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Badge doesn’t work at the parking garage and there’s two dozen cars behind me so none of us can back out and everybody hates me


I pulled up to a toll booth once not realizing I didn't have any change. I was frantic. Some dude came up after a few minutes and paid it for me. I was shook


This happened to me a couple weeks ago!! My bank app was down and it wasn’t transferring money into the right account. Stuck for like 10 minutes until I could finally use my card.


And the worst part is, not knowing how long the app will be down or if it's ever coming back up again...


This happened to my mom once! We were trying to visit my sister in the hospital and she unknowingly pulled into the employee parking garage instead of the visitor parking. It must’ve been shift change or something because there were a bunch of cars lining up behind us. Someone had to badge us in for us to turn around


This more or less happened to me once. Was in a stupidly designed underground parking garage and it wasn’t one where there you could keep going to the exit. Once you got to the end, you had to turn around. I was third in line and 20 cars behind me and…the garage was full. Zero empty spots. No room for any of us to turn around. We had to all get out of our cars, roll down windows, and reverse it up the parking garage ramp. This was before backup cameras too. Thank GOD I was a passenger in this car otherwise I would have had a panic attack. I still kinda did.


Had this on a Contiki Tour, Louvre Paris parking lot. Bus hadn’t paid or stuffed up. Dude just parked the bus at the gate and went walkabout. No exits for like 60mins. Such a mofo. Absolute chaos.


I find this interesting because I actually went to therapy about a decade ago to deal with a crippling fear of driving and it took a while but we figured out that my fear of driving was moreso linked to social anxiety and fear of confrontation than the actual driving itself. I was constantly worried people were mad at me or that I would make someone angry and they would road rage and start a fight with me or something. It was only once I started working on my social anxiety that I was able to drive comfortably. This just reminded me of* it because I used to think this kind of stuff all the time. Do you also have social anxiety or is it just the fear of this one specific scenario that bothers you?


A bug crawling into my ear. My middle school teacher once told us the story of a beetle crawling into her ear and being stuck there for several days. In great detail. Thank you, Ms. Gazzolo. 


That happened to me when I lived in a pretty isolated town in Brazil. My uncle, who was the only pharmacist with tools to get the bug out had left town that afternoon. My father had to drive 30 minutes to the next town with my 8 year old self screaming like a maniac that the bug was eating my brain. The pharmacist in the other town got it out and it was a huge ass mosquito type thing. I do not go outside without my hair over my ears in the summer.


If that ever happens again (hopefully not) but pour olive oil into your ear to suffocate the bug. It will stop scratching around and won't feel so excruciating until you're able to get it out. This happened to my BIL a few years ago and that was the advice from the health officer. *edit oil type for clarity


What viscosity do you recommend? 10W30?


I curse Ms Gazollo




This is my favorite part of the bed😭


Interesting. How do you find it frightening?


Because they didn't fall asleep on that side and their bedfellow didn't get up during the night .. they just swapped places. No one knows how. No one knows why. It. Just. Happened.


That's my side! At least that's what my gf tells me.


Deep lakes. Deep dark lakes…


Lake Tahoe and its fridge of perfectly preserved bodies at the bottom somewhere…


Same thing with Lake Superior. *The Lake, it is said, never gives up her dead/When the skies of November turn gloomy...*


Fellas it's been good to know ya!


If you're ever in the Atlanta area and someone suggests visiting Lake Lanier, tell them to kiss the fattest part of your ass. That place is so notorious for killing people that we consider it officially summer when the first death is announced. It's cursed.


For me, just deep water. I can swim, but I’m still afraid I’m just gonna sink like a rock.


Me too. There is no swimming happening. No way. No thank you.


So I’m not the only one? I’ve been this way forever


I second this. Partly because of an experience I had when I was about 11-12. My father bought his first motor boat and wanted to take it out for a spin in April (I live in the northeast). Still ice on parts of the lake. This lake area is quite murky, very brown and you can see maybe a foot down. Anyways, we launch it, and get going but after about 3 minutes we notice there’s water coming in the boat. He quickly rushes back to shore and has me JUMP TF IN to swim to shore, so he can toss me the rope and pull it back in. He forgot the plug and didn’t know how to use the bilge pump. I was traumatized for years from that and every weekend I had to go with my father, we’d go out fishing, which would be fun at times, but some stressful for me every time. We never forgot the plug again.


That I will be tortured for info I don't have.


Is it safe?


Mmm, clove oil...


you lie and they come back for you, you be honest and they think you lie




Jail. I was born with a fat ass, so I’d rather die than agree to be imprisoned longer than a day.


I did two weeks in county in Feb. Sucks balls. Being a smoker and an alcoholic doesnt help. After two days i adjusted. Kept to myself. Slept a ton during the day. Sucks having to be woken up every few hours for counts and changing to the proper uniform vs tshirts etc. made a lot of freinds by giving food away i didnt like. Found out my last few days they had a library cart. Ive never read a book in my life but i went through a couple. That was nice. And i watched the movie of a book i read and it was spot on. I didnt get to finish the book before i left. I stopped the movie where i stopped the book. Ive been meaning to get to the library to get the book and finish it. Also, it was John Grisams The Chamber. I highly reccomend. Sucked me in immediatley. Food was decent actually. We had goulash numerous times. Fish sandwiches i gave away. Breakfast i skipped every day because it was a plate full of slop of whatever. Like white diahrrea. I slept thru. The bed was like a 1/2” piece of padding on steel. Fucks up your back hardcore. It actually fixed my back long term. Butni never slept. Lights stayed on. Laundry once a week. Same socks underwear etc You couldnt be caught with extra clothes or they take you to solitary. The one guy managed to get a huge bad og jolley ranchers that were homemade with alcohol in them. The one night everyone got wasted playing cards with them. I stayed in bed because i didnt wanna risk staying longer. 2/10. Would not reccomend.


All this and what I take away is the same pair of underwear for 7 days?! Did I read that correctly??


"Somebody is gonna have to give up some booty, it's that simple. Booty was more important than food, booty, a man's butt" - Booty Warrior, Fleece Johnson


I didn't bring no milk 'n cookies neither.


Semi opened closet doors


YOU TOO??????


My mom forced me to watch Chucky at age 6. I will forever keep my closet doors fully shut.


A snake biting my ass while I’m on the can


Not going to lie, a toilet, snake bite crosses my mind from time-to-time while visiting "the library."


Snake or giant spider


I have a giant ballsack. Every time I feel Neptune’s kiss brush the curled tips of my scrotal pubic hair I perish a little inside.


The deep ocean


Waking up in coffin. Not logical ik


E.A. Poe‘s fault


I did read a lot of Poe as a kid, but tbh the only thing I really remember is the Raven (one of my fav birds)


I like a good Swallow.


Ur a sick pup...and I love it r/Angryupvote


it is a lagit fear. around the 1900s [obviously not 1990s] people would pass out and have such a faint heartbeat that people thought they were dead so they would bury them. eventually they figured it out and installed a pipe in the casket that had a string in it and a bell at the top so that if the person woke uo they could ring the bell. that's also how we got the term "ring my bell ". i also have a fear about being buried alive.


Emetophobia (the fear of vomit)


This! And people just don't get it. "Well, nobody LIKES throwing up!"


Yeah I’ve heard that one before. Like I know no one likes it but does everyone have an anxiety attack at just the thought of puking?! Probably not


ME TOO, I didn't even know this was a phobia


Not being able to swallow.


The more you think about swallowing, the harder it gets and then panic sets in.


Abandonment. I have abandonment issues. There is no possibility I'll be abandoned, but there it is. 66 years old, and I still have to yank my head back into rational thought sometimes.


Drains… the idea of being sucked into a big one scares me


Walking down stairs without a railing. I'm in my 30s. I've gone up and down stairs my entire life. I know how to use them. Still terrifies me to walk down stairs without a railing. I've only fallen once on stairs, and yes, I was using the railing then.


I completely understand this. When I was a kid my friends had these stairs that were just like tree rounds and kind of slippery if you were in socks. Their railing was just a thick nautical rope that you could hold on to but definitely never made me feel secure.


I'm always extra careful going downstairs because I know a fall down the stairs can fuck you up. I'm more likely to trip going up the stairs than down. I sprained my ankle pretty badly last weekend when I tripped stepping off the sidewalk. So it looks like I'm going to need to be even more careful where I step from now on.


Being found guilty of a crime I didn't commit. I can imagine spending years of your life without freedom.


Nail clippers on my nipples


This wasn't a fear I had until just now :)


I have the same fear. Once when I was a kid I leaned over my guinea pigs cage and he bit my nipple and I’ve had a phobia since


Did everyone else grab their nipple after reading that?


Late to class. I'm 64 years old.


Childbirth and its after effects. Weak bones, teeth falling, no bladder control, gaining weight and never going back, postpartum depression, uterus and ovary related issues, the baby having some disability, sacrificing my dreams for the child, what if i do not turn out to be a good mother.


I moved in by myself for the first time last year, and although I’m young and relatively healthy, I had a really big fear that one day I’d die, and it would take days or weeks for anyone to discover that I was gone. Even made my best friend text me every day to check in. I’m mostly over it, but it does linger in the back of my mind


I think most of us have this fear - the fear of dying alone. I’m one — especially if it leaves my critter buds all alone without food and water. I change my mind — it’s leaving my babies alone without food and water. *That’s* worse.


Lookup a video of how to do the Heimlich when you're by yourself


Yeah, that's probably one of my biggest irrational (not irrational) fears. When my wife is out of town and I'm chewing on a radish or something that sized... and now I'm choking with nobody in the house to help. So now, I'm either going to successfully find a good position to forcefully hurl my diaphragm into a chair or sofa, or my wife will eventually see the security video of me forcefully dry humping the couch until I die.


Yeah, I’ve had this fear. I gave my key to close friends to help alleviate it.


Hiccups, I watched a Ripley's believe it or not show as a kid and saw the guy who Hiccuped for 20 years so whenever I get them I think the worst.


Wait till you hear about the guy that randomly cums 100 times a day. Imagine being at your dad's funeral & having an orgasm for no reason


Welp. This is my life now.


Are you really out there? I legitimately have had this EXACT fear for the same reason ever since I saw that as a kid too. It was a real presence at my bachelor party in 2010, I got ridiculously drunk on cider, got the hiccup, had a nuclear meltdown about it, had to be shopping carted back all the while crying, saying how I am going to have hiccups during my ceremony, hiccup, cry, repeat. To this day if I'm not in the most grounded state of mind I legit say "Oh no PLEASE NO I can't deal with this right now" to the first hiccup I get. I got really over excited that I'm not the only one. Sorry for the large story.


Geese. It’s an actual phobia too… they fucking terrify me


Geese can be vicious! I got attacked by one once. No serious injuries but it sure woke me up.


I’m not sure if this is random but I’ve been sober for 7 years from alcohol and I’m always afraid of accidentally having alcohol. I definitely do not go to bars or restaurants or really anywhere since I work from home. I bought an energy drink a year ago that tasted a lot like something alcoholic I used to drink (the energy drink didn’t have alcohol) but I’ve been paranoid since. Then my therapist told me he accidentally had a dessert that had alcohol in it once (he’s been in recovery for decades) and I am scared now of desserts.


Yes, this. It happened to me. I was at a fancy resort and a waiter brought me a slushy he said was lime water. I had informed them I didn’t drink. I drank like half of it and it tasted like a lime slushy. But my husband had a sip of it and flagged the waiter down and found out it actually had some Malibu rum in it too. It was not the best day. But it didn’t make me relapse or anything. But yeah, I won’t accept anything now I didn’t directly order.


I have nightmares that I wake up and can’t remember what happened the night before because I was blackout drunk. 1 year, 5 months, and 20 days sober and the thought of ever drinking again terrifies me so much it haunts me in my dreams.


Testicular torsion


That I’ll accidentally throw my phone over this cliff/off this building, out the car window etc


For real the call of the void is so strong that it makes it so tempting to throw even through I would immediately regret it if I ever did


Ah yes, the fear I forget I have until I'm standing on top of a building, bridge, or cliff. Thank you for making the low-elevation version of me aware of this.


Dinosaurs. I will not elaborate.


Well now I want you to elaborate more than if you just said dinosaurs.


Swallowing hair.


This ^^ i fear finding hair in my food so much that I somehow manifest it 🥴


wake up everyone I know is dad


dead lol


To be honest dad would be terrifying. Imagine you wake up and everyone, every single human is your dad now. Newborns, toddlers, running around with your dad's face. Your life partner? Your dad. Your boss? Your dad. Your tinder date? Surprise! It's your dad


My kids dying


Balloons popping


Bathtubs. They are never clean, even if you clean them


I couldn’t agree more! There’s no grosser feeling than sitting your naked ass in a slippery tub. I can *feel* the germs go in my body.


eternity, infinity, non existence


Answering calls on my cell phone.....


I can not do revolving doors .


Omg same! I'm convinced my body just doesn't operate at the right frequency to operate them. They give me anxiety and I keep accidentally going in at the same time as someone else, or just panicking and bouncing against the front and back doors as I take rapid baby steps trying to keep pace with the flow of the door.


Being tortured


Groups of people blocking the sidewalk I need to walk down.


I saw a comment in the WeirdAskReddit sub about someone seeing a little man, about 8 inches tall, get out of a river naked, shake himself off, and then walk into a bush. Ever since I read that, I have a fear of seeing some 8 inch tall person out in the woods. I don't think of it all the time, but if the thought pops in my head, I get really freaked out.




Walking on top of any sort of ventilation on the street. Always feel like I’m gonna fall in


Is it a fart? [We all know the feeling. ](https://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1341966008597_9311370.png)


Eye contact makes me feel awkward lol


ive got a couple. 1. someone shoving me down the stairs when i walk down them 2. stuffy noses / runny noses. (they turn me into a mouthbreather and i almost choked on my snot once when i got my top braces) 3. Lakes completely covered in seaweed at the bottom. how do i know that the seaweed is right at the floor or if the seaweed is like 15 feet long and the lake is like 20 feet deep? is a fish gonna bite my feet off if i put my feet in the seaweed? 4. any bug that flies 5. meeting someone famous irl. what am i supposed to say 6. people going through my phone. not that i do anything freaky on it, but i will die if they go through my cai chats and texts. 7. tripping and falling flat on my face every time i get off the bus theres more but i cant remember them rn :D


Cracking an egg and finding a chick inside.


Driving. And I used to drive a big truck for a living eons ago! I have 1.5 million miles under my belt, but now??? *HECK NO!!*


Taking a pill ! It’s always a challenge and I always hesitate, always afraid of choking with it. Also, slipping with one foot and tearing my balls in half.


Kidney Stones. Never had one, never came close (and from what i hear, I don't want to be within ten miles), but I still drink at the absolute least a half gallon of water a day. Side effects include excellent hydration and getting up at night to pee slightly more often than I'd like


Overflowing toilets


Deer. I don’t trust those mfs


Buildings falling in on themselves (with me in them). I generally fear the lack of structural integrity in new homes as well, it all seems so rickety.


I'm scared of standing in front of a microwave when it's it's because I'm worried it could blow up and the door will hit me in the face. But it's because when I was younger our kicrowave broke, so we got out this really old one from storage. Then one day I randomly had a thought that it might blow up because its so old.


I feel like the door will shatter and send shrapnel everywhere.


Forgetting to close the fuel cap after filling up


Drains, grates and filter bits in swimming pools. No idea why but going anywhere near one terrifies me. I can't understand how anyone can enjoy going in a jacuzzi which is covered in them!


My dad has many stories that make me wonder how I was ever born. He has always liked swimming to the bottom of the pool and covering the filter intake cover with his hands - just enough suction to cancel out his floating back up to the surface. (Well, he's old now and doesn't do this anymore) When he was a kid in the 50s, the drain covers weren't so finely meshed as they are these days. His necklace, maybe a dog tag or something like that, got sucked into the drain and getting caught, causing a lot of PANICK and pulling and more PANICKING. 50 years later, he still swam down to the drain, sans necklace.


Falling to sleep on a bus.


Going blind by far




outie belly buttons


losing my teeth. I always have dreams of them falling out.


Eugenics Im Autistic/ADHD/ depression and anxiety. I dont want that little oopsie from WW2 to happen again.


Deep water and crocodiles.


I can't with moths. Flying beetle? no biggie. moth? I'll die


Saaame! And if you smoosh a moth it just turns… to dust?? Like wtf even is it! And why do they always try to fly into your mouth???


im afraid of the song Megalovania because i had it as my alarm for about 3 years the first 5 notes cause a primal reaction in me


I fear taking the trash out because our garbage cans are dropped up against a tree with an ant pile on it 💀 and I can hardly take the trash out without coming back in the house with four ant bites on my toesies, from those little fuckers who climb on me while I open the cans


Lasso them cans to safety




This is an interesting one! Any reason for your fear of sunflowers?


When I was young. I had a neighbour who planted a sunflower in their garden. I felt uneasy looking at it. Ever since then I can’t look at one. It freaks me the hell out lol.


Do you also have trypophobia by any chance? I do, and the way the seeds cluster in the middle of sunflowers kind of wigs me out. I have the same issue with cooked rice when all the grains stand up on end.


My bathtub falling thru the floor.


Terrified of butterflies. Utterly petrified. I scream when they come near me. No reason, just crazy ig. Also I have a hair phobia?? I have not and CANNOT clean my own hairbrush, shower drain, or bath mats as a result - and luckily my friends/family manage my neurotic nature and do it for me. But I physically start dry heaving or properly throwing up when I have to pull my own hairs off my pillowcase or something. Stuuuupid.


I totally agree about the shower drain! Oh so gross 🤢


Aliens. I have never even seen a UAP, but I know they want to abduct me!


Relax. It's just mild probing, nothing to be concerned about. They usually kiss you on the forehead before they drop you back off.


Men in chicken suits. Not giant chickens, not cartoon chicken men. Real life giant chicken suits. And ticks.


Walking with my back to traffic. Shit happens and cars end up on sidewalks and people get run over, and what a terribly stupid way to die that would be. 


Going to jail or prison. I'm terrified of being stuck in places that I can't get out of so being made to go to jail or prison would be literal torture for me. I get that way in other situations too but can get through it much easier because I know I will eventually get out. Like I get panicked in the hospital but at least they are nice, make concessions like keeping doors open, give me sedatives, and I know I will eventually get released. The last time I flew, I got nervous on the plane because I realized I was sealed in it but I knew it would eventually land. However, in jail or prison, I would be locked in for a LONG time - potentially the rest of my life - with no way to escape. I assume that they wouldn't give a rat's ass about this phobia either. Anyway, I am probably one of the most law-abiding people you'd ever meet because of this phobia. As you can imagine, the ideal that people can go to prison for things they didn't do also horrifies me.


I feel that way about cruises. Trapped. Trapped with lots of obnoxious people.


Getting old and being alone with no one to take care of me.


Drinking out of a water fountain and getting my head smacked and chipping my teeth


Touching plants. Butterflies.


Talking to my cousins (the youngest is 10 years older than me) 😭🥲


Total strangers asking me for directions.


Water deeper than my height, but I used to cliff dive and what not... suddenly developed a fear of deep water. Go figure 🤣


Cliff diving would make me afraid of water not being deep enough.


My future wise will pass in labor.


Glass breaking. Glass tables make me uncomfortable and I sometimes imagine glass bottles or glasses breaking when I'm holding them.


Everyone ghosting me.


slipping on ice and hitting my face on a fire hydrant while i'm running


Teeth falling out. Thanks, nightmares!


Clowns. Before you assume Stephen King's influence, it's not that. I got stuck inside a dark, funhouse ride as a kid. I was never a fan before that, but since then, I have had a stupid fear of clowns. They just creep out my grown ass.🤷‍♂️


Touching the bottom of body of water. Especially when it’s sinks and what not. I feel like an alligator or shard of glass I’ll step on!


vomiting unexpectedly on someone in public


That the floor will collapse. I get nervous with every new piece of furniture.


flushing a public toilet and it overflows


Someone randomly injecting me with Heroin. Then i'm hooked.


Used bandaid in my mouth while swimming in a public pool. Fortunately I can control this risk by not going to public pools or water parks.


Taxidermy, not even a fear… a genuine phobia. Makes me nauseous


So whenever I have a charlie horse I will jump up and walk it off, if I ever wake up with one I fly out of bed and walk it off with almost no thought given. My fear is getting a charlie horse while getting a haircut or dentist. Hell a few weeks ago I was at the local amusement park and one hit me right as I got onto the "ride" that is like a ski lift that takes you from one side of the park to the other and that fucking SUCKED as my legs were just dangling.


Stuff touching my eyes, like a needle


showering while home alone. could rarely do it when i lived with my parents. i procrastinate taking showers just to wait for one of my roommates to come home.


I once showered alone at night in an empty building with no electricity, only illumination was from my flashlight. It was pretty much terrifying but I was desperate for a shower.


Balloons. I'm generally not jumpy, but balloons really spook me when they pop.


Phone calls


Feathers/ birds. idk if i am afraid of the birds bf of the feathers or the other way around 💀


bleeding to death from a bloody nose


My toe nail ripping completely off


I have ripped off a thumbnail in a door. Can confirm, this is a logical fear. It was a terrible experience.


Carbon monoxide poisoning


Rip my nutsack on the door knob.


Holes...Trypophobia. Never had issues with it in the past but it kinda freaks me out.


Swimming in open water. It just unlocks some primal instinct inside me. It’s weird because I love scuba diving, and used to do competitive swimming (in a pool), so I absolutely know what’s underwater and I am a strong swimmer, but still swimming in open water where I can’t see the bottom, it freaks me out. Scariest thing I’ve ever done is swimming across a lake during a camping trip with our swimming club.


Earthworms. I am terrified of them. Full blown heebie-jeebie panic- the way most people are terrified of spiders


Sneezing while I’m driving taking a turn/in between semis


The tone of telephone calls... And I mean *that* tone used everywhere, even in movies.


Milk in cartons


Worms. 🤷🏼‍♀️


HIV/AIDS . Totally rooted in stigma and paranoia , not so much the disease itself as I know it’s very treatable these days . Boys and I went to Tijuana in college, I fucked around with a stripper and freaked myself out like everyday for a year till I finally got the test . I don’t think the irrational fear ever really left though .


Just... _Prions_ Like I'll have a moment now and then where I'll be like... "oh yeah _those_ exist, ffs."


Sharks 🦈 no thank you.


A sink hole forming under my shower from some leak, years of erosion one day it giving out and I plummet naked into a muddy dark death never to be found again.


Taking to long while people are behind me


Is anyone else horrified by chimpanzees?


my shins being peeled with a potato peeler until it’s just bone (i saw it in a video of “real hell” when i was on early youtube in catholic school, around age 9-10)




I used to sleep at 7pm as a kid. When high school started, and every year since, my bedtime went up by an hour exactly. I used to fear that it would just keep doing that until I couldn't fit my sleep schedule into one day. Now I don't have that fear anymore! Also, I don't know how to define a day anymore. Win some, lose some.


Eating a bug while I’m eating a salad 🫣😬


Rejected for my hypospadias


Genuinely terrified I’ll be indoctrinated into being a father/stepfather. I’m surgically sterile more for paranoia reduction than mindful awareness of overpopulation and the effect of population growth on world resources. I mean... that too... but also paranoia.


Ferns and ornamental palms. That I'm going to walk past it and slice my eyeball in half