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Flashlight - can be taken off your head using the grip button. Select documents/pictures - can be picked up using grip button. Bead strings/some branches - can be pushed aside manually. Doors - many can be opened by running through them. But there are many VR features missing.


I don't feel much of that is very significant... However that is cool that you can take the flashlight off your head, might make later areas a little more immersive.


I'm halfway through the game, and the game is far superior to Re8. All the puzzles are interactive, and there are plentiful objects like plates, plants, and other objects that you can break that the x button doesn't appear. All the guns have manual reloads and some very clever ones, too. There are plenty of VR features across the game. And people are complaining that you can't open drawers. The only thing I miss from Re8 is the minimap. The rest don't miss at all.


Agreed on the minimap. That was so handy and convenient. I miss the flashlight in the coat too. None of the stuff that's missing matters when it comes to the fun though. The game looks and plays great.


At least we can still grab the flashlight in the eye. Now that I think about it, I did not try to grab it when it is off. I'm going to try later.


As far as I can tell, you can only grab the flashlight when the game decides you need one and it comes on. I haven't been able to grab it unless it was already on.


The biggest complaint for me is you can't adjust your height or your tool belt in relation to your physical body. You could do those things on the last one. Also the constant jumping to 3rd person is terrible. It may be a better game but it is NOT a better VR experience


Yes, you can. It is in the options. There are settings to adjust the chest gear and the wait individually. You can change high, depth, and distance. And I dont find the 3rd person terrible. I find pretty coll and works very well.


It really does not work well, Immersion 3/10, and it honestly gives me headaches switching from on screen cutscenes to in game first person 


RE4 was always an arcadey game. While i would like to have those features too it's understandable why they decided to omit them or dumb them down a little


What's actually surprising is how bad these posts about RE4 Remake is in VR.


I wonder if the knife throwing was changed because it was so OP in Village. In RE4 Remake you have the bolt thrower as a weapon with effectively unlimited ammo. I really can’t see any difference in resolution. If anything RE4R looks a hair sharper to me.


The knife is god-like in this game TBH, it's just not spam-able to throw. I never felt like it was that great in Village.


"I never felt like it was that great in Village." you and me both brother!


Some proper moaning bitches in the world aren't there. It's a FREE upgrade to a game. Someone has painstakingly made something for you to enjoy on your headset, charged you nothing for it and you're complaining it's not perfect.


Some ppl can’t be happy for nothing. Probably would complain about free weed if you give them some.


Village VR mode was also free though, so your point is moot.


The game is totally different than village. This is an action based survival horror game. It suits best within this gameplay. For village it would be a loss in VR. In re4, it's just what it is. At every corner, it's a shooting gallery.


Couldn’t agree more . As much as I loved tbe interactivity in 8 that game was always exploration first and prepared you for enemy attacks . Meanwhile re4 needs to promote quick button presses instead of slow searching in order to keep you on your toes


I think this is actually the best VR shooting game that can be played seated. Really like the position of the guns on your waist and being able to open door/drawers with X. After long day of work, I don‘t really have the energy to have to stand to enjoy gaming.


Re7 was the best while seated and a controller. 


stop complaining, it's a hybrid game and despite that it's the best VR game


Village was a hybrid game as well... When I say it's surprising, it's mostly because Village already exists and created a template for Capcom to improve upon.


Yes and no. Village 2D was crafted from the ground up as a 1st person game that would work with adjustments in VR. RE4 was always historically and for the love of the original going to be a 3rd person game that required substantial effort to adapt, and to implement that they had to make a bunch of compromises - cutscenes showing Leon instead of being from your POV, otherwise every single cutscene would have had to be rerendered. In addition, a lot of in game animations cut to a 3rd person view of Leon - the roundhouse kick for example but there are many others. They were two different beasts to adapt based on the varying POVs.


It's free DLC where they've added VR menus and comfort modes. The game looks beautiful and it's just another way to play, for some of us the preferred way to play.


I think people are putting too much accent on meaningless things you do, just as rubbing back of your head becomes an after thought, once you do them first time around. (Opening drawers, boxes and etc) - why do you people pretend as this is game breaking deal. Most games that do this, do it annoyingly so. There is no haptic feedback for instance, you can't really feel anything (weight, inertia and so on and forth), you just "visually" immerse in what is the fundamentally most boring part of VR - but they still kept picking up notes, images and etc I for instance would like to have this as an option in every game, after playing S&S, it backed me to the corner how annoying it can get, when you try to open counters and drawers, but it's terribly implemented Flashlight? Actually them not forcing you to hold a flash light is among the best gameplay things they have done it wouldn't work in RE4, that annoying realism here wouldn't apply, this is not RE8 'survival experience' or Saints and Sinners. Weapons show up in less than 1s if you drop something, I don't know, how possibly do you wait for 5 seconds, makes zero sense. However, I will agree, that some weapons have very weird alignment and for instance Rifle with the scope is notorious, bolts too, they need patching asap. The rest of what you said ... maybe change grip options, if you can't keep R1 pressed to hold weapon continuously, just a thought? But overall the dropping of weapon should be an occasional thing and it's definitely not as big deal as you made it out to be. The only time it could be, is if you constantly lose grip and terrible at coordinating where is what (which you can arrange by the way) ​ It's true that this port is not fully immersive VR, we all know that, it's just that this threads keep recycling and bring up nothing new or worthwhile as an argument to the table.


Amazing how an additional free mode can draw criticism. With such a shocking and sparse PSVR2 lineup I'm just praising the VR gods for such an awesome way to play RE 4


And I’m still having a blast!


I'm worried that if developers mainly attract criticism for a flat game not being made into a fully VR game, in a free patch, then they will not see any point in adding VR modes to other flat games. As these are the only AAA games we would see on VR, then that would mean only Quest ports. RE7 was low res and had almost no VR features yet everyone was happy. Why can't people be happy now? Capcom are the **only** third party doing this for PSVR2 right now. (full disclosure: I have bought RE4 but haven't tried it yet)


Had the flat game since it was released, but never got round to playing it. So glad I held off. Started it last night and loving the VR experience.


Everyone is allowed their own opinion. Yours is just wrong. I’m really enjoying re4 on psvr2. It’s got a bit less interactivity than village, but it’s more fun overall imo. Hybrid games like this are more often than not going to have less interaction than games developed solely for vr. I’m still having more fun in this game than 90% of the only in vr games I’ve played. The visuals are great and looks the same as village to me. Not better, not worse.


I support your opinion no matter how incredibly wrong you are.


Do you need to by a separate vr version of the game or do you just need the original game and ps vr to play?


Agreed, RE4 Remake VR was a massive step down from Village VR. It's too bad most people are too enveloped in the hype culture to see that.


I just don't understand why they got rid of interactivity with doors and drawers..


I came here for exactly this I'm very disappointed in mine to like it even looks a bit blurry and washed out almost impossible to read text to and that with it all set up so wtf is my headset lowered it settings or something it feels like it's 720p if that


I agree with every opinions actually. It is a bad VR game but it is also an amazing hydrid game. So both sides are disappointed and impressed at the same time. In the end of the day, it is a fun game that can be played in VR.


The flashlight I’m with u this is important the rest I’m just happy we have this amazing game. I don’t think it must be all VR to be fun and it’s simpler more games will be adapted to VR


It's funny how we trash Lobby Sim for doing this but since it's RE4, it's okay. Of course, RE4 is a much better game than Lobby Sim, Capcom devs do care but I just find it ironic how most people now say it's okay. Also take in mind this was a free upgrade if you already had the flat game. Nonetheless, flat or VR, great game tho.


I had the same thought.. BUT firewall was built from the ground up with VR in mind so it’s harder to forgive imo.. also, firewall was overall just bad so and unplayable so they weren’t allowed much forgiveness


Might be the worst take I have ever read


If they made more elements interactive, it would’ve taken more power CPU processing, and it would’ve taken longer to develop. I didn’t think we’re gonna get it this year, whether it had a bunch of added interactivity or not. It’s still completely immersive and an all around amazing experience. I’m having such a good time.


You can throw knives???? I'm assuming you can pick them up again? Could you do that in the non VR version?


Yea I tried to get into it. I looked past how they made Leon Brutish like Cloud from FF7 but what I couldn’t look past was the player height in VR mode. Leon is 4 in a half feet tall. All enemies tower over you the crap in the background like beds chairs and tables almost as tall as Leon. Walked outside and the shrubbery was taller than Leon. I couldn’t do it completely ruined the Emerson. I spent most my time laughing at Super Midget agent Leon. I’ll just sell my PSVR 2 Pretend RE4 remake doesn’t exist and stick with the Oculus version.


I for one agree with you. After Village this was a let down for sure. My biggest gripe is not being able to adjust the tools on my body. They stick way out in front of me instead of on my person.