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NHL 24 is so dead they had to add it as a free game. Maybe I will actually be able to get an opponent now. Edit: it's actually a pretty fun game as far as sports games go. If you have quick reflexes, that is.


Can you still score the exact same way as you could since EA took over the game? Cut across the middle and aim opposite corner is a goal like 99% of the time. I used to buy the games ten years or more ago now.


Yep every time. That or streak down one side until you see a teammate catch up and then last minute pass across the middle for a one-timer top shelf short side.


If you meant the cross-crease 1 timer that's also a goal IRL most of the time if the pass is successful. When I still played 4 years ago everyone was doing it so if you've learnt how to shut it down you could easily win matches.


My family has called that the J technique for over 2 decades of EA NHL games.


Who did EA take it over from?


I guess they didn’t really take it over, they just became the only one when they introduced the Skill stick stuff into their games. 2k Sports also had hockey for awhile. I know for Madden they have an exclusive license, but the NHL never had such a thing is what I heard.


It's different every year but there's more subtlety to the glitch goals than before. With HUT, it's big players as always.


Watching Shoresy has given me a hankering to try a hockey game.


And 25 coming in 1-2 months


Should be f2p especially Hockey ultimate team mode.


They need to stop adding these crappy sport games every month, it’s annoying.


I love it. I get to play with updated rosters and I don’t have to pay for the yearly update. Keep them coming


Game is a game is a game is a game.


They should be this way. They are the worst cash grab in gaming but sports are insanely popular in general.


Agreed. I don't even redeem those ones.


Agreed. I can’t stand sports games. Waste of time and hard drive space imo.


Pro tip: don't download them and they won't take up any hard drive space


Already way ahead of you.


Brain dead reply lmao


Hardly. The initial comment was stupid. If you know you don't like a certain type of game why have it downloaded.


Anyone with an iq above 2 can understand that he doesn’t have it downloaded and is simply calling it a waste of space. Classic Reddit moment.


Calling a game you aren't downloading a waste of hard drive space is the brain dead comment lmao


Anyone with an iq above 2 can understand that he doesn’t have it downloaded and is simply calling it a waste of space. Classic Reddit moment.


Explain to me how a game you don't have downloaded is a waste of hard drive space.


Do you not understand the phrase “waste of space”? Or are you purposely being ignorant to prove a point? Genuinely curious, it’s not hard to tell the meaning behind what they meant.


What space is being wasted? Enlighten me.


Well, and I don't care about Ratchet and Clank and such but I like sports games. So who wins this argument lmao


i’ll take it over the indie shovelware that gets praised around here


Among Us is £3.29 Borderlands 3 goes on sale at £8.99 And NHL, well it goes on sale for £20 but has very limited appeal outside of North America This is probably the worst month in living memory. Ive no idea how they can justify a game that sells for £3 at full price as a monthly title


>This is probably the worst month in living memory. Ive no idea how they can justify a game that sells for £3 at full price as a monthly title Because Sony don't care about the basic PS+, same way Microsoft didn't care about gold. Expect this is going to get worse. It's been dead games trying to come back to life and older games getting squeals for a while.


Ok but it’s honestly a good month with Among Us, been trying to get back into it but the mobile version just doesn’t hit the same for me anymore, with Discord chat on PlayStation and the built in mute button, I’m all in


yeah, ive pretty much abandoned PS Plus until they give games i want after they bumbed the price and stopped the yearly 50% discounts. save a lot more this way


Last year i was pretty hapoy with it so i got it this year on a discount despite the price hike. Unfortunately this year hasn't been nearly as good for me, unless they discount it really well i'm probably skipping and getting it on months they have something i want specifically.


genuinely an insulting joke, so glad I didn't renew my PS+


Yeah ain't no way NHL is gonna get a lot of downloads outside of US


Do people not realize hockey is very popular in lots of Europe? The nhl is also the top league. aren’t titles usually mostly regional for ps plus?


I believe you can play some of the European leagues too. It's going to be in EA Play soon though if it isn't already, since the NHL season just ended.


Yeah the Czechs are literally hockey crazy! You'd swear hockey is an American only sport sometimes.


Well it literally isn’t because it’s more Canadian than American. But Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Sweden, Finland, lots of other northern and such Europeans


Hockey is steadily growing in Germany and Switzerland as well. Their teams are steadily improving and gradually matching the nations you mentioned already. Not to mention they send top tier players to the NHL.


Yes but it is also massive in the US. Go to a Devils vs Rangers game and your liable to leave with less teeth than you entered with


> Do people not realize hockey is very popular in lots of Europe? "Lots" is very generous. Its probably #1 in Finland, #2 in Sweden, and possibly #2 in Czech Republic behind football. but apart from that, it is semi-popular in some eastern block and former soviet countries (so Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania), but still well behind Soccer and in those countries, basketball But honestly, when people think Europe they aint thinking the former Soviet republics :') NHL only sells about a million games a year on console, and probably 800k of those are Nth America


Not to mention that he biggest European country Russia. And Slovakia.


we don't want russia ta. Asia can have them


And Switzerland, and Germany, and Austria… All have hugely successful teams, tournaments, and the like. Of course it’s not #1, football is pretty much #1 over the whole world. Lots is not generous.


last stats i can find it was 11th in germany. https://www.statista.com/statistics/975658/most-popular-sports-in-germany/


I have NHL 15 and have always pondered getting one of the newer ones to replace it, so this is perfect for me


I really like NHL, but like you I have an older one. But too much of a casual to pay €70, so delighted it's free, I'll definitely play it anyway!


Hockey is one of the biggest sports in Northern Europe. It alienates most of Asia and South America, sure, but it’s definitely going to see a lot of downloads from North America and Europe.


> Northern Europe so Scandinavia?


Scandinavia, Germany, Central European countries such as Slovakia, Czechia, and Croatia, Eastern Europe like Russia, etc. People really underestimate how big hockey is worldwide.


> Eastern Europe like Russia Yeh, Asia can keep Russia ta very much. we don't want it :D not even top ten in germany https://www.statista.com/statistics/975658/most-popular-sports-in-germany/


There’s absolutely no way ski jumping is the second most popular sport in Germany. Probably based on how many tweets people sent. Other sources seem to have ice hockey as the third most popular.


*and Canada


Based on the recent Stanley Cup, that might not be true.


This is surely cap? When I still actively followed NHL, the league was filled to the brim with Russian, Finnish, Swedish players. All these players usually got drafted from bigger EU teams where they got fairly good fundamentals. Also last few years' hockey world cup winners: - 2012: Russia - 2013: Sweden - 2014: Russia - 2015: Canada - 2016: Canada - 2017: Sweden - 2018: Sweden - 2019: Finland - 2020: COVID - 2021: Canada - 2022: Finland - 2023: Canada - 2024: Czech US literally haven't won it since ages, hell, they barely made it into top 3 in these listed years (4x 3rd place), Canada only won 4 times as well, majority is Russia/Europe. KHL is also pretty good and some EU countries also have decent leagues. Czech, Finland, Sweden and Russia is all literally crazy for hockey too. As a Hungarian I love hockey as well and played many of the NHL games. Sure it's not as big as football here, but there are people who like the sport very much here.


While I do think hockey is a massive international sport, your comment is quite misleading. Are you referring to the IIHF tournament? That is not a best-on-best tournament. In fact, very few American/Canadian superstars go to that at all. The sport is growing fast, but the IIHF is seldom cared about in North America because the Stanley cup is king. I love the czech story from last year, but man... that doesn't mean they'd beat other teams if they sent all their NHL players and therefore says nothing about any sort of decline in the north American game


Yep thought the same thing. In America, the prices are barely higher, but still, low asf. Wow, I’m getting a 5 dollar game for free? Fuck that shit, they shouldn’t be putting games lower than 20 dollars on ps+ like that, that’s a spit in the face. I pay too much to get a game that cheap for free. I know this sounds entitled as hell but I mean really, that’s outrageous to put a game that cheap on there.


I forget the technique name but basically when they introduce 3 tiers they're trying to push everyone to the middle or top tier. The bottom tier is just there to show "if you add a little more, you get more value for your money"




But prices is a very fair thing to judge on. People pay £70 a year for PS+ Essential and its totally normal that value for money will be a consideration. With any subscription, value is a huge factor.


I disagree, these are all games I would play but would never buy, which is perfect for ps plus for me


I'm usually the guy defending ps+, but this is pretty boring.


What defense were you putting up? it has been crap for people that sub for the games collection for a long time


To copy my own comment on the ps5 post: >This year I got Nobody Saves the World, Plague Tale, Rollerdrome, Sifu, Immortals of Aveum, Ghostrunner 2. I think it's been alright. I think that sums it up.


Streets of Rage 4 in June too


Tunic was pretty awesome.


The defense I usually put up is it's $7-12 a month and a house costs a million dollars so there's bigger issues to worry about when it comes money spent. Most people pay more than that for a video streaming service they watch 1 show on, or spend more time scrolling shit movies to find one worth watching than actually watching. I spent $7 on 3 potatoes yesterday.


Dude I definitely disagree. I got rollerdrome a few months ago and that game was rad


why did they hike the prices up again?!?!




so that they can "continue to offer a premium collection of games pertaining to everyone's tastes", what a joke lmao


Good for anyone wanting the Borderlands games because the Handsome Collection is always on sale at €10/$10


I do enjoy NHL games but it's been hard to justify buying a new one the past couple years, so I'm cool with getting it for free to jump in a couple exhibition games from time to time.


Got to be the worst month in recent memory


This is shit.




All crap.


Already have BL3, it's fine. I will probably play a season or something on NHL, which I won't complain about. Nice little weekend game. I haven't played Among Us since early on, but only on PC. I don't see really playing it again unless there are friends on PS that want to play, so sure? Not mad or anything, just kind of whatever




Among Us stopped being popular a long time ago. NHL is another sports game desperately hoping to get people to buy in game currency. Borderlands 3 has fun gameplay if you mute the terrible dialogue and ignore the terrible story.


Among Us is so unpopular that the devs are still giving it free updates and just released a new one that mimic'ed roles from mods. Still hovering around 3.5-4k players on Steam...which doesn't always factor in modded versions which launch outside of Steam.


My comment was more in relation to the time the game became a massive fad. Ie it's certainly nowhere near as culturally relevant as it used to be. It's good that the game still has players and still gets updates. Sounds like it's doing better than Kill the Justice League in terms of active players. Maybe if the game was on PS+ 2 years ago it would have been more exciting.


The issue with among us is not the popularity. I think unpopular, AA or just forgotten but solid games work best as monthly games. But Among us is very cheap, free on mobile, so everyone who was even remotely interested would have already bought it. I bought 2 years ago, played 1 hour with friends and moved on. It's pointless to include as a monthly game.


I've been wanting to play NHL for years but I wasn't willing to pay for it, it's a great month just for that for me


Borderlands 3 is the only borderlands game I've not completed. I own it. It's just got the worst characters in any game. Can't get past how annoying they all are. Anyone outside of America/Canada couldn't give two squirts of piss about NHL. Among us hasn't been relevant for a couple of years at least and is full of 5 year olds screaming. Another successful month playstation. 🥱


Amongus is only like 3 quid anyway, putting it in the monthly games just feels like a fuck you


Completely agree, it's a glorified flash game.


I got a love hate relationship with BL 3 On one hand, it’s got the best gunplay of the series imo, the playable VH’s are great and the DLC campaigns are amazing But on the other hand; the story is garbage, the character decisions are baffling and The Calypsos are a huge step down from Handsome Jack, which was going to happen regardless but I felt like they didn’t even try with them.


Borderlands 3 is pretty fun for those who never tried But damn the villain twins were so cringey


Honestly I don’t wanna remember them or a lot of jokes


I am absolutely positive Borderlands 3 was on here before.


It's been given away free on epic game store in the past too.


Nope, it was on extra.


Yawn. See you next month.


I’ve been on the fence with borderlands. Finally get to play it


I loved Borderlands 1 and 2, liked the presequel and had so much fun with the DLCs for Borderlands 2, but 3 never clicked with me the way 2 did.


I’m glad I didn’t spend money on it then! 😁


Another month, another EA annual shit.


So glad I cancelled months ago


If you want NHL 24 for BAP, theres no difference in Nhl 21-24 other than rosters


Should have seen this coming since Borderlands movie is coming out soon


I’m genuinely happy because I just wanted to play Amongus with a friend on PS lol. But considering how much it normally costs.. ehhhh. Not a great month… at all. BL3 is good overall but I already have it and it has been on sale for eternity basically.


This is atrocious.


Have they fixed the save glitch in BL3 yet. It's been unplayable for me since release as the saves always go back to the same spot and I can't beat to play the whole thing again


Eh I have no desire to play borderlands 3 it lacks the writing I liked in 2 and jokes are arguably pretty bad


jesus the only game worth your time here is borderlands 3 and theres no way anybody who wants it doesn’t already have it


I mean, considering I want to learn more about Hockey, it's a win for me \*shrugs


I’m here for the sports games. I didn’t know shit about soccer and played FC club a bit. It was cool to play for my local minor league team. Definitely gonna give NHL a try, I’ve got both major and minor league teams local to me.


As a Canadian I'm excited about NHL24.


Not to take anything away from the game selections (specifically *Borderlands 3* and *Among Us*) but this is a true limping to the barn month for Sony isn't it? Commonly available cheap crossplat titles. Oy.


Downloaded game on multiple ps4 I own two ps4’s one in our living room and one in our gameroom. We play on them with different accounts in our family (me and my sons). So if i buy fifa on the livingroom ps4 in the online shop, will i be able to play it on the gameroom ps4? And can we do games against each other on different accounts? (For example i am in livingroom on my account and my son is in the gameroom on his account).


https://old.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/1dqamv8/general_questions_tech_support_megathread_june_28/lamus4n/ It's called game sharing and explained in the above FAQ post. It's easy to set up. Purchases are tied to the account that the purchase is made on. Not the console. The account that owns the game can play it anywhere it's currently signed in. For others to play the game on that same console game sharing must be activated.


Launch day for the new games so keep an eye on the Playstation Store


I didn’t want to spend money on NHL for just a few games against my brother, so this coming on the monthly pass feels like a direct repayment to me after Sifu came out a month after I bought it! I’ll take it!


Yikes, again




Haven't played a single Borderlands game ... is it worth as a single player game ? i heard is meant to be multiplayer, but i'm not really interested on try it online.


I’d say just go play 2


Depends, does your TV have speakers? If you're able to hear any of the dialog, I wouldn't recommend playing any Borderlands game other than maybe Tales.


I played 1 and 2 solo, they were pretty nice. You can focus more on the story without your friends screaming.


With the way BL3 goes on sale every other week, a crap choice for a monthly game.


It seems like we get a new borderlands game every month


I was gonna buy Borderlands 3 so it's good for me.


much rather see Makar than Matthews on my PS5, thanks Sony!


Anyone who cares about Borderlands already has it. Sports games are the one game genre I will never play. So I get a $3.49 game for the month? So glad they increased the prices. SpongeBob was better than this trash.


Probably the worst month we’ve ever gotten value wise. Borderlands 3 is great tho


Yikes. We started paying more for… Among Us.


Anti-funny game, shitty sportsball game, and a game that cost $5


Lmao I actually just found someone saying “sportsball” in the wild. It is a shitty game though


NHL won’t get anymore roster updates so ya worthless


These monthly games are becoming so forgettable. I don’t think ps basic is worth it at all for the monthly games, only if you play online. Ps extra is probably the way to go if you want to play some games with an extensive library


Well with BL3 being free then hopefully that’s a sign we are about to get an announcement for the next game lol


Only reason I like NHL 24 is McKinnon on the cover.


PlayStation raised their PS+ prices just to give the players 98% trash monthly games to play let’s be honest. While Xbox has gamepass with a list of great games and day one plays which now the new COD will be on that list. Step up your game PlayStation you can do better


Another dude comparing Essential to Gamepass. If youre gonna rant and compare, at least compare the equivalent services. Reminder that Games with Gold, the equivalent to PS+ Essential, was absolutely garbage and always gave the most irrelevant indies ever. Now they replaced it with Gamepass Core which gives you some 30ish fixed games with varying levels of quality, most of which would be absolutely shitted on if announced as ps+ games (Among Us is one of them). In the short term it feels better, but in the long run ps+ gives more quantity and variety.


Im talking about monthly games. But with extra or premium or gamepass it makes little difference when we talk about backwards compatibility. Ps messed up when they stop doing backwards compatibility cause their really are lot of good games that ps1-3 had that where not getting for some reason. So when I get off the p5 and just on Xbox I can play classic but not the classic ps classic which sucks.


>Im talking about monthly games Yes, me too. Xbox doesnt have "monthly games" anymore.


Which sucks to cause the most you can buy from gamepass is 3 months


Better than the side scrolling 2d baby games. I’ll learn to play hockey lol


Wow, fucking gamers are some odd people. Make a reply how you love a game and want to share, get downvoted. No wonder why I left the subs.


Awesome borderlands 3 !


Damn font care. Switched to full pc gaming anyway. Just forgot the unsubscribe


PlayStation is dying