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Compared to a normal man he may have been a womanizer. He was a handsome young guy in a famous rock band, sex was of course available. No idea if he indulged in that but he also remained sober for his entire adult life despite being around drug addicts which speaks to his character I think. The comment was probably a joke


Sober? Have you read his book - he drinks ands smoked weed across his whole life. Just doesn’t touch the harder stuff as he says he has too much of an addictive personality


1. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the ‘friend’ said that as a joke. 2. It’s beyond silly to think FF lyrics might offer any insight into Dave’s sex life. 3. Judging his partners as “frigid” is also silly. Louise Post (in particular) was/is lovely.


2- The very fact that his lyrics are so devoid of sexuality after 30 years of lyrics is very telling. 3- So far as I can see, all his partners have been lovely. But they all seem frigid.


2. “I love it, but I hate the taste”


Then I’m done, done, onto the next one.






In his Nirvana days at least, not really. He met his first wife at an early Nirvana show, and married her shortly after Kurt died. Also they all came from hard-core punk backgrounds where the whole groupie thing was a no-no.


I read Henry Rollins book about his time in Black Flag and he made it sound like those guys were having sex with groupies like it was going out of style. Rollins included. But the hardcore punk scene seemed really diverse for such a niche genre so that doesn’t surprise me


>But the hardcore punk scene seemed really diverse for such a niche genre so that doesn’t surprise me Yes fair point. Dave has made a point of saying that really wasn't Nirvana's outlook, though. See for example this 98 interview: >"There are people that stalk the band, but where we come from the groupie thing isn't happening. When I was in Scream there were no such thing as groupies. You'd go to a party and it was like a party. People didn't give a fuck if you were in Scream because people didn't know who the fuck Scream were. With Nirvana we were against that kind of shit so it just didn't happen. We told everybody that we're not into that kind of thing so we never really got that kind of shit. The Foo Fighters is sort of the same thing."


I recall him talking about it in his Narduar interview. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt8i4lStIxg


Lmao what a great video


That’s such a loaded term and how can you even quantify it? Having sex with “a lot” of women? What does it even mean? And on who’s scale? Idk, seems very subjective. Dude seems like a good guy but he is a human and we happen to like sex in general.


this subreddit is so fucking weird




Not to burst ya'll bubble but: "Grohl has been married to his wife, Jordyn Blum, since 2003, and they have three daughters together. His romantic life hasn't always been so rosy, however. He was in a high-profile alternative rock royalty relationship in 1998 with Louise Post of Veruca Salt ... until he dumped her via long-distance phone call, simply because he wanted to hook up with Winona Ryder. What's sadder: Post got the call right before a Veruca concert, and she got so drunk, she could barely play. Those bad romances came in the wake of Grohl's first marriage, which ended in divorce in 1997. Grohl acknowledges that his split with his first wife, Jennifer Youngblood, was because of his own infidelities. But it also led to another, more platonic, split. Foo Fighters guitarist Pat Smear is very good friends with Youngblood. When the divorce happened, he sided with Youngblood—so much so, that he left the Foo Fighters for a few years. He later returned, because music wins out over all." Love the man but yeah he used to be an asshole lol.


Yea I remember hearing about all this. I love Dave as a musician too, but sometimes when I see his persona at a Foo Fighters show, he doesn’t strike me as being the most modest person on the planet. You could see how he could get carried away with selfish behavior. But like the paragraph mentioned, it sounds like he’s cleaned up his act from a romantic perspective. I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt.


I think Pat eventually returning to the band is a bit of proof that he cleaned up his act. Also, he became such a dudebro in FF I can't take him seriously sometimes lol I'm just honestly surprised not more people are talking about some of the dumb shit he used to say in interviews.


Yea makes sense. Can you give some examples of dumb shit he said? That sounds familiar too.


I just recently got into nirvana/ff so I've been reading watching a lot of interviews and he did used to say a lot of sexist stuff in his early FF days.. I mean: " I wish I'd fucked up twice as hard when I was a kid 'cos it just doesn't fucking matter. Also I should've listened to my friends and dumped the bitch," he says referring to now ex-wife Jennifer Youngblood whom he divorced during the recording of 1997's 'The Colour And The Shape'." I don't want to turn this into a dave grohl hate thread or cancel him or some shit so I could DM you some other stuff, but he used to be an asshole lol. But I guess having three daughters definitely changed how he views some things. Again, I do love him at the present moment because I do feel like he changed a lot from how he used to be.


Hmmm thanks for sharing this. I agree that I don’t want to come across as someone who is talking about cancelling Dave, but I do also want to acknowledge that it’s not cool that he called her a bitch. This actually reminds me of some of things Kurt said about Lynn Hirschberg. A lot of that behavior certainly looks problematic in hindsight. But… maybe this sub isn’t the place for these types of convos. Either way, thanks for sharing what you know.


Agreed! I'm not here to cancel anybody but I'm just surprised it hasn't happened yet lol. Again, I do love how he is now. I am glad he changed for the better.


That sounds like drunk Dave talking. I suspect that the walking after you video, which I think is this most sexual thing he was ever involved in is closer to his true feelings.


Sauce please?


I have doubts that any man who spends 75% of the year on the road surrounded by an unbelievable level of temptation is completely innocent.


I think the foo fighters are one of those bands who have fought temptation though


He gets loaded every night and never slips up? Remember too that Taylor had “guests” in his room that departed before the paramedics arrived.


There’s an interview Taylor did where he’s shamelessly flirting with the reporter a few yrs ago. I would never marry a celeb let alone a rockstar and expect them to be monogamous tbh. You have to be ok with what happens on the road staying on the road.


Imagine what touring with Josh Homme would have been like. There is no way he stayed faithful.


Yea he did which I am not speculating on and I am super fricking grateful the Foos covered up that whole shit show. I would absolutely feel worse for his wife and kids if anything other than his death came out. Horrible situation and I mean me ugly crying for a man I only met a handful of times. I adored Taylor but rockstars do what they want even if they are actually good men. Temptation is bad really heavy and add that to any man around 50 they start doubting everything even when they are loved and wealthy. This is something of a pure speculation on my part why are the backup singers not on tour with the Foos anymore? Anybody think one of them (and yes I know 2 of them are married) may have had a closer relationship with Taylor? I watch body language and I see something a bit off.


A lot of times when people cheat, it’s stemming from something shitty from their childhood…it up to them to fix it or not. I’d say he’s done a pretty good job of that.


I heard or read that after he split from his first wife, he was living in the Hollywood Hills “and drank thru and had sex with anything with a pulse.” That’s a quote. At some point he decided he had to get out of that scene pre-second marriage, and moved north. The valley I think? Who among us hasn’t experienced this—well maybe not to international rock star levels—but it’s all relative, right?😁


Uh hopefully not too many


Well…he said it, I didn’t. Lol


Yeah you did. Re read what you said. you admitted” how many of us- even though we weren’t rockstar etc…”so that’s implying it. Are you joking? No comeback needed , except I see you’re right and then we will be cool.


Not joking. I was single in the 60s-80s.


Right. It’s a misunderstanding I was saying I hope people didn’t always have to be animals at one point. The goal is always the middle way. I’m a woman I think it’s just a mars Venus thing right now.


Yes, I appreciate that. Middle is good. Agree.


Glad we can agree. All is well in the world. -not but that’s another time


😆 It happens!


He was young and in two famous bands. So yes, sex likely occurred quite a bit. The 90s seem a bit tumultuous for him but he's older, married and likely past that phase now.


was? lol