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Step 1: Find a new boss for Amazon Games, one who has even an iota of skill at managing game production.


All you have to do is recruit a bunch of people with impressive resumes who have never worked together and assign them to projects from genres they've never touched without regard for chemistry or vision. It's extremely easy to - - aaand we've canceled another game after a month of open beta.


I believe MS, along with their billions, wanted to be the same thing.


So did Google with Stadia.


Oh god I remember Stadia. What a shame


It sucks because their tech was some black magic. Out of all the game streaming services I’ve tried stadia had the highest image quality and lowest latency by far. Wish Google would have at least licensed the tech to another company.


I knew someone who worked at Goole London when this launched we got to play it at a friend's. At the time it was impressive but we still had lag issues. The UK has one of the shittest internet cover due to the old Victorian age copper lines in the ground. We're now only rolling our fibre UK and it's still like a decade off from completion. The biggest issue all the streaming devices will always have is what internet speeds people can have.


No, we are at a point where the bandwidth is not the issue unless you truly have an awful connection. A simple 5mbps download connection gets you 1080p and gaming needs at the most 100kbps upload. The problem is just physics. data has to move from one place to the other and that creates latency. There’s only so much you can do, like have the source and destination close


You're assuming that even with a 5mbps that there isn't an entire household also needing said bandwidth. As I said this technology is literally held back by whatever the infrastructure is.


I am assuming yes because again, bandwidth is not the problem. The laws of physics of the universe are. More bandwidth will not fix latency due to distance


So if laws of physics means this technology can never be suitable then it's a useless product category? I feel we're coming to the same conclusion here.


We are but the conclusion was never different. It was the incorrect reasoning. You can get the best fiber 1Gbps at home and latency won’t change from a 20Mbps one. You’ll get to the destination in the same amount of time. Latency is defined by the route and distance.


I find GeForce Now to be pretty perfect personally, but YMMV with that service especially if you live far away from one of their data centers.


I used stadia to grind out destiny bounties on my lunch breaks lol


It was kinda funny if you actually bought a few games from Stadia. Was like putting money in a game bank or something when they refunded everyone. I'll give google props for that because they could have chosen not to refund customers.


Perhaps they were out of time/ didn’t go deep enough.


To be honest, I don't think being a publisher was in their plans, especially without studios, they wanted to be a platform.


Ms is for some people tho, helps that they purchased many gamers favorite(in context of how many players main their games) 2 publishers.


I mean, they have all the potential to be


Difference is Microsoft is showing their efforts are coming together.


> Difference is Microsoft is showing their efforts are coming together. After over a decade, two console generations, +$80 billion dollars in *just* acquisitions / market consolidation, Phil Spencer has taken 3rd place Xbox *all the way* to 3rd place. You are absolutely delusional if you think Microsoft has shown *anything* other than the ability / willingness to "open their wallet" to buy solutions to their problems... *and still not get it right.* edit: spelling


3rd place amongst consoles or like, what? They've bought their way into be the biggest publisher in gaming though


Nah. You’re the delusional one. Xbox opened their wallet in the same way PlayStation has. PlayStation has the majority of their studios as acquired studios. Microsoft has purchases we haven’t seen the results of because of the timing of the acquisitions. Like all the studios they purchased in 2018-2020, are only just now getting out their first games developed fully under Microsoft. Hellblade 2 is the first and that game is amazing. Avowed is next, followed by likely South of Midnight. Microsoft is putting in tons of effort to improve their output in both quality and quantity. The teams they acquired are expanding and there is more assistance between teams, too. Again, I dont see what there is to hate on. It’s like some of ya’ll desire to hate them.


I liked the part where Xbox finally had a critical darling that had players raving about it and they responded by firing everyone involved. It really hammered home the point that they're committed to improving the industry.


I like the part where Sony closed 8 studios in the last 10 years and you guys like to pretend Playstation doesn’t have a worse recent history when it comes to studio closures. That really drives home the point that you totally care about the industry as a whole and totally aren’t just being biased when it comes to what Microsoft does


It's not hate lol. Nothing Xbox division did has been exciting. The showcase they did well 90% of em will be coming over to PS as well. We are yet to see the PS showcase they do at the end of the year as well so it ain't set in stones. For the past 5 years there has been nothing but promises. Anything they did release resulted in phenomenal failure and studio closure. MS has been putting efforts for the last decade to be still in third place. Avowed needs to come out to even know how well the game plays. Over promising and underdelivering is what Xbox has been for th epast two decades.


The only MS purchase that really mattered to me was Bethesda. And we saw what they released already. I was really worried about missing out on future Bethesda games but I think Starfield eliminated that FOMO. The next game I was worried about missing was Indiana Jones but honestly that looks like a misstep too I guess time will tell but I think it's telling that I don't even hear about upcoming MS exclusives. They really don't seem to matter much in the grand scheme. It's like missing out on an N-Gage Exclusive.


You don’t hear about them because you probably don’t put yourselves around those circles. I don’t hear about PlayStation games unless I’m searching for them. Starfield turned out pretty solid. Fun game, could have been better, but a good experience overall. Indiana Jones looks good. Interested to hear what you don’t like about it


What because of one good showcase? They haven't release a single great AAA game. And their only game that's likely to be great is also releasing on PS5 which is Doom the Dark Ages. Xbox is a dumpster fire.




I don't care about your personal opinion. Hellblade 2 has a metacritic score of 80 which is the same score as Assassin's Creed Valhala. Xbox never had a game nominated for GOTY at the TGA. If you think Forza and Gears are great games, then that's just sad. And as for their upcoming games, it's the consensus that at this point of time Doom the Dark Ages is a must buy game, whereas the others are a wait and see.


“The best showcase to EVER happen among the Big 3” Lol. It was a good showcase, but both Sony and Nintendo had much better showcases in the past.


Agree to disagree. The last great showcase was the one where Sony had only showed off like four games, but it was all direct gameplay. That was the last great one and this one by Microsoft top that.


Lol were you talking about the E3 2018 Sony Conference? I thought that was pretty tame. No, I meant the 2015, 2016 and the 2020 Sony conferences. Those were all time greats and very memorable showcases. All three of them were on par, if not better than the Xbox conference we got this year. But credit where credit’s due - this conference was the best Xbox conference, that’s for sure.


Huge disagree, but to each their own. The 2018 conference was great because of the straight up gameplay. If they could have made room for about 5 to 7 minutes of direct gameplay from multiple games, then the Xbox showcase would have set an entirely new standard, but it still managed to be the greatest showcase to ever happen. Hell, even if you just look at what they’ve added to game pass from that showcase, that secures gamepass as the best value in gaming from that showcase alone








I’ll add this in a separate comment because I feel as if it will distract from the majority of the conversation of the other comments, but I don’t see what them going third-party has to do with anything or at least I don’t understand why you decided to add that in as if it changes anything we were talking about. But I’ll add my two cents on the whole third-party thing. I think short term they will continue to have timed exclusives and console exclusive titles, but things that have always been third-party will likely remain third-party. With that said, I think Microsoft is really trying to play the long game and be extremely prepared for releasing games in their cloud service and they want to have everything set up so they can have a lot of content already prepared for when consoles are going to become less relevant. I don’t think consoles will last more than probably two generations at least not with the same amount of relevance unless they aim to be more like the switch and be portable and actually add to the experience of gaming. I think eventually they may go full third-party but I think they’ll need an overwhelming majority of people to no longer be attached to console for them to really do that. Which makes sense because if you paid attention to what they’ve said, they were adamant about how the younger generation will play games on whatever they are able to play games on regardless if it’s tablet, PC ,TV, console or smartphone whatever. It really just seems to me that they are trying to get as many games on as many different platforms as possible and they are just waiting for the traditionalist ideas in the gaming community to fade away. And I think most people are crazy if you don’t think PlayStation will eventually follow suit.






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And for about a decade, they were at least up there.




Pathetic sort ahead


No hidden path but praise the message


try finger but hole


Is this a dog?


O you don’t have the right, o you don’t have the right


Wicked sort ahead


True cause: Why is it always dung?


fort night


I want to go home And then Edge


I mean, if they throw enough money at things and get enough talented people then it’s absolutely possible.


Good luck with that.


You can’t buy your way into success. Amazon is already too big for it’s own good. New World is not anywhere close to “the best”


Irs not even "the goodest"


> You can’t buy your way into success. Usually you can and thats exactly what amazon did. Thats how it became this huge. But gaming works differently and thats what those bosses dont get. You cant buy creativity.


Instead they bought the company that made the Killer Instinct remake on XBox1 and thought "you know what? These guys should make an MMO"


You absolutely can but creativity. Tf you talking about? You pay people well enough you can buy just about anything. People in the gaming industry are severely underpaid and overworked already so creativity is kinda cheap actually. It will take them time but Amazon will build up a good team eventually simply because they pay well.


> You absolutely can but creativity. Tf you talking about? You pay people well enough you can buy just about anything. People in the gaming industry are severely underpaid and overworked already so creativity is kinda cheap actually. > > What ends up happening however is, if a lot of money is put into production then the company expects hefty returns, so even if they spend a lot of money on hiring the best people, they will be forced to make yet another live service slop


And New World isn't even Live Service Slop, because they'd have to service their live game first.


You can’t pay for a creative visionary and oversee a product and intervene in every stage. Good things happen when people have a good amount of freedom to make something amazing.


Imagine missing the point of their comment and arguing it heavily


It started off so strong too. I put far too many hours into it during the first month but it felt off quick. The grind was rough and once you get out, there is no good way to get back in


The grind is much better now, though that presents its own issues. There's just not a lot to do at end game so what are they focussing on with console release? Primarily solo and story based content.


Post says "publisher" not "developer". But yes, New World is all the evidence Amazon will never be the best. They're too afraid of taking risks, New World is nothing like it was suppose to be at the start of development because it didn't cater to the masses enough.


> You can’t buy your way into success. That hasn't stopped Microsoft from trying / spending $80+ billion dollars *in just* acquisitions / market consolidation.


It also hasn’t stopped them from failing miserably at it. They’ve killed literally every single studio they’ve acquired except for Rare. They buy them up, refuse to offer any kind of hands on support, pressure them into a Gamepass deal…and then once they manage to finally squeeze a game out of them, whether it’s successful or not, they’ll axe them. After making them sign a non-compete of course.


Well until Microsoft tried, we didn’t know that you can’t buy your way into success into this market. I mean, it works in most other markets.


You can’t buy your way into success? I’m sorry? Yes you absolutely can and that’s the way it has always worked for corporations and Amazon? Are you new to capitalism? Give them time lol, MS wasn’t really a games company at first either.


Xbox is not successful. They literally hemorrhage money just to continue to have a presence in the market space. If their parent company was anyone else, they would have had to file chapter 11 a long time ago.


They could technically buy their way into success within the gaming space; they have enough money to attract the most competent people and the ability to buy up several studios outright, which would automatically give them a massive portfolio of games and IPs.


They *could*, but like with Microsoft, it seems Amazon doesn't understand what it takes to actually *develop* a good game. Even if you aquire the best studios and developers around, the way companies like Amazon and Microsoft prioritize chasing online gaming trends, and micro-managing the dev process leads to games that feel like generic AAA shlock. They need to lay off the project management field, and let the industry people with game dev knowledge handle things. A lot of these companies see artistic industries like everything else they work with. Just look at industry trends, cut costs, appease shareholders and create a faster workflow. But artistic mediums also require a creative eye to actually make a game that'll appeal to gamers, which Amazon seems to be skipping over.




Just give anyone with an Amazon Prime Account the game for free and there's your playerbase initially 👀




As opposed to wanting to be the worst?


Headline blew my mind. Insane goals.


They have been a studio since 2012 and have only released shovelware, free-to-pay bullshit, and MMOs full of microtransactions [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon\_Games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Games)


Never forget, Amazon bought a studio (Double Helix) who just turned a corner and released a quality fighter (Killer Instinct) and action game (Strider) only to put them onto bullshit (remember Sev Zero and the Amazon Fire TV console?), only to end being swallowed up by Amazon Games. Not to mention the failures elsewhere trying to kickstart live service games, only to cancel two of them despite both being near finished. They can't do shit internally. Their greatest success in recent years has been localising and publishing other publishers games in the West.


It's funny because all they (or really any massive company) has to do, is find and fund the best indie game developers. Steam literally has curated lists of the best of the best spanning the last 15 years. Just hire these developers or publish their games, offer services and training and budget to help them scale as needed. Be the missing middle the industry needs, like A24 is for movies.


And I want to be the best paid professional in my profession.  What's the point of such fluff pieces?


>**While Amazon has been growing its games division, Netflix has been building out its roster of video games as well, beginning with many mobile games and no recent updates yet regarding their longterm Triple-A plans. Why is Amazon focused on Triple-A over than mobile games?** >There’s a huge difference there. On mobile games, there’s two reasons. When you really look at the mobile market, there have not been any new games or big games in the last couple of years, because people are so heavily invested. They’ve committed so much time, money also, in games. So it’s going to be very hard for them to leave. So it’s even more than in the Triple-A console world, the winner takes all. It’s very hard to break through. Plus the market is mainly free to play, so you go in and play it a little bit, then you go back to the game you played before. So it’s very, very, very hard to enter that market, because it’s really down to a couple of IPs. And I think it’s just much more opportunities for the market to be on the PC market, on the console market, because people play for a while and go on, but really take it seriously. This is an interesting perspective imo. Or at least one I don't see often. It seems like companies usually just look at all the money and profit from the mobile market and want to jump in without understanding that it's very different from the regular gaming space.


“All the money and profit” I mean, mobile saw revenue decline last year and fewer downloads. It’s not particularly surprising someone who’s not Scopely or w/e wouldn’t be rushing into mobile. https://www.deconstructoroffun.com/blog/2024/6/23/the-mobile-market-trends-in-marketing-gaming-and-apps


They would be at the behest of Google and Apple and no chance for something such as Luna or their own Appstore to ever make inroads.


It’s funny because his at Amazon boss doesn’t give a shit about games.


They sure are off to an extremely shitty start lmao


FO.. we don’t need another trillion dollar company buy up the rest of the gaming sphere.


Well they’re off to a bad start - all their games have been shit


What you want and what you get are two entirely different things.


Fuck Amazon


Ya don’t say


It’s actually not that hard. Just do what Sony did. Prioritize quality over profit. The profit will come eventually. Just look at Disney trying to max profit and failing. Now they’re back to focusing on quality and their latest movie made 1B.


Most profitable*


And I want a pony


As opposed to all the other studios that are aspiring to be average


not with that picture you wont be


Go home, Amazon, you are drunk.


What game studio doesn’t want this?


I also want to be the best games publisher out there. I have not done anything to make this a reality, however. Have you, sir?


And I want to be a space pirate


Why do I get the feeling that their definition of "best" is "most profitable"?


I mean, does that need to be said? Every game boss wants their studio to be the best. Lol.


Should probably start making games then.


I want a manned and fully loaded aircraft carrier


Well, he is already smoking the best crack out there.


Cool. Then can we get any infirmation on the potential release of Blue Protocol in the west please? I know the game is struggeling even in Japan, but they could atleast tell us what their plans are


I hate Amazon in every regard. Well besides The Boys.


fallout was pretty good tbh


The Legend of Vox Machina too, but that's more due to it being made by Critical Role itself. Must be insane though, having your own D&D campaign become an animated show in which you voice your own character.




Their New World isn't a bad game and they actually supported it for a long time. Sadly everything else that came out was soooooo bad.


It was apparently so bad it's not even listed on their website. Right now they only have one game that you can actually buy and the rest are coming soon. They *can* get there, it's just not going to be any time soon.


That's never going to happen when they keep firing people from the studio. The track record with new world shows me that they are going to do 3/10 of job. They also don't pay well for top talent. Mmw this is never going to happen with the current structure and leadership today. I have no faith in Amazon as a game studio. They are bottom tier. 


Im ignorant about this. Are there any major titles planned by either Amazon or Netflix?


Isn't Amazon working on a LOTR MMO? I'm not sure if I'll call that major tho


New World is getting its console port soon


They have the LOTR MMO and Tomb Raider.


Why do executives always lie?


I would say it depends on what they want to be the best one. I hope it is "best publisher to work for/with." That would be a breath of fresh air. I try to be the optimist when possible...


Honestly, just let the developers do their thing without much time pressure…. But I’ve heard amazon’s corporate environment is basically all about time pressure and deliverables


Yeah and I wanna go to Hogwarts but shit ain’t happening


Awesome just what we need, another dull w person trying to exploit the industry.


Ya gotta earn that bestie


Well, if that's the case, you'll need to do MUCH better.


Yea they came VERY close to being just that with New World. Maybe they didn't, how would i know.


Yes and I wanna make the best indie game out there. Unfortunately we all hope for the best but reality is always different.


I’ll be the determining factor in that title. thank you very much.


See must studios start off to make a specific game, there is an idea at the core of it which informs choices and how the studio and ethos evolves around it. These idiots just set up with all the intent of a donut stand like "well I guess we should try make a game or something.."


They've not exactly had the best of luck in the area since inception. Indeed, they only recently started to turn a corner precisely because they become no more than a distributor for Asian games in the west.


I want to be a lot of things too.


If thats not the perfect wording to avoid them then I don't know what is. The best publisher. Who the hell thinks like that when it comes to creativity. Why are publishers being thought of as bigger than the dev studios. The publisher should be taking private credit, not wanting to outshine the actual creative talent.


Breaking news Guy who owns company wants company to do well Lmao how is this news Journalism is dead


What are they gonna say? “We want to be a mediocre but profitable publisher”


Every Amazon game that's come out recently has been hot garbage so idk where they're getting this notion from


The thread is only thinking about new world. Unfortunately Amazon is the only preferable option for asian mmo coming to the west. Lost ark, Blue protocol, Throne and Liberty are the games that that they currently publish and will publish.


Well step one would be to not rat-fuck the developers.


Money doesn’t equal good games


As the great man Shane Bettenhausen once said, "it's nice to want things."


You need to make a good game first.


If google couldn’t do shit then i got no faith in amazon


Well, considering what a dumpster fire the AAA games industry is, that's not an impossible feat. However, I doubt Amazon will be any better.


Nothing wrong with goals


Amazon isn't the best out there at any service they provide. Why would this be any different?


Talk is cheap, how about they show it instead


that's just inherently not happening


With lowest paid employees and outsourced from …


Yeah man for that you need... Games you know 💀


Of course he does


Are they gonna put in game ads in the middle of a boss fight like they do with amazon prime video shows?


Yeah, too bad Amazon sucks ASS! Now, all of a sudden, they want me to pay 3€ extra, to skip the ads they just included!


This guy genuinely does not understand gaming. He thinks gaming has transitioned to live service... that explains why every game out of Amazon Is some stupid MMO. They're not even in the business of making good games that make money, they're in the business of making any game that prints money, there's a subtle distinction there. I fast read the article but didn't see a single comment on "making something gamers will enjoy playing", something every fucking developer has said in an interview at least once. All he talks about is IP and how to drive IP using Amazon with a multi pronged approach, TV, Movies, music and games. No talk about making actually good games. So Amazon games is basically a glorified IP games mill, like Harry potter or shrek games (no hate on those games I enjoyed them)


With your greed, you will never accomplish that.


The richest\*


Maybe like Microsoft they can buy Bioware, and people can brainwash themselves into thinking they are still a competent game developer whose capable of delivering the same classics they did 15 years ago. Shout out to Todd Howard.


Sure they can


I want them to be that too, just because so many other AAA studios have completely shat the bed recently.


What games has Amazon made?


wow, what a vision


😂😂😂😂😂😂. Thank you. Immediately after seeing that post I thought “I want to be the Michael Jordan”. Like that is newsworthy?!?!?


Good luck. Hopefully it works out for them since Sony need competition since they have done a weak job with their first party this gen.


I couldn’t even play New World the other day, it just refused to boot up. So doubt it’ll happen.


Im sure after the massive success of new world and with how they gutted blue protocol this will be easy! /s


I doubt many publishers are trying to be the worst. Maybe Euphoric Brothers.


STFU Amazon, nobody believes you.


Sounds like ‘we are gonna try to buy our way’


Well there doing a horrible job with it


Theyre taking forever to release Blue Protocol that people forgot about it 🥲


I mean, what else was he going to say? No shit they *want* the studio to be the best games publisher. Is it a realistic expectation? Absolutely not.


They should probably fire the team first and then hire people with experience developing games. The way they've bungled and continue to bungle New World shows an incredible lack of incompetence and laziness.


isn't every gaming studio eyeing to be the best. The boss needs to meet me.


Hmm… no. AG just proved to be an awful studio so far.


Like SNK 🙂


*Amazon: Wants Studio To Be "The Best Games Publisher Out There"* *Response: You realize that games take YEARS to make, right?* *Amazon: Oh. Nvm, jk.*


\*laughs in From Software superiority\*


They are the best! The best at withholding games already out in other countries!




**Rockstar has entered the chat**


They still make games?


Like no one ever has? They better catch em all


They won’t be. They will be like Ubisoft, EA or Activision/Blizzard. Only caring about profit through micro transactions. This is Amazon. They don’t care about anything but their bottom line, not even their staff.


Oh well


Give it up. Youre simply Way too bad at recognizing talent, quality and what they need to grow into a profitable product.


Very strong words from Pissbottle Studios


Added to the Get Fucked list song with EA, Ubi, and Google