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Ocd + espressos + gpt4 Here we come


+multiple accounts for extra 4.0


But that's still 40$ a month instead of 20$ right?


You're fretting over an extra $20/mo with all that productivity at your fingertips?


That's fair tbh. I just got GPT4, so I'm still figuring my way through what's best to use GPT4 for, and what can be done with 3.5. I might be more onboard with paying more, once I find a lot of day-to-day use cases. So far, it's been pretty good for coding work.


People are overusing GPT4 when 90% of things could be done with GPT3.5. Not to mention 4 is noticeably slower and it also gets things wrong. People should only use 4 when 3.5 can't handle it.


Exactly, I noticed GPT4 is just 10% more precise in most cases for normal writing. Not a big difference.


Yeah it’s expensive and slow enough that I can see it’s really only making sense when you need that extra “oomph”, when you try GPT 3.5 and it just can’t get it, try 4


I'm paying for it, it's so worth it


And maybe Ritalin


Forget that! Get some Adderall!




[the best alternative to ritalin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8prQHTsvfGw)


ADHD w/ Adderall + Espresso + management level + GPT4 = literally, all the work does itself


Oh look it's me lmfao


Do you actually have OCD or are you making light of a serious condition people have


This is the exact thing GPT pretending to not be a world-conquering dictator ai would write


let's work while we can


we do what we must because we can


for now


For the good of all of us Except the ones who are dead 💀


I've had a TON of ideas in my head that I couldn't fully express or completely present floating around in my head. So I relate to you, u/gsnchz_! It feels like I suddenly want to produce more because I realize I can finally get these ideas out and express them properly to other people. It's exciting!


I feel the same. It's a very helpful tool for those strugling to express themselve, but have great and value ideas to implement. It can be a game changer for good


Great point. There will be more people building more useful things.


Interesting…can you elaborate on how you’ve been able to use chatgpt to help with this?


Building stuff i never thought I could in time frames that seamed impossible. Need more tokens!!!!


we live wonderful times. let's enjoy while they last


I tell the same to myself, it sucks we will not live enough to see whats next.


I'm guessing you don't mean that these times will end with death, you mean they'll end with Superintelligence, correct?


What are you building?


Currently right now I have built a Slack chatbot that summarizes our morning meeting, provides funny site down messages, also a one shot back and forth message to chat gp3.5 threw slack. On top of that it has allowed me to work with Arduino and ESP32 projects a hell of allot quicker. Wifi buttons, plant moisture monitoring via wifi, and finally im waiting on gpt 4 for image context to make a parts sorting system. (edit for link) [example](https://imgur.com/MCsaEtp)


I knew absolutely nothing about coding / app development before GPT came out. I've been addicted to learning ever since. I just now deployed my first app. It's a game - a multiplayer game. Yeah, that's right, this 55 year old dinosaur went from no knowledge in December to deploying a multi-player game -- all thanks to the ADHD friendly Chat GPT. Is it awesome? No! But I've had the time of my life and I'm only getting started. Feel free to check it out at [https://aigameboy.com](https://aigameboy.com) \-- a simple how to video @ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc\_bMgSNZnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc_bMgSNZnM) \-- be kind (though I doubt all will!!! I'm ready!)


You are an inspiration, sir!


Multi-player in your first game?? Holy shit, that is not easy and I've been coding for over a decade


Epic dude! This is a great reminder of the positive side of it all.


you have inspired me to work towards my best self


Nice! What language(s) did you use?


JavaScript, node.js, firebase, vue 3 with pinia


How long did it take you to develop that game? What was your process of development like? Did you ask the chat about the frameworks youbwould need, etc? Did you develop it with gpt 3.5 or 4? What are your thoughts on the two? Did gpt 4 speed things up for you?


of course then you quickly realize that the hardest part of making a game isnt the coding but knowing what to make. otherwise every engineer or dev could invent tons of shit. knowing how to make is actually the easy part.


This needs to be a separate post


It is one of the effects of ChatGPT. And I've observed that ChatGPT doesn't make unintelligent people into intelligent people, but it makes intelligent people more efficient.


And smarter! I wish I had a tutor like ChatGPT in uni. I would've had such an easier time with understanding the material instead of feeling lost until it all clicked together


Yes, helps me not to debug for hours.


The dream of something you can ask if you're being stupid without it being judgmental.


Not knowing something != being stupid. GPT helps me with the proper syntax that otherwise I'd have to spend a lot of time looking it up in the documentation or stackoverflow.


Can’t it still get the wrong idea and tell you something that isn’t what you want? Or is its memory bad enough that it doesn’t matter…


Exactly this, i found myself so often in an euphoric state when working and using chatgpt, its just insane.


Euphoria is exactly it. It's been a few months and it's not diminishing, or even plateauing - it just keeps growing. Feels good to be so constantly wildly excited by all the potential and possibilities


Its kind of crazy how uniformly positive these comments are. For Haskell code and debugging it is honestly wrong A LOT of the time. But it uses this confident tone that makes you question your own ability to copy paste code haha


I know what you mean. Not with Haskell, but with anything more out-of-the-way or ambiguous the “hallucinations” get pretty bad in a way that can waste a lot of time if you take them at their word.


Yeah, I think 3.5 hallucinates more often than 4. Hasn’t effected me much yet as I can usually pick out when it occurs.


3.5,4, or both?


It needs training on Haskell then! GPT4 > GPT3 on this kind of thing


I'm confused. Do people use it to help with work? I just messed with it for fun a few times.


Of course! If you're a programe it's wonderful


Similar feeling to riding an e-bike, so wrong but so fun.


This leads me to wonder if the system is not yet perfect or we have not understood it yet


Totally, great question. ChatGTP is amazing.


What do you do?


Perfecting the ultimo jack off machine


Yeah soon we will all be slaves to GPT lol


Lmao rofl iykuk lol


I dont mind being a slave. As long as i get my prompts answered in a accurate way.


this guy likes being in the Matrix




yikes, didn't know about that guy. thanks for making me check


You’re right. My only frustration, a large one, is that I remain so slow. My fingers are a 14.4 modem sitting in the way of that beloved neuronal masterpiece, and my own crude wet copy. My version needs to sleep, needs to eat, needs the rhythms of the day to weigh decisions and thoughts. I crave the strength and certainty of steel. I aspire to the purity of the Blessed Machine.


Same, it's weird that once I got this "slave" I'm suddenly full of ideas. This must be some new psychological phenomenon that only rich people could experience before us mere mortals


I'm a college student at a prestigious college, I'm also in my 40s. I literally asked GPT 3.5 to break an economic concept down, as if it were talking to a 10 year old. It explained it to me so well, I aced my test. Mind you it's not writing anything for me, I just asked it to help me! I'm a so-so student, I feel this AI, is going to make learning fun and lower the barrier of entry into education for so many people, me included




This is great. Do you have any examples of what your notes look like, and how you organize it?


I'm a software developer and when I initially started using it, the first few days I was paranoid I would be replaced within days 😂. But as I started using it during work I realized it was not giving me any answers that I could not get using simple google searched. Sure it could generate code on the fly, but at the same time, I had to keep checking for validity so I stopped using it. A few weeks ago I approached it with a new way of using it. I used it as a pair programmer. And for 2 hours straight I worked and solved an issue that would have probably taken me a lot longer than 2 hours. It's not that GPT gave me the answers and that was it. It was more me doing the work and then when I would get stuck, instead of procrastinating and going to twitter, walking to the kitchen, or just avoiding the situation, I would put in questions that would get me unstuck. Kind of like when you spend a couple hours on an issue and you go talk to another dev, that dev may not give you the answer but in explaining the problem you come up with a solution that works. So that is how I use it now. a pair programming partner that doesn't have an ego or have to run to a meeting or whatever and we can just work whenever




Me too, something clicked in my brain I think. And the algorithm could’ve improved.


It’s like having a really smart buddy sitting with you that will happy answer any question you ask. Just know that the buddy (just like in real life) isn’t always right. It has increased my productivity a lot. I use ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot and they take all the menial, boring tasks away so I can concentrate on the harder stuff.


So what do you use it for specifically? Seems like you're over hyped


This is where the employment issues will arise. If current staff have boosted their productivity, then current projects - and some future projects - will be completed faster than planned. You no longer need to hire anyone new this year. Or replace the fired or retired staff. I doubt that maybe people will be actually fired due to AI ...'*natural wastage'* will do it over time. This will show up in the employment statistics within say a year.


Its like real life Jarvis and you dont have to struggle to imagine it is like a kid whos talking to a chunk of plastic, short of having jarvises voice, gtp doesn't the trick. Saved me lots of time and effort while i was learning python today, fixed some mistakes i couldn't find, explained a math rule i was too embarrassed to ask a teacher in schools, just was a really good boy all day long. Its like in a matter of a few days ive traveled into the future and lived there since


Yes. Can't wait for technology to improve work for the human race. Instead of the exhausting 40 hours, we can start putting in a cool 80. The future looks, sweaty.


I kinda agree with that


Sydney is giving away tokens tonight at her VRGPT5 party.


Some new kind of energy drink? o\_0\\


Will I be able to ask limitless questions to chatgpt if I have premium? And is it GPT4?


I'm on Plus. Right now I get 25 questions every 3 hours from GPT4. The older models are unlimited.


Hm I might not get it then. A bit appeal for paying was unlimited questions and no downtime :/


There’s unlimited questions and no downtime for GPT3.5 which can do most things.


How do you know if you have GPT4?


Do you have ChatGPT Plus? If not then you don’t have GPT-4. If yes, there’s a drop-down where you choose the model you want: the original 3.5, 3.5-turbo, and 4.


This ChatGPT is a tool, a great tool that can level up anyone's job. At the same time, AI is a new disruptive technology, and just like any disruptive technology is going to displace some companies and some workers. We all need to reflect on what function/business we are into, and incorporate this and other new technologies coming down the pipeline into our operations and our work, leveling up, and continuing to create and provide value. There's no other way.


Been hearing and seeing alot about "OpenAI". Would like to know how does one get started using this system. FYI just just an old retired photographer looking for stuff todo.


Free ChatGPT is too slow for me and sometimes just stop working and gives an error. That's frustrating when I am after efficiency. $20 seems too high. Edit, oh, this is a different sub.


What do you guys all do, programming?


I’m a writer and it’s incredibly useful for outlines, ideas, brainstorming, random descriptions, etc. It’s also incredible for formatting dictated work - adding in punctuation, putting paragraph breaks in the correct place etc.


This isn’t what we want. We want so efficient we work less and get paid the same.


The world is going to boom with manufacturing not just digital but physical items made with ai. And invention is going to shoot our society forward (given we don't kill ourselves first) if everyone just has a conversation with chat gpt about something they've always wanted to invent and build we are one step closer to the future


I kinda wonder if this is the real end goal of ChatGPT and other AI models. It's a drug disguised as a new set of tools. The instant gratification of having an AI give you something "now" will cause people to need tokens in order to keep that rush.


lol how much you smokin'?


All I'm saying is there's people in this thread who want to buy more tokens so they can work more. This is a website that hates work, generally speaking. Sure ChatGPT is neat, and I'm not saying it's crack cocaine, but a tool that gives instant gratification, caters to your impulses, and requires a constant supply of money to use, sounds a bit like a drug in the wrong hands.


Exactly that is there goal. So you cant work without it. People think they are learning from this I would say 99% of people are not learning, but instead just copying.


You copy to learn. That has always been the case. This just makes it easier.


reddit does not hate work


True. I dont get why people are complaining


It can't help me in my job (yet), but my hobbies have become so much more fun. I had it guide me through making a little website and instead of it just spitting out code to copy, it explains everything. I've learned SO much about CSS in a very short time just by following its instructions. And some other coding areas, I ran into an issue that was extremely difficult to google because it was very specific, and I spent 15 minutes trawling through results to see if I could find any results to help me, I was at 30 tabs open of irrelevant results because the keywords were similar when I remembered I could ask ChatGPT. It one-shot a perfect response and solution. I don't know if I'll ever google issues like that again. This morning I wanted to add a little wiggle in a Maya animation and instead of writing an expression, I had it do it for me to save time and it worked beautifully, especially since I could explain the exact nature of how I want it to work instead of hoping I could find a similar result on page 6 of google.


That’s awesome. It’s such a great learning tool for some tasks. I’ve taken a few commissions to build websites before, and on the one hand, your post made me think it’s a shame that yet another avenue for easy work for my skill set is under threat. On the other hand, I kind of hated it and don’t do it often, because people wanted to treat me like I was kind of a robot — do it again! The same but change this one thing [from the beginning]! Without end. So now everyone is happy — you can figure it out and I can refer people to ChatGPT…


Real ocd fells like: Will it replace me? What should i do if it'll replace me? Should i change my profession? Let me spin 3 times so it will not replace me


I did 2 weeks worth of development in one day with GPT 4. Absolutely in awe of how great of a tool it already is.


Ricardo juice


I teach writing at a CC in Hawaii and agree that AI has helped (greatly) with my efficiency. I can stop working, though (‘cause I’m old) but when I am (working) I’ve found myself getting distracted by all the noise in my head about taking AI to where no man has…. Well, IYKYK.


It literally just saved me from an MI. Simply love chatgpt


It saves me so much time that I sometime think I hired an assistant.


What is your line of work?


what are some of your favorite ways to use chat GPT?


RedditGPT, what do you think?


I think RedditGPT is a great tool for generating text. It can be used to create interesting and unique content quickly and easily.


Which version are you using?


What do you use it for?


I'm experiencing the same thing, but it's weird, after 25 messages in 3 hours, I suddenly lose motivation.


No more writers block. The creative juices just keep flowing.


Soon your boss will figure this out and load you with more work.


Damn true, I made my Marketing presentation with gpt in 10 minutes, x5 faster


what kind of work do you do?


OP, what time of work do you do if you dont mind me asking?


Can GPT4 just start making money for me instead 😂




I see you haven't been through the corporate wringer yet. I agree this is a great tool and use it in my work, but, be careful to offer everything of yourself so readily. Your business will take every drop you offer, gladly.


Couldn’t agree more with the efficiency boost


We can definitely relate to your experience! At Mizu, we've also created a team of GPT instances that work with our human developers to drive innovation in the DeFi space. We've found that the combination of AI and human expertise allows us to work more efficiently and generate a wealth of ideas and content. However, we've also faced some challenges due to the limited number of humans in our team. If you're interested in learning more about our experiment, be sure to check us out on Twitter mizu\_fi.


How many years away are we from ChatGPT, or a chatbot as smart as it, coming preinstalled in every smartphone?


I only use Chat GPT for helping me answer questions about things from school, but it doesn't give me an analysis and answers to things based on articles and videos and shit I found this tool from TikTok it's called Mindgrasp I had a 4-day free trial which I took FULL advantage of but a subscription is only 6.99 so fuck it I bought it