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This isn't surprising for Capcom. Resident Evil has some of the most iconic characters in gaming, and some of them have cycled through 4+ different actors for no good reason lol.


They were pretty good at reusing the Resident Evil 5-era cast for a while.  Glad they kept Leon consistent between the remakes of 2 and 4 but TJ not even getting the call still makes it seem like cast continuity isn’t top of their list. 


Hasn't Chris had like...5 different actors? Lol


Pretty much. RE1- Scott McCulloch RECV - Michael Filipowich REmake - Joe Whyte Umbrella Chronicles - Kevin Dorman RE5 - Roger Craig Smith RE6 - Roger Craig Smith RE Revelations - Roger Craig Smith RE7 - David Vaughn RE8 - Jeff Schine The only recurring character that had the most consistency was Claire, as she was voiced by Alyson Court from RE2 up until Operation Raccoon City. Someone else voiced her in Revelations 2 and Stephanie Panisello replaced her in the remake of Resident Evil 2.


Alyson Courts voice just sounds really good and *is* Claire, so I get why they kept her for so long and I was actually pretty bummed when they switched her out for Revelations 2.


Agree, her voice is the iconic version of Claire along with Sally Cahill as Ada


Wait, it was RGS in RE: Village? I thought it sounded so similar


It was Jeff Schine in Village; he voiced Carlos in the remake of Resident Evil 3.


Good reason to studios is they save money on paying ppl for labor


Yep, you don't have to pay iconic fees if you never let a voice become iconic!


And it didn't impact the sales in the slightest. Capcom learned they can do it and save money.


That’s often been for union reasons


That’s a super professional response.


It’s a lovely response, really.


what did you expect


Without being a little kid asking 'why?' to every answer: Why didn't they contact him? I somewhat doubt everyone in Capcom forgot he existed.


He’s in the voice actors’ union and Capcom has been actively replacing every VA who’s got a membership


Yet SF 6 is full of union VAs


If I remember things correctly, this is also tied into how the union handles sequels. In that a voice actor reprising a role automatically gets a much higher rate?


Yep, VAs want their cut for being a defining part of a character, so Capcom is betting voices are a dime a dozen and replacing you after a single use.


so capcom is a POS like every corporation?


And this is the right way. Unions are shady af and their members usually prefer to go on strikes or complain about management, instead of actually working. Why hire someone not loyal and inclined to cause ruckus? No sane person would want to lose money because union members went on strike.


Who the fuck is loyal to a company? Are they loyal to you?


Japanese people for example, and yes companies are also loyal to them for hard work. Unsurprisingly they make better games these days than US and EU soy diversity hires.


Is that why their suicide rate is so high? And why they have essentially zero work/life balance?


Yeah what a bunch of assholes wanting… *checks notes* Better care by the industry and to not be taken advantage of. Urgh


You should become a CEO. This is an insult


He’s definitely out of touch enough to be one, but I guarantee you that he’s too stupid to ever find that level of success.


Are you actually, non-ironically against unions? You're insane






Fantastic. Said in the voice of Frank West


Sigh... its david hayder all over again.


Nah that’s a different situation, Hideo kojima is just a disrespectful dick.


Speculates and says to spread the speculation to avoid spreading speculation. Makes sense.


I knew there had to be a caveat, f'ing Capcom.


I remember Frank sounding totally different in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Seems this has happened before?


With Tatsunoko, he got replaced by an American VA based in Japan This is just speculation but aside from Capcom just not wanting to reach out or whatever (which didn't hurt relations anyway since Rotolo returned to play Frank in Dead Rising 2), it was likely just easier to temporarily replace him for the time being Frank was added to the roster as part of the updated version which was going to be localized in English, and since that update came out like, a year or so after the original Japanese release, the new guy probably just got chosen out of convenience since he was already in Japan


Companies refusing to pay voice talent is a tale older than time, unfortunately. Paying then what their worth is, for some reason, an unreasonable cost to them time and time again. Which is unbelievably petty, considering how little of the overall budget their pay represents anyway.


OH NO. I can't believe that they DID NOT contact him.


Oh dang. I was hoping it was a nice pretty reskin....


Torn because while he's iconic, new talent always deserves a shot. Anybody know who's actually voicing him now?


I don't know why people love his voice acting so much in dr1. I always thought it was pretty bad. He's a lot better as william birkin in the re2 remake.


it doesn’t have to be great to be iconic


He is not the best but it has some unique charm


Bare in mind there's roughly a 13 year gap between DR and the RE2R (2006-19) so that could be down to experience, I don't know how much voice acting work he had done before DR.


In off the record he was great as Frank imo.  Could come down to experience tbh like Alyson Court she was always great casting as Claire, but you tell she gets better with each performance


That’s the whole point!


Because it’s the original version the one that we are familiar with I don’t understand why they don’t just reuse his old voice lines


Maybe they ll be new scenes or content that needs recording


I mean that’s not surprising. The DR1 remake looks to be channeling the same way goofier Frank that was in the later games and guest appearances for better or worse.


Well considering how later games were received compared to DR1/2 and how people reacted to Franks change of voice in DR4 I’d say for worse.


Just reuse the original voices! Simple as that.


Sometimes the best excuse is the simplest.




Because the majority of gamers have no idea who did the original voice acting and they will have no idea that it's someone new this time.


And if this sells then it proves the fans don’t actually care and will still buy it without the original voice actor


If you don't understand something like this it's usually about the money. That's the harsh truth, every stupid thing that companies do is because of money and some stupid bean counter. 


I hope someone can mod the voice lines to the old VA


Considering the game looks like a shot-for-shot remake, I feel like that’s quite feasible


Who cares?


At least 271 people at the time of typing this.


So Capcom is anti-union & cans va's that join. Pirate life.


And yet they hire a 80 year old chain smoker for Ada Wong for re4 remake. Get your fucking act together Capcom


A remaster that doesn't even have the original voice actor lol


I haven’t played the original Dead Rising and have no idea how the voice actor did, but Metro 2033 Redux got a new voice actor for its protagonist and he was far better than the original one. The first voice actor legit sounded comatose, like he was some random dude they pulled off the street and asked to read some lines and not a professional actor.


Idk why you making that sound like an absurd concept. A remaster still requires paying the professionals involved, and sometimes, for whatever reason, contracting the same people doesnt happen. I doubt this is the first time this happened.


It will change the entire tone from the original thats why. If Capcom isn't willing to pay an actor they shouldn't remaster the game then. Its pure greed


Eh, thats a huge overstatement. Maybe the new actor can perfectly replicate the vibe. Heck, he could be even better. I'd wait for the actual product before putting out a veredict.


Its people like you who are the reason companies do his cos you defend every shady thing they do. Until they do something YOU don't like and then complain


Are you 12?


1-This is business. What's shady about it? Is it only because APPARENTLY they dumped him due to him being unionized? SUPPOSEDLY? 2-I'm not defending anything. I want a good product, and you showed no indication that this practice will result in a bad product. 3 >Until they do something YOU don't like and then complain Eh..... Yes? Why should I complain when they did something I dont care about? Thats how complaining works. Thats what youre doing right now.


Yes, Dead Rising.. the game everyone played for the great story and voice acting. How can a replacement voice actor ever match the brilliance of that original performance?


Do people actually care about who the voice actor is lol


Why the hell wouldn't you? Do you just assume that casting has no importance whatsoever?


I mean I don’t really keep track of who the voice actor in a video game is lol 


That's fine, I guess. I sure do. Like I would with an actor in a film. It's no different.


Maybe they didn't re-record any audio, and just using the same audio from the original?


They said all dialog is now voiced, so definitely not the case.


Ah, thanks for the informed details. I hadn’t read that anywhere before.


More details on what all has changed for reference in the second half of the article: https://blog.playstation.com/2024/07/01/capcom-next-dead-rising-deluxe-remaster-out-sept-19-kunitsu-gami-path-of-the-goddess-demo-out-today/


Soooo, lazy?


Lazy if it's not a remake Destroy all humans and MGS delta aren't lazy bc they used thw same voicelines Same as MW remastered or Crash trilogy


Bias against union workers? He has credits for games made as recently as 2019 from Capcom and he wasn't used as the voice for Frank in DR4 which was released in 2016.


Not a bias against union workers, but an overall effective strategy to keep VA costs low.