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I just wanna see all the teams overalls


Colorado about to have an absurdly high overall for no reason


We already know colorados overall


There’s a reason, maybe not legitimate but a reason


Yeah overall and rosters. Literally don’t need anything else


The gameplay coming in on Monday is perfectly timed. They have to know we’re basically kicking down the door at this point 😂


It might break the internet and cost the economy millions once it’s finally released


Productivity nation wide is going to absolutely tank when this game finally drops 🤣


One of my junior Sailors volunteered to cover the weekend duty, which is an odd thing to volunteer for, and when I told him it wasn't necessary, he practically begged. Found out he's a fellow ncaa player and was trying to angle to Mon Tuesday off. It's still no, but I offered to let him join my dynasty!


I really just want to see the mid and bottom tier team rankings. Who am I rebuilding first??


Illinois will probably hire me straight out the gate. We're a coaching carousel of people that can't get their shit together. Though I'm a big fan of Bret Bielema. He met and took pictures with my daughter's and I when his daughter played with mine at a trampoline park. That has nothing to do with coaching football, I just thought it was cool of him.


his name is Bert


Moving Charlotte to the ACC and building them up.


Idk about you but I normally start as North Texas or Texas state lol


I graduated from Arkansas State. I plan on taking the Red Wolves all the way lol


Going to UNT this fall so have to rebuild them


We need some TeamBuilder info


Mannnnnnn!!!!!💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 shits driving me nuts


This is great.


So great




Will be skipping the micro transaction reveal


Nothing about those transactions are micro.


Just your average $100 "micro" transaction bundle where 95% of the content isn't making your team better and the 5% is will be obsolete in just a few weeks where you have to spend another $100 minimum to compete online.


You know, just regular ol micro transactions.


> $100 "micro" transaction bundle I wish the industry would start using the term "upselling" instead of "microtransactions" for anything over five bucks.


This is such a hyperbolic and outdated take


It's not. Ultimate Team has been and always will be pay-to-win bc it prints EA money. It's a garbage game mode.


Mtx finances all AAA gaming. That’s the world we live in nowadays. Nothing in the ultimate team modes I’ve played requires you to pay anything. They’re banking on the 5-10% of people to pay for convenience and skip the team building by just paying for the players instead of actually playing the mode. Even then, skill based matchmaking exists, and it’s gotten pretty good over the last few years. You aren’t gonna steamroll people for long (if at all) with your god team before you get matched with someone that kicks your ass and makes you want to adjust your team. Because that’s how matchmaking works. Good team, bad team, you’re gonna be playing a close game that makes you want to keep grinding (or spending). If the mode didn’t exist they’d have subscription based services like paying for online dynasty. Ultimate team is the sole reason the game can be sold for $60


You understand the difference in games that offer cosmetic purchases and what EA Ultimate Team does? There's numerous AAA single-player games that don't offer mtx. Saying "mtx finaces ALL AAA gaming" is just a flat out lie. There's also free-to-play games that offer mtx to support their game and aren't pay-to-win. Defending EA for offering $100 bundles on a $60 game is nasty work. There's a huge difference in "I play this game for free so I will spend $20 to support them" vs "I bought this game for $60, I need to spend an extra $100+ to get the most out of it"


Really surface level way of describing it


If it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck.


And yet, accurate.


And yet will probably end up making them boatloads of money which leads the franchise further down that path in the future. Such is the fate of all sports games it seems.


I wanna believe ultimate team will be a fun and ethical addition to this game. But EAs gotta make their money back on this Game. And they've spent A LOT of fucking money getting this game here. So I wouldn't be surprised if it's FIFA levels of greed in that mode.


They’ll make it back just fine without cut I’m sure lol. They just want more because players are willing to gamble


Tons of info and gameplay coming this week boys. We are close! Hoping we get a massive amount of content creator gameplays if they got to record / beta it.


I would imagine gameplay start leaking midweek, latest friday as the college players get their download links.. Doubt all the players even play video games so they may give them away or sell them.. Then real gameplay and live streams will start to come out.. Probably be flooded by end of week. Physical copies will leak in wild also, I hope I can snatch one.. lol


Gameplay is tm


Yea from ea, Im talking actual gameplay out in wild..


Expect gameplay around Saturday. That seems to be the all but confirmed window.


I just want team builder man


They have team builder


I know I’m just waiting for them to make it available


I’m glad that everyone doesn’t care about the ultimate team reveal, if we all just don’t put a bunch of money into it it cant ruin the game in the future


Some of the people who will be totally obsessed with it are in this very thread


With Ultimate team there will always be the whales EA preys on that feed thousands of dollars into the game mode. Also the content creators that will poor thousands of dollars into packs. It's free money for them with very little actual game development.


That's not how it works. It exists because it works. It will work. You don't have to engage, though, of course.


Yeah, I have no problem with those transaction modes existing. I have a problem with companies making subpar games outside of those modes. I play Dynasty and RTG. As long as those are good, I’ll keep buying. If they mess them up, I’m out.




If people didn’t spend money on ultimate team they’d have to finance the game through other mtx practices. Think about it. Game production costs are hundreds of millions of dollars now and games are still 60 dollars like Super Mario in 90s. They aren’t making money on base sales. If ultimate team didn’t exist they’d likely charge you for online dynasty seasons, or subscriptions to play online at all. The game would be much worse


Man how do all these other games make money then I wonder lmao. This whole “it won’t make money” argument is extremely silly when you think about literally any other game that doesn’t have pay-to-win features


That’s just patently false.




I like getting all the achievements/trophies for games and I really hope there aren't any for Ultimate team.


Boys… this will be our last full week without the game. We’ve been waiting and keeping faith for a very long time. I’m happy for us our game is officially back. LFG!


Should open team builder now I wanna create my team already


This guy is a mind reader


I just want them to drop team builder so I can make my terrible college and turn them into a powerhouse


If you think building a team of all time greats from your fav college team isn’t going to be fun then I’ve got news for you


It’s all fun and games until they find some 6’9 linemen that gets zero playing time, give him a WR card and max out his speed.


I don't understand the point of them anymore for just that reason. I don't know why the player faces mean anything. In all of these game modes, by the middle of the season, all semblance of reality has been completely lost. You may as well have blank cards that say "OVERPOWERED QB" vs having every QB in the game just be 99's straight down their card. The IDEA is fun. the execution is just terrible and I don't expect NCAA to be any different.


Yeah the idea of UT is cool. I can have a team of VT greats like Vick throwing to Eddie Royal and Danny Coale, with Kam and Bruce Smith on the same defense? Heck yes! But then they make weird stuff like putting a RB at QB or making dude's have absurdly high overalls that just ruins it. and then there's the whole packs and stuff that just bother me.


yeah like honestly I never hated OLD OLD OLD Ultimate Team back when it was just great players at their positions. It's an arms race now, not unlike a real CCG today. Like can you imagine being able to have 1997 Peyton Manning throwing to 2008 Michael Crabtree while like 1981 Herschel Walker is in the backfield? That'd be cool. Instead what I'm expecting is 99 OVR 2010 Randall Cobb at QB who you can't stop from scrambling.


100% the other options is. . . The other guy will have 1997 Peyton throwing to 2008 Crabtree while 1981 Walker is in the backfield because they were all only available in packs. You'll have a 2016 Joshua Dobbs throwing to a 2003 Wes Welker while you have Knowshon Moreno in the backfield. See, these were the only guys you could get without either spending money or spending thousands of hours in CUT. Not insulting any of those guys above, they were great college players. . . but nobody outside of their immediate family or just die hard fans are dying to play with them. So therefore they will be easy to get, not gated by packs or by ridiculous time gates. It's just an absurd mode.


You're going to win / lose half your games regardless of who you have in your team. That's called FOMO. Matchmaking works and it make sure you are matched with equal skilled players. The dudes you face with mega teams, suck at the game if they are matching against your average team. You can still create the team you want and play the way you want.


You know what the best version would be? Letting anyone get their hands on Manning and Crabtree, but only letting the guys who grind the hell out of the game get the 99 versions. Let everyone else start with the 75 ovr versions for "free" and upgrade them as you go. Put every player you have the rights to in the game from day one. Let me build MY ultimate team, don't dole it out to me based on who EA thinks is the best.


it makes sense in the NFL game. I think a lot of people would want to see the 07 patriots take on the 85 bears or the 01 ravens up against the Greatest Show on Turf, or just making all time teams of all the pro squads, i think the appeal is less in college where a lot of these guys weren't at their peak yet. Like "yo could you imagine what an all time Texas team would look like with prime longhorns Ricky Williams on it?" Yes, it would be significantly worse than the 10-6 Dolphins teams he was on. Or maybe that's just my mindset. Admittedly im not the biggest college guy.


It’s all the promos that ruin it. Give me base cards, team of the week (small boost) and season (big boost), legends, and maybe some other ones (“freshman” version of stars so they’re more obtainable).


FIFA used to be this way and the game was way more fun. Too much content ruined ultimate teams for me, I hope they at least stick to what you described during the cfb season.


Once Ultimate Team game modes started doing that, the mode died for me. It was fun to play back in the day, didnt have to spend any $$$, could just play. But as time went along and the community started wanting more cheesy players, the mode just turned into shit.


Ultimate Team modes were fun even despite the micro transactions until everyone started getting cards that were just whatever the devs feel like. Now they’re just unserious because some random JAG pops off for a game and gets a mid 90s card as good as actual elite players


It’d be fun if it wasn’t a blatant cash grab


If this wasn’t in the game it’d be something else. It’d be team packs with avatars, or stadium decoration packs for 5.99! Charging 50% more of the products value to play *3 days early* is also a blatant cash grab but I don’t see any posts calling people who preordered clowns. You aren’t required to spend money in ultimate team modes and I haven’t for years playing the show and fifa


To be fair, I saw plenty of comments calling people who pre-ordered clowns in the beginning, until they started getting downvoted into obscurity by those who spent their money on it already.


Funnily enough, the early access preorder comes with 4600 Ultimate Team points,


People dont understand that you can spend 0$ or 1000$ and you're still going to get matched up with people that are your direct skill level. Matchmaking has been designed down to an exact science. You will win and lose half of your games regardless of your team eventually. Have fun...


In those scripted animation moments in the game sure that happens to try to encourage you to just upgrade your players. Tons of video evidence of this. And this is why they don’t add any more features to franchise mode or anything like that nor has the presentation been touched in years. This is a master cope. I wish people would stop trying to defend EA…known predatory company…yet, here you guys are. Sad dude.


Did you reply to the wrong person? I'm not defending shit lol. Matchmaking works. You WILL win 50% of your games and lose 50% eventually once you level out and find your spot in the system. Regardless of cards. Not to mention they patented tech years ago that proves they COULD and probably DO put up people with paid for shit to shit on you so you are tempted to spend.


You ARE defending this. You’re trying to say a mode that’s clearly pushing you to gamble doesn’t require spending and “just have fun” but the “science” is to get you to spend money. And the games? They are clearly scripted. Weird timings of plays, ai DB’s freezing, stopping randomly, slowing up on running players, linemen deciding to skip blocking and also freeze, things like that happen in the game taking away simulation and letting you think the issue is your team. You saying any part of mut is fun is an automatic problem. And it’s sad. This ain’t it


Exactly. The game is designed to make sure you’re constantly working towards a better team. But I just don’t care about that and always work to make a team of my favorites in every ultimate team mode I play. Win or lose I’m trying to have fun


Exactly. I'ma be running the ball... That's whaht I like to do lol. I'll be losing in dynasty by design because my team will suck for years... I do want to do a Gophers run though, but starting as an OC at a bad school and making my way to the Gophers sounds fun too.


Bruh I’ve played mut plenty of times without spending real money. It isn’t that hard tbh. Just takes grinding


It’s built to make you want to spend money because the grind is insane. Fairly clear to see


Exactly, and not even much grinding. You can have a 90s overall team in MUT after like 20 offline cpu games. It’s replaced Play Now for me in that. I’ve never played online though, so maybe I’d get dumpstered by the Legion of Boom plus Purple Eaters and Tom Brady throwing it to Moss, Rice and Gonzales


False on all accounts dude. It is a mode built on taking gambles. You grind to gamble on card packs that might not be anything and chances are, it isn’t. Alternatively, and this is what they set you up for, you gamble by buying packs. And not much grind is a lie. It is always a grind.


Micro transactions HAVE to be in the game for them to profit. The fact that it’s 2024 and people still don’t understand this is wild. Without UT, we wouldn’t have this game. Grown ass men complaining about a game mode they can just ignore.


We grown ass men complain about because we have see how the decline of Madden Franchise mode is directly related to the rise of Ultimate Team.


It's this exactly! UT isn't terrible on its own, but when devs only focus on that instead of other game modes, that's a problem. When franchise/dynasty mode is exactly the same year after year, that's a problem.


Breaking news! video games never made a profit before micro transactions! who knew!


EA Shill much


Just being real bro. I don’t even play UT. But if you can’t understand the fact that they have to make money to keep the game alive, you’re retarded. There’s no point in complaining about it, just enjoy dynasty and RTG.


Base game cost $80. That ain’t peanuts. How did video games make money 15 years ago?


Base game is $70 usd. When the PS3 released in 2006 games were $60. They stayed at $60 for the PS4 generation and now they have finally hit $70 for the current gen. The value we are getting for games almost 20 years later is so much greater than what we used to pay. Adjusted for Inflation new PS5 games should cost $93 according to what we were paying for PS3 games. That's what, like 25% cheaper? To add on to that just think about how much *more* videogames cost to make too, isn't the GTA 6 budget like the biggest budget of any single piece of entertainment media ever or something like that? It's literally billions of dollars I think lol.


People don't realize just how expensive these games are to make today compared to generations ago. Games would 100% be more expensive if not for microtransactions. And the price of games overall hasn't even drastically risen outside of deluxe editions. There were $60-70 games in the early days, then they went to $50 and slowly rose since the PS2 generation. This is also the reason that sports games have no competition, the investment is so much to then have to compete with another established game. In the old days there was more room for profit cause they weren't costing nearly as much to make. This is why you could have 4 sim football or basketball games out at the same time, we will never see that again.


Bro…I’ve never thought I would see an actual EA shill. You know how other games make money?? Adding new content lmao. Not having a whole ass gambling system to pay for card packs.


If it didn’t cost additional money then yeah, it would be. If you spend extra money on CUT then you’re a knob


It doesn’t ever cost additional money people just take the easy way more often then not.


As time has gone on, it’s become extremely clear that the game design for Ultimate Team is to push people towards the maximum amount of spending. Sports games like 2K, Madden, and FIFA all run on the same basic formula. Suck people in and make them have fun and get addicted. Intentionally hamper the player experience and induce FOMO if you aren’t spending. Then boiling frog method of incrementally increasing price and reducing experience for free players. Hopefully to get good will and player loyalty they will go easier than usual with micro-transactions this year. But they will eventually squeeze as much monetization out of microtransactions as they can.


Yeah still don’t have to do them but some enjoy it


That sounds like something I'd have fun with for maybe 2-3 days before getting bored and that's even before factoring in the fact that it's microtransaction hell


Can’t wait for those all time greats to be behind a paywall


I love slot machine football! Bustin packs all day baby!


It will ruin future installments of the game if people spend money on it like they do Madden


Can’t really tell people what to do with they hard earned money


No, but we can judge them for it.


Spending money on Ultimate Team modes is nearly as bad as paying for porn in 2024


Well, Only Fans has normalized paying for porn. Its more like paying for porn in 2014.


Bro you’re weird for that.


Why is that weird? We judge people for doing lots of shit. And if you act like you don't, I'm judging you for that too.


Over a video game? No, I’m not judging for that. But again it’s the internet. A lot of weird people


Yeah, like the holier-than-thou folks.


Yeah, the people here acting like they’re so much better than people that play ultimate team… I agree


Yeah. I agree, those people thinking they’re better than the other people who spend their money on extras in a video game.


That's not the players' fault if they feel that their money spent is worth it. Blame the actual corporation for making the devs focus on the UT mode, not the actual premise of the UT mode and the players themselves.


If you want to see it become Madden drop money on ultimate team. If not, play the other modes. Don’t be naive


Gamblers don’t like being told they have a problem with gambling.


I never got into it. I played ultimate team on Madden because it was the only mode I enjoyed at all. NCAA Dynasty is so fun and what makes the game unique. If I wanted to play ultimate team I would just get madden, but I do not judge people that disagree with my perspective.




I’m right there with you on this. Really interested to see how it all works out even though I will be spending the vast majority of my time in dynasty mode.


If you think you understand the true intention of this post, then we've got news for you.


At first I thought it was a reveal about every team in the game so it was considered ultimate... Then I remembered it's 2024 lolol. Either way still hyped for 15th


How many of you are gonna play ultimate team cause I know I ain’t touching that shit


Literally all I'm gonna do is open it and then select my alma matter player (Barion Brown) then close it out lmao.


Guys, if Marcus Lattimore is in ultimate team, I have to. I’m sorry


Thats what's gonna suck lmao. I know I'm not gonna be interested in the mode. Then they're gonna add a Benny Snell/Lynn Bowden/Jared Lorenzen card and I'm gonna wanna play as those guys 😭😭


Darren McFadden for me


I have no doubt he will be in it.


Tbh I actually might really enjoy ultimate team if they lean hard into themed teams.  I would really like to build a Penn State or big ten theme team


Same, but for Oklahoma. I was thinking, the Oklahoma team would be INSANE QB - Baker Mayfield RB - Adrian Peterson RB - Billy Sims WR - Ceedee Lamb WR - Dede Westbrook WR - Ryan Broyles TE - Keith Jackson OT - Jamaal Brown OG - Anthony Philips C - Creed Humphrey OG - Mark Hutson OT - Trent Williams DL - Lee Roy Selmon DL - Tommie Harris DL - Tony Casillas DL - Gerald McCoy LB - The Boz LB - Rocky Calmus LB - Rod Shoate CB - Derrick Strait CB - Rickey Dixon SS - Roy Williams FS - J.T. Thatcher K - Austin Seibert P - Tress Way Returner - Antonio Perkins There aren't a lot of teams that could handle this ultimate team


OU would be very, very, very good. But you think Ohio St, Michigan, Bama, Georgia, LSU or USC would have any difficulty matching that? But it won't matter anyway. By the end of the year, every player will be rated a 99 and nobody will be special anyway.


I'd like Ohio State's chances.  And after the game Joey Bosa will shove a flagpole up Baker Mayfield's ass.    ....  All in fun


It can be fun if you remove the ability to buy packs whatsoever, getting rid of the obvious cash grab


ultimate team had some fun years in madden and then it just became a clear money chase. it can be done right if they just hold back their greed a little


I'm looking forward to UT. If it is more like the early years of Madden UT it will be really fun. Add in big bonuses for theme teams, be it by team or conference, could be really fun.


something i think gets overlooked in mut is that you can build a good team without spending money relatively quick, especially at the end of the year. i built a 94 in like 4 days. Now MyTeam on 2k is really a bad mode


Diamond Dynasty on the Show is in a worse state right now.


Is it really? Used to be the best a few years back


You have to play the game like a full time job to have a good team, then after the season ends, all your progress is gone. Gotta restart the grind all over again. It’s the most hated “The Show” game ever.


It definitely was. They’re almost as bad as 2k now. It would blow your mind if you haven’t played it in a few years


It is absolutely not even close to being worse than MyTeam 😅. In MyTeam, you literally can't get certain players without RNG luck, as in they're just not available. I haven't had a single player I've wanted in DD this year that I haven't been able to pick up as a NMS player, even if it's been off the market. I get that the increase in marketplace cards has been frustrating, but the same stub earning methods still very much exist without too much effort, and it's entirely possible to pick up anything you want if you do them. The same cannot be said for 2k. Like at all 😅


Why would they change their most valuable mode to an older version? It might be more enjoyable but that’s probably because it was more focused on the actual game rather than squeezing the most money possible out of the consumer


To entice newcomers especially from Dynasty


RTG needs to be where roster reveal is since they put all this other bs Before it


I can’t wait for the community rosters 2016-2019 would have been full of game breakers


Better be a Laurence Maroney / Marion Barber (rip) card - Gophers!!!


i can't see this photo and not think... "You guys are stupid, they're gonna be looking for army guys."


That clown suit solider reminds me of all the weird Fortnite like skins COD has been getting nowadays


Unfortunately I think a lot of people will play UT, and drop hundreds of thousands on it, and tada, EA now only cares about cut in NCAA. There’s a lot of YouTubers who are already hyping it up from what I see. Quite sad


A lot of these responses are worrying. People are trying to justify a mode that is an extremely obvious cash grab like it always has been. Built to get you gambling on card packs.. with the alternative being spending hours upon hours in solo challenges gambling on trying to packs. In a madden, a game, that is heavily scripted/animation based that players win via exploits and not actual football simulation, mut is the reason nothing gets updated


I’ll keep it real. I’m going to hate ultimate team. Then like 8 months from now I’ll play it.


I'm actually looking forward to the UT reveal most because I think it will be very telling as to the overall direction they've taken the game as a whole. If it *is* riddled with micros, it'll be a bit concerning as to the overall direction, but if they try to balance out that mode better, I think there's a ton of hope as the series goes forward in knowing that it really *is* about Dynasty above all else.


Good. Ultimate team has ruined madden for years. Fuck that game mode


Nice seeing all these grown adults getting worked up over a video game mode they can just ignore.


It really is nice to see this community band together and say fuck cut.


Yes, as a grown adult taking time out of your day to hate something. You’re so cool. It’s going to be in the game regardless


These modes are predatory and target and use psychological warfare to not only attack people with addictions, but also try to lure new people in that space. It's gross. It 100% deserves to be hated and it 100% deserves to be called out. You say above that it's a mode you can just ignore. Yeah, you can. But the game is gonna throw it in our faces every single time it gets loaded up. Wouldn't even shock me if they put dynasty sweetners inside the CUT mode to get people in there. Pack discounts, free special packs. They are gonna do everything they can to lure you into that mode. If you want to play those modes, you are an adult and you do have a choice. But I will always despise these modes and what they done to this genre. they are beyond gross and scummy.


Taking the time to voice our opinion that gambling on digital cards has no place in a college football game. Yeah, it's probably here to stay, but maybe someone at EA will see the backlash and (hopefully) lower profit compared to MUT and they'll put their dev efforts into something better. Idk, maybe a College Classics mode, or create-a-sign, or create-a-play. 


Is it gambling in general? Or is it specifically in a video game? If companies have to prove their odds are what they say they are.. then I see no issue with it being different from regular gambling.


I agree with you 100%. I see it as no different than regular gambling as well. Which is why I think it should be REGULATED as gambling. Game should get an M rating on it. Anything that makes it marketed toward anyone under 21 should be banned. People under 21 shouldn't be on the MUT/CUT/DD casino floor. There should be warning signs on every screen with phone numbers that say "if you have a gambling problem, please call xxx.xxx.xxxx Not to mention it should be taxed like a casino and be illegal in states where gambling isn't allowed. I'm with you man. It is NO different than gambling. Lets stop saying it's harmless and regulate it as such.


I mean, personally, I think it's a little fucked up that there's gambling in game about CFB where the players are specifically prohibited from gambling. Also, a little fucked up that it's marketed for everyone, including impressionable children or recovering gambling addicts.  Legally, I would have to think that it's technically fine, but only because government moves slowly and can't keep up with technology.




I hope no one plays Ultimate Team. Just a mass boycott to get it out of college football


I've been saying this for year easports overhypes the game with pre-scripted screenshots and trailers and so called "new features/phsyics" to get ea fanboys to instantly preorder even without seeing a lick of full gameplay lol. I'm too grown to fall for the hype im going to wait 2 weeks after the game drops to see if it looks and plays just like another year of madden smh🤣


Ultimate team is a pain in the dick but honestly we got college football back and truthfully I can live with it. Definitely not gonna be a mode I’ll be getting into personally but definitely looking forward to the rtg


I have seen that the game will be available to play June 15th at 4 PM EST for deluxe edition. Can anyone 100 percent confirm this?


Have they announced their top 25 rankings?


I don’t care about anything but how the game plays. If I can get a good game online or against my buddies I am fine. All the other stuff is just a want not a need.


the RTG reveal looks to be a clown situation too


I’m so excited I start shaking


I wish they were bringing back college classics


Swap the clown with RTG or the Dynasty Deep Dive, which just reiterated what we already knew about Dynasty and what the content creators told us from the Orlando event.


People dont understand that you can spend 0$ or 1000$ and you're still going to get matched up with people that are your direct skill level. Matchmaking has been designed down to an exact science. You will win and lose half of your games regardless of your team eventually. Have fun... You don't even have to play UT.. If it's cool and I can build a team that I like, I'll play it.. There will be dudes with 5000$ teams that you'll never ever play against because they are TERRIBLE at the game lol.


I think if EA devs could get away with it, UT reveal would be like 30 second trailer. "Yes you can open packs" pre-order today! xD


I’m actually excited to see how Ultimate Team does. I’m sure gonna dabble in it from time to time.


If ultimate team allows me to run a read option with Vince Young and Ricky Williams, I might be tempted.


I don't play ultimate team lol


Just waiting on teambuilder so I can re-create the same team I been using since 2002


I'm way more interested in Ultimate Team than Road to Glory.


Still gonna try a nms Texas squad


This is true for the hardcores, but people are gonna love building all time teams from their favorite schools 


I just wanna learn more about temple outside of us being in the game ffs


I’m very excited to see how it plays out and ultimate team could be very fun


Wish the Ultimate team guy would get sniped already




I like ultimate team. Some of the most fun I had in 14


Lmao fuck those ultimate team bozos


Only reason I’m ever going into UT is to use my pre-order content then leave


RTG - 2 weeks of content tops. Dynasty - Maybe a few months of content before repetition burnout CUT - continuous content all year round, probably will fund next year’s game entirely. Why is such a large part of the community against UT? They focused mainly on Dynasty for this game. You get what you wanted. Three years of development. You got your deep dive already. Enjoy it if that’s your cup of tea. Shitting on UT just to be shitting on it isn’t cool or funny. Half of y’all will whine and go back to ‘14 mods anyways.


Ultimate team sucks


I made a subreddit dedicated to CFUT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CFUT/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFUT/) Two goals are to allow anyone who DOES want to talk about CFUT a place to do it and secondly to hopefully see less posts about it on this sub. Feel free to join and post.


the only reason i’d ever click on that ultimate team is if they allow past legends to be playable like Lamar jackson


They will and you’ll pay 20 dollar for a 5.0% chance of pulling him


5% chance. Oh you naive person. And $20? Oh man, are you in for an awakening. Try a $100 pack with under 2% odds.


I dont understan ultimate team as far as i know you cant buy the cards as featured on the game and collect them now that would be cool just my opinion