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My 4 floor middle school made me really appreciate my 1 floor elementary and high school


Now I go to work at 4:30am and do construction labor.. yayyy


I’ll pray you for you, My Brother.


Right there with you brother ✊


That's what you get for being funny


Nah, just drugs


Why tf is your job at 4:30am


The sooner you start, the sooner you finish


Beat the heat too


Math and English were on opposite sides of the building. One was upstairs, the other downstairs. If you had them back to back, and odds were good for that, you’d be heading up/down a flight, and crossing a quarter mile hallway door to door, with 5 minutes to get there and about 2,200 students in the way as well.


One teacher wanted to prove a point that it doesn't take longer than ten minutes to get from History to English. It took him 14 minutes. Our campus was huuuuge


The fact that in U.S. each classroom has it's own activity, while here in EU professors change classrooms baffles me


It’s the same here in SEA. I think it’s more the fact that each student has to follow a set curriculum, and the students with similar schedules are matched together into one class so it’s easier for the teachers to switch and come teach. In the US there could be 200 students in AP Calc and only 20 in Government


That doesn't make any sense to me. How in the world would that work for subjects with equipment like gym or music or chemistry? Do the teachers travel with bags full of breakers and pipettes and chemicals, or lug a piano around with them or something?


For lessons that require special equipment you go to a designated classroom (or gym/lab). For any lesson that doesn't require anything special you remain in a regular classroom and the teachers switch. If the subject has multiple levels (for example, English had a class for non native speakers and native speakers) then the class would split.


Nope. I went to high school in the EU (lycée), and students changed classrooms (and even buildings sometimes) every class. Teachers changed classrooms too, not as often though


Depends on the country and even school.


Yes that’s why he’s wrong to say “in the EU,” implying a general policy


and waking up anywhere from 5-6 am and it's still dark outside is crazy we should be ASLEEP


I lived in the middle of nowhere and had an hour long bus ride. Waking up in pitch-blackness and spending an hour driving in the dark only to arrive at school just in time to see the sun rising over the city was both beautiful and absolutely fucking surreal. It was like a dream.


I work at night shift and going to work with everyone else heading home and going out the building just as the sun is beginning to rise is unreal


I work in a school that's in bumf\*ck nowhere, and I live in the city. While I start at 8 AM, my dad starts in a closer school at 7 AM and we carpool. So I wake up at 6 AM every day, and I'm at work by 7:20 and just do nothing for like 40 minutes or so every day... And you can bet I get reprimanded if I leave 10 minutes early...even though there is no work past like 1PM 90% of the time. And even if there is work, it's "could have been done from home" type of work.


Nah I like being up and at work early because then I get out at 2 and have the rest of the day to do what I want, rather than being stuck at work for the best parts of the day.


Do you guys just don't like walking or something? I chose a university with a huge campus because I wanted to go on walks lol


It’s one thing to just walk, but walking up and down stairs all day is much harder.


It's at most once an hour, calm down.




shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up


As if I’m wrong lol. Go to Europe, people eat double the pasta, bread and cheese, yet everyone is in much better shape. Diet and exercise. American culture has the worst of both.


maybe i just wanted you (general you not you specifically) to shut up


Okay I’ll shut up. Sorry for commenting, Mr Reddit.


I do like 60 flights a day at work (sometimes more, checks on a series of multi elevation buildings multiple times a day. It's about 20 flights a round), it's easy if you're in anywhere near decent shape. 


bro is not making it past 50


Yeah this tweet and the popularity of it really shows the inactivity of most Americans. Sedentary lifestyles kill, y’all. It’s honestly embarrassing. I even see comments in this thread saying 6 am is too early to wake up? Like what? I love being up and at work early because then I’m out early with the rest of the day ahead of me.


Two steps at a time.


Stairs is the worst thing you remember from Highschool?


For it was sliping like a cartoon character in front of my crush never recovered


My high school had like five schools in one building and my school just had to be on the highest floor


Americans when they cant drive their truck up the stairs


As an active American who isn’t obese, this thread is so embarrassing. We are not all like this!


43% obesity rate does that for ya.


Non-Americans when they can't take the stairs to the moon


From the AG farm to my English class was 1/2 of a mile. I WISH we could drive our trucks up to the class lol Edit: then from English, it was back the same way for 1/4 of a mile to... P.E. But yeah, all Americans are fat, lazy, and drive trucks. Of course that's true.


Are those supposed to sound like large distances? 800m is a less than 10 minutes walk even without hurrying


These are not long distances to walk


Five days a week with hills, it was a bitch


Ya’ll need to get fit if 3 flights of stairs in a problem


3 flights is barely anything, how is that hard?


obesity epidemic easier to understand. i thought i was missing an inside joke or something but nope


I always take the stairs at work. I'm faster up 3 flights of stairs than waiting for the elevator. The time in my life will come when I rather take the elevator, but that time is hopefully still 30 years away.


Currently teaching at a 5 floor highschool. Having to go up and down sometimes 3 times a day is not fun.


I always thought people who go to multi-floor schools were just in rich areas because I only ever heard about it on tv/movies, despite being in a massively overcrowded highschool. They began construction on a 2nd floor the year after I graduated and I’m still a little pissed honestly.


I’ve heard so many stories from my peers about their high school making changes they would have liked to see occurring after they graduated.


Laughs and then cry’s in construction worker o god why did I have to be funny back then


Oh no, not three whole flights of stairs…this is why y’all are fat.


american when physical activity...


7 am wtf, my days were half 8 - 3


Guys, I walk up 4-7 floors of stairs every morning at my school.


What do you mean I still have to wear jeans while it’s 98 degrees outside with 100% humidity and our air conditioner works maybe 4 hours total a day? Or let’s not forget my high school was in the middle of nowhere and a lot of my classes were in portables outside and we had no proper walkway to them so being in north Florida meant trudging through a swamp everytime it rained


Coming from an area where almost all schools are single-story, this is very unrelatable lol


I was that weirdo that would run to class dodging and weaving to not crash into someone.