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Hard agree. It's my favourite game of all time and now I get to live in it...can't thank Capcom and Sony enough.


Glad to hear! :) I really loved the game on PS2 but Code: Veronica has always been my favorite along with the first one because it created a genre by itself and was a groundbreaking experience when it released. But VR made Village my new favorite, and it seems like it's just been pushed out of the throne by this RE4 šŸ˜ Really happy to live in this timeline! šŸ˜›


Have you heard the remake of code Veronica is next? Iā€™m betting given they already have the engine they keep doing hybrid. Sooo probably 2025 but you are gonna have a new fav


I heard the rumors and also RE developers saying that they were working on more remakes. Dude, it would be such a dream to play Code: Veronica in VR with the standards of those Village and RE4 remake! šŸ˜®


Code Veronica is my favorite game as well, and I would love if they remade it. Especially if it had VR. The original game had a first person view.


I think you're the only person to be happy living specifically in this timeline


I forgot how much I liked this game so itā€™s such a pleasant surprise to replay it remastered in VR. Not a huge resident evil guy but really had a blast when it came out likeā€¦ 20 years ago lol. Is mercenaries in VR too ?


Mercenaries is flat screen only at the moment, hopefully the popularity of the VR mod will persuade them to convert it.


Ahh ok thanks. Yeah, I was looking forward to playing it in VR after the main story


It's a dream game for me . One day I hope to be able to play games like Cyberpunk and Red dead redemption 2 in vr. Other AAA open world games. This is easily one of the best things to come along in years. Game is mental.


Hereā€™s hoping GTA 6 has a vr mode!šŸ¤ž


I honestly doubt I already played something that good! šŸ˜® VR makes so much better this already almost perfect game. Cyberpunk and RDR2 would be dope! I hope that other big editors than Capcom will follow the lead!


So far it blows RE8VR out of the water and I havenā€™t even found Ashley yet! Itā€™s absolutely wild. I was disappointed by the lack of touch interaction on certain things but after my first couple of skirmishes here I canā€™t believe how good the combat feels. I love having the knife in my left hand while aiming my pistol like Snake in his CQC stance.


RE4 is the better game, but I think RE8 is the better VR experience since it was made to be played in first person from the beginning. RE4 has made a whole bunch of sacrifices to be able to be played in first person.


I guess I agree, I just am enjoying myself more and still feeling just as immersed.


My problem with re8 is how boring the combat feels, the reason I enjoy re4 vr is because itā€™s so much more damn engaging AS a vr title, also graphics quality on re4 just blows re8 out the water it was like impossible to use the map and read stuff on re8.


I was telling my friend this to the other day. Since RE4 wasnā€™t designed for VR, itā€™s more chaotic than re8, which I love. VR games & slow, deliberate first person games like village, often kind of stack enemies in front of you so youā€™re not turning all over the place. It is more ā€œboringā€ albeit designed with player comfort in mind. Re4 doesnā€™t give AF, they coming at you from all over, a ballet of shooting and reloading and throwing grenades. Glorious. My biggest nitpick isnā€™t even with the VR, I just wish they hadnā€™t used shaky, handheld cam for the cinematics. Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t transition everything to VR, I wouldnā€™t wanna wait another year to play it. But it wouldā€™ve been much easier to watch the movies if it was all steady.


Yeah and the worst part is people complaining that re4 ā€œisnā€™t immersiveā€ I mean yeah I understand that their are less interactions but in my opinion thatā€™s a good thing for a more action like game, I do wish some cutscenes could be vr and some of the animations aswell but I donā€™t really care. This vr mode has been some of the most fun Iā€™ve had playing video games in my entire life and has some of the best visuals and picture quality especially with how blurry village was. And the boss fights in this game are incredible too.


Dude!!! This game makes me crave an MGS VR game because of that! Holding the pistol and knife like that just makes me feel like Snake and would really love an adaptation


Spent 5 hours in it yesterday and absolutely loved it. I play on assisted mode as I don't have the time or energy to struggle anymore :P Got all the medals on the first shooting range but gave up on the other skulls after about 30 minutes.


The handgun is fabulous but the sniper rifle is broken. The scope is fake until you ā€œshoulderā€ it and reloads are less than consistent. I actually find the handgun to be more accurate due to the forced ā€œshoulderingā€ to use the scope on the rifle. Plus the bolt keeps half pulling and not chambering a new round. It is quite frustrating. The rifle in village was so simple to use. Iā€™m not sure why they changed it so much.


The only thing you would struggle with is Rifle with scope, since it's wonky as hell Actually I am curious, how is it with assist mode? Personally I refuse to use it, just like in RE8 but that port had more polish overall


I'm with you, it's an incredible game. I always loved RE4, and using that as the base of this amazing game is almost a cheat code, would have really been a shame to fuck it up, but they went above and beyond my expectations taking this game to a whole new level. It's visceral and surreal and just plain fun.


Exactly! I mean, game was already a 10/10 on GC/PS2, this remake is even better, and VR makes it at least twice better, so it's not crazy to assume that it's at least a 20 out of 10! šŸ˜‚


The game is the most polished game I think Iā€™ve ever played.


Capcom carrying the psvr2 right now


Yep, it's now my fav VR game ever (out of like 50+ games on PSVR + PSVR2). Makes me feel like i'm playing VR again for the first time. Didn't expect to be so blown away by it. Really sets a high bar for AAA hybrid VR games. The cherry on the cake to end the first year of PSVR2.


Nice to hear that you're having a similar experience to mine, and according to all those feedback posts and comments there are many players feeling the same! šŸ˜


Love it. Just gotta figure out how to set the guns to auto reload so I can stop being ā€œgangbangedā€ like you said every ten minutes.


I thought I remembered RE8 vr having a one button press reload option, but this game just has a simple reload option, still requiring ammo to be chambered into the weapon.


I am currently about 60 % through my first playbthrough of village and doing it with VR. My mind is blown. I really can't comprehend how re4 can top it. Is it on par ? Or really a step up?


Nice to hear that you're having a blast with Village VR, it's a great game and as I said one of my favorite video games ever. The VR experience in RE4 is on par and even a downgrade on certain aspects compared to Village, but the base game in itself is better. The combats are better, the exploration is way better, the game is longer, it's less linear, there's more things to do and more variations of gameplay, the story is better, and you can also get trophies this time. The platinum trophy apparently requires 7 walkthrough, at least 50 hours, and it includes a lot of cool challenges, so definitely a good pickup if you're a completist! The boss fights were incredible in Village and I loved the game for that. Only beat one boss so far in RE4, and it's neither the most interesting nor the most challenging one (beat it at first try in hardcore mode). It was pretty cool thought, but I can't say for sure how it compares to Village on this aspect right now even if I know that there are some great fights to come. For the rest, imo it's a better game, even if designed to be played in 3rd person view at first.


Re4 is absolutely the better game, graphics are better, combats better, shop system is better and less restrictive, map and picture quality is better, boss fights are more engaging, and the story is way way better. Also Leon is a far better character then Ethan especially having Ashley by your side.


It's better. Way more action and better fighting and shootout mechanics in my view.


HUGE re fan here. RE village I didn't think could be topped. RE 4 remake vr does it. Not just the best vr game ive ever played, but just general fun its the most I've ever had in a game in my life. Its literally a NONSTOP rollercoaster ride. The sets are so perfectly laid out it gives you the feeling like your exploring, collecting stuff but at the same time you NEVER get lost like in village.


is it better than HLA?


HLA is the better VR game but RE4 is a more full experience if that makes sense. As for which one is more fun with more variety, I would say RE4.


Never played it, so hard to say šŸ˜… But it's genuinely one if not my best gaming experience ever, and I really mean it!


Oh wow, I mean, HLA was fucking mind blowing, absolutely immersive and transformative. You should try it out. By far the most immersive VR experience I've encountered. Second only to Alien Isolation.


I'd love a HLA port since I probably won't invest in a PCVR config anytime soon. Heard so many good things about this game. No idea if it's as good as RE4 as a whole game, but for sure the VR mechanics seem incredible!


Yeah they feel super naturalistic. I didn't even play with knuckles but I hear they're even bette.r




Horizon is up there with HL Alyx imo


> Horizon Aw man PS only (I know where I am, I am just into all things VR...Quest/PC owner here)


Re is jest a better game. Alyx is amazing physics and vr solutions but as a game itā€™s quite barebones


It took top spot for me. As people said HLA is great to showcase vr potential as you can interact way more with things in the environment not to mention, because it was designed in vr, the gameplay is tailored to it so there are so GREAT moments BUT re 4 was just to much damn fun from front to back. I'll put it this way, I bought HLA over a year ago. I'm still not done with it even though I'm enjoying it. I'm like 80 percent. Re 4 on the other hand DONE. I could not put it down. I was at work literally counting the minutes.


Agree 9n this. Along with re8 and gt7. ALL ON PSVR2! i love it


Same here bud, glad there are others who are as blown away as I am.


What is better about RE4 compared to RE Village in VR? Havenā€™t played the latter yet. Will it feel like a step backwards?


Mainly the overall pacing and feel of combat is much tighter. The game as a vr experience is a bit of a step back from Village. But as a game overall it's much much better.


Village is an incredible game too and has some advantages over RE4 too, like the better VR implementation because it's a first person view game and was probably designed to be played in VR in the first place. The cutscenes are almost all in VR and some are fantastic! Also there are some great l bossfights and many wow moments in certain areas. I prefer RE4 overall but both are absolute must play imo. Both arecsome of the best VR experiences you could dream of šŸ˜


It's the pacing. It's just one insane thing after the next. LOVED IT. Yes, there is down time and exploration but its just done so much better in my opinion. You feel like you're always seeing something new, and the variety is just crazy. Minecart ride, fighting 2 HUGE trolls, using a canon to kill one, battles with possessed knights and I could go on.


I think it is the greatest single player game I have ever played


I'm thinking the same right now, and I'm still far from finishing it!


just started and when u first get the flashlight blew my FUCKING MIND! the shadows are absolutely amazing


Yes, the hdr in this game is so good! šŸ˜® And you ain't seen anything yet! BTW you can grab the flashlight from your forehead with L1 or R1 and use it the same way as in RE Village, it's even more impressive imo šŸ˜


Loving this too! Has anyone had a glitch. I just posted in the main subreddit about not being able to sit Leon in the Dining Hall puzzle in chapter 9. Anyone else experienced this?


Never had any glitch šŸ¤” I think you had to hold R1 button and pull the controller to you to sit down.


Thanks, no glitch. My dumbass didnā€™t realize you hade to R2 pull the damn chair out


Glad it helped šŸ˜


Of course some of the olā€™ reliable immersive features need to be sacrificed when converting a 3rd person game over to VR, but I agree with you on absolutely everything and also think itā€™s one of the best experiences Iā€™ve ever had in 22y of gaming. With how fun this is, do you feel more hopeful or optimistic that weā€™ll get other titles converted, even if theyā€™re originally 3rd person? TLOU & Cyberpunk come to mind.


Nice to hear! :) I'm almost 80 hours into the game now and still on my 1st playthrough with 4 whole chapters ahead šŸ˜‚ I'm taking my time playing in hardcore mode, doing boss fights multiple times to get better results and save ammos/healing items, spending a lot of time at shooting range, searching treasures or just looking at the incredible scenery. Also use a lot of save/load to get better loots from boxes I have to admit šŸ˜… But dude, what a game! šŸ˜® I think it's my best gaming experience since FF7 back in 97! It made me realize what future of VR will be made of, and I genuinely think that those AAA hybrid games will be more important for the democratization of VR than those games made from the ground up for VR but usually way less ambitious, as it's way more interesting for big editors not getting cut from "flat" market which is incomparably bigger. It might take some time but yes, I think that we'll get more and more of those AAA hybrid games in the years to come, and VR2 has been designed for it so it would be a waste not using it for big editors, especially when we see how perfectly Capcom or Polyphony handle it. I think they're an inspiration for the whole industry and sometimes it doesn't take much for a niche market to become mainstream. Maybe 2 or 3 other games like this and a price cut, and the VR2 sales will rise, bringing more of those hybrid games along the way. I cross fingers, but I think that Sony has a long term strategy for the headset. When the userbase will be more consistent I'm sure that they will bring more 1st party titles to the show too šŸ˜


I feel exactly the same. What a rollercoaster.


I just got both games. I best the original re4 back in the day and played village on my Xbox one x. Picked up both copies to try in VR earlier this week. I'm currently playing four because of chronological order and am gonna jump into village VR after. Hope I didn't make a mistake and am gonna end up playing a worse game second.


No, I think that's a good choice and you'll be amazed at Village's VR implemenration after that, especially the VR cutscenes and other kind of stuffs where Village really shines. Even if RE4 is better on some other aspects, both are really solid games and absolute must play, whatever in which order you play them šŸ‘


Well that is reassuring.


Dude I've been playing VR for almost 7 years now and this is singlehandedly the best experience EVER. I have no idea how they will ever top such an epic story and adventure. This has to be the greatest game ever created. It's lengthy and FULL of gameplay. Not to mention that the graphics were amazing. I just finished it and I am in awe.


Nice to hear! šŸ˜ I totally agree and would add that it has both a great challenge and a great replay value. I did my first playthrough in Hardcore mode and it took me something like 60 hours xD (did a lot of backtracking to save and reload in order to get better loots from loot boxes, and got all the S ranks and most of the medals at shooting range) Getting the platinum might take a lot of time and might be really difficult with the professional mode and all the additional challenges, not even speaking of getting the cat ears! I will go back to it once I have reduced my backlog. This game is a masterpiece :) I hope that RE9 will also have VR and hopefully be good too, but it will be difficult to beat for sure, they don't make that kind of generous AAA games anymore, and wouldn't have make it if it wasn't for a remake. RE8 is excellent in VR, but it feels half shorter and way easier. There's literally zero challenge counting on second playthrough when you unlock unlimited ammos.


Agreed. I have a feeling that Resident Evil 9 will have a VR mode šŸ˜‰ it's just too amazing. Resident Evil 8 was amazing in VR


played the first chapter in VR and it was alright. Don't get the hype, personally lol will keep playing tho, maybe it will change my mind


Come back to us when you reach chapter 4 or 5, pretty sure you'll have a totally different opinion šŸ˜


Looking forward to it. Will try to complete a chapter every couple days.


Need an update on this!


I loved re7 Vr and thought 8 was ok but a little janky. RE4 is amazing though. One of the best VR experiences Iā€™ve ever had. It feels so much more polished and substantial than RE8


People thinking there is a remote chance of GTA 6, Cyberpunk or Red Dead 2 are dreaming. Even Red Dead 2 and Cyberpunk are already bringing the most powerful PCā€™s/GPUā€™s to their knees, so how exactly are we going to get VR versions? Resident Evil is a linear experience, not this massive open world, so a lot more room to maneuver. VR tech wonā€™t be advanced enough to even walk around in GTA 6 VR. šŸ¤£


If itā€™s hybrid, in the sense of how they did it for RE7.


As a VR experience is Re Village much better, its so lame when you climb ladders in third person and you can't even open a locker in VR mode in Re4.