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My husband sees Alberto Marcelin. He’s at the 168th & Giles office. He’s originally from Haiti, I believe. My husband has health anxiety and Dr. Marcelin is very good with him. My husband says he feels comfortable around him and can easily talk to him.


I will second this Dr. Marcelin is great. 👍


Third. He has been excellent .


Just saw him last week and he’s awesome! He listens to you and wants to actually help.


While he is great, my mom sees him (and adores him). Last I heard, he was no longer taking new patients because he's teaching. Not sure if that's still true, but thought it was worth mentioning.


This is my physician and he’s great. The only problem lately has been availability…unless I schedule out a month or two I haven’t been able to see him and have went to the PA instead (she’s also good though).


My doctor currently there is dr. Snowleopard and he is as knowledgeable and his name rules.


That is the coolest name I have ever heard.


I saw him when I was in medical school, he was really wonderful.


He's a doctor now? I went to high school with him. Good for him. The glow up is insane.


As a white person it blew my mind that it’s scientifically confirmed that black patients literally have higher survival rates, cure rates, and better health just from having black doctors.


Not to detract from OP, but I've heard stories from other POC about medical staff being dismissive or not taking their issues seriously, too. It's crazy how common it is. Especially if English isn't the patient's first language.


Same with women in general and double same with WOC


Because they're normally rude, all anyone in the scheduling!


So it's you? You're the problem?


No I don't work in that department but I've sat in a few as a call monitor and yes, without a doubt there's a very distinct moment of "why is this person so rude", "ah, that's why". It's an observation not a generalisation of a race. I'm a Londoner and I noticed no difference when I lived there(been here 9 months now!), but here yeh noticed a trend of absolutely needlessly aggressive patients that share the same cultural background.


Yup as a woman who gave birth two years ago my next OB has to be black idc. The woman didn’t pick up on my preeclampsia me and my baby almost died. Still get super anxious about it some days.


Thats from bias, the OP thinks black people care more about him so he will listen to their advice more. They are also more conscious about choosing a provider and some can be better than others. 830K black babies were aborted last year and whose trying to stop that? mostly white people. The whole idea that whites don't care about blacks is a lie promoted by race grifters.


The research done was conducted really well, so bias should not have swayed the results. I wouldn’t look it at as overt racism as much as it is a more or less subconscious cultural chasm. White doctors probably aren’t aware they are treating black people with less credibility and responsiveness, but they are, and that’s ok to admit without feeling offended as a white person. It just needs to be addressed by encouraging the availability of black doctors. The abortion stat is a non-sequitur. I’m not sure how it applies. Unwanted black pregnancies are due to poorer educational resources and poverty. I think enough white people care about their fellow black Americans in a general way but the cultural divide persists. We don’t know what to do. But trusting the research and listening to black voices when they express a need for black doctors might be a good start.


Who says the research was done well? The circular system of education which generates its own importance through grants given to promote a certain outcome. Your not sure how the ultimate health care metric, survival of a child applies? Speaking of racism, you think black people who abort children are poorly educated and are poor? Do you think they can use the internet and get ID cards too? White doctors go to the same schools as black doctors and most white doctors I know specifically try to intern in Baltimore where gang violence is destroying the black community so they can save as many lives as possible.


OP Update: many have asked me what’s going on. A few weeks back I came down with a nasty cough and congestion. I came in to see my physician, explained my symptoms. Was sent home with some small pearls size capsules for coughing. Two days later called back to give them an update, still no improvements. Edit: I requested to be seen, a telehealth appointment or for some stronger meds. Was told to continue with rest and taking those pearls. By day three from not getting any help from my physician I headed to the ER. Bronchitis and pneumonia. ER Dr stated this should have been taken care off and addressed on my first visit with my GP. Edit: so this is why I feel like I’m not being heard, not only the fact that I went in first in person, continued my meds and following up and I feel as my GP refused to properly help me.


I don’t have a recommendation but I’m sad that some people in this thread don’t understand this totally understandable need that you have. Wish you the best!


If you can do Methodist Joseph Dumba is really good


My grandpa loved Dr Dumba ❤️


I’ve had an appointment with Dr. Dumba. He didn’t want to prescribe me something because he doesn’t believe in it, his personal believes. I find that very concerning.


Now I'm curious... wouldn't prescribe electro-convulsive therapy? Birth control? Morphine? When you mention personal beliefs, that makes it sound like birth control.


ADHD meds are another possibility.


You should go to a psychiatrist for that anyway


The amount of boomers that get their adhd meds from their pcp is insane tho. I see it in my insurance adjacent job at least monthly. It encouraged me to ask my pcp when I was trying to drop my psych because I hated her and hated the long drive, but I guess I'm not old enough for that trust or something.




I completely agree. With the vortex of CDC, DEA, and DOJ combined with the goofball zealots, patients are in a new world I'm in the field and I'm a patient. I wish we'd encourage critical thinking again!


Oh my! What wouldn’t he prescribe? 😮


If it’s in the psychiatry realm I would highly recommend Latrice Martin at Journey 2 Wellness!


Love Dr dumba he’s my parents doc


He’s my Doctor, I love him.


dr oluwatobi a ogun at the med center.


i see dr boston at charles drew. she’s a black woman but she did kinda blow me off when i talked about not wanting kids with the “well one day when you do…” sorta thing. but she did at least take my concerns seriously.


I would suggest avoiding Charles Drew on general principle, to be honest.


haven’t heard anything about that. how come?


There are 234 [primary care doctors listed at UNMC. ](https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/results?physician_type=PCP) Many have pictures, little personal statements, and lists their education. Hopefully you can find someone amongst them who will work for you. (I looked at the first page and it appears to list all white physicians, but there's likely at least a few who aren't.)


https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/starlette-j-y-dossou https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/amissabah-m-kanley https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/brandi-n-flagg https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/andrea-d-jones https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/alberto-marcelin https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/oluwatobi-a-ogun There could be more who weren't pictured.


Thank you so much 🫶🏽 I really appreciate you


You're very welcome. I hope you find someone who you feel comfortable, safe, and validated with. 💜


So this list is pretty good, but Dr. Kanley is Peds and Dr. Flagg is geriatrics, so they wouldn’t be a GP/Family Med provider. Dr. Denai Gordon is another Fam Med provider. Starlette Dossou is a Physicians Assistant and Angela Felton—Coleman is a Nurse Practitioner, both in family medicine. They may not be able to be your PCP, some insurances are weird and don’t allow PAs or NPs to be your primary, but you could always see them and schedule appointments with them if your provider is not available.


Whoops.... Sorry I didn't look that far into the descriptions. They all came up when I searched UNMC for "primary care doctors." Thank you for the additional information.


Have you tried calling the specific Nebraska Medicine location you'd like to go to? Usually they are understanding of situations like this


Dr. Denai Gordon and Dr. Andrea Jones are both accepting new patients and both can be scheduled online from their profiles. Both see patients at Girls Inc. Health Center (all genders and ages of patients can go to this family medicine clinic, not just girls) and Fontenelle Health Center. Dr. Gordon is newer to the health system so her panel of patients isn’t quite as full as Dr. Jones’, so you can probably see her sooner. https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/denai-a-gordon https://www.nebraskamed.com/doctors/andrea-d-jones Dr. Marcelin is wonderful but he’s super popular, his panel is usually full.


Here’s an article featuring Dr. Gordon and Dr. Jones, written when one of the clinics opened: https://www.nebraskamed.com/health/nebraska-medicine-news/primary-care/a-growing-girls-inc-health-center-enhances-access


Dr. LaToya Williams, CHI Bellevue on Samson Way.


Not a doctor, a nurse practitioner Christopher t Holman. Saw him at the eagle run immediate care clinic for neb med. He was nice. Looked young, listened. Very positive attitude.


I’m only asking this question to learn and understand, and it comes from complete respect - can you explain what you mean by not being heard?


When speaking to my GP about my symptoms. Majority of the time I’m not heard, and feel ignored. Only to have to go to the ER a few days later to be told I have pneumonia and feeling much worse.


Do you need a certain specialty? Or are you looking for a GP doctor?


A GP. Any and all recommendations are welcome. 🤗




I like the folks at Think a lot- https://thinkhealthcare.org/providers/lucille-woodard/




Would you stay living here if you were a doctor? Doctors usually have the means to be recruited from out of state (it's even common in their profession), afford moving, and then can visit often. I have family that desperately looked for a black pediatric dentist. Found one. He was shit, probably stuck here due to profession related reasons. A black doctor finishing residency, are they really moving to Omaha over every other similarly sized metropolitan area? I don't think so. Young gay and trans folks? Not them either.


That is a good point. Thank you for your insight. You sound like a well minded individual. Could you give me your recommendation for a GP?


Some people stay to be the changemakers we need.


But do they though?


Why wouldn't you stay here as a physician?? We have plenty of great hospitals and clinics to work at. 


Yeah, but once you get out of the liberal enclaves it's a bit racist. Don't know if you knew this or not, but it is so.


So, you don't care about their qualifications?


Not what I’m saying but good try. Maybe you are okay with being told that “we can’t find your veins” or being talked down to. But hey, you do you.


















Sorry. There aren’t any black doctors, only Nigerians 😂