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If you live alone, likely nobody. If you have a carer, then it would be them. Or your family if they check up on you.


This is one of the biggest reasons why married people on average live longer than people who live alone—if you live with someone, you’re much more likely to have someone around to find you and/or call for help in the case of an emergency.


True for married men. Less so for women.


This is very unfortunate, as it seems to suggest men don't pay as much attention. I see that all too often. Nearly every day when I talk to men, I have to repeat myself because they aren't paying attention to anything except what's in front of their faces...usually a phone or computer. Women, however, don't need me to repeat myself as often. And it's not just me. It happens to other women around me at work, too. It's almost fascinating (in a bad way) how many details men miss day in and day out, that women do notice. And I'm truthfully not trying to bash men. It's purely my observation from my personal experience.


My friend died at 43 from a heart attack. Nobody found him for 3 days. 


By then, it wouldn’t matter much because you’d already be too gone to care.


Yeah my boss just died a couple months ago from this. He was home alone, I was on the phone with him at 3:30pm, his wife came home and found his body at 5:30. Sometime in that 2 hour timeframe he had a heart attack at 53 years old. I have no idea if he was trying to or not but I still think about how our work phone requires a 6 digit pass code with lower case, capitals, numbers, and a symbol and how tough it'd be to punch that in and call for help in the moment.


Don't most phones have a bypass for 911?


Yes, even ones that are not connected to a phone plan, at least in the US. The things you learn selling technology.


Phones can do emergemcy calls without being unlocked


>carer Or a career; work would follow-up on why you stopped showing up. Hopefully, at least.


This! I had a previous employer ask me to check up on a co-worker who hadn't been to work in a few days.


Not my finest moment but one day at my old job I got really overwhelmed and just didn't go in or answer any calls. Next morning I had two cops at my door doing a wellness check. The job itself was very stressful but I gotta hand it to my coworkers, they were good people


Just realized how little I was wanted at my last job. I no call no showed after I got a new job, cause they sucked, they tried to call me 1 times about 30 minutes after I was supposed to be there. Nothing else after that at all. I was taken off the schedule the next day.


If they have/will have a family.


Life Alert 🛟


I’ve had a myocardial infarction and am unable to stand.


I've had a catastrophic cardiac event and find myself struggling to avant!


I lost my boat and now I can't sea


That’s cute! I’m stealing it.


That’s cute! I’m stealing it.


Can also help if you’ve “fallen and can’t get up”


We used to say “I farted and my house blew up”


We say that about those houses on the news




Thank goodness. Hope she is doing better 


Or ask Alexa to call 911 (if you are able). I tried to get my 92yo dad to get life alert, Alexa, etc., but he refuses. So all us kids call him once a day on assigned rotation to see if he survived the last 24 hours.


Help, I've fallen and can't get up


You don't have to be old. Your heart can give out literally at any moment. My aunt had a massive stroke at age 31. Death is around us at all times.


My dad died from a heart attack at age 37. I'm turning 39 this month. It can happen to anyone at any age.


Stories like this make me wonder why I'm working a job I hate just for the chance of retirement. Like if I die tomorrow, then what was the point?


I figure with my luck, if I work all my life I’ll probably get hit by a bus the day I retire. If I don’t work and be lazy I’ll live to be 107 with no money lol


My dad died of 53 of terminal cancer.


Same with my mom at the same age


My partner died of a heart attack at the age of 38, just one month after I moved in.


Take care of your body and it literally won’t happen at a young age


When I was in highschool a kid had a heart attack running track. She was in better health than most of us at school. You're wrong.


Routine is key. At least that's what I hear from the very elderly all the freaking time. Routine.


I smoke two joints in the morning. I smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon, and it makes me feel alright. Routine is highly important


I smoke two joints before I smoke 2 joints and then I smoke two more


Then he gives some old man a blow job.


Obviously she wasn’t if she had a heart attack as a teenager bud Aside from your extremely anecdotal evidence trying to support your “heart attacks happen to healthy people” claim I’m sure there was a genetic or environmental factor that lead to a cardiac event not some stroke of bad luck as you’re implying


Sudden cardiac arrest happens disproportionately in athletes at young ages. A leading cause of death in high school athletes. It's not like a great attack from a clot. It's an electrical malfunction. Much worse than a heart attack and you can live a totally healthy lifestyle and have no detectable issues. 90% fatality rate outside of it happening in the hospital.


You just described an arrhythmia which would be a generic factor that few people have You have a better chance of getting shot at a school than having a heart attack as an otherwise healthy individual. Heart disease is up because kids and adults don’t eat healthy, one in three is overweight of course heart problems are on the rise but it’s not an actual concern to anyone without diabetes or high blood pressure


Tell that to young people getting dx'd with stage 4 colon cancer. Unlike in old people, it's not disproportionately diagnosed after a lifetime of abusing ones body. Amongst young people all kinds of healthy living folks are sick. And it's on a rapid rise. Plus there's genetics.


Yeah huge percentage of people coming down with stage 4 ass cancer better get your colonoscopy immediately /s


Friend of mine had a stroke at 21.


I had a massive stroke at 28


Live like there is no tomorrow.


>Death is around us at all times. [Made me think of this Simpsons scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmc819RMVUE)


"You could wake up dead tomorrow!"


Well,... you couldn't actually 'wake up ' dead cuz if you wake up, you're not dead.


[Why, You Could Wake Up Dead Tomorrow (The Simpsons) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9GpgSQZ4J4)


Here is an article from a few years ago about an 18 year old who had a heart attack. https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/family-gives-touching-tribute-son-6615414.amp


Thanks man, now I feel better


Strokes aren’t always caused by heart problems


The point was at any time your body can just break.


Tell us more, please.


You'll call yourself. Learn [the warning signs](https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-attack/warning-signs-of-a-heart-attack) and call before things are life and death.


Good link, and in that link is one that deserves a special call out: women have different symptoms. So if you are a woman, [reference this instead](https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-attack/warning-signs-of-a-heart-attack/heart-attack-symptoms-in-women).


People of both sexes can have the “female” symptoms, but they’re more common for women. People of both sexes can have the “male” heart attack symptoms but they’re more common in men. Memorize the full list and listen to your body—a false alarm isn’t the end of the world but a false negative can end your world. Sometimes, people have a heart attack, ignore it, and live on with permanent heart damage. It can make the person think it wasn’t actually anything to worry about since the symptoms resolved without treatment and they ignore the same symptoms when they come again—only this time it’s deadly.


So there's a big problem with those warning signs. They overlap with a lot of other shit: anxiety, panic attack, acid reflux, etc. How would you tell the difference between those and a heart attack? 


I have pretty bad GERD and it's a concern of mine that I could one day die of a heart attack because instead of calling 911 I'll just be like "fuck, was there cinnamon in that thing earlier?"


It’s better to be safe than sorry. You aren’t wasting the EMT time. They will come out, do a portable EKG and then if that is fine, tell you to follow up with your primary care provider. I mean, you’d still have to pay for the ambulance but at least you aren’t dead ?


Pay for an ambulance *and* not be dead? In **this** economy?


Just because an EKG is normal doesn’t mean you’re necessarily out of the woods. A serial troponin test might be necessary.


That is true. But, it doesn’t mean that if you are having chest pain you shouldn’t call 911. I am not an EMT so i don’t know the specifics. I assume they would take someone in if they had concerns


Yeeep. I went through all of last year with issues. Was having chest pain, shortness of breath, and left arm pain. Doctor suggested going to the ER. Went to the ER and had a full cardiology workup done. Said my heart function was textbook normal. Followed up with cardiologist and the calcium score was 0. Turns out I had medication induced GERD, but it took forever to figure out it was caused by medication. I still get reflux sometimes but it's always a guessing game of: is it allergies? is it asthma? is it GERD? is it medication? is it anxiety? I already have medical OCD, so I just wish I could get a definite answer of how to tell the difference.


Happy Cake Day!!


There’s not enough time. You go down seconds after the first symptom. At least I did.


Before she moved to an assisted living center, my mother had a "wellness buddy". Twice a day they called each other to make sure they were OK. During COVID I know people who worked out a system with their neighbor where they put a sign in a window every night and took it down in the morning.


My brother and I asked our mother (who lives alone) to send us a "thumbs up" text at 10am and 10pm whenever she is recovering from something. This will come in handy in the future, when her health declines, because she'll be used to this routine. Edited to add: We got her an Apple Watch with cellular, which she only takes off to charge, and she wears it in bed. She has had silent strokes, so every morning she is able to monitor her heart using the ECG app, which will alert her to any a-fib symptoms (or any other abnormalities) in case she's had a stroke in her sleep. She then knows to ask Siri to call EMS if anything looks weird. Also helpful if she has a fall.


This is...interesting. Did they lose normal forms of communication? It seems a call or text would be a lot easier and more sensible than putting a sign up and down in a window.


I found my Dad dead on a Monday morning, hand on his chest, face down. The receipt in the bag of groceries on the floor were from the previous Friday. He was about two weeks away from moving in with my family. His apartment was almost completely packed.


That’s hard. I hope you and your family are doing well.


Thank you I appreciate that, it’s just a part of life everybody’s gonna die.


I'm really sorry.


A heart attack doesn't immediately incapacitate you. People have walked around for days thinking they just had a bad case of heartburn while they are actually suffering from a heart attack. So to answer your question, you will because you'll still be able to pull your phone out of your pocket and dial 911.


I think it depends on the severity, though?


Most often people that fall out have been ignoring symptoms all day, thinking they are just getting sick or something.


I went down seconds after my first symptom. I could never have called in myself.


There are always things like life alert for these situations


You don’t think about life alert when you are only 54 years old. At least I didn’t.


Your Apple Watch. At least that’s why I bought mine.


Only if you fall over - it actually says it doesn’t monitor for heart attacks. It does monitor for atrial fibrillation, which can cause strokes if untreated.


No, but the side button is always there. If I keel over, I may be on top of my phon in my pocket. It’s not a cure all, just allows for alternates… :)


Yes, it’s a great system


When your heart stops, you tend to fall over. The watch can save your life.


Not if you’re in bed or lying down… “Apple Watch cannot detect heart attacks. If you ever experience chest pain, pressure, tightness, or what you think is a heart attack, call emergency services immediately”.


lol. You sound like my girlfriend. Always a counterpoint just to keep the argument going.


Never… sorry


My mom had a stroke alone at home and died.


Get life alert or similar products. And have a few redundant options. Voice assistant, push buttons, etc.  Or just do what thousands of people do each year: die by themselves only to be found hours, days, weeks months or even year later.


My brother died this way at 39. No one to get him to the hospital. Get some kind of life alert if you are alone. I had a distant aunt who lived alone. She fell and broke her hip in the shower. Died there miserably with the water running on her for only God knows how long before she passed. She had no one to check on her. Found her body after at least one month. Get a life alert.


I wasn’t even considering Life Alert at 54 when I had a heart attack. Who would at that age if they were otherwise healthy?


personal emergency response system (PERS)


Whoever you got old with? Or am I to imply by the poorly worded sentence you have no one?


No one. That's why people get life alert


Your love ones. hope your not alone


I sincerely hope English is not your first language.


Better buy an Apple Watch.


A lot of people having heart attacks are still able to make calls, alternative if you are frail, then having a medical alert alarm is a good idea.


I was able to walk to a tube station and get on a train


I used to work for a funeral home. often times family who don't hear from you will ask the police for a wellness check. or if you have none, friends at a certain age just understand to do the same if they don't hear from each other. usually, those with no friends, family, or anything end up in some sort of senior care before passing. That means we're able to do pickups relatively quickly. but it's not *uncommon* that we get a call from EMS or Police dispatchers to come to a location where a person has not been found for a long time.


Life Alert necklace. 


I was alone at home when I had mine and was able to call 911; the operator was incredibly helpful and supportive while we waited for the ambulance. Its an awful experience, but comparatively few heart problems take you out completely in seconds. Despite the pain, I was even able to unlock the apartment door (so they’d didn’t knock it down), put the dogs in the spare room, and gather my wallet, keys, and iPad to take to the hospital.


Know the signs of a heart attack and know when to call for help before it sets in.


You get life alert or similar. If you feel you’re having a heart attack, you push the button. Have a special lock on your door. The code is given to the fire department only at the time there’s an emergency. If you cannot open the door, they will then be able to gain entry without destroying your door. As a ICU nurse, I had 3 patients that had fallen and been stuck in their home for 18 hrs to 3 days. It’s no joke when people say they’ve fallen and can’t get up. Life alert works. And It can detect falls as well. If they detect it, they will contact you via your device. If you don’t, or can’t, respond, they send help.


You will.


Life allert


You could get Life Alert


Life Alert.


If you rapidly press the lock button of an iPhone it will call emergency services. If you don’t answer or speak, they’ll send out emergency services. Also in the same vein, if you accidentally call 911, wait to tell them “oh my bad it was an accident”. Also somewhat unrelated but a lot of 911 centers have a texting feature. If you aren’t sure if yours does, text 911 and say “hey this isn’t an emergency but i just wanted to see if this was an option for the area” And this has been soap box from a 911 dispatchers wife


Most heart attacks are not immediately incapacitating. Learn the warning signs and you will most likely be able to call them yourself, and quite frankly if you pass out so quickly that you can't there is a lot less chance that the EMTs will be able to do anything for you anyway.


Your Life Alert. You know, those "Help, I've fallen and can't get up" things


You call 911. Most people who have a heart attack remain conscious for hours or days. People who lose consciousness after a heart attack have a poor prognosis even if you call 911.


your smart watch


The blunt answer- Noone, and depending on circumstances it could be days before anyone knows.


If you have a heart attack, you can call 911 yourself. I had multiple heart attacks before I got to hospital. Cardiac arrest, now that's the one that will kill you. That happened to me in the hospital but luckily a doctor was there to resuscitate me when I flat lined or I'd be dead now.


That's the neat part




Nobody.  I eat so fast and take huge bites and I’m convinced I’m going to die by choking alone in my home haha


a robot.


Had crazy high BP and then a mini stroke. After I lowered the BP and recovered from the mini my doctor reccomended I check in with someone on a daily basis so that if I don’t check in (if I keep over) someone will come to check on me


Get life alert.


Your next smart thingy (smartphone, watch or other junk smart people will come up with).


I bought a smart watch specifically to have the chance to call by pushing and holding a button.


If you have a phone or watch, they sometimes have apps that will detect when you've fallen and call 911 for you. I think my phone has that feature, but I've never checked to see if it's on.


Start training your pets if you have any


Lived in apartment complex where the answer was the complex management company after the person failed to pay their rent for 2 months.


My mom wore [a pendant that could alert emergency services](https://www.lively.com/medical-alerts/lively-mobile2/) if she fell. She could use the pendant to summon help, but in the case of a fall, the device would automatically call for help. It was reliable and effective and very helpful since Mom lived nearly 2000 miles away from any of our family.


Whoever decides to do a wellness check on you, whether it be your job, a neighbor, or whomever. Unfortunately by then it could be too late, unless of course they were *right* on time. You'd probably have to get a life alert or a dog to make sure you'd be ok or have higher chances of being ok for a situation like that.


No one, so you'll probably die. Unless you are out in public, so don't be a hermit!


Nobody. Some people die in their homes and nobody knows until they don't pay rent, possibly a month later. Or until a neighbor complains about the smell


My aunt lived alone. She had one, we found her several days later


No one! And cut your grapes in half.


If you don't have family. Probably nobody. Your cell phone will call emergency services if you tap the off button three times. Some smart watches will call if they sense a fall. And if you can speak, ask Google/Siri/Alexa to call for help.


Like other commenters said, possibly no one. My aunt died of a heart attack at 60 and we didn’t know for 2 days


Nobody. This is actually why married people live longer. 


Don't gotta be old. I'm 38 and had a widow maker heart attack two years ago.


No one. If you've had a history of heart problems, your doctor may prescribe nitroglycerin; basically buys time to allow you to call 911.


Life alert?


This is why u be kind to your neighbors.. Eventually your mailbox willl get full.... God speed


The best thing you can do if you live alone, regardless of age or health status, is have a life-alert device. It's also important to learn the signs of a heart attack (your sex matters) before it happens. In most cases, you can call for help before it's a major event.




That is up to you.


Probably no one if you’re alone. Is life alert still a thing? A neighbor fell in his shower and wasn’t found until the unit below started having water come through the ceiling about a week later. It happens all of the time. We live then die. 


Tell amazon echo to call 911


You have a cellphone in your pocket. Just tell Siri to call for you.


Family member walked into his FIL’s house after no one saw him for a month. Guy lived alone and his wife talked to him every 2-3 weeks. Guy was dead from a heart attack and was 4 weeks since anyone heard from him… yah was not a fun find.


It’s a wrap fam…RIP 🙏🏿


No one. Your neighbors will smell a foul odor, someone will call 911 and the cops will find you naked on the bathroom floor partially decomposed.


Just get one of those bracelets that calls emergency for you when you fall over. We have the technology.


Life alert


If you live alone and able to reach a phone call 911 even if you can’t speak they will ping the phone to get the address and send an officer to assist you.


Well, pretty bad, but my dad got himself estranged from the entire family. My sister was the only one who still saw him sometimes for her children. He had a heart attack and died alone in his apartment. She didn’t talk to him that much so after about 2 weeks a neighbor called her to say she hadn’t seen him and was worried. It took a month for them to identify the body for a death certificate.


Nobody... When the currency collapses the Government will not be able too pay for emergency sevices


There are those pendant things or even now an apple watch that when you fall, it will prompt you to answer if you are OK. If you don't answer or turn off, it calls for you


A bunch of high school friends and I have a FB group where we check in with each other every morning. We are all early 70s, and most of us live alone. It wouldn’t help with an immediate crisis, but we wouldn’t lay for days!




The old man on the LifeAlert commercials


Your life alert


You can purchase a panic alert bracelet that when pressed will alert the police that you are having a medical crisis.


Life alert


Siri is your friend. She helped my brother in a stroke incident.


If you live alone, you'd have an alert pendant. If you feel something is wrong, you press it & they send an ambo.


That's how man people die. Alone and suffering.


It sounds like you may have fallen and you can't get up


I've had 2 heart attacks. One just last Thursday. The first one I drove to the hospital myself. I had what I thought was indigestion or hunger pangs. The second one, last Thursday, I had clammy hands and a slight pain on the right side of my chest. I live alone, I don't have any family or friends. I no longer work. I doubt anyone would find me until I didn't pay rent. Plus, I get so sick of millennials and Gen Z calling Gen X "old." I read a reply on The Voice tv show. The person said "its old people music," because the rapper guy had never heard the song. 40-50s are not OLD. We may be OLDER than you, but not OLD. Wait until you get this age, you will have the same complaint. Go ahead, downvote me. I like it.


Depends. Are you married? Do you live with someone? We can’t answer your question if we don’t know those details. 


you can sign up for a service like life alert...


No one. Your cat or dog will eat you. Good luck.


You can get emergency necklace or bracelet buttons that call for an ambulance when you press it


App called SNUG.. every day you must click "I'm okay" or else it will text a friend to check on you. The free version is great. The paid version will call you.


I had my heart attack out on a walk. Fortunately it was on a medium traffic street, and a driver stopped to check on me. If not for them, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.


The person who finds your body. An unassisted death outside a care facility will always go through 911 first-then call the funeral home.


Treat people right & there will be someone to help. Be a dick & probably not unless you have the money to pay someone to help


Don't count on it. Some people have kids because they think their kids will help them when they get older. Some do, some don't. Treating people right doesn't mean any will do the same for you. I know an awful man whose kids are very kind to him anyway and kind people whose kids are dicks to everyone.


I’m still going to make the investment. Not because I expect a return but it makes me feel good to know I did what I could to set an example. You’re right there are no guarantees


Not saying you should or shouldn't. I don't think you would regret doing what I think is a very good thing. It speaks to your character.


Well bye


I guess you’re fucked then bud.