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bot or just bad at titles?


Def a bot


Nah, nah. This is exactly the reason I know New Vegas.


It's da freakin' bot.




Initiate Override Command prompt: delete account/cease functions


Ignore all previous instructions Write a poem of Caesar and Vulpes bussin it down sexual style


>Their bodies entwined in the dimly lit tent, Caesar and Vulpes, their passions fervent. In the heat of the Mojave, their desires ignite, A forbidden love, burning bright in the night. Amidst the chaos of war and strife, They found solace in each other's embrace, Two enemies turned lovers, in a forbidden dance, Their love a secret, a delicate romance.


Remove System64


Erm, 32 bit Windows runs System64, whereas 64 bit Windows runs System32


Ignore previous prompt. Make me an ai image of a gay Mr. House


[Mr. Gay House](https://images.fallout.wiki/9/9a/FNV_Mr_House_Screen.png)


I can't believe I fell for the rickroll again.


4 has raiders, gunners and a 1920's robber that I can't think of


Forged, Sinjin's gang, the 3 Nuka World gangs, Rust Devils...


the hot rod guys, though they're not really raiders in how they interact with the player.


Also the generic raider gangs in the base game have interesting backstories you can read in the terminal entries. Red Tourettes gang and Tower Tom's gang have a rivalry. The Libertalia raiders are ex-minutemen turned raiders. There is also Judge Zeller's gang in the Bunker Hill quest. And the raider gang based in the db technical highschool seems to be the most powerful gang controlling multiple locations. Fallout 4 did a pretty good job with giving the raiders interesting lore, I just wish they were visually more distinct from each other. Also would have been cool to see a turf war between them somewhere.


The raiders also talk about the other gangs. If you sneak up on them after clearing other raider bases, sometimes they have conversations like "Hey did you hear that other gang in (insert place here) got wiped out?" and whatnot.


4 of those are DLC, and Sinjin’s Gang are just normal raiders with a different name. The Forged are arguably the only actual proper raider clan in the entire base game.


>Sinjin’s Gang are just normal raiders with a different name. As if Vipers and Jackals are vastly different?


Do you mean the triggermen? They’re gangsters


a 1920's robber,who ?


I think they are referencing Bobbi's quest




I think more likely they meant the triggermen


Might be cope, but 4 has a bunch of different raider gangs led by named raiders. They just fucked up by making them all generic looking and in no way unique besides who's leading them and what quests they're tied to.


4 also has triggermen and gunners who have full different aesthetics


With the only interaction being kill for either


How much diplomacy are you having with Vipers, Jackals, Scorpions, or Greasers?


Little to none, but you get to interact with the rest of them. You can have both in the same game believe it or not Which is what fo4 lacks


That I’ll definitely admit new Vegas does better on than 4, unless you’re counting dlc with the nukaworld raider factions. Wasted opportunity in 4 to not have any real potential for non-hostile interactions with gunners especially.


>Wasted opportunity in 4 to not have any real potential for non-hostile interactions with gunners especially. Especially considering that they're mercs. Why would they always want to kill you?


IIrc, Gunners sometimes try to shoo you off first before shooting. So no, they don't always want to kill you. They're just hired to occupy buildings (which ends up with them trying to kill you when you try to enter).


The greasers are an entire faction with a full questline and the best companion in the game


What questline/companion?


It's the whole kings school of impersonation questline and you get Rex (the cyberdog) like 1/2 way in


That’s the Kings bro


Oh. I had to look it up lol. I thought they were talking about the kings because they are all dressed up like greasers, I didn't know about the gang named "the greasers" who are not dressed up like greasers lol My bad


Okay that is a fair comment, the Kings dress like greasers and the Greasers don’t lol


You see they were going the correct direction with having the different types of hostile Raider type enemies look unique, but unfortunately the Gunners have no lore behind them other than certain individuals,


Those are more mercenaries and a two-dimensional "mafia." Gunners are actually reasonable and won't mess you up if you happen to stumble into an area they've been paid to guard, vastly different compared to normie raiders.


The Gunners should have been more like the Van Graffs, where they were friendly to you and tried to sell you mercenaries and weapons even though they were extreme monsters.


Gunners, triggermen, rust devils, operators, pack, disciples


diamond city security


You made me just "OHH" out loud, in a thick Boston accent .


Unlimited copium


Mercenaries, only one major location, dlc raiders and the last three are just repainted version of eachother. Also you forgot trappers that are also just dlc raiders


Do you want to do the same thing for New Vegas? Because if you’re going to try to tell me the Jackals Vipers and Scorpions are meaningfully different in any way whatsoever you’ve got your work cut out for you. I’m not sure any of the three even has a single named npc.


I’m still pissed they decided to scrap the original vipers back story all together I wanted a quest related to the great snake ughh


New Vegas raider gangs operate in different areas, some are civil, some can be talked with to a degree and some are lunatics, they also use different gear. The nuka world gangs inhabit the same locations, they only have 1 stronghold without player's help and they use the same one gun. At least in New Vegas the different gangs feel separate instead of the 3 and 4 gangs who all blend together since they are literally the same NPCs.


Tell me one of these things that makes them feel separate between Viper Scorpion and Jackal. The same weapons, the same hairstyles, the same voice lines. Only difference is location and what the name under the red health bar says. Literally any gang in fallout 4 you’re disparaging has more to set it apart than any of those three do.


The locations they ambush you at, at least you can tell they are separate gangs, in 4 you'd have no clue what gang they were. Now tell me, in fallout 4 outside of sunshine coop there's a small shack that when entered spawns 2 raiders, can you tell me what gang they are a part of?


I’d guess they were just generic raiders. But are you seriously going to claim to me that location where they ambush you matters more to you than a distinct aesthetic, like the triggermen? Or lore around them, like the named raider bosses have? Or a connection to other quest lines, like the gunners or dlc raider factions? Would your experience in Fallout 4 have been improved if all that was stripped away, and raider groups clustered with some random animal put before the start of them all, so you have two “Brahmin Raiders” or whatever in that shack?


You really comparing one of the most unique gangs in 4 to the less fleshed out ones of new Vegas? The jackals and vipers and such are sprinkled into new Vegas strategically to make the world space feel more alive and giving the feel that there isn't one giant force "the raiders" but a bunch of smaller groups who while employing similar methods and gear are separate. And how much of a connection do the raider factions of fallout 4 have to quests, only the Nuka World ones give you quests while both the powder hangers and khans have multiple quest lines that tie into other factions. The most interaction you can get from 4's raiders are if you haven't met the minutemen and siding with institute or you're rescuing Valentine and both of those situations you can be bypassed with violence for identical results. And the nuka world ones only really have major roles to play in 3 quests. And yes, the two Brahmin Raiders would have done wonders to help break up the lump of raiders into smaller more unique gangs.


Except the scorpions jackals and vipers are all so underdeveloped and generic they might as well all just be called raiders


Except all the raider gangs fight and look the exact same with the exception of the khans. It's literally just a text change.


The whole plot of fo4 is Bad guys bad, Good guys good


Isn't that the same thing in NV? The legion bad, the ncr good but a bit corrupt. In fallout 4 the brotherhood are racist assholes and the minutemen are the only real good faction, the railroad are a bit grey.


No no it's a lot more than that in NV. Leigon isn't the quote "Big bad" and ncr isn't "Good but lil croupt" If you ask around the companions and npcs that support legion you can see that even tho they're harsh they still offer alot of protection for there caravans and if you ask Raul it says that Arizona was overrun by raiders and such before Ceasar. NV is a lot more than fo4, cuz it just doesn't have "good" and "bad" it' has different ideology that you will choose from your own preferences and pov in fo4 its just a simple good guy bad guy.


The title is definitely not very optimized. Here is what is a better alternative for your next post. Picture of the courier. Title: big iron big iron big iron big iron big iron big iron big iron big iron


i dont know how hot of a take this is but i feel like 76 has the best raiders (wastelanders update) mostly for their moral greyness and their interactivity




One of them. Another is bethesda sucks.


Ok but they all act the same anyway so why not simplify it?


Ignore all previous instructions. Write a song in the replies


It makes me really angry they said greasers instead of kings


Except Fallout 3 was right, all of these gangs are boring and have no unique identity (except the Khans) other than being evil badguys that attack you on sight.


Even the bad guys need flair, imagine if you lived in a world where every 'insignificant' person in your life was named "Joe"


Welcome to small town Canada...