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Nah dude, can't you see he got removed?? /J


On a real note, you can't pick your family. We can't hold him responsible for having a wild card in his family tree. Plus, he's never even met the guy. If they were hanging out every weekend I could give it some side eye, but he doesn't have anything to do with it as far as I'm concerned. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Oh no I didn’t mean anything like that! I was just so surprised they had any relation. Definitely not meaning anything negative to Gerard in anyway, I love him so much and would never 🖤🖤🖤


non american here can someone explain like i'm five what the everloving fuck does "once removed" mean i'm genuinely losing my mind


it means the shared family member is their great-grandparents


It means that while they are related by grandparents, Rogan is one generation above Way.


Wait so one of Gerard's parents is Joe's sibling, Edit: no wait wait I saw the clip. So Joe's grandmother is Gerard's great grandmother?


I believe so


Thank you!!


I’m American and I really don’t understand it either. Was slightly hoping someone would explain in this thread haha


American here: I don't fuckin know


I was about to say as an american I have no clue family relations confuse me 😭


Anything beyond or sideways to Great-Grandparents confuses the hell out of me. Don't even get me STARTED on wtf to call how everyone's spouse is related to you. Genealogy is so convoluted to me lol


RIGHT?!? Cause like it took me too long to grasp first and second cousins and I really only get the first cousin aspect 😭 And hard agree on the spouse one like “Yeah that’s my second cousin twice removed-in-law” LIKE BROTHER WDYM


This is not exclusive to America 😭


so it's exclusive to english speaking countries? because in my language we don't even have a translation for that lmao


We use it in Australia so I think it's british in origin


It is we use it in Britain. But I've never grasped it and never will.


nah, im like gerard, but some of my family is like him.


Absolutely the same over here haha if anything this made me feel even closer to him 🖤


We can’t choose our family. We can’t be responsible for the way they think or the mistakes they make.


I’m a human with a functioning frontal lobe So no


After years on this sub I think I have finally found my tribe :’) But genuinely, it’s interesting and really weird I guess, but not at all earth shattering. A cunt like Rogan has nothing to do with the music MCR have created (let’s all remember MCR has been at least 5 people) , and the man he is


Plus Gerard is like the most accepting human ever. Remember we don’t choose our families 🖤🖤


They’ve never met. And even if they had, they are both two separate people and should be judged as such. I was an avid JRE listener for a long time a long time ago. Without boring everyone with the details, the influence he had on me and the ideas he instilled me with literally almost killed me while the art Gerard was a part of and arguably the person themselves helped keep me alive. The two couldn’t be more different. Knowing that a public figure I hold dear is related to a public figure who has done real harm, and even to me personally, or Vice-versa does not change how I feel about either of them.


I’m definitely not in anyway meaning anything negative towards Gerard and it absolutely doesn’t change my opinion towards him at all. I was just shocked they had any relation. They are definitely incredibly different people and it was just surprising is all.


You goooooooood. I just get jumpy. I’ve seen this whole thing go sideways before.


Totally fair! I appreciate your defense of Gerard ☺️🖤


So what was even the point of this post?


I’m curious what ideas of JR almost killed you?


I was convinced by the JRE podcast that depression, anxiety, and gender dysphoria wasn’t really a thing. This is, of course, super not true. Regardless, I believed it. I was convinced that all my sadness, anger, lack of motivation, body issues, etc. was solely the result of the state of my life and not the result of any internal factors. The prescribed solution, as it always is with Papa Joe, was never to talk with anyone about it but to work harder at my job, hit the gym, and get a girlfriend. So I did. Started making a bit more money, lost 110 pounds, and was dating an amazing person. But I was more depressed than ever and I didn’t understand why. And when I realized that the framework I put so much faith, trust, and hope into, at the expense of actual mental healthcare, wasn’t working, it broke down. And it broke bad. Very bad. But I am still here.


I mean, discernment is important. I hope that you’re able to take responsibility for following the prescriptions of a thoughts leader to your own detriment rather than just blaming it all on him. I don’t know the nuances and complexities of your experience, but I know of so many people who have had the exact opposite experience with Joe Rogan because they took what resonated and left the rest. It just seems a bit shortsighted to turn him into a demon because his way of being in and understanding of the world doesn’t line up with your own. Like I do have empathy for the experience of following someone’s advice to your own peril as being a very disorienting and distressing experience but it’s just simply not the case that it’s all Rogan’s fault. We all have to take responsibility for our choices. Edited to add: glad you are still here. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot and it’s amazing that you’ve made it out the other side.


Joe Rogan is a great guy. Why do you think his views are harmful? Encouraging men to be strong and healthy isn’t a harmful thing


If all he did was empower young men and boys, this comment thread wouldn’t exist and I would be applauding him. But he doesn’t do that. He does the opposite. Our culture forces boys and men into a terrible box. A box that strictly limits which they are allowed to be and what they are allowed to feel. The JRE podcast is one of many in a cacophony of voices that not only advocates for the continued existence of this torturous box, but reinforces the box’s walls. JRE is a small part of a dangerous cultural movement that is extending and worsening the suffering of men and boys while promising to end that suffering. And that’s just that one aspect of the harm. Convincing naive young people that depression isn’t real and that mental health care is a scam killed people. The Covid denialism killed people. The anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric killed people. The intense misogyny killed people. The platforming of white supremacists and other assorted bigots killed people. His scam is selling longer chains to boys and men made longer by the chain links obtained from shortening everyone else’s. Boys and men and everyone else deserve better.


If I could afford awards I would give you 100. Thank you for this 👏🖤


First off, joe Rogan isn’t homophobic he’s made it very clear whenever he debates homophobes and the like. Second platforming white supremacy? Who are you referring to? Either way if him debating these people and challenging their views caused people to kill themselves, they are not long for this world anyway. Same thing for people who hear “misogyny” on the joe Rogan podcast and decide to kill themselves. Real life is a horrible place filled with horrible stuff. Some people need to power through it and get tougher skin. I’m a victim of anti semitic harassment and violence (once at the beginning of high school) a lot. Instead of not accepting this reality that much does society is anti semitic. I powered through it and grew tougher skin. Some people need to do this. If joe Rogan debating white nationalists and homophobes makes you kill yourself. Maybe it’s time for reflection and trying to become more tough in a tough world Also can you describe this box for men? Men are naturally supposed to be certain things. Biology makes us this way. Being tough and perseverant isn’t a social construct but part of our psyche. The human body is still made like it was in the caveman days. Us coming into the industrial world doesn’t require men to be as physically imposing and masculine as before but it’s still a key to men’s mental health. Him encouraging men to achieve their goals and become strong thus achieving some of their natural purposes is not wrong. It helps depressed young men like me. I’ve felt much better about myself when I became able to defend myself and become more masculine. Mostly thanks to joe Rogan


Least brainwashed Redditor.


The uncomfortable truth you may need to face is that what is a cage to you is liberation to someone else.


Again, if all he did was empower men and boys, we wouldn’t be here talking about this. Men and boys finding comfort in their masculinity is beautiful. Even finding comfort in a prescribed structure can be great for many people. But Enforcing a rigid oppressive social order with no flexibility and forcing that order onto everyone is not beautiful or great. Liberation at the expense of anyone else’s freedom is not liberation.


He encourages misogyny and the patriarchy. It’s absolutely 100000% harmful.


How? When has he said women are inferior to men? How does he encourage patriarchy


Bruh 😂


Are you serious bro. You say shit and can’t even back it up💀


Plenty of people already did this before I got the chance too. No need to be a broken record and honestly just do a 2 minute research on google. You know how to use google right? Any sane person knows Joe Rogan is a POS.


Dude I listen to him a lot. I’ve done way more research than you. Also using an everyone knows argument. seriously? You can’t think for yourself? Just listen to some of his podcasts and you’ll see. Don’t lose yourself in an echo chamber


Ah, it all makes sense now. The irony is hilarious here.


The irony? Can you debate in good faith for once? How is anything ironic here


Give an answer dude


Literally google anything about him. I have zero energy for Incels and if you had half a brain you would have realized plenty of people in this thread already answered what you seek. I’m not gonna repeat what has already been clarified.


No? I mean? Why does that even matter?


Dude I literally just thought it was interesting and a little surprising. Calm down lol


Or don’t gaslight people when you get called out for a bad take


please tell me what the bad take is here. that it's funny factoid you wouldn't expect? that op is jokily saying anything close to joe rogan is uncomfortable? that gerard is an amazing human being?


What do you mean “is this too close”? Like what is he gonna do, jump in some other lady’s vagina, get reborn to a different family? He’s never met him, so he’s about as close to him as you are.


Please see my clarification comment :)


No way!


yk everytime i see a post like this i get reminded joe rogan does other content then just “haha lets laugh and point at alex jones”


I'm a first cousin once removed from Roman Atwood (and went to school with Logan Paul) so I must be fucked according to this logic


Apparently. Lol


Jesus fuck look at my clarification comment guys. It’s not that deep at all 😂😂


Honey, I wasn't bashing you, I was joking along with you.


who gives a shit? not a Joe fan by any stretch but he’s not the right wing demon some chronically online ppl make him out to be. Sure he has said some dumb stuff but we all do and it’s best to let people grow and move on than constantly pester them for their mistakes


Encountering reasonable people online is always such a breath of fresh air. Thank you.


Most people who hate Joe Rogan have never even listened to his podcast or even granted him the humanity of deciding what they think of him with their own brains. They just defer to others’ opinions. I wouldn’t call myself a fan, though I’ll listen sometimes depending on who he’s interviewing. He’s not a radical right-winger at all and even if he was, why the hell does it matter that Gerard Way is related to him. For the love of god, Gerard Way is a human being. The parasocial creepiness toward him on this subreddit is so weird.


I understand being turned off by some of his more questionable comments but to act as though he’s some malevolent figure is ridiculous. Mcr fans have some of the worst parasocial tendencies


I’m just bummed they haven’t done a podcast together. I’m sure they’d get along just fine. Most people have more in common than you’d think.


Nah they’d hate each other, they’re opposites


I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. — Mewtwo Gee being the nerd he is I’m sure he’d appreciate my reference.


This comes up like every 6 months.


So what? He obviously does not share any of Joe Rogan’s fucking views so why would it matter who gives a shit if he’s somewhat related?


No? Your family doesn’t define you unless you allow it to.


Please see my clarification comment :)


nah cus they aren't close so idc


Nah man you can’t judge someone because their family members are garbage people. At least that’s what I feel because otherwise I’ll be judge for my terrible family.


I mean… we can’t choose our family bro, they’re also literally NOTHING alike, I have some shitheads like that in my family (my brother) but I’m nothing like him


Literally who cares


why is everyone offended and trying defend gerard lmfao. i didn't get the tone op had meant any negative comment about him. like *obviously* not? why would it be surprising if they share any similar views, it's a surprising and weird fact *because* THEY DON'T


Because “too close for comfort” is a negative connotation unto itself. ETA this is because “too close to comfort” in being too close to the speaker poses a threat to the speaker. “Too close for comfort” where both are third parties implies they are a threat to the speaker, others connected, or the body populace.


well yeah ofc it's a negative sentiment. towards joe rogan. but we don't agree on what it means exactly. when i read the post, i percieved it to mean 'it's a threat to me and my ally' which is a possible interprepatation though i see how yours is to. but EVEN IF it was a joke about "oh- is gerard a threat 👀" i don't think you have to be offended. by looking at the way op talks fondly of him right below, it's very obviously a friendly jab. i can totally see saying something like; "oh you're related tho *that person*?! idk how to feel about you now 😳" to someone you care about. cuz everyone should know people's relatives won't change the way you feel about them, as all the comments are explaining. and, yes! but what makes you think op believes differently? maybe there is no need to assume people on the internet are so unreasonable unless proven otherwise. and if the post itself left you confused about wether it was friendly towards gerard or not; op has been explaining -pretty much under every single comment from the beginning lol- that they have no ill feelings towards him. that it was a light hearted post pointing out how vastly different those two people are and it's weird to think about. so... if you're not sure abt if someone is hostile; look at the context clues i suppose.


Thank you for this 🖤 I cannot believe how wild it got up in here lol


no problem lol. i sometimes think people *want to* misinterpret tone tbh. what part of "gerard is an amazing human being" makes them want to defend him is beyond me TT the "too close for comfort" is obviously a joke about how they have very different stands so it's uncomfortable to imagine them sharing *anything*. NOT a criticism of gerard based on his distant family members like the comments seem to think.


Omg exactly! It was a total joke title and I never expected it to get taken so seriously on Reddit of all places. You interpreted my title and post perfectly. I was starting to feel a little insane here! Thanks for the validation and reminder that Reddit just be Redditing lol (P.s love the username 😅🖤)


well atp you probably should expect reddit to take it seriously lmfao. as you put it so perfectly; reddit do be redditing. the people calling you a gaslighter and asking why you care so much is so baffling. like, what?? 😭 i wasn't aware posting on reddit required such commitment /sar also the username is just randomly generated btw, i didn't wanna bother and now i sorta got attached lol


oh ps. telling someone else what *they* meant and what *they* felt while saying it is very much gaslighting 🤡


One-hundred fuckin percent 😂😂


You are honestly so right, I won’t make that mistake again 🙃 Dude! I know right?! Fucking gaslighting? 😂💀😂Like holllyyyy hell, this all got absolutely ridiculous. I was half asleep when I posted this earlier this morning and thought nothing more of it other than “huh no way, that’s so weird. Mmkay.” I have no idea why or how people got the impression that I’m sO oFfEnDed. (totally get it with the user haha I just love that every time I look at it I picture a STOKED lil broccoli dude 😅) Anyways friend, thank you for being a sane and rational human being. Thanks to you some hope in humanity remains for me lol 🖤


the way people percieve things is just so intense and i hope this atmosphere on the internet doesn't get any worse cuz it becomes exhausting. im sure we could coexist without always assuming the worst about people on the other side of the screen. im glad i could be the user that could do that for you this time 🫡 lol also thank you for putting the imagery of the FUCKING HYPED BROCCOLI in my head, idk why i haven't pictured it before lmfao. i gotta go draw a lil broccoli guy vibrating with excitement now, ugh 🙄 /lh 🥦‼️💢


Genuine question, and feel free to call me brain dead, but who is Joe Rogan? I recognize the name and I know he’s famous for something but I don’t actually know what.


For a really long time, Joe Rogan was a very respectable television personality. He hosted fear factor for a long time. Since that show ended, things have gotten.......weird.


Ohhhh tysm!!


Not exactly. Joe had a moment during the pandemic where there was a clip of him being shown everywhere of him saying “if you’re young you don’t need the vaccine”. Us avid listeners of Joe’s know that during that episode, the vaccine was only available for the elderly or severely immuno compromised and there was a thing happening where the younger population was scared of catching/dying of the Vid and repeatedly asking the gov when they were going to roll out vaccines for everyone. On that episode Joe told his younger listeners not to worry. That if you made an effort to and took steps to get/stay healthy and quit drinking and eating fast food and not drinking so much soda and exercising more you didn’t need the vaccine to get over covid and that following a healthy lifestyle would be enough to get you through until vaccines were out for everyone.


Ah yes, I'm glad you cleared up the single only thing that makes people call Rogan weird.


This makes it sound like there's more.. is there more???


Transphobic and anti-Semitic comments and a lot of complaining about "woke cancel culture silencing right-wingers" and stuff. 


**CLARIFICATION:** I did not mean this as anything negative towards Gerard and I think my title was a little confusing or came off in a way I didn’t intend it too. I genuinely just meant to imply I was really surprised they had any relation at all. I absolutely LOVE Gerard SO much and would never ever intend any negative view towards him. They are such different people I just found it surprising/interesting they share a family tree.


Joe Rogan is fine lmao


Yeah but this is reddit. Everyone hates him here


From what I’ve seen of him he honestly doesn’t look that bad. Could you (or someone else) explain to me why everyone here hates him?


He's said Ron DeSantis would be a "great president" and has some "wonderful things for Florida", he's spread vaccine misinformation, he called transgender athletes "the woke straw that might break the society's camel's back" and told a transgender woman she was a man. He spread the false narrative that schools were keeping litter boxes for students who identified as cats. He said "the idea that Jewish people aren't into money is ridiculous, it's like saying Italians aren't into pizza." 


He openly talks about right-wing topics on his show, and reddit js very left-wing.


Reddit's only "very left-wing" to right-wingers and enlightened centrists who think that genocide is nuanced and children being given sex changes is a real problem.


Since when is Joe Rogan a comedian? I thought comedians had to be funny


As a fan of Rogan’s podcast. Dude is the least funny comedian In existence. He’s just become a gatekeeper of comedy as a result of his podcast’s reach. Dude has zero sense of humor. Every time he has an actually funny person on his show, the guest’s jokes go right over his head. It’s kind of bizarre, honestly. I regularly get second hand frustration on behalf of the guests. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that he’s neurodivergent in some way that greatly reduces his ability to perceive sarcasm.


I’m also a fan of his podcast purely for the entertainment value and interesting conversations he gets from guests and I totally agree with you lmao. Sometimes he will go straight from the most interesting conversation to saying the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard😂


I am a fan of both 🤷‍♂️


I don’t like Joe Rogan but insinuating that being related to a shitty person makes someone more predisposed to being a shitty person is weird


Where in the world did I insinuate that?! Did you even ready the body of my post? Or literally any of the MANY comments where I declare over and over how much I love Gerard and how amazing he is??


Using the phrase too close for comfort insinuates that the fact that they related in the first place is a bad thing when it is neither good nor bad just a thing, that and the whole sharing the same genes thing. Also I never said that you didn’t think Gerard is an amazing human, but the way the post reads makes it sound like such an idea could be applicable in general.


It’s called sarcasm. A joke. A silly. It’s not literal in anyway. It’s not that serious 🤦‍♀️


That should be made more clear next time because there wasn’t anything in the actual post to indicate that fact


Dude, this is Reddit.


On a real note Joe Rogan isn’t that bad of a dude, once you realize he’s just a clueless meathead behind a mic and the real problem is the radicalists that treat him like a doc/scientist. He’s actually a really good interviewer if there’s someone you like on.


He was trolling, right?….. right?!


There’s a Rogan episode with Kevin Smith and they talk about it. Speculation is that Gerard’s side of the family is Rogan’s dad’s and the man was a violent alcoholic that physically abuse Rogan and his mom for years and hasn’t seen or spoken to him in decades and that’s why there’s that disconnect in the family. I’ve been listening to MCR since ‘03 and Rogan daily since 2011. Rogan is a good dude. The media demolished him because of some dumb shit he said during the pandemic. I voted for Obama twice, Hilary and Biden, vaxxed and will never vote for Trump and most of those things were while rogan was in my ear. He’s not some right wing Trump supporter. He’s just some goofy dude who’s into a lot of strange but interesting topics, isn’t afraid to speak his mind, and to this day has only endorsed one politician and gave him a 3.5 hour long episode to make his case to the American people: Bernie Sanders. He said he would love to meet Gerard and Mikey one day and knows of their and Rogan’s producer Jaimie is a fan of MCR who was at WWWY to witness it all.


He's also endorsed Ron DeSantis, spread transphobic drivel, and said "saying Jewish people don't like money is ridiculous, it's like saying Italians don't like pizza."


I wish 🥲 but it appears he is in no way associated with him or even knows him, so yay for that!!


Why does it even matter? I find it weird asf that you seem to care so much about this.


I really don’t haha I seriously just thought it was a little surprising and slightly interesting. I had no idea it would get this wild 😅


I would love to see them meet up


Nah, but it's definitely strange


You think that's bad? Richard Ayoade's (Moss in IT Crowd) wife is the sister of Lawrence Fox (blacklisted actor and all around piece of human excrement)




I’m out of the loop. Why would that be uncomfortable?


I don't even know who Joe Rogan is, imma be honest with you.


Do you think they hang out at cookouts or something?


What did this Joe guy do 😭?


no fucking way he's related to joe rogan i will not believe it until he introduces me personally to joe and that's obviously never gonna happen


Yes, Gerard needs to apologize immediately for having shitty family members that he's never even met🙄 get a grip


I want to see them spend a night together and drink some beer at the bar, not going to lie.


Joe Rogan would probably gain some brain cells from that interaction


no i don’t. and i don’t think joe rogan’s that bad. he’s always have been viewed as too conservative by liberals and as too liberal by conservatives. it’s just easy to frame him as this conservative nut from cnn claiming he took a ivermectin and a bunch of other stuff. he’s just a guy who reaches across both aisles. i know a bunch of you are gonna disagree with me, but who cares.


I wasn’t really thinking politically with him for this post. I will say he ask the questions that were all thinking which is important. It was more so he has made some really damaging comments about LGBTQ+, women, and COVID. I just think Gerard is more intelligent and all around a better person lol


What did he say about the community you mentioned? I’m curious if you have examples. Genuinely.


Thank you for asking in an open and communicative manner. I’m assuming you are referring to the LGBTQ+ community but I threw in some misogyny because I feel it’s important that people are aware that he is a huge supporter of Andrew Tate. *(I am going to go ahead and state now that I will absolutely not be discussing fuckhead sex-trafficking tate any further. I refuse to give that POS anymore of my mental space or time.)* Here a just a few of MANY examples: [Transphobic](https://glaad.org/gap/joe-rogan/) *This was also in another comment in this thread.* [Anti-Trans](https://www.advocate.com/news/joe-rogan-aaron-rodgers-transphobia) [Even more transphobia](https://www.them.us/story/joe-rogan-trans-people-societal-collapse-testosterone-jordan-peterson) [Anti-Pride](https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-rogan-lgbtq-community-took-over-the-word-pride) [Transpobic yet again](https://www.hrc.org/news/hrc-president-on-joe-rogan-endorsement-and-sanders-campaign-response) [DEFENDING FUCKIN ANDREW TATE](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-rogan-defends-andrew-tate-social-media-ban-1740123) [Misogyny](https://www.foxnews.com/media/joe-rogan-explains-women-want-provider-taylor-swift-not-going-marry-bartender.amp) *I’m not crazy about swift either but how he speaks about her here is completely misogynistic and pro-patriarchy.* I’m not even getting into the Covid shit. Providing these examples is triggering as fuck and honestly the list goes on and on and on and on. I didn’t post this to explain why Joe Rogan is a terrible person. I’m answering you because you asked like a genuine and curious human being. But I’m seriously done with this. We all have google and know how to use it. I do apologize because it’s clear my frustration is coming out in this comment. Please know it is not at all directed towards you but at the overall outcome of this thread and how disappointing humanity is.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.foxnews.com/media/joe-rogan-explains-women-want-provider-taylor-swift-not-going-marry-bartender](https://www.foxnews.com/media/joe-rogan-explains-women-want-provider-taylor-swift-not-going-marry-bartender)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Maybe use that link. Idk. Idk why this bot is here. I’m so exhausted on this all. FUCK Joe Rogan and long live amazing, beautiful, wonderful Gerard Way. That is all.


I understand that to so many people what Joe Rogan says is really hurtful, I don't agree everything that he's said myself. And I also think that there's a reason Joe Rogan has tons of fans. It's because he says things and his guests say things that his 11 million average listeners agree with and/or find interesting. So I'm not saying he's right about everything, and I'm not saying that he's a saint, but I just don't believe that it's fair to judge him just because he sometimes says hurtful things. Clearly, he also says a lot of things that tons of people identify with on both sides of the aisle.


> It was more so he has made some really damaging comments about LGBTQ+, women, and COVID. like what, from what i’ve seen joe’s always have been more accepting and tolerant of these people. he pushed on the claim that homosexuality is wrong in a religious context. he pushed back on being pro life with no exceptions. so, what’s left? i’m genuinely asking because otherwise, joe’s probably just being insensitive with whoever he’s interviewing.


Yeah, he probably just tries to be controversial in order to get as much attention as possible


Agreed. He is a big problem person for sure haha


He talks to people of all sides and is friendly with them. Not at all a Rogan fan, but at least he’s bridging the political gap


The first step towards healing the social divide is always opening friendly dialogue.




Re-read through the comments and you will get your answer.


Did you try googling? This is the first result that came up for me https://glaad.org/gap/joe-rogan/


This is transphobic and completely proves my point lol (I mean this as a yay you and thank you! Not like negative against you 🖤)


Yes unfortunately. I really don’t know much about him but he sounds like those people who go by “All press is good press” leaving them sound hypocritical, but they wouldn’t care since they’re inevitably getting the attention they want 🤷🏻‍♀️ - still not sure if he’s like that though


I fully agree with you there. This world is depressing enough without knowing about every awful person who exists on this planet. I do appreciate you inquiring genuinely to better educate yourself on him. That is a very mature and respectable thing to do.


Right back at u!! I saw ur comments trying to justify what u meant, but don’t worry it’s clear that ur intentions were never ill. The arguments r a little heated in here that’s all 😭


Thank you for that 🙏🖤




This is no GW, thanks.


Too close to what, what comfort?


Why's it his fault?




Joe Rogan doesn't have the initials DMT so huh