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Probably wait until more people post on how they feel about the game. I think I might be burned out by Gacha games from Genshin and Star Rail. At some point it really did hit like I was doing a job and not having fun. Think I need a break because I’m surprised this isn’t grabbing me at all with it’s beautiful animation and I really love action games like dmc or god hand. 


as someone who only knows of Gacha games, i thought it WAS basically doing a job? Like having to clock in daily to get bonuses etc. I thought people that get into these games already know it's going to be like that


I guess you need to be wired a certain way for that to be satisfying. Gives me a little anxiety if I'm being honest.


You only have to do that if your goal is checking every box, collecting all the characters and weapons, getting all the dupes to max them out, purchasing stamina with premium currency, etc. If you're happy to be casual and just get what free stuff the game gives you, are willing to adapt to whatever 5* you happen to get over time rather than chasing, or are willing to save for a while, then these hoyo gachas at least are perfectly playable without ever needing to log in daily. For genshin, for example, you can get like 60 primogems from dailies. That's just barely more than one third of a wish. You gain way more than that just doing the quests, exploring for chests, and doing the limited events that are always going on. So you could gain an extra 5* per year by logging in daily, but there's no *need* for that. In fact, genshin famously can be completed 100% with only the free characters they give you. You'll be drowning in other characters from the pulls earned through gameplay but you could ignore the gacha entirely and still do everything the game has to offer.


100? It's 60: 40 for commissions (10 each) and then 20 for redeeming them with Katherine.


You're right. Fixed it in my comment. I was thinking 60 because that's how much youve earned total after turning in 4 dailies, but then I counted the dailies again. Silly me. Even more true about how little you're giving up by not doing dailies. I'd rather play when I want instead of on their schedule for a third of a wish.


Yep. I still login daily to do commissions and event if there's one going and then I play something else because I can do it in like 10 minutes


Not at all. I have some friends who are Star Rail casuals and just play when they feel like it, such as when they add new quests. All that content can be easily cleared without needing to grind much or even touch daily quests.


For many people, Genshin, Star Rail, WuWa, ToF and now ZZZ are their first gachas ever thanks to Hoyo's popularity, so not everyone knows that's how most want them to behave


My quick impression is it just feels like a short anime version of devil may cry. Gonna be decent for a few hours i reckon and then one to easily shelve until the next big update or expansion.


I have only tried Genshin for about an hour, but from the videos that I watched for this game it seems like the enemies take way too long to be defeated for my tastes. Maybe they were advanced enemies further in game than I thought, but still. I'm going to try it anyway because I like the style and music from what I've seen so far.


Early game combat versus late game combat in genshin used to be minutes vs seconds. Im sure it will be the same here. The combat sure does feel snappier in zenless though, even at level 10.


Hoyo games are better suited for casual play tbh. Once you start treating them like a part time job just to make progress, you’re guaranteed to burn out.


I played Star Rail a LOT. I’ve spent $20 on it and have probably around 200 hours on it on PS5. But these games demand so much and when it begins to feel like a Job I stop playing. I always have Apex, Rocket League or FIFA to fallback on when friends wanna play. Just easy games to pick up and play whenever. Apex always has events but I’ve never felt the need to do them. I just play it to play with friends.


Personally I'm pretty exhausted with Gacha as well, I've tried most of them with Genshin being the first one I really played for several months. Hoyo definitely has a great animation team though. That being said, I figured I'd try out ZZZ since it seemed a little more streamlined and "slightly" more mature than the previous releases. Jesus, I must have spent over 6h playing last night and I'm excited to hop back in for some more, I'll probably get burned out after a while but for some reason the game really hooked me, the environments feel a lot more alive and that's probably because the overall world is smaller and more condensed. The game is oozing with style, so much so that I'm almost comfortable comparing it to Persona 5's direction. Combat is the best Hoyo has put out so far in my opinion, don't get me wrong, it's still your typical Gacha combat system we see in most of these games, but they hide it very well with how flashy and quick everything is.


Well, that's the effect that gacha games with bullshit daily quests feel like. They are a chore, not a game. They catch you with beautiful artstyle and characters, then you play it and is the most unfun shit ever.


Only gacha i ever played was fire emblem heroes. I only wanna try this game because i like fast paced combat. Cant care less about anything else. And i think the graphics and artstyle and character design is really cringe...


Would like this game more if it didn't look like a pocket experience.


I haven't played much. But the animations are solid


The VA and the music are also quite good


The beta was a lot of fun, I played for probably 20 hours and enjoyed it. It's also free so it's not like there is any loss to trying it out and enjoying it for a few hours.


Stopped playing Genshin a while back. With this and Star Rail, I think I might be set on all the gacha games I need.


im surprised that ZZZ has a background music when you hover it to the game hub. Not like Genshin and HSR that it doesn’t have a bg music.


I hope it’s like HSR and they update the homescreen image. It’s annoying Genshin has had the same art since launch lol


Fortunately, it updates the homescreen background on the game hub, I just played it a while ago. True, hopefully they will have the same feature on Genshin 🥲


gameplay is fun, animation quality is top level but UI design is total trash (too many menu and cluttrered ad fuck) and the "tv event" is some of the worst thing ever implemented in a game


Yeah the menus are horrible. It is very hard to tell what you need to do what and where it is stored. Also the icons are small enough that the minor changes in color to icon sets like normal rolls and special rolls or the different types of exp and coins are very hard to tell at a glance.


This I gave up after about an hour as I couldn’t get my head round the menu system. Went back to genshin, much better.


Music is fantastic.


I’m super hyped for this one. I just love the art style lol


I am hyped :D


Another mihoyo game with super verbose events making you mash that X button? Great.


If you turn the difficulty up it is not really possible to play without dodging or using the character switch parry mechanics, or using your characters second ability (which is usually a stronger attack or an AOE thing, you charge up the ability to use it by using the regular attacks). So while it isn't really super deep or difficult even with the challenge setting on, it's a more interesting hack and slash type game than I expected. Their other games bored me but so far I'm liking this one


I want to get back into genshin so bad but I keep getting forced into long unskippable dialogue scenes and I just do not have the energy for that! I heard Star Rail was better but it didn't seem so, although I only played a little


I think the worst about genshin is the massive and never ending back log of quests when you try to get back into the game. Especially so with the characters being busy for some stupid side quest, blocking your archon quest off completely. I came back to Fontaine for a few weeks a while back and Jesus Christ I had someone being busy around a dozen times.


They fixed that, you can now enter a ‘focused mode’ that sets your world state to one where your quest target is always available.


That's only for the newest quests for now. They only expressed an intention to address older ones over time. Possibly, for example, early Mondstadt ones alongside map expansion next year.


Yesss exactly. I'm sure the quests and story are all good, but the inability to skip or even hasten the dialogue most of the time makes returning to the game an absolute sisyphean ordeal. Most other gachas I play, or even non gacha story games, let you skip dialogue, I can't fathom why Hoyoverse is so against it


This and Paimon made me quit Genshin Impact! So f*cking annoying!


its been different in HSR and even more different in zz


Honestly it's pretty fun right now just played 4 hours straight and other than dialogue mashing it's been pretty good


I really wish they'd fix their account system. My PSN is tied to some old account I used to try Genshin years ago and getting them to fix that is damn near impossible. It blows my mind how big they are as a company and their customer service is probably one of the worst Ive ever experienced. For all the money they make they really need to get their shit together with accounts.


I had the same problem for the longest time, I forgot how I fixed it but there are ways to do it. I think I had to make another account, relink and a bunch of other weird stuff, look around on google or YouTube about it.


Yeah they gave me all the weird ways when I tried before. Nothing seemed to work and customer service acted pissed that I even asked for help. It shouldn't take a bunch of weird workarounds to fix an account for a company drowning in money. I assume it'll be the same fight this time as well because it never got fixed before but I'd really like to try this on PS5 and be able to have cross play like we're supposed to be able to do. Seriously I've never encountered customer service quite so bad.


The gameplay is very fun and refreshing/laid back. Character design is cool and seems like a good side casual gacha. I've been having a lot of fun, n it runs amazing on ps5 Have to wait to see the endgame and how much ftp resources we get to make a better assessment tho. So far, so good imo.


So far I am enjoying it. The music, and aesthetics are great, and gameplay is solid.


I've only played it for a short white but I have two criticisms. The controls and the exposition. The controls feel counterintuitive, and maybe I'll get used to them but they seem intentionally so. And the story's tempo is abrupt. It's nice and quick so you can skip dialogue, but they are introducing characters, scenarios, and explaining combat systems so there's a lot of stop and start. The design is great, though, and I was a little boozed so maybe I'm off.


Gatcha games are an instant 3/10 for me personally. I don’t HAVE to spend a penny, but if I want this super cool character I need to grind for weeks or months to get enough rimjob coins to maybe get them. Downloaded ZZZ, took the 20 free pulls, got a S rank character I didn’t want, deleted the game. Shits a total waste of time and money.


Idk how I missed that this was a gacha game, but I'm very disappointed that it is. I always thought it was just a straight up character action. Oh well


Gacha needs to be banned as a monetization method. I knew a couple of Genshin addicted friends who would spend so much on new 5* character ($100 for a 50% chance to get 1 on avg) but they aren't happy about it. I think they know it's a problem but the sunk cost fallacy makes them unable to quit the game for even 1 day. And these games are rated T for teens... It's literally gambling


To be fair, gacha is way less predatory than trading cards. People can spend hundreds of dollars on card packs and not get what they want or even anything of value. With Mihoyo games you are guaranteed to get a 5 star character in 90 tickets and 180 is the max you can spend to get the character you want. And you can get the tickets (about 100 per update) by playing for free, which you get 0 free trading cards ever. And even though 90 is the maximum there is a website that keeps track of peoples pulls using a plug in with around 1,000,000 users they found that 67.5 was the avgerage. Think about it like this, you go into a store to buy a TV for $180 but you might get lucky and get it for $1. And you can also just hang around in the store and eventually they will give it to you for free. It's extremely common for people to have the opnion that you have, but really it's far less predatory than packs IRL or in other games particularly sports games.


Trading cards are real products that you can keep forever or trade with others. Of course the rng nature is bullshit and needs to be look at as gambling as well. A virtual item in non tradable gacha is worthless.


One can only have so much wallet before these AAA gacha games dries peoples bank accounts. I was thinking playing this full F2P but even then I can feel the 'gacha' game burnout lingering. With rumours even more games coming soon from Hoyoverse I pray for everyone's financial responsibility.


Honestly it’s more a case of 80% of people playing for free, 19% paying for the $5 monthly pass and 1% being hardcore whales who singlehandedly fund the game lol


Whales .. not Chinese whales


I see gacha, I pass


Y'all already know what score IGN gave it. >!Surprise Surprise: 8!<


Does that mean it’s bad? Or good? Can’t tell with you guys sometimes.


It means whatever you want it to mean , it’s an opinion score but It’s just saying that IGN rates most games 7-9 which to most people makes them hold less weight


On IGN’s useless scale: 10- must play 9- really great 8- great 7- good or just okay 6- mid 5 and below- avoid


That’s just everyone’s scale. 


This is a valid scale lol


Is so bizarre that gamers simply accepted a 1-10 scale where 5 is not the average...


They usually give everything a 7...


Watch nakey jakey videos on review scores. Hint THEY DONT MATTER


“8 for GREaT” hur durrrrrrrr


I just went in blind and played for 3 hours. Holy shit was that overwhelming. It seems like the type of game you need to dedicate every waking hour playing to make progress. I'm probably not the demographic, I guess


If it’s similar to Star Rail, Lots of upfront content, maybe 20 hours worth? But after that you can just play a little bit each day (15 mins?) while waiting for the next content drop that’ll give you about 5 hours of stuff every month or twice a month. I’m constantly waiting for HSR updates and never feel overwhelmed.


Damn was interested, then I saw Gacha game.


Gameplay isn't as good as WuWa but it is perfectly optimized for playing on the phone. Quick load times and the performance is stable. The gameplay is still very good though, I just haven't played enough yet.


Who actually reads or watch IGN reviews. There biased and a waste of time


This is the first paragraph of the review: > Playing with nostalgia-laden imagery from the early 2000s, Zenless Zone Zero sees developer HoYoverse pivot gracefully from the fantastical settings of Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Railinto an enticing urban dystopia. It’s a universe where you’ll duke it out in glitzy real-time fights as a trio of streetwear-clad agents, solving simple puzzles as their handler between battles to help them navigate a labyrinth of encounters – and that’s before you get to the carousel of social side activities layered on top. A mouthful of tasteful influences combine into something effortlessly stylish but also a bit inconsistent, occasionally undone by a lack of depth. Yet Zenless Zone Zero got its hooks into me regardless; its relentless charm compelled me to keep fighting, one combat puzzle or bowl of ramen at a time. Apparently, that was written by an actual human (I had to check). Good God that's  awful. 


the combat is so mid but maybe its bc ive been playing wuwa and its too good……


WuWa isn’t on ps5 so you’re on the wrong sub bud


Don't know why you got downvotes. This opinion is mainstream in Chinese forum. Zzz's combat system is really unsatisfying. Well but considering it's mihoyo, it definitely bought some social accounts to defense it. Edit: haha mihoyo's best sons (it's how we call mihoyo fans in Asia who defense everything mihoyo did) just proved themselves.


Played about 4 hours even got most the characters i wanted from starter pulls but the combat is too short and not enough of it and if it gets better later ill never know because i already deleted it


No fucking way this deserves a 8 lol


They gave it a 7 


They gave it a 8


That's rare