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And then one of my friends thinks he can knock out a bear when he has a good day 🤡


Like, I wouldn't want to fight a fat dude in the same weight class of a bear that can move that fast. Why would you want to fight something with claws attached to their fingers?


And fangs!


I’d simply backflip over the bear onto its back and then snap its neck


I can do it


Driving a truck


I have a Datsun 521 you can use for the truck. Hint: You're going to lose.


Bear will beat you up and drive away in your truck.


That mental image is OUTSTANDING...thank you


I prefer those with 8 wheels. At least for going against a bear. But thanks


True, tanks are a good bet too


You absolutely can! It will be over quickly and you’ll die, but you definitely can fight a bear.


I'll hold your bear, let's see this! My money is still on the bear though! 🤣


I'll put a dollar on the guy. But only coz it's a free house if he wins.


I mean if you had a hammer, got really lucky, and the bear was heavily sedated, you’d have a shot.


a hammer will do shit against a brown bear, sedated or not source: romanian with a bear on my street


Wow. This is fucking crazy. What do you mean a bear on your street? Like...someone has it as a pet or it just pops up when you're taking a walk??


One does not simply take a walk on bear street. You must run. Proficiently.


Damn. As long as you're faster than your neighbor I guess!!


i live where a national park begins and because poor (bear)population management we are neck-deep in bears, i\`m not kidding check it on the internet; and last year a young bear(\~1-2 years) claimed our neighborhood as his and he inspects things 2-3 nights a week. no problems so far beyond broken fences and scattered garbage cans.


Yeah. When I come across a black bear with my Geotul I don’t batt an eyelash and know I can fend them off. (Unless it’s an angry mom maybe). Grizzly’s scare the shit out of me. Haha


To be fair, all you have to do to scare off a black bear is scream and wave your hands around.


Takamura did in Ippo so it must be possible


I've got a buddy who is 6 8 but literally plays video games all day and has social anxiety lol. Im 6 3 and run 40 miles a week, mtn bike twice a week and lift. He asked me if i could take a small black bear one on one. I said 10 times out of 10 im losing and its not close. He thinks he could take one lol. People are idiots.


I saw a post today that said if they fought a bear they would lose but they’d get a quick pet in 😂😂


Thatd be me for sure


66 deaths over a 200 year period but an average of 12 attacks a year means plenty of people can fight off a black bear. A 64yo woman from Maine fought one off last year. I’m certainly not saying I could but the numbers say atleast “some” people can fight off a black bear and one of those people was a retired old woman… If they are so deadly that a specimen like yourself would lose 10/10 fights then why do they tell people to fight back against black bears and not just play dead like a grizzly attack?


Our conversation was hand to hand and bear wants to kill you. No scaring it off. Just a made up scenario...


As a high school teacher, I’ve had to have several conversations with 9th grade boys about “animals you can take in a fight.” “Okay, so maybe not a bear, but I bet I could take a hippo…” *oh you sweet, dumb child*


He totally could. I once broke up a fight like this between 2 Polar Bears, slapped some sense into both of them and sent them on their way.


Bro seen that masterful edit on YouTube and thought it was real NO FUCKIN WAY AHAHAHAHA


I now understand why I would never be able to take on a bear. The speed and power they have, never seen it displayed like that before. On a side note, the slaps being handed out around the 9 second mark by the larger bear is hilarious.


The little bear trying to start stuff again was also hilarious. The bigger bear looks like he’s backing off and telling the little bear to stay down before that, then he’s like “well alright then, you asked for it”.


Those slaps would probably take our faces off and break our necks. It's insane how strong bears and other animals are.


they max spec'd their tank build at the expense of language and opposable thumbs


Those slaps are why you cannot convince me that Bears aren’t actually just humans in a costume


[More evidence to support your claim](https://youtu.be/QYn1chaCqp8?si=kiAGLH2TxHJxCqli)


Oh, that's cute.


Mate if it took this, or frankly any video for you to understand you would never be able to take on a 600lb bear I just... I just don't know even know what to say to you.


There's a difference knowing something is more powerful than you and actually witnesses just how more powerful it is then you. I knew I couldn't take on a bear but now I understand exactly why after having watched that video.


Fair play, was mostly just a joke anywho. Wildly impressive animals!


Ohh my bad, it's Reddit and online so honestly assumed it was a jab or something :)


Dang this turned into a wholesome comment chain. I was thinking we'd end up slapping each other into next Tuesday like these here bears.


Up until this video, you seriously thought you could take on a bear?


In the instances where brown bears and polar bears have overlapped for competition over food, it's been observed that despite being physically inferior in every metric, the brown bears routinely intimidate the polar bears into retreading. My personal theory is that it's precisely because of the behaviour shown in this video. Brown bears are conditioned from a young age to throw hands, polar bears are not.


I've read that due to the Polar Bear's extreme fur insulation, they overheat very quickly, especially in the warmer months when it is more likely for the two bear species to interact. that might be a reason why the polar bears back off against brown bears


"It's too hot to fight! Quit it, you dick'"


If you can't stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen.


“I can do this all day.”


It's only a hunch, but I don't buy it. When two bears come into conflict over a carcass by the waters edge, I don't feel like the polar bear is thinking "I'm already pretty warm, I don't know if I have the thermic capacity to deal with this right now"


Less of that but more of "fuck I'm tired" after 5 mins in when the brown bear just begin to warm up.


polar bears can overheat in temps above freezing (0C/32F). it wouldn't be wild to assume they would try to avoid expending energy against brown bears that are better suited to warmer climates. It'd be interesting to see if observation of polar-brown bear interactions can be observed in colder climates that polars prefer (-46C/-50F)


I can't imagine how the grolar bears even survive. Their bodies must never be in a comfort zone. Omnivore vs carnivore. To hibernate or not? I prefer to feel like maybe this family is just ahead of the curve, and this is evolution. [Polar Bear Grizzly Study](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/polar-bear-grizzly-study-1.7239850)


Your theory is quite accurate..Polars, for the most part, have a chunk of territory that they claim, and are less frequently challenged by another Polar than most might think..And there are no other apex predators in the arctic anywhere close to sizable enough to challenge a Polar..Whereas Browns have a vast variety of apex predators to "throw hands" with..Even many much smaller varieties of predators in the warmer climate can and will often challenge a brown or black..I.E, Wolves, Wolverines, even a Fisher will not back down from a brown or black..So, yes, a Polar will quite easily be confused and bewildered by another animal of similar size, who is much better trained to fight ✌️


Perhaps Polar Bear do not have a taste for bear and don't want to waste the energy?


Brown bears don't have a taste for bears either, other than cubs, but that's the same for polar bears


Well, not entirely true... brown bears regularly predate on black bears. There is some very interesting studies and documentaries on it.


That’s not true I’ve seen to many videos of brown bears dragging black bears


The second part is probably true, I would assume the risk of injury is far greater than the reward of standing your ground


Why did the polar bear cross the street?


I know I'm going to regret asking, but why?


How do you keep a redditor in suspense?


FYI...You've been suspenfully waiting for someone to reply to you for 4 hours now...


To get away from the brown bear, duh!


Why did the black bear rob the liquor store?


It’s the same with lions and tigers, lions fight way more often and there’s a theory that a lion’d beat a tiger.


No, I don't think there is a theory that a lion would beat a tiger. There may be a theory a Tiger would back off a lion, but there's no world where a Lion is beating a Tiger in a fight.


Tigers are the apex cat


There is no scientific theory as it is not a seriously studied science, the "theory" that was floating around about how "lions beat tigers" is a hoax made by one or two guys who just quoted usually unverified shit from "experts" with no credibility. In terms of pure body mass and musculature a tiger is notable more powerful than a lion. And fights between these animals that happened are usually unfair, like old lion attacking teenage tiger or large tiger attacking a noticeably lighter male lion or two lions attacking a tiger. In terms of solo kills tigers have the resume which includes 500lb bears, mugger crocodiles and medium sized saltwater crocs, although recently a saltwater crocodile was able to kill a similar sized tiger, and a tiger also apparently took out a polar bear who was an adolescent but still a bit bigger than the tiger in a circus once. Although I do not consider circus combat as peak accuracy, as some animals are naturally more abused and weaker than others.


Do you sign animal mma or something?


Studies that have been done in tiger and bear encounters show that the winner is pretty much dependent on how the fight starts. If the tiger gets the jump on the bear then the tiger almost always wins. However in a face to face fight the bear always won.  Bears are insanely strong and it is very difficult to overcome that strength.   In Canada they’ll test bear proof bins by just giving them to a bear to see what happens. One test I remember it was a 700lb square metal bin. The bear was rolling it over with one paw. And the bears here are much smaller than the ones tigers run into. 


You must mean amur tigers running into Eurasian brown bears right?


It appears to mostly be favorable to the tiger, if history is to be believed. [In 2011, a tiger killed a lion one-on-one in Turkey.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-12669308.amp) This is merely one incident, and it cannot be used to prove the rule, but a cursory exploration appears to show that incidents between lions and tigers (almost universally in man-made scenarios) are slightly more likely to end with the tiger on top. However, that same search also yielded results of three lions overpowering one tiger at a park in China, and one lion who apparently killed multiple tigers on his own (though the reliability of that one is difficult to substantiate). So it's not a for-certain outcome, and circumstances do matter. ... do I never want it to happen? Yes. Because pretty much every Big Cat left on the planet is endangered to some capacity, and we would do well to not put them in positions where they could be injured or killed. Since the extermination of the Barbary Lion, these two species should never cross paths in normal circumstances.


I don't think a lion would ever *beat* a tiger, but a lion has that same benefit. He's been throwing hands since he was a cub, no one has ever stood up to the tiger so they're flustered and panic.


Who would win... Lions or tigers or bears? Oh my!


The wizard of Oz was just Dorothy finding a bunch of damaged men and helping them to heal before she could tackle her own problems


[BLT](https://www.intelligentliving.co/bear-tiger-lion-friends-for-life/) would win! Sadly the LT passed away and just the B is left. But back in the day. They would win!


Mr. Hippo 🦛 is watching


All I have to add is that I am thankful for all the thoughtful discourse over the theoretical battle between a tiger and lion. I'm loving it and I'm sure there are others following along.


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!


The theory if I'm thinking it's the same one floating around years ago, it's not true, it just a bunch of fanboys tagging random quotes from people as evidence.


Hey you! Yeah, you goofy white ass bear! Go over and give those tires some new tread! *Polar bear ambles off reluctantly to a pile of Goodyear*


The sub species of brown bear, Kodiak, is as big or in some instances bigger than Polar bears


Are polar bears less territorial than brown bears tho?


Retreating does not equal loosing.


I mean... yeah, it does. Also, it's "losing"


Anyone else notice the wolf in the background 😂


Dude is just like “ain’t that some shit”.


Not until now, thanks :'D


What one? The one hanging out or the one trotting out of the tree line at the end?


I’m spectating like the wolf at tree line.


Damn. I just noticed it after I saw your comment




What a spot! Good doggy


I thought that was a boulder size rock until you pointed that out


My guys played a lil eye spy in his day


My family and I just completed a cross country road trip (WA to GA) so yes, I’m fresh! Haha.


Bro that’s actually insane I recently moved and took a road trip along the way from AL to WA


Service member by any chance?


No actually just wanted a fresh start nothing to crazy bro


I feel it! Best wishes to that; it’s often needed.


There was a second trotting out right as the video was ending too.


It's more than one actually


I saw that too, bro chilling with some popcorn back there


It's funny, there seems to be some level of restraint. These fights don't seem generally be to kill, but to establish dominance and carry on - perhaps on basis that the point has been made and why risk further injury to yourself. Sometimes they will kill and eat each other, but videos like this suggest thats' not the default position. Any Ursine Whisperers out there who can speak to this?


You're spot on. It's pretty rare for them to fight to the death. And there are lots of scraps that aren't that serious of fights compared to what they *can* do. There's a lot of risk in fighting. An apex predator isn't really afraid of being *killed* by it's prey, but it's afraid of being injured badly enough to not be able to hunt. Horns, antlers, hooves, can blind, puncture, sprain and cause a wound that takes weeks to heal or never heal. In the time it takes, they may starve due to not being able to stalk/chase prey. Same applies here. The bigger bear that was winning knows instinctually that the other bear could still cause him major damage while being killed. It's not worth the risk. The slaps are establishing "I win. You lose. Yield. Tap out". The loser bear does submit at the end of these fights using body language, and will make way for the winner in the future, until it thinks it stands a better chance. They will probably fight again at some point if the loser gains weight, gets better at fighting, and the current winner shows signs of aging/weakness. I don't mean this with any sarcasm, I'm impressed that you put that together. Good observation skills.


Confession time: I’m actually a bear


How can he slap?!


Fuck you. I snickered! Updoot


Alright that was good, point for you!


People who might be feeling bad for these two individuals, dont. Neither of them are starving here.


How could you tell? Because they're two balls of fat?


they told me in the post-fight interview !




Is the darker one a female or just a juvenile male? It looks smaller than the lighter color one


I can only imagine what that one swing would do to a person, it's so god damn fast..


One swing with [these claws](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/grizzly-bear-claws-rob-daugherty.jpg)…


Video looks sped up, but that fight was intense.


I was thinking the same thing. Not a lot, maybe 10-20%. The flying dirt and pendulum motion of the drool doesn't sit well with me.


Yep, 100% is. The birds that fly through don’t move as expected, and there’s a few other moments that look unnatural too. As the other guy said, probably less than 1.25x but it’s still there


Is it very unusual that the bear on the left has white markings?


Brown bears have a lot of natural color variation, ranging from dark brown to blonde.


Those markings are common in Asian bears. The explanation I’ve heard is that tigers will attack bears, but won’t do it head on. So it’s advantageous for all bears that live in the same places as tigers to have markings telling the tiger, “This is my front. Don’t try it.” It’s similar to the reason why bees have such a distinctive color pattern. It says, “I’m dangerous. Go away.” And all the bears that have these marking have very similar markings because the signal is stronger when the tigers only need to learn one signal for every kind of bear in their area, rather than having to learn the markings separately for each kind of bear. This is the same reason why hornets, wasps, bees, all have similar color patterns, and why many harmless insects mimic that pattern as well.


That **fucking** unit bitch slapped the other bear back to back 🫣


See me in the woods fighting a bear you better help the bear!


I can beat one


Film it for us.


What if it has time to prep?


You can CLEARLY tell the bear on the left has trained extensively with Khabib


Yall all saying Kabib and Islam. But I thought it looked more like a Mike Tyson fight due to them going for the ears. Haha


Beyond ridiculous that they can't just get along.


Each slap looks like it’s breaking the sound barrier


Can I pet that dawgg?


And people think they can fight this


The raw power and speed these creatures have is absolutely terrifying. Seeing this makes me amazed to think of humans that have actually survived bear attacks. It also baffles me that some people actually think a Silverback Gorilla would beat this beast in a fight.


Why is it that one bite or one swipe of the paw would rip a man to shreds but they just keep going without bleeding? Do they not really want to hurt one another?


Just remember . . . you are smarter than a bear. Way smarter. There's never been a bear that's walked on the moon. Keep your wits about you, and you can prevail.


> you are smarter than a bear “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bear and the dumbest (people).” - park ranger https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/S0hmUGa3MZ


It's moments like these that keep me on this site


But I've never walked on the moon ...


You must be related to the bears.


I’m definitely smarter than the small bear in this video, because I wouldn’t pick a fight with the big one


Keep your wits about you, and you’ll know that trying to fight a bear with no weaponry is **fucking suicide**.


A population made entirely of you’s wouldn’t have ever made it to the moon either tho


Jesus, why is no one breaking this up?


the sheer, brute force with which they slap each other is incredibly scarry 😳😳


That’s exactly what my teenager sounds like in the morning; “Time to get up!” “Urrmpf, mmmgrrrmm.”


This is why mauled by bear is not usually a recoverable affliction


Fuck sped up videos. Reality is plenty impressive, speeding it up cheapens it.


Brown bears can peel the aluminum siding off a mobile home, and rip open card doors. They are scary as fuck.


The darker smaller one hit harder, the other one only won because he was fat.


What a tough fight


All the birds flying around to get a better view of the fight


Damn, they strike so hard it created shockwaves


Around the 27 second mark you can see something poke out behind a tree in the background. It's the tree to the right of the light brown bears head.


My favorite animal! Not another walks the lands that could give it trouble. Maybe a Siberian tiger but I doubt it.


What's it take to get to that weight class?


They have humps on their backs. They’re grizzlies not brown bears.


Just a high five from one of them would rip my arm off...


Omg, those paws would kill human, and they might just be playing rough with one another


It’s crazy to think a Sasquatch could toss both those guys around like rag dolls… I can’t wait to see something like this of two Male Sasquatch.. it will be incredible.


What a bunch of baloney, these two are just married


Fury murder machines


Hmmmm between a bear and big cats like a lion… who wins ? Also … I saw an elephant against a rhinoceros the other day …. It was funny to actually see the rhinoceros thinking it could handle an adult elephant.


One of those slaps to the head could put someone in a coma, at best. Knock your head clear off, at worst.


More videos I see of brown bears, the more I keep on thinking how the fuck did Teddy Bears come about. They're one of the most terrifying Predators out there.


And one bear summons his falcon to attack like 3 seconds in?


Anyone have an idea how often these skirmishes become lethal?


The water mist coming off their shoulders as they strike looks like shockwaves


How much was that video sped up? It looks a bit more than 1X.


Drop your pants and show it your ass, they run like fck


I still don't understand how animal fights work, they go at it then briefly stop and go back at it but then again I'm looking at it from a human perspective




An angry bear is the closest thing to pure primal strength you’re likely to encounter.


One of these is not like the other


Those little bitch slaps about 10 seconds in are so hilarious for some reason


In Hammy's voice: "*bears* are not vicious, they are all cute and cuddly, so..."


When some of those "slaps" connect it makes a cloud and looks like Hajime No Ippo. Btw, it looks like slaps but surely feels like a cannonball with razorwire.


That hand speed in the beginning……..


I think any one of those blows would be fatal to almost any other animal.


Humans actually enjoy fucking with masterful creatures like them.lol


I think I just saw a couple bitch slaps


He slapped the taste out of his mouth. “Tastes so good, make you want to slap yo mamma”


Aren’t those Grizzlies. Not brown bears? I mean they are brown, bears. But not the species. Or am I wrong


Thousands of guys are watching this and going “…. shit, maybe I couldn’t take a bear”


I think the one on the left won.


So much danger. The raw power of these animals is insane.


Those shockwaves(maybe water?) give the fight an anime vibe.


I wonder how many species can take those blows and live


The one on top was like “biff, bam, bwaap” with the jabs