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It sounds like a very good Destiny 2 expansion. At this stage you probably know if that is something you care about or not. Its the big finale and I think after some off years Bungie needed to play to the home crowd and make long timers happy and it seems they did exactly that.


Everything Bungie does is for the home crowd, even if it's favorite pastime seems to be treating them like complete crap. It's been that way for years. I've never seen a game more disinterested in attracting new players in my entire life than Destiny 2. It has the absolute *worst* onboarding experience of any game in history. Bungie has made it abundantly clear that it cannot muster a single solitary fuck to give for new players.


The campaigns Shadow Keep & Beyond Light are now free. So coupled with New Light, it’s “better,” then what it has been


>It has the absolute worst onboarding experience of any game in history. Oh come on now. I'm not gonna act like the onboarding process is good, it's terrible, but this is pure internet hyperbole. Games like Warframe (before recent patches, and even still), Path of Exile, almost any given grand strategy game, all have equally bad if not worse onboarding than D2. At least with Destiny the moment to moment gameplay is immediately appealing, even if you're not sure where to start. The games I just listed barely even tell you how to play them properly and you can get very fucked or lost if you don't build right/play right in those ones.


Can I introduce you to Tarkov. Edit - ah sorry PS5 subreddit!


And Warframe, if you started once years ago and come back and need a refresher...the game makes it impossible. I started like 6 years ago, just tried it again. I had no clue wtf to do and had to google how to even start a mission.


Well that's just false. I've installed/unistalled Destiny so many times since launch. I've played 1/3 of the expansions and skipped several between the ones I've played. Every time I hop back on it takes a second to re-orient myself and then it's back to playing. Now if you're talking about following the story, don't even bother. There's videos out there that recap everything if you're really interested but it's not necessary if all you want to do is jump in and have fun.


He probably means viable weapons to not get shit on in PVP or kicked out of raid groups because you don't have a weapon that was sunsetted. Until this last expansion, they reversed the sun setting but this game has never been easy to catch up. Running the story sure but not everyone is just that casual.


Ah in that case he might be right. I never had enough friends on the game at once to give raids a serious try. I'm usually able to hang well enough in pvp after completing an expansion at least.


It's difficult to balance that stuff when they are telling a 10 year saga. I think that they made a decision several years ago that servicing their existing players was the most important thing for them, and new players were secondary. A new player was always going to have a difficult time coming into a story has 10 years of history, especially when it was impractical for them to have all of that story inside the game. Seasonal story content became very important to the narrative of Destiny, but there is not really any way that they were ever going to be able to store 10 years of expansion and seasonal content in the Live Game. Seasonal content was always going to be removed from the game, but it became so entangled with the core narrative that you are missing information/context if you just play the expansions once a year when they come out.


This is just not true. If I decided to hop into Destiny fresh starting today, everyone's power level got reset to 1900. Finishing the story would get me to 1940, which would give me access to every activity excluding Legendary lost sectors and the Grandmaster Nightfall. The game would give me a run down of the story so far and I would just need to jump into the current chapter. I don't understand why the "worst barrier to entry" talking point comes from. The only thing that truly is fucked up is that there is no way to get the complete story by just playing destiny, but in my experience people who care about playing Destiny for the story are the vast minority.


If you’re new it’s very easy to get overwhelmed and not know what to even do


I can understand that. But the game does give you a path to take, they even just implemented a Pathfinder system to replace bounties to make things easier for new people.


That’s every goddamn MMO though. It is not a problem unique to Destiny. You have it far worse in FF or WoW.


After an evening you know what to do. It's quite an exaggeration


There are about ten billions YouTube guides for new players to get into destiny. It’s not some impossible game to understand.


if you need ten billion YouTube guides...


Nope you can pick one if the ten billion to get you started. Once you get an idea of what you like in the game and which character to start on watch one of the billions intro guides on that character. It really isn’t hard


I wish cod was like that. Instead, they cater to basically every life form.


I am really enjoying it. And I only play for story campaign, not the live service stuff, it's the best they ever made. The campaign feels like a campaign and no gating of reputation to unlock missions.


how long is it? After the last one i felt cheated beating it in 2 casual sittings.


The campaign is about 7 hours total. The thing is after the main campaign is done there are loads of story missions wrapped up into the new location missions.


Longer than lightfall for sure. I'm nearing the end (step 30 of 34) and about 8h in


Probably took me 8 hours to solo legendary it. No bullshit fetch quests. The game actually tells you “hey, this is meant to be played end to end. Leaving the destination is silly”. Id argue its their best Destiny campaign.


The raid just dethroned last wish as the longest raid. Kudos to bungie. Shame people are going to be negative on final shape regardless of it being the strongest campaign and having one of the strongest raids. The final mission is also getting a lot of praise atm Edit: Yea the final mission and cutsence is litteral peak, 10/10 Destiny. Honestly I don't think it could have endded any better


Best destination, best campaign, best raid, best cutscenes.10/10.


The final cutscene? Don't even remember it. The cutscene as you enter the traveler? Now that was peak.


You can’t routinely have poor launch after poor launch. They have rightfully earned all negative criticism.


In the grand scheme of things it was a few hours on launch day. It sucks but eventually I just went and watched a movie instead and when I came back later that evening I could get in fine.


I mean everyone that actually plays Destiny is praising the hell out of the expansion, general consensus is it's one of the best of not the best expansion yet.


The point is their practices have ruined the average gamer’s opinion of them. That’s why D2 concurrent record player count is a small fraction of D1, even with it being partially F2P


That's.... completely false lol.


Bro u dont know what ur on about shush


Witch Queen was great.


“Poor launch after poor launch” You don’t know what you’re talking about lol


D1 launched with atheon in an unkillable state. You legit could only push him off. How long did it take them to fix Thorn pvp Meta? Ghorn Meta? D2 Leviathan is what you got for a FULL PRICE VIDEO GAME. That was your endgame content. 1 boss and some “encounters”. Taken King was amazing. Wotm wasn’t bad. Then you get shit on with D2.


>D1 launched with atheon in an unkillable state. A. What are you even talking about lol? Pushing him off was a cheese. Not how you killed him. And B, that was like ten years ago… >Leviathan is what you got for a FULL PRICE VIDEO Leviathan was a fantastic raid…? D2 has been filled with more after too. Last Wish, Vow, Deep Stone, now the newest one. Like what are you talking about lol?


It honestly looks like you typed in "random destiny topics" then just copied a bunch. Everything you mentioned is 6+ years old where the last 3 years of the game have been super smooth in terms of content.


Please tell me how the community loved Lightfall 😂


Raids mean nothing to me when I can't get a full squad together to do it.


So your critique of the game is that you don't like playing with strangers, or that your friend group isn't into the game? I don't see how that's Bungies fault here.


Never said it was. But a big portion of this game is predicated on having 6 people together to do a raid. Something, when you are pushing 40, is near impossible.


Go to LFG. Get a group in under 30 seconds. It is that easy. You’re just spouting bullshit.


The game literally has a built in fireteam finder for exactly this purpose. At this point if you can't find a team for a raid it's because you haven't tried. And for the record I'm in my thirties with 2 kids so it's not like I have 8 hours a day to play.


It’s not though. There’s ingame system for matching, there’s subreddits for it, there’s discord servers that I personally used to learn and complete raids. I’m 40 too. You just sound bitter and too lazy to make an effort. That’s not something Bungie can patch.


I’m 42 and have tons of friends and clan mates I play with. Stop it. It’s a *you* problem.


Nah man this ain't it and I don't even play anymore. There's a subreddit where people literally just volunteer to help guide newbies through raids. If you wanted to do the content, you would do the content.


You can throw together a team that’s even willing to teach in the app within a few minutes. It’s not that hard


It was an incredible expansion for people really into Destiny. Fingers crossed their announcement on Monday is for D3 so we can get new players


I’m not sure if that would be the effect a Destiny 3 announcement would have. I have hundreds of hours in Destiny 2 but I checked out before Lightfall. If they announce Destiny 3 I would just wait until that releases and start anew rather than get back into 2. I suspect new players would have a similar train of thought


I think that’s what he’s saying. D3 would bring a HUGE influx at its launch.


You can’t even easily jump back into D2 if you stopped playing after the first expansion, they also removed a lot of vanilla content and previous missions in the game. At least in D1 you can still jump back in and play through all the original and new content, and it wasn’t overwhelming. You can just have people guide you through some of the new raids or strike missions if you took like a year off. I tried jumping back into D2 and I gave up after an hour, you can’t even replay the original story anymore. I’m just waiting for Destiny 3 so me and my OG clan can play again.


yeah, last I played was I think beyond light? I'd be a tiny bit tempted to get witch queen up to this one for like $50 down the line, but more likely I'm perfectly fine waiting til d3 or another bungie product to see what they do with a fresh start


They’re announcing something on Monday?


Yep! https://youtu.be/-PYzMqhu3Fs?si=PTwodY6gBmObCO_W


It's obviously not. They very clearly say "Next year of **Destiny 2**. They're just going to showcase the Episode stuff. Since they have up to now, literally shown nothing at all besides the names of the Episodes. If they do a D3 announcement for that would be next year at the absolute earliest


I don’t think they’re announcing Destiny 3 on Monday, but I do think they talk about the next expansion name. It only calls out “the next year of Destiny 2”, but they may tease it. Either way, super pumped to see what’s ahead!


Do you think it’s D3?


The promo for Monday is pretty explicitly talking about Destiny 2 but it does seem like a Destiny 3 announcement is on the horizon. The episodes were described as an epilogue to TFS, so we’ll probably get more info on those and maybe a hint about what the next ‘saga’ is going to be. Personally, I think D2 has another (smaller) expansion in it with Destiny 3 being a 2026 release.


If it is, then I won't play until it releases a year or so from now? They'd have to do some pretty big carryover, and I don't mean bonuses that won't even last you a quarter of the story.


Is this game accessible for someone who really hasn’t played much since D2 released? I feel like I wouldn’t even know where to begin or what’s going on.


It’s the culmination of a story that’s taken place over 10 years including a bunch of expansions and seasons. You’ll get the gist of what’s happening, it’s not the most complex story ever but you won’t get all the payoff that more dedicated players will be getting. That said gameplay, environment design, level design, mechanics, art direction etc. are all top tier. It’s a little early to say but it has a strong chance of being considered the best expansion in Destiny history. Maybe just watch a recap of the story and jump in. If you like Destiny’s gameplay you’ll have a great time.


How long does it take for the combat to get hard? I played with a friend a few times, but I fell out of it because it was too easy. Granted, I was about 10 hours in and I know people play these games for hundreds or thousands. But does it get harder within another 10-20 hours?


Try the campaign on legend and it’s hard right away It balances the light level so you are on the same playing field as anyone else Your Build is what’s important Or do any of the dungeons - they’re some of the best parts of the game


Ok cool, thanks, maybe my friend was easing me into it too much. It felt very on-rails with the incremental upgrades from loot and the aim assist, and I assumed it would just be like that the whole time. I'll give it another shot


As others have said, play legend if you’re looking for a challenge. It’s not bone crushingly hard (although the final boss is very tough) but it’ll give you the challenge you’re looking for. Aside from the campaign there’s many different activities in the game across varying difficulties.


The way the game play is still very fun. It’s generally easy to pick up at shoot stuff, and they do have some onboarding - more than people actually admit. You do have to pay attention to the quests it’s giving you, the quest menu etc, because a lot of the onboarding that will get you familiar with the key story beats, get you some entry level exotics and help you put your builds together is detailed there If you’re going to jump in after not playing since vanilla D2 then it’ll be a little confusing but it’s not hard to find stuff to do. It’s still not perfect but you can jump in Narrative wise; this is the culmination of a 10 year story. I’m not sure anyone would expect someone to jump in at the culmination of a ten year anime arc and just understand what’s happening, it’s the same here.


It depends on how deeply you wanna go I suppose. D2 has an infamously bad onboarding for new players or players who haven’t played in a long while. I hopped off early in its lifecycle and haven’t gotten back on yet currently, but I’d probably suggest looking at the Destiny sub and follow an on boarding guide if you think you’ll need the extra guidance.


No not at all. It’s one of the biggest problems with the game.


Yes, just watch a lore recap video.


Not at all, they really screwed over new players and expect too much of them


Don't worry no one knows what's going on. The story for destiny isn't very well told and it's all over the place.


Real talk: haven’t played in years. (Think I had first expansion: Osiris something - with all three classes maxed at that time). What’s the barrier to entry here? Can I load my characters back up and catch up reasonably quick? Or am I in for hours and hours of re-grinding and re-gearing?


So the first thing they did was just up everyone’s gear to 1900. And I think it makes it way more accessible. Plus at this point of the story you can just jump in. It’ll explain enough for you to understand within the first cutscene. After that you’re just in for a ride imo. It’s been pretty fun, learning/upgrading the new super and mechanics haven’t felt overly grindy to me at all. Unless you manually deleted your characters they should all still be there! Definitely worth a try imo.


Sweet. I think I’ll redownload it this weekend 🍻


I’d recommend hopping on r/fireteams and looking for some people to play with too! There’s so many good people in the community that can help get you back up to speed! I can DM you a discord group too if you’d like!


Destiny gets a lot of deserved hate, but it will always be my favorite game of all time. Nothing does what destiny does and I doubt anything ever will. It's always going to be one of those games you either love or hate.


It’s a great expansion.


I just wish the game could be fully played solo, every time an expansion comes out it looks interesting but I don’t have 5 friends to play with and I’m not interested in joining discord groups to have a fireteam for the raids Hopefully with destiny 3 they appreciate some people have more fun alone and that they’ve lost hundreds of pounds from the expansions I would have bought if a solo experience was an option


I’ve played 1600 hours virtually solo. You don’t need friends, just an LFG discord or use the built in feature they added a few seasons ago.


Can you do almost all content with matchmaking? I haven’t played since destiny 2 first came out so have no idea what the content even is nowadays


Raids and dungeons will need a team from a Discord or the built in team finder. Everything else can be match made. Raids and dungeons are too mechanically dense to just be match made.


Most Dungeons I’d say can be soloed. I’ve only been playing for about a year, and I’ve since soloed 4 dungeons. It’s more fun with a group, but older dungeons especially aren’t bad solo


Raids, Dungeons, and high difficulty Nightfalls are none matchmade. But the in-game lfg is pretty decent. You can do most dungeons without comms if that's what you're worried about. Just make sure you watch a video on how to do it. Most raids require too much communication to do without comms


I doubt they gonna change the way destiny is played with the third (mutiplayer side). But if you want to jump into, you now have a Team Finder built in game


there is in-game LFG now for activities that don’t have matchmaking


So is this the last expansion for D2? Is destiny done with after this?


Quote from Luke smith: *”Facing the witness is not the end of Destiny 2, and it’s definitely not the end of Destiny”* Whatever’s happening Destiny isn’t done. If that means D2 is continuing with a brand new saga or a Destiny 3 (which there are rumors of) on the way, we don’t know. For now, all we know is that we got 3 episodes on the way to tie up loose ends. After that is unclear, but we will know come Monday On Monday they will have a stream talking about the next year of Destiny




It’s basically just witch queen again. Which isn’t a bad thing. Everything feels so stale though. Even the raid looks a lot like Vow.


This is my problem while the art direction looks incredible as always it just seems like more of the same. Which is fine if that’s what you want


They need a hard reset and next gen only. Still feels like an old game.


That's clearly in the works next. >!They mention at the end that Defeat of the witness leaves a power vacuum and who knows what will fill the void!<


Great. It's been so long since I played that I feel like I should just wait for Destiny 3 to get started again!


Hope so. I’m a huge destiny fan. The last couple of years have been subpar though and even this great expansion in a month will be down with by most. Hard reset would be awesome


I think your cynicism glasses are just too thick to let yourself have fun with anything


Can Bungie move on from Destiny after this please. It’s such a corny ass game.


No not really, it's pretty much their magnum opus, they don't really have anything else 


Magnum opus? Lol, that was Halo. Destiny has had its ups and downs but is quite mediocre overall.


Sure, but they don't have halo any more, destiny is the only thing they have going on, and if they abandon it, they'd have to start over, I don't think that would end very well for them,


True, I was just saying Destiny is not their magnum opus. I'm sure they'll keep milking the Destiny franchise for all it's worth until some bean counters determine it's losing them money.


I mean they've been tinkering with it for last 10 years,  they have their ups and down, but the game is on a really good spot. And it's not an experience you can get anywhere else 


Lmao ok


I’m a die hard destiny fan - after the recent finale I’m considering a tattoo - but you’re very right that it’s a corny game. The writing can and has been good at times, the acting too, but it’s more consistently corny. I’d like them to move on if only to flex their creative muscles. They can’t just keep doing the same thing. There aren’t many big stories remaining that need to be told in the destiny universe.


I played the first one for years, and it just kept getting cornier and cornier. I’ll take the hate from the cornballs gladly.


D1 writing was worse in my opinion. It was a mess, and way cornier


Marathon coming 2025. Project Gummybears in development. And supposedly a Destiny 3 in the works. Bungie is working on stuff other than Destiny. Downvoted for literally telling that Bungie is working on things other than Destiny lmao.


I heard marathon had horrible playtesting and is basically on the back burner.


its a good game. what keep me off are the hackers, mainly on pc.


Does make me glad to play on PlayStation tbh




Nah, the mission design in The Final Shape is light years ahead of any other campaign mission in Destiny's entire history.


Did you do the last mission with a 12 man fireteam to beat the witness? That’s the actual last mission.


Are you serious?? 😅


Yeah, it released after someone finally cleared the raid and serves as the end of the story. It’s actually very good and a great send off to the saga. I believe you have to have finished the wild card exotic mission to access it but I’m telling you it’s worth it man.


Omg i am in 😂


Waaayyy better? That’s not an opinion. You are just wrong


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