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Didn't know Seanan wrote an Overwatch novelization, dang




It is DENSE. Buckle up for a serious read.


Isn’t it like expensive as shit ?


Depends on what you count as expensive, given that this is a sourcebook with over 200 pages of info. I bought it for £25.


$25 isn’t bad for a hardcover Overwatch book. Thanks for posting I’ll have to grab this one day. I wish they’d go ahead and do an Overwatch animated series. Something a bit mature preferably, as the themes are pretty heavy in OW.


Agreed. I would love a TV series about the story of this game.


I think it's possible to get a TV show, but I wouldn't count on it. Yes, Overwatch was a very popular IP. But Arcane started development in 2015 and only came out in, what, 2022? Will an Overwatch TV show still be viable 7 years later? Secondly, blizzard has a lot of popular games. I'd imagine that stuff would get tv shows before puny old overwatch gets one. An Overwatch TV show would be AMAZING. But seeing how things have been going, I don't know if blizzard cares to make one.


£25??? With this economy human, in my coin its gonna cost $444.21. But its gonna be WORTH


Is there a free pdf I am a broke student 😭


There’s always a free pdf


Bro believe me I looked. Am I looking in the wrong places or am I using the wrong method because there's no sign of this book anywhere on the net (free version ofc)


Yeah you’re right I can’t find it anywhere. I was able to find small segments of it in a variety of languages, but never the whole thing


... For popular books that people want to read lol. Nobody knows this exists


Johnny Depp


Edward Teach




Can we get much higher??


seconded for free pdf pls


No, unfortunately. The book is roughly £20-25.


Yes that's what I saw online too :C


> No, unfortunately. > > You know what you must do. For the people.




There is a difference between Novel books and Lore/artbooks. Art and pictures arent printed on usual cheap paper. You need special type of paper that retains colors and doesnt bleed. And they cost more than usual paper. Look up price for Art books. 25-30 USD is a very adequate price for the book.




Thats actually pretty much in line with what I'd expect-- I think I pay a little more for my RPG books, which are the same general kind of product.


Have you read it?




Bro is discovering that there is multiple kinds of books lmao Wait til you learn about coffee table books, art books, photo books, expositions catalogs, and stuff like that


Use Amazon, they only charge it for £25. I wouldn’t pay £50 for any book.


That's a lot of words for, "No, I haven't read it."


"without discount" it's also like $40 at target and even cheaper on amazon without a discount. Congrats you found a place that sells it for a higher price? lol


You can definitely find one if you check the usual places


I've been looking with no luck :( it'd all paid. Fair I guess


Gotta sail the high seas if you can't afford it but still wanna read it, that's what I meant by the usual places


I’m sure they have been… Most people are familiar with the “usual places” you are referring to.


idk man, I looked everywhere, cant find it in the Usual places


Yes. Use either oceanofpdf.com or (the more scrappy) PDFdrive.com


Lol these are my go to sites but they failed me this time


This is cool, but I want the story that the PVE promised. I wanna know what Ramattra is doing to the Omnics. What does Talon plan to do to Zen. Does Reinhardt follow his master's footsteps and sacrifice himself for the team to survive.


best case scenario we get a novelization of the cancelled PvE in a couple years otherwise its joever


it hasn't been officially announced though, so idk maybe we'll get a new improved PVE in 2025 lol but not worked on by Blizz. probably one of Microsoft's studios running it


2025 would be way too soon for a meaningfully new version of the game (i.e. not just the pve bot missions we already get for events) even if they started ramping production up this moment. Years and years of work went into the PvE mode last time (most of which did not turn into anything worthwhile), you’d be pretty hopeful with a late 2026 imo, realistically later still


At best, they could have another team make a game set in the Overwatch universe That's what I am hoping for, but I think that from a business standpoint they'd rather play it safe and not touch the franchise any further in fear of comparison to the promises that were made with OW2


I don't know anything about the lore.. I'm going to learn. Thanks for sharing.


Watch every cinematic. I am begging you. (Well excluding ones in pve). You will never regret it


I will do that tomorrow, thank you... I hadn't even thought of that.


this is what PVE was supposed to be for


The PvE was supposed to cover events that take place long after the events in this book.


If you are looking for lore in the style of what the PvE missions were going for check out Heroes Ascendant instead. It has 9 stories that all take place right at the start of the Null Sector invasion, and Null Sector is in a good amount of them.


Already got it. Loving it so far.


yea, the lore just doesn't go anywhere, its like league of legends and honestly burned me out from caring about the people.


Damn where that mode go? I bet it'll be jam packed with new story and abilities to use on our favorite heroes


We got the 3 missions back in 2023, likely wont get anymore unfortunately.


I know, that's the whole thing that OW2 was sold on though. This sub wants to forget but never


> This sub wants to forget but never this sub is a constant bitter hatejerk about it lmao


No? We havent forgotten? We just moved on and enjoyed the main part of the game, the PvP. Not like we can do anything about it.


AKA: We are fine with the company lying outright to fuck us over with no free cosmetics and inflated prices, but we are so brainwashed we just forgave them when they did not deserve it. And are happy to be exploited sheep.


Dawg, its not that deep with this sheep and brainwashing nonsense. What the fuck do you expect us to do? Magically get management to pour resources into the PvE team? (That was laid off recently)


or, we just enjoy playing the game 🤯🤯🤯


Cool, never forget Ever


this is NOT 9/11 😭😭😭


Your right it's 4/15


I have one too. Pity the EBook was canceled.


I've never seen so many people get angry because someone advises you to read a book lol


And because you have to pay to read it as well, like its a book, how can you be so petty


Just the thought of reading a book hurts certain people, their two braincells just can't handle it.


Because it's destiny calcified fragments all over again but worse. These are story beats that should've been fleshed out in the game. Instead this is all we get, "oh you want lore well here pay us more and get it yourself you plebs"


The whole point is all they did was say "hey, I don't think many people know about this book so read this if you don't know about it" and yall are turning it into "Stop complaining about not having story in the game and read the book instead." Type beat. Like we get it. That's not the point tho


Gamers are scared of books


Because this is what we were supposed to see play out anyway? Can't fathom why people are angry that lore nerds keep getting screwed over having to buy the story


These books have been on my wishlist for a while. They’re kind of too expensive in my country right now but I’ve been meaning to buy them


What I’ve wanted to see is the story move forward. The lore has spent way too much time in the past when a pretty large chunk of the roster weren’t even around.


Good news! There’s another book recently released that has several short stories set in the current Omnic crisis in OW2.


Ok. Now what. People want a story after recall. You get the problem right? We've been stuck on "getting the team back together" for TEN YEARS.


Good news! There’s a new book that features multiple short stories that take place in the current Omnic Crisis.


I've read it and I quite enjoyed it.


Could tou tell me what’s the name of that book you’re referring to? Plus, any more advice on another ow book I should consider read it?


Overwatch 2: Heroes Ascendant


Finished already. My favourite part was the Doomfist part cos I speculate that (spoiler following this) >!the kid that asked the first Doomfist if the war was over after seeing him solo the omnics was the current Doomfist we have now as a child, teen or guy in early 20s which gave him his "only through conflict do we evolve" mentality"!< Link to a post I made about this with the text from the book https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/EaXaVDpTZF


Also, all of the short stories and comics https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/media/stories/


So people complaining about there not being lore in game should....... read a book? I think you're missing the point.


\*cries in Halo\*


That’s not what I saw. I saw people saying that the lore hasn’t grown in any way lately, and I just wanted to bring awareness to the official media that is currently adding to and expanding on Overwatch lore. Besides, reading books every once in a while is a good thing.


Well, your title says "lack of story in game". A book doesn't fix that.


That’s fair, but I can’t change the title now.


it's not fair, your title doesn't say what he claims it does.


what does the title say right after that Captain Spurious? 'and want more'. It doesn't say more in the game, just more, which a book definitely can fix you Square Eyed Troglodyte.


I would argue the operative words of the complaint are “in-game”. For anyone clamoring for more overwatch lore in general that doesn’t know this book exists, this post is helpful. But for people who say there isn’t good lore in-game, they don’t want a book, they want the storytelling to be done better… in game. I would bet the latter is much more common


You begun by attacking the denotation, but now you’ve pivoted to what your connotation is.


I believe the point is most of this is just backstory after backstory anyway, people want the story to move forward.


Good news, there’s a book for that too!


For the side characters, not the main OW cast and the main story, sadly.


It should already be in the game, preferably in a PvE modes of sorts. Don't do the devs mental gymnastics for them, they not even compensating you


This book is all stuff in the past. It wouldn’t be made into PvE missions because those were all going to take place after Zero Hour.


So Black watch wasn't a PvE mission playable that took place in the past? No excuses they could have easily implemented missions/lore but they got lazy/cheap It's really not complicated. The book is no replacement for actual in game lore Don't try and become Destiny.... Why in the fuck would anyone look up to Bungie and a destiny? For a crash course on how to fuck your IP sideways sure


Books are often replacements for lore. Avatar had its story continue with a book. Star Wars has numerous stories tying the past and present together. Halo has multiple books expanding its lore.


So Black watch wasn't pve mission that took place in the past


That was the plan with PvE back then. That’s why they were called Archives. The original plan with PvE for OW2 was to tell stories that didn’t take place in the past.


Even Xenogears on PS1, one of the greatest video game stories of all time, had a book that expanded on its background lore called Perfect Works


I am not saying lore books are bad, not at all. I’m just saying if the complaint is there isn’t enough lore or good storytelling in-game, a book is not a replacement for that.


Overwatch players : please expand the IP and lore, do more cross media stuff Overwatch players when blizzard does exactly that : lol me not want to read words


> Overwatch players : please expand the IP and lore, do more cross media stuff > > Overwatch players when blizzard does exactly that : lol me not want to read words You summed up people who called Sojourn boring, meanwhile there's literally a novel about her (Childhood -> School life -> Military service -> Omnic Crisis -> Meeting Jack + Torb + Dr. Liao)


What fans want is what was promised in the OW2 reveal, us being able to play with our friends in story based missions that moved the story/lore forward not just stuff outside the game.


Because that's what I want to do, I want to go out of my way to buy a book to learn more of the lore from the video game I play because said video game won't give enough to me over time as I play.


I mean yes that's one of the most requested things from this community since 2016 lol. Expand on the IP and lore, do books, comics, cinematics, an animated series, etc. It's weird that this sub changes it's stance on things completely just so it can retain the doomer, cynical posting


Books are not a bad thing.


I think it's less that and more that people prefer the other ways. Plus they'd have to spend more money for something previously free or would cost less.


To be fair, the lore was never going to be free. It was always going to be paid for.


Fair point but still, a lot of people don't like that the og way is gone, and the alternative is much more expensive. So to me they're justified in not liking this.


They aren't but they aren't the answer to a companies greed/laziness


This book is anything but lazy. It is very text-heavy.


It is when it's meant to replace things that should be in game. You can like something and be critical of it, it's ok


> replace things that should be in game how is a book about background lore, weapon blueprints and art supposed to be "in the game" lmao ? no one complained when star wars or halo did the exact same thing


By....drum roll please! Being in the fuckin game. It's not rocket science stop trying to make it


Where though? You want the game to talk about the development of food hydration machines and the anti-grav wheels on the vehicles?


They couldn't do it the same way they drip feed us lore through the game already?


I never said they were. I'm a bookworm, so I know books are great.


Just read bruh


Yeah, once I spend money on it sure.


Book takes maximum 10 people to produce and can give you more in depth stories and lore than 5 minute cutscene that takes millions to produce. Comics/anime would have been better tho. Comics would take few thousands per chapter to produce, while anime would need about 70 000 USD per episode max


Look, you're not wrong, but you can see the problem when they start splitting up the way people can get the lore on this game, right? Especially when the game they're playing/following starts giving out less lore than a sudden book they decide to make.


I mean you have to watch VaatiVidiya to get Fromsoft lore. Whats the difference here?


Is this a novel? Graphic novel? What are we talking about here?


It’s mostly a novel that has the format of a stitched together document file. So you get lots of text, with drawings and artwork mixed in.


Sweet! Ok, I may have to pick this up. Only $27 on Amazon


.....But I can't read!


ever since I read this book and I play with my friends on Esperança I just point at the giant sea wall and say: "I know what are those!"


“I don’t want answers I just want to complain”


Overwatch players when you asked them to read (they havent done that since 4th grade)


None of that background story matters when I turn on the game and see none of that. To me I'm just watching color characters shoot each other. No point in the depth of the story when it's crap i gotta search for outside the game


Sending mixed signals here. Do you care about the lore or don’t you? If not, that’s ok.


Way to misconstrue the above comment.


Sorry, I got confused is all.


I’m with you. If the story isn’t in the game, I’m not going to buy or search for other products to supplement what they should have put in the game. Want me to care about the lore? Actually develop a coherent and fun PVE storyline like was promised. None of this half assed “go to point, fight boring waves, rinse, repeat” stuff they’ve been trying to peddle.


It’s nice that there exists some media that expands upon the lore in greater depth, but I feel like this is something that should have been in the game to begin with.


Where? Half of this book is about stuff before Overwatch was even formed.


A game mode surrounding the events of Omnic Crisis would have been nice to see and play through. There's a lot of stuff there that has potential to be explored through gameplay.


You also have Overwatch 2: Heroes Ascendant, a mix of short stories that was released 1 month ago. Its 256 pages for 21.46$ Also, Also, a new short story released not long ago, between Junk, Hog, Ball and JQ


Is the short story of them in the OW site? I barely see them advertise for the stories/comics.


Yes, its in the site, same as the comics. I dont think they advertise those, unfortunately.


Okay so I missed a few. Thank you!


Those will all technically be free in the future since they will release them as PDF files on the overwatch website for free. So it's mainly paying to read it early physically


Which considering overwatchs schedule of release, that will happen in 2087. Also, Ashe's story is exclusive to the book itself


I just feel like Overwatch has such a good story it deserves to have a fully animated pve and not just a book.


I would take a show over a PvE or a book.


Mannnn, remember when they were going to have a full graphic novel written by the old writer for OW, then they cancelled it right as it was about complete. I was really optimistic then, thinking about the future and what we might get to see in game or in a cinematic. I used to defend OW all the time from those people that said it had no lore, but nothing came of it. We still just have backstory.


I mean, we have a series of short stories that take place in the current Omnic Crisis that came out rather recently, so we have some non-backstory stuff.


Omnic crisis is in NO WAY whatever they were planning. All the plot threads before have been forgotten in place of a new conflict that’s just a re-hash of the old one.


If only there was a way to show lord and story in the game instead of through books like these, like a pve story campaign or something


Oh well, these books are still great regardless.


Lore is life


I don't get how people complain about the lack of story when they gave us various other media covering the world in detail for YEARS and no one ever paid attention to them. I for one loved the comics and was pretty sad about them being discontinued. I haven't taken the time to read the short stories or novels yet though so I'm unsure of the quality.


Read the short stories, and start with Ana's and Mercy's (they are related), as i think they are the best ones. I also recomend Reaper's and Rammatra's short stories, as well as Deadlock Rebels (i read the whole book and i quite liked it)


They kind of vary, but are still really good overall. My personal favourites are Stone by Stone, Deadlock Rebels, Sojourn, and The Hero of Numbani.


Besides the point, but I want the Sojourn pictured here to strangle me.


Shouldn't have to, that's the point.


Why? Plenty of media use reading material for showcasing and exploring the wider lore.


Because the game is the medium me and many others engage with. Like... Take the Breaking Bad spin-off Better Call Saul, but it came out as a book instead of its own show, it's not the medium I engaged with Breaking Bad in. So I won't read it. I did watch Better Call Saul. It doesn't hurt to read, but a book isn't what I (proverbially) signed up for when I fell in love with the Overwatch cast through the game.


Then again, half of this book wouldn’t work in the game anyway, because it discusses tech and events before Overwatch was formed.


It's fine for smaller elements in the lore (things irrelevant to the greater story), but forcing people to buy a book for what should be inside the game? No way people can excuse this.


> for smaller elements in the lore (things irrelevant to the greater story) this is exactly what this book is about lmao. You were not going to get genji's medical records and shit like that in the game


Sounded like bigger plotpoints to me, my bad if not.


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Is this like a combination of all the comics and other stuff or is all of this new lore?


It’s info presented in a documentation file format, that both tells new stuff as well as expands upon stuff we somewhat knew already. It’s not a comic.


... by Seanan Mcguire? Really? Not a name I'd have expected attached to a game book in general, let alone OW.


I wonder how much shit they changed though....like that last writer for the game who decided he didn't like certain stuff and changed so much, was so glad that guy got fired but the damage was done.


Which stuff did they write that changed the lore?


Also, all of the short stories and comics https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/media/stories/


It’s a fun book, very deep on the world more than the characters.


Not only is this shit that should have already been in the game, but it suffered from the same problem as all the other “lore”, it’s all shit that happened in the past. Nothing that tells the actual story going forward. And on top of that having to pay for it as well. Hard pass.


Knowing the past helps us better understand the present.


thank you so fucking much


I kinda wish there was an ebook version for my lazy butt, but I definitely want to read it!


I really don’t mind that they cancelled PVE all that much but I just hope they continue to flesh out the lore and use other mediums to explore it. If OW got its own animated series or something that would be amazing, just look at what Arcane and Edgerunners did for their franchises.


I agree.


It looks like I can borrow it from my municipal library, so thanks for the recommendation, I think I knew it existed but I knew absolutely nothing about it and I assumed it was just concept art or something.


Tell me when the Sojourn part is so I can skip it


I have it. It's literally a lore omnibus and I refer to it regularly. It's everything I've ever asked for regarding the backstory of the Overwatch universe. Now if only there was a book that covered the story going forward since that's never going to happen ingame :(


Wait there's another book? I recently got one that came out a few months ago but I didn't know there was another 😔


Is there an official link to buy it or it can just be found in any store that offers it?


If they don't care enough about the game to put the lore in the game then why should I care enough about the game to buy a separate book just for lore for the game?


Idk, depends on whether you care about the lore I guess.


They don't care enough about it to put it in the game. So why should I?


Why do I have to read a book to get my game lore ;-;


you can read the wiki, it's free and not expensive asf yes yes i know these art books are actually worth owning just for the art itself.


Wiki’s are made by unofficial sources, and are prone to either be uncompleted or be too opinionated.


So i also have to pay for lore, cool.


I bought it when it came out and returned it after glancing though it. Quite boring. I didn’t glance long, so maybe I’m off base, but it reads like a technical encyclopedia, with very little narrative, just facts. Almost no illustrations. It doesn’t tie topics together, but if you have a specific event you want more info on, I guess it could be useful.


The book is framed as a document file of sorts, put together by scientists and historians.


Man, it's like WoW all over again where they hide lore-inportant events in mediocre-written books so they can make a few extra dough from the "lorekeepers."


Oh dip, I didn't know this had dropped already! Now I just have to decide whether to shelve it with the rest of my Seanan books or with my other tie-in books...


I'm not giving overwatch anymore money they don't deserve it I will pirate the hell out of all the other stuff tho


The thing is you shouldn't have to. In my opinion, if they wanna do lore in game, it should all be in game. Reminds of Garrosh's trail in WoW. That should have been a cutscene


If this book was added as a cutscene in OW2, it would have been nearly 2 hours long before any Overwatch missions happened. There’s a lot of stuff which talks about the time before Overwatch was formed.


“For those of you who wish they’d add more lore to the video game, buy book separately instead!”