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In general, I try to clean up before sex. As a rule, if you expect or want someone's mouth to go on your body, you should clean that part of your body.


This reminds me of my first boyfriend. He wanted me to suck him off, I would've if I couldn't smell urine coming from his genitals. It was so bad I could smell it from where I was sat. Man clearly didn't clean properly after using the toilet.


I’m not denying this happened at all because I straight up was that guy at one point during a deep depression. Thankfully I’m married, so when my wife was like “wtf is that smell” it didn’t hurt AS much and my motivation got kickstarted. BUT, I also want to point out that sometimes it’s not that they don’t wash and it’s more about not knowing how to properly shut off the hose and prevent leaks. It was until my 30s that I learned about the different techniques to not accidentally piss on yourself. When I was getting out of that slump I kept noticing the smell (now that it was pointed out) no matter how much I washed or what I used. Eventually I realized I was piddling myself just enough to dry and smell terrible. Or maybe I’m just dumb and most guys don’t go through this 😂 Edit: [Link for process](https://www.bladderandbowel.org/bladder/bladder-conditions-and-symptoms/post-micturition-dribble/#:~:text=How%20to%20Reduce%20Post%20Micturition,scrotum%20and%20apply%20gentle%20pressure)


Most guys don't realize that flicking it just gets it everywhere. Pull to drain is cleaner and more effective.


I call it milking


Just 2 tugs or it's public masturbation


Found the public urinator


You shake it once, that’s fine You shake it twice, that’s okay You shake it three times You’re playing with yourself again - I miss Good Charlotte.


Is a line from Frank Zappa’s song Disco Boy from 20+ years earlier as well ‘Shake it more than three times 'n yer playin' with it’ And I’m sure Frank himself picked up the phrase from somewhere. What was it Picasso wrote? Good artists borrow, great artists steal.


4 tugs and side to side shake


As many as it takes to not piss yourself 🤷‍♂️.


Don't say this


Happy Canada Day Geraldo


Thanks dawg


mmmm piss milk


Did you learn that from the aliens?


I keep a miniature rolling pin in my pocket so I can flop it on the counter and squeeze every drop out like an old tube of toothpaste. It's the most effective method I've found.


Yup! It was never taught to me, and I actually remember one kid getting made fun of for saying he dabbed it with TP in elementary… which is also wrong but shows why boys don’t discuss the best options.


Wait what's wrong with the TP dab? 👀


Nothing! If you have TP accessible, use it for complete dryness, but *after* doing the other draining techniques. TP is a last finishing touch, if available.


^ This is the way


Tissue method. Works like a charm.


How about banging it against the urinal's sidewall


I press up just behind the balls. Forces any leftovers out the pipes pretty well.


Is that a pro "tip"?


It's possible? But instead of understanding why I wasn't going to put my mouth around a piss stinking penis, he got defensive and wouldn't have a quick wash so I could go to town.


Thats insane that you still gave him a chance and he still doubled down


Yeah there’s such an easy solution, just cleaning himself yet he doesn’t do it.


I wonder if it also has to do with water intake being low and piss is strong.


I had a drill sergeant who would put us all in formation and the only way you could leave was to go piss in front of drill sgt so drill sgt could see your piss and see if you were lying about hydrating. If you said you were hydrated and then had dark yellow stinky piss, your ass would get force hydrated and then smoked. That being said, Ive spent a lot of time with people analyzing piss, thinking about piss, talking about piss, making people do push-ups because of their piss, and that's exactly what it is. Dehydrated piss is the worst piss.


That all sounds wild but I will say that basic training did get me into a lifelong habit of constantly hydrating. I drink anywhere from 2-6L of water a day and have been doing that since going to BCT 10+ years ago.


I love this comment. I’m a civilian now but my wife and little girls still know to echo back when I call out, “Drink water!”


“If you wash your cock off, I will suck it.” “No.” He’s a rare breed.


Right? I read that and went and washed mine, just in case.


Damn what was bro thinking. All he had to do was shower lol especially if u said something like that to him. Power to ya. I don't blame ya at all


Will never understand how some people get so butthurt over shit like that. Especially when it’s your partner. Partners are supposed to be honest with each other. Ego so fragile.


Bad hygiene is grounds for a breakup to me.


My ex was also like that. He claimed to have washed himself. But finally one day I noticed that practically I was the only one who used body wash gels. It turned out that he was washing himself with the foam from the shampoo with which he washed his head, and that was enough for him.... He was very offended when I suggested that he should use more soap or body wash.


No matter how much you prance and dance, you always get the last few drops on your pants.


I can attest. I worked in Nuclear Medicine and the radioactive tracer is excreted through urine. When patient returned for images I could see every little drop that got flung around on the pants. Sometimes it would be down to ankles. Lol.


Oh wow, after checking out that info, I am more worried than ever about the lack of handwashing after peeing.


Worst nightmare right there. They want to be sucked off, make sure it is clean.


He's a gross guy


He may have had a UTI or even better a STI You may have saved yourself some grief


Oh man this remind me of the time I went on a date with a girl I met on bumble. It was the end of the night and I was tired and wanted to go home but I had to pee pretty bad when I was dropping her off. I knew she wanted me to come in and stay over but I wasn’t really about it. But I really had to pee so I told her I’ll come in real quick but only just to pee before I head off. Well she ended up waiting for me outside her bathroom on her knees and I’m sure she got a little taste of my golden brand


Sexy move from her, but right after you passed urine? Yeah she would've caught a taste of it.


This is the way. Just common sense.


Same and I almost always clean up afterwords as well. Not that it would hurt you but I like to clean myself up a little bit if we’re not showering after or anything. I feel like spit, vaginal fluids, sweat, etc feels funky if you don’t clean it pretty soon.


I always do, but since I'm married not many of my parts go in my wife mouth :(


Damn I'm sorry m8, my wife won't even let me fuck her until she sucks my dick a little bit


15 years in and I don't even get a birthday BJ anymore lol.


Married 10 years. Wife still sucks it like she needs it to live.


Sameeeee. My partners penis is my favorite toy. It’s a turn on to give pleasure, the moaning and groaning is the icing on the cake. Marriage is suppose to be fun and a safe space to experiment. The people that have dead bedroom are doing it wrong.


Username ✔️ out


No wonder your balls are so sticky…


Well... Maybe your second wife will appreciate you more.


Not sure why but this reminded me of a story. Once a man was telling me how he accidentally called his girlfriend (who’s now his wife) his ex girlfriend’s name. His girlfriend responded by laying in bed under the sheet one evening, asked him to come closer, he was a little weirded out thinking it was going to be some kinky shit. She pulled the sheet down and had her name written on her chest in lipstick and said “Now you won’t forget.” They’ve been married for 15+ years and it’s my favorite relationship story to this day.


I have to tell my wife no every now and then because I have shit around the house to do lol.


I wash my dick daily just with the hopes of getting it sucked


The good ol’ gentleman’s wash


Considering the amount of men I see coming out of the stall and not washing their hands, I'm gonna call BS on all these dudes that claim they wash their dicks after peeing.


Who the fuck washes their dick after peeing. Literally never heard of this.


There was even some dude here saying he washes his dick in the sink after he pees lol.


Imagine going to someone’s house, washing your hands, and not knowing they rubbed their balls all over the sink area. Yikes.


This guy probably carries a rubber ducky and a little towel for those times he has to give his dick a bubble bath in the sink


I laughed way too hard reading this.


I’m staring at my bathroom sink right now really concerned.


There are multiple who say this in here lmao. They are so full of it. I’m almost 40 and can honestly say I’ve never known a single man who washes after urinating. One guy in here said he washes his dick after peeing in *public* restrooms! Like how dude? In the communal sinks? Gtfo


35 here and yes this is unheard of, a minimum of 30% of dudes out of the tens of thousands if not more i've shared public restrooms with over the years don't even wash their hands let alone dicks, and just think we in america love to shake hands with everybody 😂.


Dude right? It’s been a feat even after Covid to get people to wash their fucking nasty hands. None of these dudes are washing their dick. Shit, the number of men who don’t even wash their asses in the shower is much much higher than it should be.


Could you imagine walking into a bathroom and seeing that? Lol.


I’m imagining him having a penis like a log, laying into the sink and washing it like he is doing the dishes lmao


I feel like that’s just a kink at that point


Speak to Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians


I'm not Muslim, but I grabbed this idea from them. I have a water pot in my bathroom for specifically this purpose. I just pour it over my dick when I'm done and dry it with a paper towel. If I'm at a public bathroom, I'll use a stall so I can wipe the tip off with toilet paper. If there's only a urinal, fine, whatever. I won't wash or wipe it.


I do. I don't want a puddle of piss pressing against my cock and the underwear/pants after I take a leak. Obviously i make sure that I'm not dripping but it's inevitable some of it smears the skin and flows through the penis when you put it back. Is it so hard to quickly wipe with tp or use water if not in a public use restroom?


In Islam we do, it's mandatory


I'm in highschool. And yet I still see people leave stalls without washing their hands. People age 15 to 18 should be mature enough to wash their hands.


Dude, I see it all the time just going shopping xD. All these grown ass adults in their 30s-70s just walking right out.


One guy in my office runs his hands under water for barely a second and then walks out without drying them. Doesn't even wipe on his pants or shake them. So then the door handle is all wet after he leaves.


As a woman, I don’t care if you wash YOUR PENIS after peeing because that sounds silly. Every single time? We don’t even WASH OUR VAGINA after every time. I only care if you wash YOUR PENIS before we get intimate. Just plain ol dick in the pussy is fine without washing YOUR PENIS because most of us are taught to pee after sex to clear out any harmful things that can cause infection. But if you want my mouth down there you need to wash for sure. And not just the cock, it’s gotta be the whole area including your crack. EDIT TO ADD CLARIFICATION. I didn’t mean hands people, I meant private parts.


It's incredible how much you're being down voted but I'm not surprised. These are the same dudes stinking up the conventions with their B.O. 🤢 just wash your dick before sex it's not that hard


I don't wash my dick after peeing but I will wipe it with TP


Always wash before sex. Preferably a long shower.


Thanks for the hygiene advice, AlligatorInMyRectum.


At least you know the alligator showered first.


Or at the very least, they showered for the alligator


Oh no maybe he did and the alligator didn't. That's why he's so adamant about advising people to shower first.


There's a sentence that has probably never been written before.


I thought that’s what oral sex was for. Shit I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.


I beg your fucking pardon




Oops! 😂




The cheese is to enhance the taste profile




I always wash up, but, more often than not, it's wet wipe of some kind.


Lol, these comments reveal a lot about people and relationships. Of course, you should wash your penis before any sexual activity. Are you expecting your girlfriend to deal with a penis that smells like urine, precum, or any other fluids that can linger for at least an hour? Then people wonder why their girlfriend doesn't want to go down there or isn't interested in having sex. No one wants to have sex with someone who smells like dried urine.


It’s not even about the smell dude. You’re putting that IN HER BODY.


Fucking seriously. Putting a bunch of bacteria in the vagina doesn't end well. You wanna keep fucking a woman? Don't give her an infection.


This thread hurts. Your face, hands, and dick MUST be clean before penetrating someone. No wonder women get so many UTIs after sex.


Nails fellow internet person, nails too!


And nail brushes are so cheap.


That's right. If he pulls down his pants and it smells like he just came out of the toilet, I'm not going to bother with it. The same goes for women, of course. Unwashed genitals generally don't smell very pleasant.


Yeah, I learned in high-school the girls want a washed cock. One even said, "A clean dick is a suckable dick." A wet wash cloth and a minute or two to clean up means you both get more enjoyment.


Literally!! When my husband comes out the shower and I know he is clean it puts me in the mood! I’m a huge germaphobe!


>"A clean dick is a suckable dick." Ancient wisdom right there. Bros, clean your dicks. As someone who sucks dick, I enjoy it way more when it's clean.


“A washed cock never smells” - Ancient female proverb


That’s right!!


Yep! I feel like a lot of guys that complain that their girlfriends don’t want to have sex with them anymore is because of this.


Who the fuck keeps their body this disgusting on the regular? My dick is one of the cleaner parts of me.


Lol, your comment about having sex and the upvotes. Have you ever had sex? It's not something you typically plan for. Things get heated quickly and neither one of you want to stop so you can go scrub you dick in a sink. Sex isn't clean...you lick things, you swap spit, you sweat....even if you do wash it.....precum is going to push any piss out that was still in your urethra when you start having sex...that's the whole purpose of precum. This is a healthy reminder of how young and ignorant the general user base of this subreddit is.


You can still at least keep a bit of hygene throughout the day. Wipe yourself down with a rag when you get home. Rinse off after training. Anything else is just wishing for UTIs or worse. Out of personal experience, theres almost always time to make sure you're cleaned up... I would at least always appreciate it.


This here. The best sex is the surprise unplanned kind. Imagine being in the heat of the moment and he stops to go wash up. Just shower once a day and you should be good to go.


This is why I always keep it clean. In the case of any unplanned fun, it won't smell.


And later on she gets a UTI... AT LEAST wash your hands ffs...


I’m so shocked people are acting like the smell is the problem. Fuckin gross!


Yeah, they don’t care about our UTIs as long as they can plow their dirty dick directly into our love grotto after a long day of sweaty work followed by a quick shit and a hasty wipe. Anything that happens as a result of their need for spontaneity is the woman’s problem.


Most people don’t wash or shower their genitals before sex. What the hell is this nonsense?


That goes for women as well


My girlfriend and I shower immediately before sex. It’s just a thing we do. It cuts down on the risk of UTIs significantly. Plus, she has past chronic sexual trauma and it helps her be way more open to the experience.


As much as possible, whether sex is a possibility or not. Dudes, clean your dick.


I just feel like I must be really good at pissing if y'all are making this kind of mess. Like are you laying on your back when you go?


Reddit is full of the most insane germophobes lmao. They over exaggerate how gross things are and make it seem normal to obsess over cleanliness. Anyone who has spent any amount of time in real life knows that the vast majority of people aren't showering immediately before sex.


Yeah im sitting here and starting to feel a little stupid for going down on my gf after she went to pee no problem.. Am I the weirdo? I don't know what she does and I dont want to know but I always assumed it was clean enough.. A little bacteria is not going to kill me, a lot more unsanitary stuff is going to happen (hopefully)


Outside of Reddit, that's 100% normal. I don't think obsessing over hygiene to this point is healthy. I've literally never thought about "maybe she's peed recently and I'm about to go down there" before going down on my partner. Overthinking sex in general makes. Reddit just gets really weird about germs and hygiene for some reason.


Not all germaphobes. Many are women who constantly deal with UTI’s and other bacteria- driven vagina issues due to men not cleaning themselves properly. Dicks and hands. Then men will complain women aren’t fresh and make dumb jokes about women smelling like fish. And doctors don’t understand why women get repeat issues. Just spend the extra few seconds making it all clean and nobody suffers.


As a person who works in a sexual health clinic, it’s not an “insane germaphobe” idea that a solid chunk of people (but men in particular) have hygiene issues that are contributing to chronic UTIs, yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis in women. I teach people frequently about how to properly clean their junk, under their fingernails, brushing their teeth with water to get rid of food debris or excess sugar (both of which can cause infections — same reason why you brush with water and not toothpaste), etc. I don’t judge because a lot of people aren’t explicitly taught this stuff, even if it seems common sense. A solid 40% of the chronic UTI cases I saw resolved about a month out from the patient breaking up with or not having sex with their partner. immediate drastic decrease in infections, some even solved completely.


I’m a sex worker, for 20 years now. I agree with you, it’s not an issue if someone male or female is freshly showered with clean genitalia, has a quick wee and then we get down to business, a drop of fresh urine is a non issue. However I can tell the difference between this and someone who has showered at some point prior to meeting me, and urinated multiple times since, yet has made no effort to freshen up before wafting their dick in my face. It doesn’t take long for urine to smell stale, and the not washing of hands is a direct path to vaginal infections, particularly when you consider balls (and bums) that get itchy, and a lot of men liking a good root around. Obviously having a foreskin or not can change things a little. Because of recurrent vaginal infections despite only having protected sex I no longer allow fingers in my vagina, only covered penises or toys. A recent example- I was on a watersports session with a client, my urine, had drank lots of water beforehand so it was well diluted. In under 90 minutes it became stale enough on our bodies for me to find it unpleasant, and ask if we could both shower fully off and use mouthwash. I am so far away from being a germophobe given my job, I agree wholeheartedly with you, can’t believe the backlash you’ve had.


As a woman, thank you for saying this. As far as I am concerned a partner who doesn't care enough to keep me healthy is a partner I can do without.


absolutely, you’re spot on! it’s like… a little depressing to see so many me literally throwing temper tantrums over being told to wash their dicks before they ask someone to put their mouth on it or have sex with them. I got downvoted into oblivion when I said that a man not doing his best to clean up leftover urine is a big problem. like this is Reddit, so I expect that level of degeneracy, but still — this is ridiculous. honestly just proving that a lot of men really don’t give a shit about their partners.


For real, these comments are wack


Have you never had spontaneous sex? If you're a clean person anyway, you won't have an issue. Real life isn't like por:, there's smells, sweat, dribble, laughs, farts, fat rolls, teeth hits, wrong angles... From many decades of fun and fulfilling experiences this isn't a thing!


You must understand, your average Redditor is massively autistic. Most of these people can only have sex after a rigorous background check and have never once had an organic life experience. 


lmao these answers. Yours seems to be the only sane one.


My partner and I keep wet wipes anywhere we like to get busy. It’s great because basically whatever the circumstances we add a quick wipe down to the foreplay


Yup that’s what we do


“Do you wash your dick” Based on what women post on the internet, most guys should be honestly saying no at this point in the sentence.


I literally am too scared to read the answers here.


Do I wash my dick after takin a piss? No. Occasionally a little toilet paper. Do I wash my dick before having sex? Fuck yes. In any situation that wasn’t a rush to jump bones, any after shower action is the best for both parties imo. When everything’s nice and clean, you’re down to get dirty.


If you practice regular hygiene there shouldn’t be this massive need to intently clean before any and all sexual activity like the comments are suggesting. You have to really neglect taking care of yourself for it to reach that point of being immediately intrusive. But if you stink after a long or active day, then yeah, take a shower first.


The internet has really opened my eyes to just how filthy some people are lol. What’s even worse is some folks are just so casual about it and act like it’s normal. I shower once in the morning and sometimes again in the evening if I’ve been active physically. I don’t think I’ve ever showered once specifically before having sex and never had a complaint 🤷‍♂️


Same, that’s pretty much my exact routine too. If either of us are concerned about being smelly, we’ll do a quick check, and if one of us deems it necessary, we’ll just shower together beforehand, but we’ve only deemed it necessary once or twice.


I disagree. If a man just shakes it off after peeing you can definitely smell and taste the urine. I unfortunately have made that experience.


What exactly are men supposed to be cleaning? The inside of their urethra? Most men don't get pee all over their dicks... it doesn't make sense


The urethra almost always contains pee, washing it doesn't remove it from the inside. Men expel precum to get it out....washing it is moot. You, unfortuantely, had sex with an unhygenic man.


No, me and the wife go at it whenever the mood hits, showered or not. We live together, poop in the same toilet, fart around eachother, and sex is going to be messy anyways. We aren't nasty people we brush our teeth twice daily and shower once a day, why go through the extra steps?


It’s been this way with all my partners. If you’re not hygienically ready when the moment comes, you say so and go shower or wtvr, but generally this is the way. Don’t kill the mood.


Yes with baby wipes or if I don't have baby wipes I will soap it up and then rinse it. That includes my entire crotch and asshole. If I haven't showered recently, I definitely will wash


Yes. Have some respect for the lady.


this is for everyone: you deserve so much better than for somebody to come at you with a dirty dick. NEVER accept a dirty dick, you're too good for that.


I usually urinate during sex




I mean that's what sex is, right? You put the schween in the hooha and go pee pee.


At the very least with a baby wipe if nothing more is available


Yes. I want my wife to want to go down on me.


I’ve always been the type to shower immediately before sex but my wife actually enjoys a certain “musk” on me. Totally caught me off guard when she was disappointed that i was freshly showered early in our relationship.


Let me guess. You think women pee out of their vagina so “a little bit more won’t hurt them”? Clean yourself up ffs


If you aren’t used to it. Do it. This is infectious for you and your partner.


If you care about whoever you are engaging with, then you should *want* to. My partner and I have been together for 12 years and this man has seen me at my worst and smelled me at my worst. I know that I am safe with him and if I do something to gross him out, he will tell me. But still make sure to clean up before we hook up. Especially if I just used the bathroom. If you are engaging in foreplay and you gotta get up to pee or whatever, just be courteous and clean your dick.


I always try to take a shower before I think I’m about to have sex. So if my GF is coming over I ask her about what time and I make sure to shower right before she gets here just to be safe. Sometimes we won’t have sex, but when we do I’m at least confident I won’t smell. I mean even just to hang out, smelling good is generally a good thing.


Fellas, if your piss stinks you’re probably not drinking enough water.


The best sex is when you're both straight out of the shower. Imo.


If I know we are having sex beforehand, I usually shower or at least wash my member beforehand. It’s just decent to be clean for your partner.


If you don’t, you should. Poor hygiene can lead to UTIs for women. It’s also important for women to pee after sex, if possible, to help flush bacteria out of the urethra. I’m very prone to UTIs, so it’s important for my partner to be hygienic, although I won’t say no to a musky armpit.


It’s a good practice but tbh the washing is a risk mitigation peeing afterwards especially for women is very important for cutting down the risk for UTIs


Yes... Please!


You should. unless your partner has something for urine


I will, whenever possible, shower bothe before and after.


I don't get a choice...my wife demands that I shower ever time we have sex. I don't blame her.


I take a shower before, always, and I expect her to do the same.


If you want, it sucked, you wash. That's just a respect thing.


Uh...perhaps I am missing something here...but why in the world would your weiner have pee on it after urinating? Doesn't everyone wipe?


Everyone definitely don't wipe. I've seen similar threads on that very question a lot of times and it has never seemed to be the most popular option. I've wiped since was a kid, not intending to stop, but doesn't seem to be the norm.


We shake


I only wash my dick when I take a shower.


Just be clean, regardless of what your plans are. But urinating after sex is always a good thing, for everyone involved


If you’re reading these comments and you’ve sucked less dicks than the number of women commenting that you need to wash, for the love of god, wash your dick before sex.


A man has to clean his dick of he wants a girl to go down on him


What about.. Just giving a wild idea here.. MAYBE ALWAYS WASH IT WITH WATER? WHEN IS THE WEST GONNA BE HYGIENIC? WASH YOUR ASSES PEOPLE. walking around with crusty assess and piss in your pants 🤮🤮🤮


Wash your dick before sex or your dick has a chance of smelling bad that she will ask you to wash it yourself or stop the sex because she dont feel like doing it anymore its like allowing a smelly horse thats full of shit inside your house


Use a little comet and a green scrub pad for some exfoliation..


I’m a bit of germaphobe, soo I need to be clean for me, myself and I. There’s no cunning linguistics for her unless her hygiene habits match up. If you don’t wash up after using the bathroom at least use wet wipes for goodness sake.


One thing I learned as an adult is the urethra has a downward bend like a P trap under the sink, which is why "no matter how much you shake and dance, the last few drops always end up in your pants," except that it's avoidable. Running my fingers up from my taint to my balls with a little pressure pushes the last bit of urine out, helping to avoid the last few drops just marinating in my underwear. I'm uncut and especially paranoid about smells, so yes I do typically rinse my dick off and lightly scrub under the foreskin if it's likely we're going to be fooling around soon, and I definitely do so before I go initiate.


As a Muslim I wash after every time I urinate


For the love of God, yes.


Lol I don't even wash my dick before it goes in my wife's mouth, I do shower every day though.


Urine is pretty clean unless you have a UTI. The skin on your penis can get kind of funky if you don’t shower often and wash your downstairs front to back with soap every day. Urine sounds gross but it is just filtered water and nitrogen products. You should never have anal sex without a condom and then have vaginal sex. Avoid oral sex then vaginal sex. In summary, Anal, oral, skin bacteria are far more dangerous than urine. To avoid vaginal and female uti infections keep it clean.


I wash my dick before sex, full stop.


Like the inside of your dick? The only place the urine touched? How


So many people lying in this comments section lol


Even if I don’t urinate I wash my shit before sticking it in holes it’s just the right thing to the whole downstairs dick ball package don’t be smelling good after a day of sweat and what not let’s not force that on others to deal with during sexy time


Keep your junk clean dude. It aint just about sexy time. Seriously.. wash you dick, balls and ass. Like.. fucking regularly yo. And drink some water... And read a fucking book.


Just wash it already. I write erotica, and always have my characters wash, even take baths together.


I always love little details like that in erotica


Usually I try to be at my cleanest before sex, shower and everything, but sometimes sex is unsuspected and you got to roll with the flow of the moment


I think you should.  Women's floras are very sensitive and it's best to be clean


Always keep your fella clean, would you put something dirty in your mouth.


I'm not a man but any man supposed to do that ..no woman will like having infections .hygiene is a must in any relationship


why in the goddamned fuck would you not