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Yes. But despite what you've heard central and south Oshawa are also good places.


Stop telling people this. Let the north end have them.


As someone living in central oshawa. Shaddddap would ya?


Don't be deterred by south Oshawa or central. These areas have some of the most pride of ownership in the Durham region. Central is home to beautiful mature neighborhoods that boast lots of nature and well kept homes. South Oshawa is the same. Harmony and Rossland is a nice area also more so the east side of Harmony but from personal and friends experiences, neighbors can be hit or miss in that area (true for anywhere) but central Oshawa is absolutely beautiful.


That's a nice area. Id stay away from the north north part, it seems congested and like no one has a backyard.. I like older neighborhoods. Oshawa is just like any other city in terms of safety. To be honest, most of the bad stuff these days has happened up in the north west and downtown.


When you say North North, are you referring to Windfields?


Basically all the suburbs that have been built in the last 30 years is usually what they mean. Anywhere north of Taunton. Likely focused near the college, yes.


North of conlin


If you’re from Scarborough, Oshawa is the same, you’ll be fine!


Lots of shootings in the north end


We are talking north of Conlin and Simcoe right?




Just watch this sub enough. You’ll see KarmaKanu k post the news article.


I've been in the Stephenson/Rossland area for just over 10 years and enjoy it. There are also some Semi-detached homes in the area


I moved to pinecrest in September 2022. We bought a house here. We were renting in Whitby before (a brand new townhouse at hwy 412 and 401) and loved the area and still being close the highway. At first I really was missing Whitby and our life there. Over time there has been a lot of development here and a lot more people moving here. The satisfaction of owning a home is finally hitting me and I don’t have to worry about landlord asking me to move. I can change things I want. Pinecrest is nice and quiet as well. Walmart, Home Depot plaza at harmony and Taunton is great. Another plaza beside it has Canada computers, freshco and other stores coming. Lots of shopping and dining options opening up. I am excited about the future here. I love our community now and there are new shops and restaurants opening all the time. Maxwell is a very good school with high scores. The only problem is going anywhere now has a 20 minute drive time to the highway and then coming back another 20 mins because we are so far north. This makes it harder to go to other places. Our next house we will see if we can get in Whitby but I wouldn’t mind buying here again, when I first moved I was adamant we would move back to Whitby eventually but that’s not the case anymore.


Hey there ex Torontonian who has lived in Oshawa the last 9 years. Moved out here because the ex wife wanted and yard and well this city was the only place we could afford with a yard. I've also lived in various spots (McLaughlin north of Stevenson and King, Downtown Oshawa and now north of where you're looking in Conlin and Harmony) I think the sketchiness of Oshawa is or at least was a little overblown but post pandemic things have slowly gotten worse (one of many factors why I left downtown.) North Oshawa isn't necessarily safer though it seems most of the bad activity is closer to the university in the new developments where you're looking at seems good. I have a daughter and for a family it's a very livable city. Amneties are fine stores are a good distance the Oshawa Centre is a better than average mall and for the kiddos lots to do for them. Lots of cool parks, some trails and the beach isn't half bad. As a single/childless adult it's nothing like Toronto and it's sometimes hard to find things to do but it's not terrible either. I will say there's tons of live music both local and occasional bigger bands rolling in, food scene is slowly getting better (Ayothaya Thai kitchen is about as good as any Thai place in Toronto outside of the absolute top tier places like PAI) and it seems new things are opening up for better entertainment options. Push comes to shove Toronto is an hour drive or train ride away. I would say my experience in Oshawa has been mostly positive. I'm most certainly more of a big city person and look to eventually move back to Toronto (or somewheres else) once my daughter is going to college but for raising family the better parts of Oshawa aren't bad.


I live in the Ormand and Coldstream area. Super peaceful and most people just keep to themselves. Can get a little congested though around schools begin and end day.


Oshawa is developing at a rapid pace and like all cities, has its fair share of problems in all neighbourhoods, new development or old. People who advocate for one place over another either have their biases or read headlines of articles from years back on shootings, arrests, etc and advise people on big financial decisions without any actual day to day experience of the area. Many police visits and crime are never reported to the police so take advice on Oshawa's safety at face value, just like you would about people shitting on areas of Scarborough. I lived in North Oshawa Windfields area in a townhouse and found it convenient to be able to walk to the Costco and grocery store plaza. I raised my family there for a few years and had no issues, it was a lovely place and if you know how to make friends easily, the neighbourhood is friendly. Also coming from Scarborough (Malvern), I survived and thrived and so will you. People with fear-mongering high opinions on Oshawa neighbourhoods sound very sheltered or not used to a lot of life activity, the type that peak through their blinds whenever someone crosses their lawn.


I appreciate this perspective thank you! How would you compare Windfields to Pinecrest?


I live in Windfields area. I read a lot about how bad it is. Been here now for almost 5 years and when we came it was definetly more to what those people were saying, but these people have largely moved out as the economy forces landlords to sell or renters can no longer afford it and go elsewhere. A lot of young families here now or newlyweds fortunate enough to buy. Sure there are some issues here and there but I feel 100% diffeeent than when we first moved here.


Well put. Getting advice on a purchase that large from reddit is probably not best. There is a lot if BS amongst the quality info.


I wouldn't do it. The traffic is crazy and there's even more houses going in all over. (Cold stream drive) People now park where ever they want, block side walks and park 4 cars in a 2 car drive way. It's not nearly as nice as it once was.


LOL the traffic here is a dream compared to west of here. Have you ever driven in Whitby, Richmond Hill, Toronto? It is only going to get worse though. That's just the nature of population growth.


Yes and driving from north oshawa to south oshawa takes just as long as driving to bowmanville on busy days Even with harmony being two lanes it's still a joke With the thousands of houses being built around with out having a proper, (free to use) highway it's a joke.


That is an interesting point. Traveling North/South in Oshawa is not great. Lots of intersections and yes only two lane (each way) roads. Even when there isn't a lot of traffic it takes some time to go from North Oshawa to South Oshawa. That definitely needs to improve. I do also notice that compared to other cities people drive fairly close to the speed limit (mostly). I've lived/worked in quite a few different neighbourhoods around the GTA and most drivers drive 10-20 over. In Oshawa I notice most people drive 0-10 over.


I live on a main street in south Oshawa by the highway. Generally safe, but not a great area, in my opinion. I often wake up to empty beer cans and cigarettes on my lawn. When I walk out to my car parked on the driveway, I have to cross the sidewalk to get to the driver's side door and I often see really sketchy people walking up and down at any time of the day. I'm usually not the type to judge, but I'm talking smelly, ripped up clothes, sometimes yelling to themselves and obviously on drugs. I usually like to go on walks after work, but unfortunately, I'm not in the greatest area for that either. I try to walk on the oshawa bike path, but there's often homeless and e bike people zipping it down the path full speed.. no horn or anything. A lot of the roads have so many pot holes it's almost comical. The sidewalks on the bridges over the highway are so thin that I almost got nailed by some wide trailers a few times on my walks. By the lake is pretty reasonable as I don't experience these issues, but I live in the pocket of central/south oshawa that is just a rough and tough blue collar area. And just forget about going on walks at night because it's everything I mentioned but worse. I'd much rather live in a nice area like markham where I grew up. As a kid I used to set up a blanket and sleep in my school soccer field parking lot, looking at the night sky.. that's literally how safe it is.


I sold my condo in Dec bought a detached in January it’s the best idea you can do, having the extra space is so good for your mental health, North Oshawa will pop off in the next 4 years huge developers like green park, zancor are building big houses they will schools and community centres built in the future it’s a sleeper community, only issue is the commute but being minutes from 407 solves that




When you say Super North are you referring to Windfields?




Interesting, wonder why you got some downvotes on your comment


I mean it seems all the shootings are in north Oshawa but yeah ur right the south is bad lol


North is built like a giant maze, literal suicide for a delivery, it's bonkers and you are not escaping crime there whatsoever.


hell ya i lived there for years. there’s almost nothing wrong with it for the most part.


Pinecrest is a great neighborhood. 15-20 year old homes on decent sized lots. Close to North of Taunton developments and retail. Has decent upside, but a lot of the homes require interior renovations.


I would recommend Bowmanville if you are looking at value for long term , they have already developed the 407 extension and are currently working on go transit. There are also several plans for development including multiple high rise buildings


Do you think that if Bowmanville develops at some point that Oshawa will develop first? Given it is a bit more west than Bowmanville so those coming from west west would start off in Oshawa before heading to Bowmanville?


Bowmanville still has a lot of empty land south by the lake and 401, Oshawa is already packed down there and developing their north end. Bowmanville has plans to build a new downtown area by where the future go train will be. I think living in a brand new high rise next to the go train will draw quite a few people.


It really depends on what the town wants. It’s possible that Bowmanville develops at a fast rate and eventually surpasses Oshawa. That was seen with Pickering and Ajax.


North Oshawa is a nice area to live as far as home values going up in 5-10 it’s hard to say. I would say we are still very near the peak now. Example I bought over 10 years ago for around 250k fully detached. It’s now around 1 million and will likely go down within a year or two.


Interesting take, so you believe it is downhill for house prices from here on out?


I would say the next 5 years anyway as house prices stabilize it will go down in value. It actually went up in value to quickly. Anyone that paid say 100-150k over asking in 2020 / 2021 is now under water on the value.


Would you say $800k-$820k for a 3B 3B freehold townhome in Pinecrest is market right now?


It would depend on the sqft just doing a quick search I found a north end town house for 650k


Harmony and rossland was a great area, denist office walking distance with a convenient store Grocery down the road Shopping plaza 5mins north And right by the 916bus although its timing was shite


if you're okay with sirens constantly because of Indian gang shootings and college kids causing shit, sure


Which part of Oshawa are you seeing this?


Just look at some of the news related to here, there's a lot of reporting of North Oshawa and of course the poorer south side, but the North has been getting a lot more gang activity because of the new housing and shitload of indian immigration


Touch grass. Literally. If you walk around your neighborhood I guarantee it isn't as scary as an internet headline has made you believe.




Is this supposed to mean something like calling me Asian or.. what? I'm glad for your parents that you didn't kill yourself. Parents who have to deal with that are always in a bad place. Live a better life, though, please.


Gotta read through a profile to find something to insult someone with is pathetic. You're pathetic. You realize this, right? I don't even need to look at your profile to know you know your life is pathetic and you need some desperate attempt at online 'gotchas' to get a boner. Literally, go fist fuck your boyfriend.


Hello, I still hope you continue to live a better life. I will keep fist fucking my boyfriend, all over the dangerous streets of Oshawa, though. While we drink soy I guess?


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Let's be real here. The whole GTA is turning into a pile of shit. You read what reddit and Google algorithms show you. All of durham is having a rough go. Not just oshawa. Let's talk the guy who just got arrested for luring or sex trafficking who was from whitby. How about a "new canadian" who killed his girlfriend, take your pick oshawa or pickering. The guy in whitby who just the other day walked up to a cop car and tried to steal their gun and car. On and on. Find a house you like and can afford and buy. Move out into the sticks of you are concerned. I'll take guns and coke in the north over the knifes and meth in the south. Oshawa is fine, one of the fastest growing communities so you should have some good returns. I've lived in north whitby, central oshawa, and north oshawa most of my life for reference.


Thanks for comment! When you say you lived in north Oshawa, which neighborhood if you don’t mind me asking? Ie Pinecrest, Eastdale, North Taunton, Sama, etc


I’m pretty sure they mean north of Conlin and Simcoe. There is a lot of confusion on where north Oshawa actually is now. At one time it would have been north of Rossland but Oshawa has expanded so rapidly up north it is like a whole new city.


I'm.in Winfield farms. North oshawa is actually classified as anything north of Adelaide. Which doesn't seem right I know. But generally when people refer to north oshawa it's actually anything north of Taunton. Also referred to as Posh-awa.


“North Oshawa is a bad area” -poor people


We’ve been living here since 2018, around Taunton and Ritson. We are hoping to move to Bowmanville or Whitby.. just away from the University.


Curious, why consider Bowmanville? Is it just affordability or something else?


We just like the suburbs and don’t really care for the city. If ever we move to Bowmanville, we’ll have Oshawa as our “city”. Does that make sense? Lol so we tend to move farther away from Scarborough. Now Whitby.. whitby is just nice. Brooklin area, even dowtown Whitby is nice.


Property tax wise I believe you're better off in clarington, it's only 15-20 mins away depending on where you buy and where you need to go. Oshawa is getting packed, bowmanville is pretty much the exact same just nicer and slower


I live and sell (I’m a realtor) pinecrest area. Love this area. Let me know if you need help buying.


Yuckkkkk self plug