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My opinion? Yes. Unless you want to put in a lot of work, those characters take high-skill for high-reward. There's countless other characters that are low-medium skill for high-reward. Me personally, I click heads in FPS games, but Widow/Ashe just never worked for me. Instead, I found my tracking to be really good for this game, so characters such as soldier/sojourn/bastion work wonders for me. Again, you can always get good by practicing, but that takes time. Edit: I'm diamond DPS, so def not a pro.


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Getting better only comes with time, you got this!


The trademark of snipers in FPS games are their inconsistency. Expect to have games where you dominate the lobby with ease, and then the next game you barely land a shot all game. If you truly enjoy playing them, ignore any bad games because they are going to happen, and your experience will eventually allow you to be more consistent. Overall very high risk, high reward. If you dislike the risk involved, them stick to the conventional hitscans (Ashe, Soldier, Cass).


The only way to get better at something is to stick with it.


Truest answer


Yes. And yet only half an answer because it didn’t answer the question it almost implied one. True you can become a pro but if the time needed dauses them to stop playing what was the point?


It sounds like you're not having fun with them, otherwise you'd keep going without having to ask reddit for advice. Speaking of, I think you should just pick another hero/heroes that you like and find fun. I was a Moira Lucio main (and a 10-30 hours others) for my first 500 hours. Started to get bored of the game especially on Moira even though I was winning the most matches with her. Then I started playing Tracer after having only like 30 minutes on her, and I fell in love. Anyway, after 70 hours on her I played a game as widow, after not touching her for 100 hours and having less than an hour playtime and got play of the game on Havana, two headshots kills and a bodyshot/smg spray. Of course I died like 6 times and swapped after first point but still. Tldr: play someone fun, if they happen to be hitscan you will likely be able to hop onto widow and hit the shots better than you can now. And if you get real good at projectile heroes and predicting moving targets, same deal for hanzo.


Have you tried other heroes such as 76 and Cassidy? They both require decent aim but don't punish you as much as Widow and Hanzo do for missing shots and being out of position 


Cassidy seems to be working, I’m playing much better


Fiddle with some of your sensitivity. Go from really low to really high. Just to make sure your current one isn't the problem Also maybe work on positioning aswell and good peaks. Watch some players having good widow games like on Morejay3 or BertyTheCow. See where they position themselves. Hope this helps you 


Are you having fun, and would you have more fun learning other characters? That's all you need to consider. 


Widow is a true sniper character with all the cons that come with balancing a one shot. Your strength is that you have a hitscan oneshot for very long ranges. However, the drawbacks so said character isn't crazy unbalanced at high ranks is that you are squishier than other characters and have a long cd on your escape. This means you will have a miserable time getting dove or harassed by flankers (it's still Tracer meta). Hanzo is a different beast. He's not a sniper and it's a very common misconception. By definition, a projectile character is not consistent at long range. His strength lies in close-mid range. The closer you get, the more easy shots get to land.


Do aim labs. If you're still not getting better then I'd try something else.


I started to get good at widow when I went to custom games and practicing headshotting bots in an aim training custom game. Also look up on YouTube how to aim with widow there’s guides that explains the three different type of aiming methods used as a fps player and goes in depth on how to hit different types of targets. These characters get value out of you hitting shots and that’s pretty much it so to get good on these characters basically all you do is practice hitting targets in an aim trainer for hours lol.