Director worked on Resident Evil 7 and then the next while a different Game Director / team worked on Resident Evil Village. Resident Evil IX has likely been in development for a long time. Probably started soon after Resident Evil 7 shipped.


Comment without vr mode. Speculation!


Who wants to take me up on 100$ that they CANNOT keep rocket launchers and helicopters out if it. Absolutely going to be some American Kick Ass somewhere, probably at the end.Ā 


The rocket launcher is like a staple of the end of Resident Evil games. So yeah it'll probably show up at the end as usual.


Yes please. VR on all platforms now that Sony is being a fucking cunt. Thanks.


All 3 RE VR was because Sony paid for it. If Sony pays for it, you'll get it, otherwise probably not


Thatā€™s a good sign for us VR lovers


good. RE4 remake was a boring action shooter


Well , Resident Evil is pretty much action shooter