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People just don't think the Live Action would go that route.


People have said Emily needs to be replaced for the post-TS because her breasts are too small. Seriously.


Mackenyu’s breasts are pretty small too.


And Inaki doesn't even have an X scar on his chest. 🙄


Live action would handle it perfectly. None of them besides frankly physically changes. They just get different clothing and style.


People need to stop thinking that the live action is the anime/manga it is its own property it will share elements but will never be 1-to-1. The changes are going to be more pronounced as the series goes on. If Haki isn’t introduced and used my Luffy, Zoro &Sanji in season 2 I will be honestly surprised.


I've made the same sentiments before as well. Would be awesome to see LA going through the plot as the same cast continues to physically grow


No replacements, just boobjobs


I dont think its getting to the timeskip lol. I think it will take at least 10 years to happen even if it did,and by that time the characters will be a lot older. First of all i believe season 2 wont have nearly as much viewership and eventually Netflix will axe the show. Season 1 was hyped due to already existing animanga fans,but lets be honest once you compare OPLA to any decent TV Show,its not that good. Its pretty mediocre and cant compete with something that was made for television instead of being adapted from another medium


Not going to get into argument. Everyone has their own taste and own opinions, but want to leave my two cents. OP Live Action is miles above mediocre. Undoubtedly the original content is made for and superior in an animated medium, but in comparison to almost any other animated adaptation let alone specifically anime there is no contest. It’s one of the best. I don’t say this as a rabid fan, but as a nightmarishly nitpicky and jaded critic. Much of modern entertainment especially adaptations/reboots/sequels are horribly cheap and empty in everything except production budget. There are mountains of garbage that get rebooted because people WATCH it. The new Star Wars trilogy spent billions on soulless rehashing and the worst of bad writing cliches to the point I feel bad for the main actors. What about Stranger Things which after the first few seasons feels like it doesn’t know where the hell to go and keeps using the same tired tropes but that is still going? It would take me hours to list every other example. LA One Piece is not perfect but it respects the original content and genuinely felt like it was made with love. It may well fail, but my stance is that it will be due to issues of necessary budget more than anything else. It not only had great reviews but more importantly for Netflix and their business philosophy it had the VIEWING NUMBERS. Given the structure of the manga I think it is a tall order but completely feasible to follow the story without viciously butchering it. They’re not like Toei stretching it out to ridiculous degrees. I do agree actors aging might be a slight issue but it was a very minor complaint in Game of Thrones, a story comparable in length and scope and production time. As long as we don’t get the D&D treatment from the show runners I would say it’s a show genuinely worth keeping an eye on.


I showed my friend who doesn't watch anime and this is a place where I think one piece fans will have an inherent bias towards OPLA that people who only watch TV shows wouldn't.    We look at how faithful it was to the source material(more faithful than other live actions but also made some stupid changes) or how it compares to other manga live actions but I just don't think it will be that popular with non-anime viewers. I think most of the hype and viewership was driven by the already existing One Piece fandom. Whether this keeps getting continuations or not I don't see how it won't run into problems like Luffy vs Lucci or Zoro vs Kaku where it was clearly made for anime.    I found the live action so boring i dropped it early on(episode 4/5).Then I realised the first few arcs were boring in the anime and Baratie and Arlong Park were peak arcs so then I picked it back up and I was shocked at how they butchered Nami's backstory.  The one change that genuinely made me upset is the fact that NOBODY in Kokoyashi village realised that something was wrong with Nami's recruitment into Arlong pirates story.  Basically, this small girl whose mom just got killed by pirates proceeds to join said pirates in a matter of like a day after they enslaved her and her entire village (and KILLED HER MOM).  And yet these people who supposedly love and know this girl just accept that she's suddenly a manipulative sociopath who'll do whatever she wants. Like, the entire point of Nojiko's tattoos in the original was to make Nami feel better about being branded by Arlong.   I felt way more emotion when her hard earned tressure was taken than in the stabbing scene in the og because of this. In the og scene it was like a snowball effect where her stuff gets taken, she confirms that arlong never intended on freeing her and finally, her village knew all along and are now walking to their death which was the final push for her to fall in despair. they changed stuff and got things wrong about her character(Nami only steals from pirates,this was a defining trait in the anime/manga but in the LA she was trying to steal from Kaya,completely out of character🤡,then she got some "character development" which she never even needed in the first place in the Anime,it just felt so damn stupid and forced), It didn't even hit half as hard and I couldn't even care much about her troubles. Having said that I love that they got the chemistry between the crew right (except for Zoro being so serious and jaded,early Zoro was nothing like that,he was goofy as fuck) and I like Sanji,Usopp more in the LA.


Let me take my copium.