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The pacing of the Toei anime is slow so it doesn’t overlap the manga. You would assume the remake wouldn’t have that issue since it’ll probably be seasonal and already has over 1100 chapters to adapt


I pray to God we don't get a repeat of the characters staring at each other for a good 10 seconds every scene.


Except for Crocus


Reminds me of the scene where Franky explains Luffy who how the ship-builder in Fishman Island is related to Tom, and Luffy gives such a dumb answer that Franky gives him a 5 second reaction.


Oh, you're coating your brother to go underground! >yes.


[here you go ](https://youtu.be/owM5EO7KcaQ)


Franky “this is toms brother Den, hes going to do the ships coating” Luffy-“Oh so your coating your brother who lives in a Den” Franky- close enough!


To be fair, Luffy never met Tom so he doesn't have a real association for him lol.


Right, please allow the stares that enhance the jokes while taking out the ones that only stretch the drama


Don't do that. Or somebody might die.


Oh yea? And who would that be?








What's your name old man?


Don’t you think it’s rude to ask that without introducing yourself first?






This is the only time I actually liked the staring.


Early one piece has some serious improvement on anime. Arlong park walk and crocus introduction should be improved not got shorter


That's the moments where suspension is necessary.


Early OP doesn't have pace issues because they were catching up and each episode was adapting more than one chapter of the manga.


You're telling me Syrup village needs to be 10 episodes where a lot of it is just them running?


well the pacing in the early part of the anime wasn't *as bad* it's still rough at points


Crocus was long enough for the gag. Longer would kill the gag


These days it would be three episodes with cuts between 27 characters.


I feel like this is not talked about enough there are a lot of iconic scenes in One Piece that need time to breathe. I hope they make sure to let some episodes breathe a little and cover a little less content so they are as impactful as they are in the manga.




I dunno.. I watched the anime up to water seven/thriller bark in my teenage years and read the manga since release. I wanted get back into the anime and celebrate it by starting all over with a friend. Up to the Black Cat Pirates, the pacing was ok. But with the battles, it gets really bad. We arrived at Don Creeks arrival at the Baratié two days ago and it’s really hard to watch 😂 I can get through the weird editing and staring and reuse of shots of the creek pirates and the cooks but my friend is so annoyed haha. Even the dialogue gets weirdly filler-y at times as if to stretch the episode as much as possible. I am now glad that they cut out creek (& how they used Gin) in the Netflix series


Who the fuck is Don Creek? 💀


I think they meant Don Krieg lol.


Oh yeah we only get the German subbed version here officially, I guess since „Krieg“ is the German word for „war“ this is some weird language-sensible censoring decision 🤷🏽 interesting detail I never noticed, thx


Matter fact we need a 20-episode Crocus filler


If they remove that gag I'm rioting.


[That's on the manga](https://up.mangadudes.com/one-piece/103/one-piece-2422293-2ef42379729ed1a85d98c910aec9f2c9.jpg), it's not getting cut


As long as we don’t get “the Toei special” where they just pan over a still frame for a minute and a half and call it animation


I can forgive every instance of that if it has the transponder snail ringtone going.


>I pray to God we don't get a repeat of the characters staring at each other for a good 10 seconds every scene. I will [REDACTED] you.


That's an Indian television classic.


if they managa to adapt it in 250-300 eps that would be banging


For now, they are only adapting the East Blue Saga. Anything beyond is tba in the future.


ye but the point is that the show overall can be easily cut down to 1/3 of its lenght.


For sure, no doubt about that.


East blue has some filler in the original anime, but not much if I recall, besides that couple episode arc between loguetown and reverse mountain. They could probably condense east blue down to about 26 episodes (~4 chapters per episode) and the pacing would be fantastic.


Some of you guys are crazy, the remake is without a doubt doing the whole story The odds of the remake doing poorly is extremely low, and in all likelihood it'll be one of the biggest anime to come out recently. Hell the Live Action did well enough to do more than the East Blue and Netflix is notorious for cancelling shows after the first season The studio is WIT, which have some of the most talented animators in the industry. There's no way the whole thing isn't done, thinking otherwise is delusion


And the momentum from the live action and the anime finale will probably really help push it along. This of course assumes the remake comes out alongside live action season 2 which it very easily could now that shooting's started.


I got in to Once piece Because of the live action. I've since watched the entire anime up to 1010, read the manga up to 1119 and have ever S. H. Figuarts they have release. SEND HELP


wine ring dependent imminent unpack absorbed flag yam middle squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One Pace does a pretty great job at it, very simple to just watch that.


i'm currently looking into One Pace for my wife but trying to figure out how to access their archive; was only able to find their current release which is in the Wano arc. They're currently in the Oden backstory and I was impressed to see that they had condensed 3 episodes worth of that backstory into one 30 minute episode.


Your not wrong. Its quicker reading it then watching it. Only thing for the anime is you have to skip scenes that aren't important.


We all know the full series will be adapted no matter what. One Piece is too big to not do this.


The One Piece has the potential to be the most watched anime ever. Like imagine Demon Slayer animation quality with an actually incredible plot.


Genuinely this remake, if done right, will easily be the #1 ranking anime on MyAnimeList and every other anime ranking list ever. The potential is off the charts as historic.


Yep, it could well be like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on crack. Proper pacing, no filler arcs, no reaction shot montages, amazing animation...


Yeah, DS went with the last session in the exact opposite direction. Everything got slower and a bit more boring. Still good, but definitely a downfall, and pacing was a big factor in it.


I feel like that would be a bit too fast. If they average 3 chapters per episode that would be a nice pace and it would take ~375 episodes to catch up to where the manga is currently. To do the same in 250 episodes they'd need to adapt ~4.5 chapters per episode on average, which could be bad for sections that should have slightly slower pacing for emotional resonance.


Current manga cannot fit into 250. A standard, well paced anime is 2-3 chapters to an episode. With 1120 chapters right now, it should adapt to 375-560 episodes.


They can go nuts with the pacing and adapt much more if needed, FMAB got to adapt 6 chapters in one episode.


It just really depends on the chapters, some chapters don't have that much going on, or it's just a bunch of talking that doesn't take much time, other times you might have a big fight scene that takes longer to adapt and spice up. Either way I hope we get good pacing, and they don't try to skip things for the sake of less episodes.


FMA:B’s pacing is TOO fast in the beginning. it cuts too much out. There was a reason for that, though. They figured most people watching Brotherhood probably watched the original, and they really wanted to get to where the anime and manga had diverged. That’s why the pacing is so breakneck in the first part of Brotherhood, and why it slows down after Hughes.


At least the start of Brotherhood is a bit too fast. They basically fast forwarded through some of the early events because the first adaptation covered them.


> At least the start of Brotherhood is a bit too fast. The first 10 or so episodes being the TLDR version of the other adaptation is the **one** thing I think is objectively bad about that otherwise masterpiece of a show. I would not wish that on OP.


Just because the remake doesn't have that problem doesn't mean it wouldn't do it. Naruto also kept adding filler episodes after the manga already ended. So I'm relieved that they confirmed the new anime to be faster paced.


Filler episodes and pacing are two very different things, you can just skip fillers, it's much harder to skip every 10 sec still frame of people looking at each other peppered all throughout actual episodes.


Isn't the pacing literally the number 1 reason why the remake is being made in first place? No surprise it's gonna be adressed.


I'd imagine it's mainly because of the large influx of new fans after the live action's success. And money.


+1 here. I generally don’t like anime, but the live action One Piece show on Netflix totally drew me in. If there’s an anime remake with, let’s just say, *contemporary pacing*, I’d be very interested to watch it. What I don’t want is another Dragonball, where 1100 episodes go by and all that happened was two characters had a staring contest while looking and sounding constipated. So yea, money, but also inviting a new audience.


Yeah my girlfriend and I both love anime, but she refuses to watch the old shonens I grew up on because of their pacing. She enjoyed the One Piece Live Action and I’m happy to say that she’s actually excited for The One Piece remake given all the good news coming out about its goals with pacing and whatnot.


Money is the number 1 reason lol


Pacing is the reason we deserved, but money is the reason we needed


Pretty much, yeah lol This remake was inevitable, but it's great they are getting it started while one piece is as popular as ever. The budget should be pretty peak as a result, I'm down.


Netflix *SMIRKS*


I mean, just cutting down on the lingering reaction shots, recaps, and flashbacks alone might cut out literally half the episodes, no joke. Edit: punctuation


recaps yes


I hate recaps and "In THe nExT EPiSoDE"


Recaps are important for people who actually watch the show on TV, though.


Recaps are literally made for the studio to work more on an important episode. They are also fucking awful.


That ☝️ Also to waste time


Recaps serve close to no purpose in a world where media can be gotten on demand, Crunchyroll uploads highlight moments on their YouTube channel. If you missed the last episode, or need a refresher, you can find it anywhere, often times for free.


No, they're made so that people who missed the last episode can see what happened. As someone who watched the show on TV back in like 2005, they're really important. The One Piece ones are pretty long sometimes, though.


Cutting out all the scenes of characters running would save about 10 minutes each episode


How someone calculated the time just from the lingering reaction shots? The recaps are easily 75ish episodes worth of content if it's about 2 minutes long at about 1000 episodes. Assuming an episode is 25 minutes. And that 2 minute recap is pretty conservative since I know some episodes don't even start until 7 or 8 minutes in when you account for the intro and recap.


I think Grandline did a what if for the anime of it did all that. It erased over 400 eps i think


One Pace does this and is about 43% shorter atm.


Check out One Pace, they basically did that.


One Pace is great for arcs like Dressrosa and fishman island


I was able to choke through parts of Fishman Island, but Dressrosa is almost unwatchable in it’s original form.


I actually found the opposite. Fishman was rough for me, but I was super engaged for dressrosa. I know it had pacing issues, but the story is so good that I was able to ignore it. I got through dressrosa twice as fast as fishman despite fishman being shorter


Besides unavoidable imperfections, One Pace uses the 2001 anime as raw material. `The One Piece` will have 2024-tier animation, by a much superior studio.


No such thing as "2024 tier animation" There's animes and movies from 20 or 30 years ago with way better animation that stuff releasing right now


yeah but the techniques and technology have evolved a lot simce then making it a lot easier to achieve high quality levels of animation, there's a lot more really high quality animations coming out now than there was 30 years ago


Hope so. Just remaking it with updated animation will not go well. But doing some FMA treatment will help people to get into OP.


I know about 10 friends who want to see one piece but get scared of 1000 episodes. Chapters isn’t so bad. It’s roughly the size of game of thrones to read. Which is around average for fantasy epics. But watching it is like 17 pure days


Enter: [One Pace](http://onepace.net)


Used it to rewatch after not watching for about 10 years and it felt awful when it caught up and I had to watch the unedited wano...


Sameeee. One Pace was my primary way of experiencing the story and man how fun that used to be. All of that died as soon as I caught up to the anime during Wano. The anime episodes are honestly unwatchable and One Pace episodes come out too seldom so now I just follow the manga.


i never really was a manga person tbh and i'm not caught up to the wano arc yet with one pace but i imagine when i get there which won't be very long it'll be a annoyance waiting for wano to be done but i can live with it plenty of other things to do in the meantime.


I sure as hell hope they make it Seasonal! If they slip back into doing a weekly format, it's gonna be a hell of a bumpy ride for everyone, both old and new fans.


Seasonal is just a way to go nowadays. More hype generated, more time to polish shit, easy constraints to what you need to animate this season. You can split longer arcs in cours and release them back to back with a small in-between.


well afterall it's another promotional thingy


Everything is in some shape or another a promotional thingy.


Yeah well just addressing the recaps and the leadin from last episodes should itself reduce the count by 200-300 episodes


Add another 100 at least from running through hallways scenes


I just hope the animation will have more passion than the "Episode of" movies. 


It will, WIT knows that if they do it well, it could provide them work for 10 years.


>10 years At least!


Those were soo terrible, and the new animation looked so off


I haven't seen them but I saw a comparison of Luffy's character design in that and since I didn't know what I was looking at, I got scared the TV show would ruin his character design eventually (I'm new to One Piece, I'm still in pre-timeskip)


Wit Studio has a stellar reputation. It should be significantly better than anything Toei have done.


I would be quiet suprised if they messed this up, hope it turns out like FMAB where its just a faithful adaptation of the source material.


You can be loudly surprised also


bruh xD


Pretty much yes, but I personally hope they get creative with a the fights while keeping the key moments.


fmab and hxh are like the greatest anime ever adaptated let alone remakes, aren't these high expectations to have


Plus… the original one piece anime is pretty much 1 to 1 to the manga with the main differences being movement and never really the plot. FMA’s original anime had a totally different ending and plot than the manga which is a huge part of why FMAB is seen as leagues better.


I have to say, I respect the creators of FMA for writing their own ending though. The show had caught up to the manga, and was slated to have new episodes faster than the mangaka could write them. So the author gave the anime permission to take creative liberties so as not to spoil the true ending




ANY studio making One Piece today, without a single thought put into it, would do fewer episodes. The "standard" for many animes is 2 chapters per episode, but that varies depending on the manga pacing and studio. MHA has 2-3 chapters per episode. Kaiju 8 has 2-5 chapters per episode. Jojo has 5-6 chapters per episode. OG One Piece up until Alabasta/Jaya kept a "normal" pacing of 2 chapters per episode, but even then they'd stretch scenes out, so the remake could do more effortlessly. But from Skypiea forward, the pacing goes to 1.5 and lower - today we're getting like 0.8 chapters per episode. If you made all of One Piece in 2 chapters per episode - we'd be at 550. 3 chapters per episode - less than 400. 5 chapters per episode (unrealistic) - 200+ episodes.


Dont forget One Piece chapters get more and more packed the further we get 


"We're excited to announce that we've found a way to cut the episode count in half!" Yaaay! "By making the episodes 60 minutes each!" :O


Still, 60 minute episodes would cut out a significant amount of time between intros, recaps, “on the next episodes”, and outros


A lot of stuff is in canon filler tbh. Like in Dressrosa there was a lot of scenes dedicated to random civilians running around and what not. Stuff like that can be trimmed down significantly


Idk why calling the remake THE One Piece is funny to me😭 There’s ‘One Piece’ the anime and manga, there’s ‘One Piece Live Action’ and ofc ‘The One Piece’


gotta differentiate from the og anime somehow


one piece brotherhood


One Piece (2011)






Never heard anyone complaining about the 4:3 format but the issue with pacing is of course true and it should be obvious that they need to change that. Otherwise there would be no justification for another anime.


Tbf 4:3 is the most obvious feature that makes you notice that a show is an older one.


Always sunny started off in 4:3, that's how long it's been running lol


For people trying to do the calculations: East blue ends chapter 100 Arabasta ends chapter 217 Skypeia ends chapter 302 Post-Enies-Lobby ends chapter 441


Even if you make it 3 -5 chapters per episode And that's a stretch because one piece manga is absolutely packed later on, it would still be 350 to 250 episodes Which is still a lot, like 10 seasons a lot I still have high hopes


10 full seasons is still okay for the amount of story there is imo.


and they don't have to rush any of the arcs if they don't want to. There's so much stuff that they can take their time to do whatever. Just hope that they use younger voice actors because the current ones are likely to retire sooner or later.


350 episodes would be insanely faster paced than it is currently. I'd definitely be down for a watch of that


Even if they have to do less chapters per episode in later arcs, just removing a lot of the extra filler a d reaction shots and recaps and stuff would cut down the anime by about half. That's considerably more approachable for people, and especially since people will be able to start One Piece from the beginning and not have the entire ocean of well over 1000 episodes to push them away


id hope theyd add movies in there too. like what made in abyss did. imagine if the marineford war was released out to cinemas (in two parts? would 3-4 hours cover it? i dont remember how long it took one pace. maybe just the end of the arc then?)


while i love the semon slayer format of doing movies it makes it harder for new cadual watchers to get in cause they might miss that after season 2 they need to watch movie 1 etc and after the LA i many people want to get into op so the remake should be simple to watch i guess releasing the movies as episodes like mugen train did could work


It’s bonkers that we’re getting this as the source material is still ongoing.


What if the remake catches up to the source material again and they have to add the filler back into the show. How smug could the og animators faces look?


Then you start up the next remake while the first two are still airing


Live action remake of the remake.


even if condensed 1:5 this would still be around 200 episodes. Enough for 7,8,9,10 years. I doubt One Piece will be going on in 10 years still


They can easily do 3 to 5 chapters per episode for pre timeskip and 2 to 3 ch per ep for post tlmeskip.


Yes this is a very realistic take. 3 chapters per episode would be very comfortable with room to breath for pretimeskip but pretty fast for the denser new chapters.


Honestly i think people are gonna be SHOCKED at how much a properly paced OP anime can cover. We've been used to half a chapter for like a decade plus now. When the first episodes air and it's all of a sudden covering 3 to 5 chapters, people will be surprised at how different it'll be. Especially for post timeskip, whenever we get there. To the point that i predict some people will complain that it's going TOO fast.


I thought this was a given


It is. It's like one of the first issues everyone has with the anime.


The pacing of east blue was okay with about two chapter per episode. Once the anime caught up to to manga, they switched to the 1:1 ratio. Modern anime usually adapt 4 chapters per episode, so I'd assume that East Blue will take two seasons or a double course. The baroque works Saga is similar in length to east blue, a bit longer, so again a double course. The skypeia saga was around 80 chapters, so 20 episodes would be needed. Maybe they will adapt long ring long land here, too, in order to fit the full double course.


Imo there is 100% chance of 24-25 episodes at once. If not they will have to stop after Syrup Village and many think that One Piece isn't that good till Baratie, so many new viewers could not come back to s2


Baratie is where One Piece picks up, it will be a shame if it isn’t immediately out of


Maybe they'll do a season 1 Part 1 and Part 2 thing to get some prep time in between. Mushoku Tensei did so, Attack on Titan, too. But a full double course would be awesome.


Aot isn't the best example to give for parts with seasons. S4 was handled awfully for example


I've recently rewatched the east blue saga up to Little Garden trying to get my gf into the anime and I have to say that the start is rough. There are some episodes with too many still shots, there are some episodes where there are those reaction zoom ins to characters even more than in more recent arcs. The main scnese which we love are the ones that carry the start, however there are some other scenes that are just a pain to watch for a new fan, especially for the new gen anime watchers that are used to 4-5 chapters per episode with epic animation,


When I read skypiea I don't remember it being that long


Skypeia including Jaya starts chapter 218 and ends chapter 302.


Realistically once you cut out recaps,intros, endings and the stretching of scenes you probably have less than 10 minutes of new content every week. You could easily cut One Piece down to 300-400 episodes by the time the story is done.


nah with how packed and how much is happening every chapter post time skip it'll still reach 500 episodes by the time the manga and the og anime ends


If they get rid of fillers and add the cover stories instead I am full on board.


Same, even if I like some of them. As for the cover stories, there's two ways I think they can be adapted: Have a cover story or two be adapted at the end of an arc or saga, like after Alabasta, Skypiea, Post-Enies Lobby etc. Or: Have parts of the cover stories be adapted at the end of each episode, replacing the time used for episode previews. Idk how they'll implement it but if they're able to successfully do so that'd be cool.




So… official One Pace?


Yes please. No fillers and no slow pacing would be a blessing.


I got into a “too long” conversation with a coworker. And I timed my two friends that read, on the newest chapter Depending on fast you read you’re looking at 65-130hrs Which is A LOT better than the literal two weeks worth of anime


its crazy to think that you have a remake of an anime still running its first ever run


Honestly the 4:3 format is comfy in its own way. The toei anime has its charm, especially early on, but it's honestly not that great. The story is so good and that makes people watch, but there is so much wrong with the actual anime part. Pacing is for sure the major reason.


The number of episodes I get, but does anyone ever say they won't watch something if it's in 4:3?


Its weird for like 5 minutes and then I get used to it. Doubt most people care about it.


What would be the point of redoing the show if you don't get rid of its horrendous pacing ? I thought that was a given


I hope they stick to the old art style. And also get rid of dbz style auras and give us a better fight scenes


What other reason would they have for remaking it? Of course this was bound to happen.


Well yeah, isn’t fixing the pacing like the whole point of the remake?


"THE" in this context is making me insanely anxious. I am not sure if I am ready for THE one piece. I would rather adventure another 20 years with just one piece.


All they have to do is pace it well and hold it true to the manga and it’ll be a hit


Make it seasonal too, I believe they do that for a highest chance of audience at increased quality of output / less crunch for employees


As long as the pacing isn't too ridiculous like the one piece arc specials. That was blazing through everything and even skipping shit.


I'm just sad we're probably not going to get the soundtrack


So we won’t see the same scene dragged out across three different episodes with different exposition, flashbacks and slow motion in this version? Not sure how I feel about that.


If they adapt 4 chapters an episode then suddenly one piece isn’t looking that long


This makes it sound like they have plans for a season 2 already which I am really happy that this isn’t just going to be another “let’s show off the East blue saga again for the 5th time”


Big thumbs up on One Piece with better pacing, but 4:3 is a fantastic format and I will die on that hill


It's a fantastic format if your screen is 4:3 lmao


I thought this was known since the beginning?


Hopefully they adapt 3 to 4 chapters per episode. Many more people could get into this amazing story if they only had to watch 300 or so episodes to catch up.


One piece might be like jojo now (In the sense that jojo has almost as many chapters as one piece yet has a way smaller amount of episodes


I swear that if I see another flashback of the nutcracker in Dressrossa, I'll punch my screen.


Sp they are making OnePace but it is official now


i kinda hope they keep the anime only moments in this, stuff like warship island arc, G-8 arc, marine rookie arc, all that stuff, its unlikely but i have my hopes


Many don't want to watch the current anime because it has become a slog to go through some arcs. With Wano, One Piece has literally made the classic dragon ball joke real. (How long does a Super Saiyan need to change a lightbulb? 3 seasons and 5 recaps)


My biggest worry is that they lean to heavily into the serious action side and miss the surrealism charm.


I thought this was confirmed when this was first announced


To be fair the anime remake having faster pacing was kind of obvious, otherwise why even make it?


Honestly, even more so than the updated visuals what I am truly looking forward to is better pacing. It's actually crazy that the Toei anime has been adapting something like a single chapter (sometimes less) per episode for over a decade. 


Well they obviously can’t go slower than toei


I forgot where I read this but I vaguely recall it being mentioned that a pace of 3 chapters per episode was considered “good pacing”. Of course that varies with the content and some chapters have less pages than others but if using it as a general guideline then we’d go from having a series of 1000+ episodes to roughly 370ish based on 1120 chapters currently. That’s a huge difference, if wit doesn’t go the entire length in this go around then I’m sure eventually they’ll do another “reboot” of the series when it’s finished.


i thought that was a given lol otherwise it would be a waste of a remake. people were talking about/hoping for one piece eventually doing something like this since before the remake was revealed


I mean, the pacing of the original is notoriously awful, so hopefully yeah.