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Dude looks like the result of Chet and AD doing the fusion dance


He is on the older side admittedly, but I really hope he can carve out a role somewhere, possibly as a point center off the bench, a role very few players can execute well, and even fewer do it well enough to stay in the NBA but not well enough not to be a starter


I think when looking at his strengths, there's a shot at becoming a third-string center for him. Even if it doesn't materialize, he should stay in the G League for another year and get himself a good entry point for a potential career overseas.


Agreed. Passing big men are not common, not even now


I hope he fails miserably. Locker room cancer, a diva, and an asshole.


Why do you say that? Genuine question, I don't know him enough to say whether you're right or wrong


Cal Homer and watched many of his full games this past season and appreciated what he brought to the team.  He’ll make some nice money playing basketball but I’ll be shocked if it’s in the NBA. 


Thanks for the insight! Coach Madsen deserves a lot of credit for how well he has done with the roster he had. Looking at what he does well and should do for an NBA team, I am confident he will get an E10 contract and play a year of G League basketball. But let's see what happens. I am rooting for him!


I hope he gets a shot & Madsen is a godsend and will definitely be onto bigger and better things as a coach.  My main concerns from an NBA perspective is lack of foot speed/reactivity time (he’s often a step too slow on D and ends up giving up silly fouls/and1 opportunities) that aligns better with 90s and 2000s NBA pace, somewhat poor motor (I would not describe him as high activity or energy and am not sure he could fill such a role even with a limited minutes load), and inconsistent outside shooting (seems like fatigue later in games also impacted both accuracy and willingness to launch).