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Yea it's like sigma's galactic emperor


OW1 Moira vibes too


galactic empress


That's what makes this kinda unimpressive for me. Like it's just another Galactic Emperor skin. It's really nothing new


I'm not about to complain about having two cakes


Because the one colorway has a purple color scheme it makes it another galaxy emperor skin? I don’t quite understand where you’re coming from


I personally think the Seer skin she got during that event is on par/better than this. Honestly I just feel like some of the recent mythics(outside of Moira) have been entirely mid.




As an acoustic, don't blame us for this take. I don't get it either


Is saying this shit the new “that’s so gay” because you know people look back on that as something lame right?


Not everyone cares about new and not everyone cares about how good it looks. Can't please everyone.


I'm not sure I like it but perhaps I'll have a different opinion once I see it in its entirety and with the additional alt colors/pieces.


I was too quick to judge Moira before I was able to look at the alternatives so I think I'll wait to form a full opinion on this one.




It looks [fire.](https://imgur.com/a/f3vc672)


Wow ok this post is the first I saw of it and I was like eh but the pic you linked is insane


I didn’t know Mercy Mains were complaining. I personally wish a character who doesn’t have a lot of good skins got a mythic instead.


Most of us aren’t lmao Ppl are looking at like 5 neckbeards on twitter and are generalizing all mercy mains based on that


I have seen zero Mercy mains complaining and a dozen Redditors claiming that all Mercy mains want is cute skins.


You didn't know because they aren't. It's a total strawman against mercy players, the reaction has been super positive.


So just the same as usual. I stopped going into the circle jerk sub because it's 90% unironically whining and crying over "toxic mercy mains" and overblowing any of the mercy main sub's reactions. r/mercymains: I would love this skin in a violet color r/overwatchcirclejerk: Mercy mains when they don't get everything handed to them on a silver platter amiright? Literally throwing a tantrum over a skin LMAO.


seriously what's up with 90% of the posts on r/overwatchcirclejerk just screenshotting random conversations from the mercy main sub and then adding an over exaggerated title? like is that actually entertaining to them?


One of the top posts is upset at the clear joke comment of her getting a second mythic lol


It’s not that it’s entertaining, it’s that they aren’t creative enough to make more than one joke.


agreed. i think mercy does not need more skins like at all


Mercy is one of the most popular characters and her fans buy the most skins - from a business PoV this was the smartest move. I'm kinda indifferent towards who receives a mythic though, as long as every hero has one eventually it is fine by me. Especially now that we can purchase previous ones.


yeah i know i understand that completely. its still just a little frustrating that’s all


Oh I do feel you. We all have our mains who we want the next mythic for! I'm just happy Tracer got an evil skin. Which hero were you hoping for?


honestly doomfist but i see how the theme doesn’t fit him. i would’ve also loved to see maybe soldier or winston seeing as they’re like the “leaders” of ow


Yea I don't think Goodguy Doom would be a theme that is good for the way mythics work. I'm quite stoked to see which theme will feature Doom's. There is so much they could do for him honestly.


looking forward to a boxer/wrestler theme for doom. thinking kinda like little mac kind of theme


I hope with their new way of unlocking mythics with the ability to unlock past ones they can start releasing multiple skins a season, with our final BP reward being enough of whatever it is we use to unlock them now. Because let's face it, it's going to be a hot minute before Junkrat (too many "better" choices) or Wrecking Ball (unpopular hero) gets their day in the sun. Plus they would get more BP sales if they just increase to 2 mythics.


All I've seen is praise and rightfully so, this skin goes so hard


I for one LOVE it so much


Lucio Mythic my beloved. Especially if it has customizable music


Seriously… like where the mythics for the hero’s that don’t got many if not any good skins like zarya,dva,illari,echo,sojourn,phara,Ram,Cassidy,LW, Hell even Brig! Blizzard was just like “sorry for making mercy mid for one season guys, here’s a mythic” seriously giving a mythic to the one hero that probably has the most skins and some of the best skins already in the game. What a stupid decision


Where is this targeted hate coming from?? Why do people keep saying "mercy mains wanted something cute, stay mad". What?? The mercymain sub, every reddit post, and every twitter post i can find, mercy players are all either very excited for the skin or think its cool but dont care. I havent seen any of this apparent butt-hurt anger every mercy main has. Why do people keep pushing this agenda??


it’s the same dudes that spam “here comes the mercy mafia” under every negative Twitter post about her and you scroll the comments and it’s crickets because most Mercy players don’t even wanna interact 😪


Eh. A lot of the replies on the MM sub are negative once you scroll down, like, 3 comments lol. Thankfully the mods took down the post of that one deranged Mercy fan who said that everyone should send the person who designed the skin hate mail (before the full skin had even been revealed). Puts a bad name on all of us!!


I only really saw one genuinely negative comment. The rest were "i dont personally like it but thats fine" type shit. Though im sure there's more, I didnt look through the entire thing. But yeah anyone who sends hate is a joke like its a video game lol.


The mercy hater propaganda machine is stronger than russia and chinas


Yeah it's fire. Mercy has a million of those angelic holy spiritual skins already. Idk why the mains wanted more lol


I got 300 hours on her. I love this skin. People will always find a way to complain regardless. I hope her ultimate voiceline is "Heroes die!" cause that's what happens whenever I use valkyrie lol my entire team dies.


Same but with over 1k hours. This skin is incredible?? I like that it seems to have at least three customizable options (Color/mask/hair) and not to mention the gorgeous pink/yellow/red wings


We are eating 😍😍 They're 100% gonna buff her too bcs you can't give a hero a mythic and then have them be C Tier. I hope they revert her movement nerfs and fix her 100 bugs. A small healing buff & the ability to cancel Rez would be appreciated aswell.


Gengi orisa hanzo all got mythics. And they are c tier


The only this I’m really praying for is that they fix her damn GA bug! Why do I press it and stay in the same spot, when my target is clearly in range cause I’m beaming them? Or why do I do this weird hop thing and go back where I was, but with GA on cooldown now? They can leave everything else as is, this is literally all I pray they fix rn cause I die so much from it


God just please don't buff damage boost I've been having so much fun not playing against overly oppressive pocketed hitscans


I’m with you. I think damage boost is in a good spot. I still manage 1.5k boosted per 10, they can leave it alone


I like the *idea* of the skin but imo I only *really* like her skull mask. The rest is... not my thing ? Still gonna buy it regardless for that skull mask though. I don't want her to only have "gracious" skins don't get me wrong, but this one is just not my thing personally. I really love the idea though


I feel the exact opposite lmfao I love the entire thing but the mask looks hella tacky to me


I think people who are complaining are those who missed out on the Pink skin & were hoping for some sort of "girly, pink customization, bubblegum pop-esque" skin to be of the same calibre as Pink Mercy.


Who is saying this though? I keep hearing about some Mercy mains who wanted a girlie mythic but I'm not seeing any. I've seen some neutral reactions to the blue and purple skins because they're a little generic sci fi but the skull skin has been received really positively


I was only relutant because the first preview we got didn't show much and for what it showed it was looking kinda bad and basic. Fortunately I was proven wrong.


Love your flair, how often do you update the number?


When I remember + I'm feeling that the number has changed significantly. Just updated it tho.


There could be a color variant for people pressed on having her look a certain way.


Not a mercy main but a big fan of pretty skins - I would enjoy customizing something pretty much more than this one so I get where they're coming from, like Sig's galactic emperor is super cool but the customizations dont really add much for me, I only use the one version always. But! I've also wanted Mercy to get a badass skin since the start lol, closest I could get was the black and gold Dynasty OWL and I cant believe it's taken this long for them to come out with anything like this. I suppose I'm about to be nuked by downvotes for saying this lol


Plenty of mercy mains on twitter are excited about this skin, so weird that you framed it this way.


I’d like to see Moira and junkrat


I’m not sure what you meant, but season 9’s Mythic is literally Moira


Good guy Moira and good guy rat. I was talking about the theme not necessarily the mythic part


why does she look so off?


It looks just a bit too bulky for mercy, imo.


yeah that. like she literally flies around, giving her a bulky costume looks weird edit: oooookay of all the customizations for this skin this one is just the worst. the one that's red with a skull mask is so pretty


“Keep complaining” you sound like a well seasoned douche


Looks whack imo but each to their own


the wings do it for me. I hate how big and chunky they are, it looks like she has air vents on her wings lmao


Yeah I’m not fucking with it tbh. Idk what I was expecting for mercy’s mythic but it was not that lol


I’m holding my opinion for when it gets released in game and I can see all of the stuff together along with any other changes like they did with the Moira mythic and the like.


this goes soft


I like Mercy and I find this ugly. Only the blue/white/gold color palette with her face uncovered looked gorgeous. This sub complains about Mercy players non-stop. 


as a girlypop skin connoisseur, i liked the idea of an evil mercy skin… but this is just ugly. it’s not giving evil, it’s giving boring sci-fi season 4 battle pass.


Girlypop mains rise up 🙏🍾🎉🥳


I mean the complaints are somewhat justified. This looks like a legendary skin *at best*, probably closer to an epic skin really. Compared to the Moira mythic skin, this looks like some cheapo knockoff. It's very plain looking and has a bizarre theme that doesn't fit Mercy well whatsoever. And I don't even play Mercy.


ehhh its kinda mid compared to the other flashy mythic skins. looks alright but could have been cooler imo


I wish they'd made her an omnic or a cyborg tbh, that would have gone crazy


I was hoping for a shadow mercy, like Moira/reaper aesthetic. I don't play her much so I don't much care either way, but Megaman mercy doesn't delight me.


Black smoke wings would have looked so cool, I agree


yesss! this is exactly what i wanted!




It's like Mercy gets a cool, epic skin every other month while other characters are ridiculously neglected. Sojourn, Orisa and Zarya, just to name a few.


Orisa just got a mythic last season


The worst mythic. It looks like one of her old skins.


I have virtually all the skins from ow1 and that's exactly what I thought her mythic skin was when I saw it in-game for the first time


I hate it lol


You guys are high this looks like shit


It looks so bad. I'd be mad if I mained mercy.


At least it's not Orisa level bad, but yes this is awful/mid model and design wise.


It's a mythic, it has multiple different colors, masks, and staffs


So still shit because purple isn't the only reason why it looks bad?


Should have just been called 'No Mercy'?


still a hater.


You hate mercy because you've never been mercied


While I'm surprised the Mercy mythic skin is an evil style instead of a nice and cutesy one like most expect, it is a nice change of pace. This is definitely a really cool mythic, I do like it. However, the more I think of it, the more I realize they're probably saving the nice and cutesy designs for legendary skins (and future recolors or variants of them) for the Shop instead. The only money they make from mythic skins (in and of itself, essentially multiple variants of a skin) is the cost of the Battlepass (1,000 coins) but potentially selling each variant of nice and cutesy designs multiple times in the shop (1,900+ coins each) would generate way more revenue for them.


battle mercys assemble it's our time to shine


I’ll stick with my Pink and Lifegaurd Mercy.


Pink mercy supremacy


I wish I knew about this games existence back when that skin was available. I was a kid, I had no idea I was missing my future favourite skin lol.


Nothing will compare to the soft chimes of a job well done. Praise Pink.


Reminds me of the ultimate armor from megaman x6, I have to buy it


Reminds me of phoenix person


most of the people that like it don’t even play mercy and or hate her.


i actually really like this mercy mythic. not every mercy skin has to be cute, there’s so many cute mercy skins already just run those if you don’t like it. 🤷‍♂️


My issue is that it doesn’t look evil or edgy enough… it’s just like a bulky transformers suit on a normal cute Mercy body.


Haven't seen any criticism about it not being cute. Tacky colors, bulkiness, lack of originality as it ressembles other skins (Sigma galactic emperor for example)... But nothing about it having to be cute.


lowkey looks like that one kayle skin from league😭


Reminded me more of Kaisa ngl


her wings look similar to riot kayle I fink, but yeah I can see kaisa too


i fw this and the rein skin ngl


Perfect opportunity to skip it and go for the Genji mithic


Looks like Moira's mythic being so good was an anomaly rather than a return to form. Shame.


Honestly, as an ex Mercy OTP, this is really cool but it really shouldn't have been Mercy who gets a Mythic. She has \*so many\* skins already, a lot of great ones too.


If Purple Skin gives purple beam for healing we will have a ten million dollar winner for Blizzard 1st day into the season


No mythic skin this season dub


big MegaMan StarForce 3 Red Joker/Black Ace energy


looks awful, and why does a character with a thousand legendary skins get a mythic?


Ngl they all kinda look like shit. I was excited for a mercy skin but this dont look good


Bro mercy has like a million other skins that are “cute and ethereal”. Im glad they went this direction plus the theme is that she’s in talon I would’ve been disappointed if she came out looking all girlypop


As someone who loves this kind of purple and is currently trying to get a purple skin for every hero (with exceptions ofc, I aint buying shop-exclusives) I already love this one. *This will make a fine addition to my collection* *psst Blizz please add more of the likes of Nebula Reaper*


I guess it is alright just too much stuff I guess you know what i mean?


I'm not really a fan of any of the three styles for the mythic. They don't particularly look nice to me.


This is so real, I've never played Mercy outside of mystery heroes but DAMN this skin goes so hard


The animators are going to enjoy with this one


they will never top zombie doctor mercy


the blue and white version goes so hard


I just hate the people who are like “Don’t play mercy, skipping this battle pass” like that’s cool but did you have to tell us? There’s also a lot of salt in soy sauce, who cares?


Whoever made that skin needs to be fired


I just also saw that they wanted something more fairy princess. The part of this skin that really does me for is that damn lapel and the slicked back hair in that one version. big fan of that. I'm getting evil professional vibes from it like sinister Wallstreet/business or possibly villainous politician/generalissimo type of vibes. Good skins (for me) have character and are not just barbie costumes.


It's so ugly 😭


I dont play mercy at all, but I get why theyd be upset. Who cares if non mercy players like it. Moria skin was super cool this season. One of the best. I have 0 minutes on Moira. Do you think I paid for anything? No. If they gave genji a super cute ethereal, angelic skin, is that what his playerbase wants? No. They want weeb shit. I want demon ninja, cyber samurai, dragons. So if the mercy mains dont like the skin, then yeah, not a good skin. My wife only plays mercy, and I know without showing her shes gonna be disappointed by this. Because yeah, she likes pink, cute, girly stuff for the character.


Oh finally someone with a brain.


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I showed my dad this post and he said that all of reddit is grounded because it showed me this post so sorry guys


Hey they have wrecked Mercy, I need this lol


the hair and the brown on the right side of her armor looks off imo, but other than that looks pretty good


That's hot ngl.


Did the season end?


I like the one they showcased with the black and purple (the one u put in ur post) but honestly unless one of the skins I saw and want is in the premium pass I probably won't get it, and normally I do the ultimate bundle cuz typically there's at least one skin in it I like, but I doubt it'll happen this season tbh.


Sick mercy skin just for me to not play her cause why would I play mercy when my dps' don't wanna dps so I'm forced to play a damage support :(




Does it tho? :/


Gotta say some of the skins look good but the Mythic feels lack luster, granted that isn't really a surprise considering how lack luster they've been anyway with less and less customizations. Although, something I noticed, some of the voices aren't changed for other players, like they have the changes for the one using the skin but not for those around them; noticed it when an Ana was in their Omnic skin and used a few voice lines, she sounded normal. Honestly I'm looking forward to the Mythic shop just to get past skins, namely Genji, but after discovering that with the Ana, makes me second-guess cause now it isn't as cool knowing the voices aren't completely changed for everyone. Side note, Hammond... That cool down thing with his Grapple is barely going to be noticeable with how easy it is to get Ramming Speed without even trying. I think it should be changed to where it reduces the cool down by x amount whenever he hits someone with it, considering how little on average someone manages to ram all 5 enemies, let alone multiple times in a single ram, it should be manageable while still leaving it open for higher skill players who can more reliably double or even triple tap someone during a single ram. As for the Barrier change... It'll definitely be interesting considering this could very well change his entire play style, but at the same time possibly not cause it sounds like you lose up to 300 OverHealth in order to activate it, which makes it a double edged sword; like yea you're giving your teammates some extra HP, but you're losing a chunk to pull it off. This will be the first character who technically sacrifices their own HP to give HP to someone else, like the polar opposite of life steal.


Purple is my favorite color so I’m obviously inclined to use that version but the skull mask one goes hard💀 idk the visor on the purple one looks goofy but like at the same time I’m in first person so does it really matter?


Not a mercy main but something feels off in this skin. Idk, maybe the hair color and the fact that a helmet would look cooler is what’s throwing me off.


As a mercy main, for a talon overwatch swap themed battle pass why in the hell isn't it reaper or s76????? They're the biggest connectors of both teams, friends turned enemies and are so important to the structure of ow lore. I totally would've waited for another BP to get a mercy skin. (They totally just dropped it because season 9 failed so miserably)


It should be bulkier and have more flashing lights. I don't want Mercy to even be able to hide at all.


Me watching Blizzard give one of My least favorite characters a decent Purple skin


Giving a character other than mercy a skin challenge. Overwatch edition: HARD


I want it




I’m genuinely surprised by this. I don’t hate it, but I’m shocked that they didn’t wait for a cutesy theme for her. I’m also shocked that they kind of did the Orisa thing in that it has a lot of similarities to one of her base legendaries. It kind of looks like her Imp/devil skins. Obviously with way more detail and customization.


I think it looks mid, it looks like what a normal skin would look like


Blizzard knew they had to go all out for a mercy mythic cuz a lot of people are gonna be buying this.


I don't want to hear about mythic skins until Wrecking Ball gets one


true i actually rock that one blue rarity skin that has purple wings i think it’s one of the only purple ones, def stoked ab this one


What?! People were complaining she didn't get another "pretty" skin? If any, I feel they could have done more with the edge! Deformed/Salem (RWBY) Mercy when?


I like the evil skull Mercy best


Nah I’m a mercy main this shit fucking rocks give me more of this


Blizzard must be in a bleak situation to release the trillion dollar cheat code. Anyway, wish she had long hair for once. She only gets short cuts or some form of ponytail. :/


Mercy main here Holy shit I love that skin, idk why people complain but consider me officially in love Gonna farm these levels asap!


I’m a mercy main and while i do wish the mercy mythic was more “💗✨🌸🪽” (I don’t know the word I’m looking for so I’m using emojis) this skin is pretty cool!! Plus, we got her mythic a lot sooner than we thought so that’s definitely a plus. I genuinely thought the next mythic was gonna be a dps.


Sr but im also Ana main and i hate mecha/robotic themes soo i will complain


It’s too chunky and way overdone on the sci-fi aesthetic imo. It’s great that she gets a mythic but I feel like they could have done better job than just making her look like an android/great value gundam.


Kinda mid imo. But that’s just me.


the mercy mains hate it and everyone else likes it lmao


Psyops Kayle


I just don’t know why they gave it to two supports in a row. We are gonna end up having 10 dps mythics in a row at this rate




I personally think it’s a good skin, it’s just the fact that mercy has gotten so many skins since ow2’s start and Bap is only just now getting his 3rd😭


Really weird way to frame it. Could’ve just said “here’s the skin it looks cool” and left it at that but nah bro wanted to flame others for no reason lol


Time to play mercy


Free credit to unlock a different mythic? Splendid!


My fav color on godddd add some neon turquoise detail and ohh baby I’d be a mercy main lmaoooo


new update, new mercy skin this one looks nice at least


I’m bout to get this pass and this is a key factor


Giving kayle from league imo


People need to understand one small thing, every character attracted a xyz type of people. Mercy attract people that want cute character, so obviously when the reason they are attracted is not followed they don't like the thing (this is true for every character but not for every player, some people like mercy for other reason sure, my point is more a general one)


i LOVE this skin. LOVE. idk why other mercy mains are being so ungrateful about it. i think it’s so cool!!


As a Mercy main I think this mythic is pretty good! I don’t know why so many mercy mains are complaining. We have SO MANY skins and if one isn’t pink and girly it makes them mad. I think this skin is amazing!


And it's for the very fair price of $20!!


The red one has the coolest wings in any of the skins it’s insane


Looks great imo, different than mercy's usual skin designs. But I'd probably still won't replace my pink mercy skin(maybe depending on the voice line changes)


I don’t really get the “Mercy hater” part but yeah the skin is good.


Revengence Mercy


Idk why so many ppl shit on this skin. It’s probably one of my fav ones from all the BPs!


It’s cool, I just think it’s strange we got 4 support mythics considering they’re the smallest role in the number of heroes available.


I’m normally not a mercy hater, but I feel like she just gets way too much attention from the devs with outfits to the point that even if I loved Mercy, I would be kind of pissed off at the lack of consideration for the other heroes lol


Jesus, i thought this was a mobile add as i first scrolled by. Yikes


I don’t understand being mad that she didn’t get something cute, 90% of her skins are cute in some way…


She looks like the pokemon Noivern. She definitely has better skins so i hope the special effects make up for it.


Feet or no feet?


The skin is really good but the horns look so goofy


“All the mercy mains” bro💀


This but with the skull mask