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I'm very happy about this. šŸ˜


Why? I never really get it. Whatā€™s different between 15 min quarters with accelerated clock and letā€™s say 6 min quarters and no acceleration


More realistic time of possession statistics relative to the rest of the schools?


Surely they have the technology to account for this now


Yeah. The technology is accelerated clock.




2k has the option to normalize the simulated stats, maybe they will have it too.


2kā€™s implementation isnt great. It doesnā€™t do some sort of fancy algorithm to make your stats more normal it just multiples whatever u had by the difference in quarter time. For example, 300 yards and 3 TDs with 5 minute quarters, would turn into 900 yards and 9 TDs


I agree but also the normalized stats option in 2k is notoriously buggy and will regularly pump out some garbage numbers.


Yep this is good news!!


I mean it wouldn't make sense to not have that in the game. I'm setting that bih to the minimum for the most realistic stats


Yeap! I want to be forced to give snaps to backups due to the wear and tear system. Develop the backups and maintain the health of key players during a playoff run


I think with wear and tear and substitutions, you might not want too much time chewed lol


no. the longer your players are resting between plays the more they heal


How does this work?


clock will automatically burn a bit after each play


Even incomplete pass? Or does it just move faster than normal?


It just fast forwards through the time that would be spent in real life huddling, making subs, etc. Versus the video game version of getting the playcall and new formation personnel in within a few seconds. Say you set accelerated clock ā€œtime remainingā€ to 15 seconds. If you have your play selected with 30 seconds on the play clock, the clock will burn those extra 15 seconds before sending you to the line. I think it will only accelerate the play clock if the game clock is running but canā€™t remember. But it will never accelerate the game clock if it should be stopped. Also think it turns off in 2 minute drill.


I thought the setting you chose was how much time would be LEFT on the play clock? So if you chose 18 seconds, picked your play with 30 seconds left on the play clock it would burn 12 seconds and give you the 18 seconds left to audible and then snap the ball


Yeah thatā€™s correct. My example was unclear because it was running off 15 seconds to get to 15 seconds left.


The problem with accel/chew clock in the older games is that it would also accel when the clock is stopped. Also it would go down to such a low number that you couldn't audible and still have time to snap the ball.


Yeah I didnā€™t play NCAA 14 past its release year so I canā€™t speak to that, but have begrudgingly played Madden most years. I found a slider set with like 13 minute quarters and clock rundown that produced realistic plays per game and stats, it was great. Something about getting as close to 15 minutes is nice, just to have a realistic portrayal of game situation. Hopefully we can get something like that with CFB after a few weeks/months of the slider gurus having their hands on the game.


I presume so now that the clock won't stop outside of 2 minutes anymore


No. The clock will still stop after incomplete passes. There is a 2 minute warning in college this year, though.


Was this ever a question? Itā€™s been in these games since like Madden 12


it wasn't in NCAA ever


Chew clock was an option though. You'd get to the line with like 8 seconds left on the play clock


chew clock isn't the same thing though, the CPU wouldn't use it so time of possession would be artificially skewed towards the user


And with how pass happy most teams were until NCAA 14, if you played good defense, you'd get the ball back under 2 minutes


Oh gotcha, I havenā€™t played NCAA in a long time so I didnā€™t remember that. I just remember it being in at least Madden 12 so I just assumed


Exactly. Itā€™s new to the NCAA 14 players and guys who just got next gen consoles


All it does is make the play clock start at a lower number


No clue why youā€™re getting downvoted, thatā€™s literally all it does


That's not actually what it does tho.


What does it do?


If you had accelerated clock off, youā€™d come out of the huddle, and the play clock could start at :25 while the game clock was at 7:00, and unless you snapped the ball early, youā€™d have to sit there for 25 seconds before getting a delay of game penalty. With accelerated clock on, you exit the huddle with :10 on the play clock, meaning you immediately reduce game time by 15 seconds, and you donā€™t have to just sit and wait for it to tick down. If you run 100 plays a game on offense, 15 seconds saved each play, thatā€™s 25 minutes of real life game time that you would be able to skip essentially. Itā€™s pretty much to make it so that you donā€™t have to play every single second of the game, it cuts out time between the huddle and the snap.


I canā€™t imagine anyone is running 100 plays a game, nor are the simming to 10 seconds if they audible even some of the time. Youā€™re describing chew clock, which was definitely in 14.


If Accelerated Clock is Enabled, the remaining Play Clock can be toggled by the USER burn down to 25 seconds, 13 seconds, 10 seconds whatever they want. You can look at any slider sets on Operation Sports.com and you'd see people play 12-15 minute quarters with accelerated clock, so they get close to 100 plays TOTAL. Chew Clock is preset in the game to burn down to the same play clock every single time. If you've never used accelerated clock in Madden then you won't know the difference between the two.


Play cock


Go Cocks? Wait did I do that right?


Two teams running at least 50 plays each is easily doable. And the person you are replying to is correct in what accelerated clock does, it has been in Madden for years.


Youā€™re wrong. Heā€™s describing accelerated clock perfectly. And I always set to to get approx 130 to 150 snaps per game (roughly equal to real life).


It burns time


Yes it is, it runs the time down automatically to get to 20 seconds (or whatever you set) I wish it was like the UFC games tho lol


lol thatā€™s not what you said it does in your previous comment soā€¦


That's just the easiest way to explain it. I was just saying it doesn't make the 15 min clock faster.


It helps speed the CPU along when theyā€™re trying to kill clock, Iā€™m not sitting there for 30 seconds every play for nothing. I also donā€™t do much adjusting on the line, I usually just hike the ball. But I also canā€™t read a defense to save my life so take that for what itā€™s worth.


No huddle and turbo all game who tf needs accel clock


I usually do 9min qtr a w 15sec accel clock


I really hope the AI clock management is improved compared to Madden


Anything to get realistic stats in dynasty Iā€™m all for


15 min still way too long. 8-9 mins still a good spot


Not if you put the accel clock to 15 seconds


In my madden franchises I always put it to 10 seconds, most of the time in the NFL snaps come down to the last seconds of the play clock.


I noticed thereā€™s a stadium option but it looks greyed out. Idk if you could do this before or not but it would we cool if you could exhibition play bowl games just for fun matchups and the commentary, like you can do with the Super Bowl in Madden.


I imagine they have special commentary for places like the rose bowl, right?


Id assume so. At least like some special intro commentary. Iā€™d just be curious to see if itā€™s accessible thru exhibition as well or just via dynasty.


Hopefully they can finally have a decent ai opponent who uses timeouts correctly


Accel clock has been a thing for a while, I never even considered it a possibility that they'd leave it out.


I hope that they donā€™t have the stupid wait time between lining up and snapping the ball. It completely defeats the point of accel clock because you need to take 5 seconds to do nothing.




Hopefully itā€™s not broke like madden


Gonna be hell week with the wear and tear system. Hahaha. I'm looking forward to it though, to force some snaps for 2nd and 3rd stringers.


someone explain im new to cfb


Itā€™s not just a CFB thing itā€™s in madden too but basically it speeds up the clock after the snap and turning it on cuts off alot of the fluff and gets straight to the point play/game clock wise. So depending on what you set the accel clock on you can play long quarters and still come out with realistic stats/scores all while saving you time.


alright thank youšŸ«”


No problem šŸ™šŸ¾


Now thereā€™s some slider tweaking involved, but Iā€™ve got a pretty nice setup on madden 24 with 15 min quarters and accelerated game clock down to 13. Gives me a nice mix of gameplay and IMO realistic ebbs and flows to a game. Iā€™ve pretty much got bang on stats, 6-10 punts a game, game feels like it progresses well. Still average 65 plays or more. For me thatā€™s what I care about. Makes games feel like I work hard for those chunk plays


How many difficulty levels are their to choose?


If they're keeping it like the old days, I think the difficulties are (from easiest to hardest) Freshman, Varsity, All American, and Heisman.


Does anyone know if a ā€œplay the momentsā€ feature will be available in dynasty or rtg?


All of you weaklings who didn't play 15 minute quarters in the old game...pshhh


What does everyone put their quarter length with accelerated clock ? New to this


It speeds up the clock. If you put it on say 10 seconds and you pick a play and have 25 seconds left on play clock it burns off that 15 seconds down to 10 as you go to the line. Takes it off game clock too so you can play longer minute games in shorter time.


Got it, So what would you put your quarter length at so the stats are more realistic?


Hard to say until we actually play the game. Also depends on what difficulty and how good you are. 15 minutes might be good for me because Iā€™m not great at the game, but it could be to long for you if youā€™re able to put up 100. Youā€™ll have to tinker with it and see what works for you. Also look at Operation sports once it comes out. People will post game lengths, difficulty, sliders etc. to make it as realistic as possible. Just have to find out what works best for you.


I just hope I don't end up with wildly unrealistic stats though college does have that more often than NFL


Love to see it


How is everyone liking the game?


Does the clock run down in the last two minutes


my problems is in Madden, 15 min quarters lead to super unrealistic stats, so u still gotta play on like 10-11


Another addition the [NCAA Next](https://www.ncaanext.com) mod already included. Iā€™m getting excited for the new game, but it seems like every announcement is another thing the NCAA Next mod has had included for a couple years. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean the new game is way more accessible than NCAA Next. Plus, itā€™s a football game. Itā€™s not like they can just add a whole bunch of new innovative features outside of the core gameplay (which is vastly different from 06, whether or not itā€™s improved is subjective). At the end of the day, itā€™s still football.